Pallone and Payne, 17 others are tied for #1 most liberal members of congress
Republicans Smith and LoBiondo have higher liberal rankings than conservative rankings
National Journal has released its annual Congressional Voting Ratings and New Jersey has two congressman tied for the #1 most liberal member of congress based upon how they voted throughout 2011.
Frank Pallone, NJ-6, Long Branch, after being ranked the 70th most liberal member of congress in 2009, the 33rd most liberal in 2010, surged to the top of the list to earn a number 1 ranking in 2011.
Donald Payne of Newark, NJ-10, shares the #1 liberal ranking with Pallone and 17 other members throughout the country. Payne’s liberal ranking was 46 in 2009 and 113 in 2010.
Rush Holt, NJ-12 joins Pallone and Payne among the top 50 liberals, coming in at #43, a drop from his 14th place showing in 2010. Holt was #1 in 2009.
The most conservative member of New Jersey’s delegation? That would be Scott Garrett, NJ-5, which is really no surprise. What is surprising is that Garrett, who is often portrayed in the New Jersey media as a right wing fringe lunatic and the most conservative member of congress, is in the middle of the pack, ranked # 143 on the conservative scale.
NJ-3 freshman Jon Runyan’s #181 conservative ranking makes him the #2 conservative in the New Jersey delegation.
Leonard Lance, NJ-7 is ranked #191 on the conservative list. Rodney Frelinghuysen, NJ-11 is #206.
Republicans Chris Smith, NJ-4, and Frank LoBiondo, NJ-2, have higher liberal rankings than conservative rankings. Smith is #195 on the liberal list and #235 on the conservative list. LoBiondo is #205 on the liberal list and #225 on the conservative list.
In the Senate, Frank Lautenberg is #14 on the liberal list. Bob Menendez is #31 on the liberal list.
Posted: February 24th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Chris Smith, Congress, Jon Runyan | Tags: Bob Menendez, Chris Smith, Donald Payne, Frank Lautenberg, Frank LoBiondo, Frank Pallone, Jon Runyan, Leonard Lance, National Journal, Rodney Frelinghuysen, Rush Holt, Scott Garrett, Voting Ratings | Comments Off on Congressional Voting Ratings
As reported here at MMM last November, Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vic Scudiery, 78, is not seeking another term.
Scudiery formalized is retirement last week in a letter to the Democratic County Committee.
Congressman Frank Pallone today expressed his regrets that Scudiery is retiring, telling The Asbury Park Press that “I think Vic was going a good job.”
Pallone joined Jon Corzine in asking Scudiery to resign the chairmanship in 2006. Scudiery refused and was reelected twice since.
Posted: February 17th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth Democrats | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Frank Pallone, Jon Corzine, Monmouth County Democrats, Vic Scudiery | 1 Comment »
The filing deadline is April 2.
With all the attention and excitement being paid to Joe Kyrillo’s U.S. Senate candidacy and a new map that most think makes Frank Pallone even harder to beat, there is little if any talk about a GOP candidate in the 6th Congressional District.
So let’s throw some names out there and have then have a poll. I start with names that come to mind. Please add names in the comments. Over the weekend I’ll create a poll.
Former Highlands Mayor Anna Little
Selika Josiah Gore, Marlboro
Matawan Councilwoman Toni Marie Angelini
Matawan Councilman Tom Fitzsimmons
Assemblywoman Amy Handlin
Atlantic Highlands Councilman Peter Doyle
Keyport Mayor Bob McLeod
Former Middletown Committeeman Tom Wilkens
Middletown Mayor Tony Fiore
Hazlet Committeeman Scott Aagre
James Hogan of Long Branch
Oceanport Councilman Joe Irace
Former Freeholder Bill Barham
Former Assemblyman, triCityNews Publisher Dan Jacobson
Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno
Freeholder Director John Curley
Who else?
