Monmouth County Clerk M. Clair French address the Monmouth GOP convention. Chairman Shaun Golden in background. photo by Art Gallagher
An impressive crowd of over 400 Monmouth Republican County Committee members gathered on Saturday morning to nominate their candidates for State Assembly, County Clerk and Freeholder. The size of the crowd was impressive not only because of the weather but because the results of the convention were a foregone conclusion as there were no challengers to the incumbent Assembly Members, Freeholder or Governor Chris Christie’s nominee for County Clerk.
Free of any competitive tensions, the mood at Colts Neck High School was upbeat, friendly and proud among the grassroots leaders who came out for Chairman Shaun Golden first nominating convention. Freeholder Deputy Director Serena DiMaso noted both the size and enthusiasm of the crowd. “This crowd is almost as large as last year’s convention when we had a competition for the freeholder nominations,” DiMaso said, “We’re in really great shape and that is a testament to Shaun’s leadership.”
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Posted: February 22nd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Amy Handlin, Assembly Republcians, Caroline Casagrande, Chairman Shaun Golden, Chris Smith, Claire French, Congressman Chris Smith, County Clerk M. Claire French, Dave Rible, Declan O'Scanlon, Freeholder Deputy Director Serena DiMaso, Freeholder John Curley, Gary Rich, Jennifer Beck, Kim Guadagno, Lillian Burry, M. Claire French, Mary Pat Angelini, Rob Clifton, Ron Dancer, Rosemarie Peters, Sean Kean, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone | 8 Comments »

Photo courtesy of Geraldo.com. Used with permission
Had the late Senator Frank Lautenberg lived to complete his term, Geraldo Rivera might have been the Republican nominee to be New Jersey’s junior member of the United States Senate. Cory Booker would still be mayor of Newark and the two celebrities would have been engaged now in an expensive high profile race with national implications.
In early 2013, Rivera was very publicly exploring the possibility of running for Launtenberg’s seat. Booker had just declined to challenge Governor Chris Christie’s reelection bid and announced that he would run for Lautenberg’s seat. Booker’s announcement came before the ailing Lautenberg’s announcement that he would not seek another term.
Lautenberg’s June 2013 death and Christie’s call for an October Special Election to fill the seat scuttled the plans of the television and radio personality/journalist to enter politics on a national level. He was not able to rearrange his life or gain support of his family in the short time required to compete in an August GOP primary.
What might have been a high profile exciting battle between Rivera and Booker this fall is now reduced to bragging rights as to which man will raise more money for his respective Party in Monmouth County. Monmouth County Republican Chairman Shaun Golden will announce this afternoon that Rivera is the keynote speaker at the GOP Fundraising Gala on October 15 at the Navesink Country Club. Rivera’s office and Golden both confirmed that Geraldo is coming.
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Posted: September 5th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2014 Congressional Races, 2014 Elections, 2016 Presidential Politics, 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, Cory Booker, Frank Pallone, Geraldo Rivera, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: Bill Pascrell, Cory Booker, Frank Lautenberg, Frank Pallone, Geraldo Rivera, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth Republicans | 4 Comments »

Shaun Golden
Monmouth County’s new Republican County Chairman Shaun Golden announced his leadership team this afternoon in an email to GOP County Committee Members.
Golden’s Regional Vice Chairs are Mary DeSarno of Wall Township, Christine Hanlon of Ocean Township, Tony Fiore of Middletown and Rob Nicastro of Howell.
The Diversity Council, which is still in formation, is Chaired by Juan Malave of Howell. John Costigan of Howell is the liaison to the NJGOP.
Ron Gravino is the Treasurer. Wayne Pomanowski is the Sgt-At-Arms and John Lane is the Parliamentarian. Tom Szymanski is the Executive Director.
Golden invited all County Committee Members and volunteers to attend a 2014 Campaign Kickoff on Saturday, June 28, 10am and Party Headquarters, 2 Monmouth Ave, Unit B3 in Freehold. A light breakfast will be served.
Posted: June 13th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: John Costigan, John Lane, Juan Malave, Monmouth GOP, Rob Nicastro, Ron Gravino, Shaun Golden, Tom Szymanski, Tony Fiore, Wayne Pomanowski | 17 Comments »

GOP Chairman Shaun Golden
Monmouth County Shaun Golden has been elected Chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Committee.
Golden defeated incumbent Chairman John Bennett 335 votes to 282.
UPDATED: June 11, 2014
There was brief confusion when County Clerk Claire French presented the results to Bennett. Bennett misunderstood the results and thought he had won. He and his daughters started to celebrate but were quickly corrected. Bennett then announced that Golden was the new County Republican Chairman and left the room with his family.
Golden thanked the convention and promised to conduct his new office with dignity and honor.
Unaware that MMM already had published the vote count, Golden declined to release the results to The Asbury Park Press, saying he would release them today.
Golden did not announce his choice of Vice Chair. Rather, he will announce a leadership council and a diversity team to reach out to ethnic groups that traditionally do not vote Republican before the week is out. Members of the leadership team will serve as “co-vice chairs” with one of them holding the title as a formality.
Golden is retaining Executive Director Tom Symanski’s employment with the Party. “Tom has done a good job and we worked well together on the campaign last year,” Golden said this morning, ” we’ll give him more direction and support going forward.”
Posted: June 10th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: John Bennett, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth GOP Chairman's race, Shaun Golden | 48 Comments »
Voting has commenced at the Monmouth County Republican Convention.
Credentials were issued to 626 County Committee members who are choosing between incumbent Chairman John Bennett and Sheriff Shaun Golden. Registration and credentialing remains open .
The theme of the evening has been unity, and the nominating speakers, Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon for Bennett and Freeholder Tom Arnone for Golden, stressed that all Republicans must come together when the voting is complete.
Both candidates repeated the themes of their campaign’s during their speeches to the convention, with Golden emphasizing his energy and growing the party with enhanced communication and outreach to diverse demographics, and Bennett emphasizing the successes of his two years in office and his 40 year career in politics.
Bennett did not raise the issue of a conflict of interest for a Sheriff being Chairman, as he had through most of the campaign.