Posted: February 2nd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Congress, Congressional Redistricting | Tags: Amy Handlin, Anna Little, Bill Barham, Bob McLeod, Dan Jacobson, Frank Pallone, Jim Hogan, Joe Irace, John Curley, Kim Guadagno, NJ CD 6, Peter Doyle, Scott Aagre, Selika Joshua Gore, Tom Fitzsimmons, Tom Wilkens, Toni Marie Angelini, Tony Fiore | 38 Comments »
A New Year, A New District, Same Old Republican Antics
With each New Year we find ourselves reflecting on the past and setting goals for the coming year.
2011 was a year of tragically partisan politics in DC. The new Republican majority made it clear that fulfilling their backward social agenda was more important than putting Americans back to work. Rather than advancing any legislation that would continue the American recovery, they spent the entire year trying to roll back health care reform, proposing changes to Medicare and Social Security that would effectively end both programs as we know them, and manipulating the facts, trying to convince Americans that common sense environmental protections are hurting the economy.
As we enter into 2012 I re-new my commitment to you that I will continue to fight to protect Social Security and Medicare and stand strong against the Tea Party controlled Republican leadership. Most importantly, I, along with my Democratic colleagues, will work to implement our Make it in America agenda to put Americans back to work and ensure a sustainable recovery for our American economy.
2012 promises to be a year of many changes.
Some of these changes were made clear last week when the new boundaries of our Congressional districts were finalized. I continue to be disappointed that New Jersey lost a Congressional seat. We must not forget the lesson learned from this census and continue to fight for an accurate count looking forward to the 2020 census.
The new map poses challenges for our Party, but I am committed to my service to the residents of the 6th district and am eager to get to work. I am saddened that the new map moved towns that I am proud to represent into other districts, but am excited at the opportunity to introduce myself to residents of newly included towns, earn their votes and represent them in the new Congress.
We will be hitting the ground running with my 2012 campaign and I ask that you take a minute to sign up here to get involved. There is plenty of work to be done and, with your help, I have no doubt that we will celebrate a tremendous victory for our party in November, when we re-elect President Obama, re-elect Senator Menendez, regain a Democratic majority in the House and win offices throughout our state, county and local governments.
Thank you for you help in 2011 – your efforts for resulted in solid victories for the Democratic Party in the legislative elections, sending a clear message to Governor Christie, and a reminder to anyone who doubted it, that New Jersey is a Blue State. Let’s continue the hard work and move to even more victories in 2012.
Happy New Year and many wishes that 2012 brings health and happiness to you and your family.
Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr.
Posted: January 5th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Frank Pallone | Tags: Frank Pallone | 7 Comments »
John Farmer, the tie breaking member of the congressional redistricting commission, chose the Republicans’ map because, in his view, it created the possibility of two more minority districts than they Democratic map did, according to a report by Mark Magyar at NJSpotlight.
The new 9th district’s population is 53.1% minority. Leaders of the minority community were pleased with the map, counting on it becoming a minority represented district once Bill Pascrell, who turns 75 this month, retires. But Steve Rothman, 59, challenging Pascrell in the Democratic primary makes eventual minority representation less likely, which could lead to a minority challenger entering the 9th district Democratic primary. That’s the point of Magyar’s piece.
The addition of all of Trenton and Plainfield in Rush Holt’s district, presumably makes the 12th the other potential minority district.
The NJGOP should identify and agressively recruit high quality minority candidates to run in these districts. A Hispanic in 9 and an African American in 12. Then the GOP should raise the money to make those campaigns competive.
The GOP should recruit and fund an Asian American to challenge Frank Pallone in the 6th, while they are at it, unless Diane Gooch decides to run.
If running competively in the 9th, 12th and 6th is considered a pipedream, than it is also a pipedream that Joe Kyrillos can beat Robert Menendez for U.S. Senate or that the GOP presidential nominee can win New Jersey.
If the NJ GOP uses the same old playbook it will get the same old result.