Sheriff Shaun Golden

Posted: June 10th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: John Bennett, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth GOP Chairman's race, Shaun Golden | 2 Comments »
The Monmouth County Republican Committee will convene to elect a Chairman this evening at iPlay America in Freehold, at 7PM.
Only credentialed County Committee members will be permitted to vote. County Committee members are urged to arrive at 6PM in order to check in and receive their credentials. Only Republicans on the County Committee list generated by the Superintendent of Elections will be credentialed. Municipal Chairmen and Chairwomen are urged to verify that their accurate and complete list of committee members is submitted to Superintendent Bertha Sumick this morning.
In lieu of a debate, the candidates for Chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Committee have agreed to a round of Cosmic Battle Laser Tag at 5:30PM. Arrive early! You don’t want to miss the Cosmic Battle!
Just kidding. The amusements are on the opposite side of the building from the Event Center where the convention will be held.
iPlay American is at 110 Schanck Rd, on the southbound side of Route 9. When you enter the parking lot look for signs for the Event Center, which is on the far side, the north side, of the building.
There are five restaurants inside the iPlay America complex, one of them just next to the room where the convention will be held. Arrive early and relax with other Republicans from throughout the county.
Get directions to iPlay America here.
Posted: June 10th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: John Bennett, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth GOP Chairman's race, Monmouth GOP Convention, Shaun Golden | Comments Off on Monmouth GOP Convention Tonight

Howell GOP Municipal Chairman Juan Malave and Monmouth GOP State Committeeman John Costigan celebrate Malave’s election.
Monmouth County Republican State Committeeman John Costigan, the GOP Municipal Chairman of Howell Township for six years, and Vice Chair under the late Noreen Kelly for six years before that, convened the reorganizational meeting of the Howell Republican Committee this evening and promptly placed the name of former Councilman Juan Malave into nomination as the new Municipal Chairman.
Costigan lost his County Committee seat in last Tuesday’s primary. The incumbent slate of Council Members, supported by Malave, beat back a primary challenge from a slate believed to be backed by Costigan. Costigan denied backing the challengers but said he was glad they were running.
Many Republicans throughout Monmouth County were expecting Costigan to attempt to retain his Chairmanship, despite losing his seat. But the State Committeeman chose to bow out in a gracious gesture of unity by nominating Malave.
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Posted: June 9th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Howell, John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: Howell GOP, Howell Township, John Bennett, John Costigan, Juan Malave, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth GOP Chairman's race, Shaun Golden | 5 Comments »
By Shaun Golden

Shaun Golden
Dear County Committee Member:
On June 10, 2014 at 7pm, at iPlay America in Freehold Township we will come together to decide who will serve as our next Monmouth Republican Chairman. I thank you for all of your support throughout this campaign and I humbly ask for your vote at our Monmouth Republican Convention.
Over the past month, I have shared my positive vision for the future of our Party in Monmouth County. As an organization, we must be the leaders in innovation, technology, outreach and communication. We must boldly meet our challenges with the commitment to never rest on our laurels and never stop sharing our message of conservative values, fiscal responsibility and ethical leadership.
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Posted: June 9th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: Monmouth GOP, Monmouth GOP Chairman's race, Shaun Golden | Comments Off on Golden’s closing letter to the GOP County Committee
So I closed the anonymous comments on the Chairman’s race posts and now my phone is ringing off the hook and I’m being bombarded by private messages on facebook.
I had no idea that so many of the anonymous posters assumed (some correctly and some incorrectly) that I knew who they were AND that they really wanted ME to know their opinions.
I can’t be selfish and keep all this fun to myself. So, if you have a comment about the Chairman’s race or any of the posts that I’ve closed the comments on, make them here.
But, if you’re going to be anonymous or use a fake name, use a fake name for the person you being critical of or praising. Got something to say about John Bennett or Shaun Golden, go ahead and say it, just don’t use the words John, Shaun, Golden, Chairman, Sheriff or Bennett. Same goes for Fred Niemann, John Kaye, Wayne Pomanowski and Tom Arnone or anyone else. Don’t use their names, titles or former titles (like former Senator.)
For example, if you have a complaint about me or something I wrote, don’t write, Art, you screwed the pooch. Instead write….pick a name..Willie, you screwed the pooch.
If after you’ve vented, if you don’t feel better and you really really really want me to know how you feel, then you can call. You can use real names on the phone.
Posted: June 9th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Republican Committee | Tags: comments, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth GOP Chairman's race, vent here | 13 Comments »

Freeholder Director Tom Arone
All but one Monmouth County elected official above the municipal level (Legislators and County Officials) have stayed out of the Monmouth County GOP Chairman’s race between incumbent John Bennett and Sheriff Shaun Golden.
Freeholder Tom Arnone broke from the pack this afternoon with a positive, yet pointed, endorsement of his friend and running mate, Golden.
Arnone said that he is endorsing Golden because, “I have been a witness to his abilities on the campaign trail and I am keenly aware of what he has done for our party without bragging about it while other attempt to take credit for Shaun’s hard work.”
In an apparent jab at Bennett’s campaign management and fundraising accomplishments, Arnone implied that Golden is responsible for much of the Monmouth GOP’s success over the last two years.
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Posted: June 9th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone | Tags: Freeholder Tom Arnone. Monmouth GOP, Monmouth GOP Chairman's race | 1 Comment »