Posted: January 3rd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, 2012 Presidential Politics, 2012 U.S. Senate Race | Tags: Bill Pascrell, CD 12, CD 6, CD 9, Diane Gooch, Frank Pallone, Joe Kyrillos, John Farmer, Mark Magyar, New Map, NJSpotlight, Rush Holt, Steve Rothman | Comments Off on Republicans’ map favors minorities
Serena DiMaso will be elected Monmouth County Freeholder at the Title 19 convention of the Monmouth GOP Committee on January 14. Bob Walsh will withdraw during his speech before the convention.
Bill Spadea defeats Donna Simon and John Saccenti at a Title 19 convention of the 16th legislative district to fill the assembly seat vacated by the death of Peter Biondi. After recounts and law suits, the November special election for the seat is declared a tie between Spadea and Democratic Princeton Committeewoman Sue Nemeth. Another special election is scheduled for January of 2013.
Joe Oxley will be named Township Administrator and In House Attorney for Wall Township. The appointment will forward a statewide trend of municipalities hiring either attorneys or engineers as their administrators as a cost saving measure. Oxley is reelected GOP County Chairman by acclamation. Senator Jennifer Beck will give the nominating speech. Christine Hanlon will be Vice Chair.
Middletown will get a new Parks and Recreation Director. It won’t be Linda Baum or Pam Brightbill.
Jim McGreevey is ordained an Episcopal priest.
Jon Corzine remembers where he put the $1.2 billion.
Senator Joe Kyrillos will be the GOP nominee for U.S. Senator, defeating Anna Little and Joseph Rudy Rullo in the primary.
Congressman Steve Rothman defeats Congressman Bill Pascrell in the Democratic primary for the 9th Congressional District nomination. In the only surprise of the primary, former Bergen County GOP Freeholder Anthony Cassano, who had agreed to take one for the team in the 9th, was defeated when the Bergen County Tea Party Group organized a write-in campaign for Anna Little. Little was on the ballot as a U.S. Senate candidate. Having lost the Senate nomination to Joe Kyrillos, Little accepts the nomination, asks Kyrillos to host a fundraiser for her, and promises to move into the district if she wins. She doesn’t.
Maggie Moran defeats Vin Gopal and Frank “LaHornica” LaRocca in a close election for the Monmouth County Democratic Chairmanship.
James Hogan of Long Branch is the GOP nominee for Congress in New Jersey’s 6th Congressional District. Frank Pallone is reelected by 8%.
Jordan Rickards of North Brunswick is the GOP nominee for Congress in New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District. Rush Holt is reelected by 15%.
On August 28, the second day of the Republican National Convention, the National Weather Service warns that Hurricane Chris is heading towards the Jersey Shore. Acting Governor Kim Guadagno gets on TV and says, “Get the heck off of the beach please.”
Mitt Romney will be the GOP nominee for President of the United States. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will be the Vice Presidential nominee.
President Obama nominates Vice President Joe Biden to be Secretary of State. Biden submits his resignation as VP effective upon both houses of congress confirming his successor. President Obama nominates Hillary Clinton as Vice President. Speaker of the House John Boehner refuses to schedule confirmation hearings for the VP nomination on the constitutional grounds that their is no vacancy in the office. Obama makes them both recess appointments. Clinton is nominated for VP at the Democratic National Convention and Secretary of State Biden spends October in China.
Despite losing their home states of Massachusetts and New Jersey, the Romney-Christie ticket wins the electoral college by one vote, 270-269. The winning vote comes from Maine, one of two states that awards electoral votes by congressional district. Romney-Christie lose Maine 3-1 but win the election. Obama-Clinton file suit to challenge Maine’s method of awarding electoral votes. Romney-Christie counter with a suit in Nebraska, which they won 4 electoral votes to 1, using the same arguments that Obama-Clinton use in Maine. The U.S. Supreme Court decides both cases for the plaintiffs, 5-4, and determined that in all future presidential elections that electoral votes are awarded on a winner take all basis nationally. Tea Party leader Dwight Kehoe calls for the impeachment of the Justices who voted affirmatively, claiming that they don’t understand the 10th Amendment.
Robert Menendez defeats Joe Kyrillos for U.S. Senate by 1%.
U. S. Senator Frank Lautenberg resigns. In one of his last acts as Governor before ascending to the Vice Presidency, Chris Christie appoints Kyrillos to Lautenberg’s Senate seat.
What do you think will happen?
Posted: December 30th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2011 Year in review, 2012 Predictions | Tags: "LaHornicca", Anna Little, Anthony Cassano, Bergen County, Bill Pascrell, Bill Spadea, Bob Walsh, Chris Christie, Christine Hanlon, Donna Simon, Dwight Kehoe, Frank LaRocca, Frank Lautenberg, Frank Pallone, Hillary Clinton, James Hogan, Jennifer Beck, Joe Biden, Joe Kyrillos, Joe Oxley, John Saccenti, Jordan Rickards, Joseph Rudy Rullo, Linda Baum, Maggie Moran, Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, New Jersey, Pam Brightbill, Peter Biondi, President, President Barack Obama, Secretary of State, Serena DiMaso, Steve Rothman, Sue Nemth, Tea Party, Vice President, Vin Gopal | 20 Comments »
Governor Chris Christie signed legislation to designed to revitalize Atlantic City. The Oceanport Task Force on Monmouth Park stepped up its efforts to save New Jersey’s horse racing industry.
Live Action Video released a tape of a Perth Amboy Planned Parenthood office manager coaching an actor posing as a pimp how to “beat the system” set up to protect underage sex trafficking victims. Media Matters for America, a liberal media watchdog, called the video a hoax and defended Planned Parenthood for alerting the FBI about a potential multistate sex trafficking ring. Amy Woodruff, the Planned Parenthood office manager, was fired. Frank Pallone was silent on the matter. The Asbury Park Press issued an inaccurate editorial defending Planned Parenthood.
The U.S. Census Bureau released the results of the 2010 census. New Jersey lost a congressional district. Hispanics became the state’s largest minority group. New Jersey’s population shifted from the north to the southern and central regions of the state.
New Jersey’s newpaper industry appealed to Trenton Democrats to maintain their corporate welfare in the form of “legal advertising.”
Congressman Christopher Lee, (R-Buffalo, NY) resigned three hours after published shirtless photos of him that he had sent to a woman seeking a date via craigslist.
By-laws, and the lack thereof, for the Monmouth GOP became a hot topic for a week or two.
Red Bank Councilman Ed Zipprich likened Congressman Chris Smith and American Catholics opposed to abortion to the Arizona shooter.
Freeholder Deputy Director John Curley called for a public review of Brookdale Community College’s budget and spending after learning of expensive country club memberships and a housing allowance for college President Dr. Peter Burnham. Burnham had drafted a budget that called for a 8.2% tuition increase and blamed the need for the increase on the Freeholder Board reducing the county subsidy for the college.
Red Bank Councilman Michael Dupont and Shrewsbury attorney Brian Nelson fought over the Sayreville Borough Attorney’s job.
The Republican Association of Princeton was reconstituted as The Lincoln Club of New Jersey under the leadership of Scott Sipprelle.
Manalapan Mayor Andrew Lucas, Wall Committeeman George Newberry and Spring Lake Councilman Gary Rich launched their campaigns for the GOP nomination for Freeholder.
Posted: December 27th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2011 Year in review | Tags: 2010 Census, Abortion, American Catholics, Amy Woodruff, Andrew Lucas, Asbury Park Press, Atlantic City, Brian Nelson, Brookdale Community College, Chris Christie, Chris Smith, Christoper Lee, Ed Zipprich, Frank Pallone, Gary Rich,, George Newberry, John Curley, Legal Advertising, Lincoln Club of New Jersey, Live Action Video, Media Matters, Michael Dupont, Monmouth GOP, Newspaper Industry, Oceanport Taskforce on Monmouth Park, Peter Burnham, Planned Parenthood, Sayreville, Scott Sipprelle | 11 Comments »
New Jersey is “stunned”
New Jersey was stunned that U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg recommended U.S Senator Chuck Schumer’s brother-in-law to be a federal judge, according to a headline in the NYPost.
I live in New Jersey and I’m not stunned. Are you stunned?
Lautenberg and Senator Robert Menendez recommended Kevin McNulty of Short Hills for a federal judgeship in October. President Obama nominated McNulty for a seat on the New Jersey District bench on December 16th.
McNulty, a Director of the Newark firm, Gibbons, PC is married to Schumer’s sister Fran.
The Post says that McNulty was a last minute choice of Lautenberg who had been actively considering other candidates and that the choice was made to keep New Jersey’s senior citizen senator in the good graces of Schumer who will help him stave off a movement within the Democratic party to challenge his nomination for reelection in 2014.
Lautenberg will be 88 years old in January. He’ll be 90 on election day 2014. 96 at the end of another term, should he be reelected and survive.
Lautenberg’s staff denied that politics was involved with the McNulty appointment. The senator didn’t even know McNulty was related to Schumer when his name first came up for a judicial appointment in 2009. Maybe he forgot.
Schumer’s staff denied that he had anything to do with the nomination.
The point of the story seems to be that Lautenberg is running for another term. Not even Frank Pallone is stunned by that news.
The other point would be that a candidate for the bench other than McNulty was stunned. Oh well.
The good news is the McNulty appears to be qualified to be a federal judge. The Schumer-McNulty’s do not appear to have bought political influence. McNulty has made on $2000 in federal campaign contributionssince 2000; $500 to Jon Corzine’s senatorial election campaign and $1500 to his firms PAC. Fran Schumer gave another $500 to Corzine in 2000.
Posted: December 26th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Frank Lautenberg, Robert Menendez | Tags: Chuck Schumer, Federal Judge, Fran Schumer, Frank Lautenberg, Frank Pallone, Kevin McNulty, NY Post, Robert Menendez, U.S Senator | 1 Comment »
Middletown remains divided between two congressional districts under the new map.
South of Route 35 is in the 4th district, represented by Republican Chris Smith. North of Route 35 remains part of Frank Pallone’s 6th district. Under the old map, the portion of Middletown south of Route 35 was in Democratic Congressman Rush Holt’s district.
At our first look at the map, we incorrectly concluded that Middletown had been combined entirely into the 6th.
Our apologies to Larry Cirignamo.
With this correct information, it would seem that district 6th remains safe for Frank Pallone.
Posted: December 23rd, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Congressional Redistricting | Tags: Chris Smith, Frank Pallone, Larry Cirignamo, Middletown, Rush Holt | 15 Comments »
Diane Gooch, Chairwoman of Strong New Jersey, Vice Chair of the Monmouth GOP, and a primary candidate for the GOP nomination in the 6th congressional district in 2010 is not ready to jump into another race for congress, according to a source familiar with her thinking.
Gooch, of Rumson, now resides in Republican Chris Smith’s 4th district. In 2010 her residence was part of Democrat Rush Holt’s district but she chose to compete in the 6th.
Former Highlands Mayor Anna Little, the 6th district GOP nominee in 2010 didn’t stop running against Pallone until recently. She now appears to be focused on competing for the nomination to challenge U.S. Senator Robert Menendez.
A Democratic strategist close to Pallone feels the new 6th is slightly safer for the incumbent. The Democrat thinks that Perth Amboy, Carteret and all of Woodbridge off set the loss of Plainfield.
Posted: December 23rd, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Congressional Redistricting | Tags: Anna Little, Chris Smith, Diane Gooch, Frank Pallone | Comments Off on Gooch “has a decision to make”