

By Mark A. Falzon, President, Jersey Shore Tea Party

So long, Nikita.  Bye bye, Brezhnev.  Sayonara, Stalin.  Change the drapes at the Kremlin for now Washington DC, USA is the hub of global Marxist activity in the world.  Yes, the Kremlin has succumbed to the weight of time and passed the torch to North America.
This migration of the Marxist HQ has taken decades to complete.  For a while there, global Marxism has had no official home. Castro and Peking have been fermenting internal revolutions or been occupied with other things. Moscow was drained of her captive nations. But then, a consortium of undesirable elements here in this country including our vaunted press, 1960ish radicals and greedy, selfish politicians have all participated in the slaying of the grandiose experiment known as the American Republic.  Notice I use past tense because it is almost complete.  The EPA, the NLRB, un-appointed czars (now I know why they use that name!), POTUS and a DC over-regulated, centralized nanny state are in place.  To hell with individual liberty! To hell with the American Constitution.  It was written by greedy, wealthy white slave owners anyway. God knows what else the devils have put in place because surely we cannot count on our vaunted press to expose it.
After the pseudo stimulus bill was passed I noticed something not widely published.  That being, Andy Stern made a trip to Europe, stopping at many of the Euro capitals and larger cities.  The same Andy Stern that was at one time the most frequent visitor to the WH. The same Andy Stern who was the brains and brawn behind SEIU and ACORN. I asked myself, “why?” and then it hit me.  Our government, loaded with new Marxist-Leftist Radicals brought in by BHO and that Valerie Jarret were now flush with American taxpayer cash.  We all know money talks.  I ask, could Andy, as proper a Marxist representative as there is, have been parading through Europe handing out our taxpayer money to the cash starved Marxist groups all over Europe?  I asked Joe (verbal gaffe of the day) Biden who was responsible for over seeing the disbursement of the stimulus funds, but he didn’t respond.  Think about it.  Marxist now rule the roost here.  What better way to cement your global control of the Global Marxist Movement than to rain US taxpayer cash on them.  At that point, you have control and allegiance.  So long, Moscow hello DC!
Was this part of a master plan to fund the Euro demonstrations we saw last summer?  Is that same cash secretly helping OWS who is threatening to bring Euro style violent demonstrations to our shores?  Are known and unknown persons in DC calling the global Marxist Movement shots subsidized by US tax collections?  Could be! Who knows because there certainly has not been a ledger produced detailing stimulus outlays…..and even if there were what clear thinking person would believe anything to come out of this administration.  Credibility is not their strong suit.
Why mention this now?  One word, ROMNEY.  Romney is not the favorite of the Tea Party Movement.  Of the 4 candidates I would safely say he is the least liked.  The GOP Establishment with decades of experience and tons of money, appear to be having their way.  The Tea Party Movement, newbies to the political scene have lost in this GOP presidential primary process.  The GOP is poised to put their boy at the top. But there is the congress.
If a military field commander was charged with defending a city, bridge or any target, Officer training 101 would include several lines of defense.  Line A, then Line B and possibly a Line C to maintain possession and thwart the enemy.  We, the Tea Party Movement cannot influence whom we want as the GOP presidential candidate this cycle.  But there is the congress. Congress can be our second line of defense. What better way to outflank the GOP Establishment and our Marxist interlopers in one move than the Tea Party Movement influencing the senate majority leader selection and the Speaker of the House?  What a citizens’ coup!  So my Tea Party brothers and sisters, do not lament for long Romney’s apparent success.  Identify those senate and congressional candidates running that are true American patriots.  Help those we put in office 2010 stay in office.  Let’s make our new goal the following:  both congressional leadership positions must go to a member of the congressional Tea Party Caucus!  By controlling both houses of congress we can neuter a RINO president.  With a RINO president and Tea Party congress we can squash once and for all this American Marxist initiative.
Let’s get out there and continue the revolution we started September 12, 2009.  Let’s get out there and use as our goal the record setting congressional turnover in 2010 and try to build on it.  Let the GOP Establishment focus on POTUS and we should not hinder them.  We must, must have BHO removed.  We must, must have the final say in our beloved nation and an iron grip over the congress will do just that.

Posted: February 1st, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, 2012 Presidential Politics, Tea Party | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments »

Some things you might not know about Newt Gingrich

At least I didn’t know them until this morning. 

I was curious about why Gingrich’s first wife’s name was omitted from many news reports about his marriages this week.  I thought she died of cancer.

I always thought it was curious that Gingrich would ask his wife for a divorce while she was “in the hospital on her dealth bed,” as legend has it.  Why wouldn’t he just wait for her to die?   Then he could be a widower rather than a grossly insensitive cad.

Turns out that the first Mrs. Gingrich is still alive.  Also turns out that the famous death bed request for a divorce never happened.  Newt filed for divorce in July of 1980.  The hospital conversation happened in September, 1980 when the Mrs. was recovering from surgery for a non-life threatening benign tumor.  Mrs. Gingrich had been battling cancer since 1978.  Source: FactCheck.org

The first Mrs. Gingrich is Jackie Battley.  She was Newt’s high school geometry teacher. They dated secretly until they wed on June 19, 1962.  The 19 year old Newt was at student at Emory University in Atlanta.  Jackie was 26. Source: About.com

The other thing I didn’t know about Gingrich is that he had a different last name as a child.  He was born Newton Leroy McPherson to his 16 year old mother, Kathleen, and his 19 year old father, Newton Searles McPherson.  The McPherson’s marriage ended shortly after young Newton’s birth.  Kathleen married Army officer Robert Gingrich a year later.  Gingrich adopted Newt and gave him his name.

Robert rose to the rank of Lt. Colonel in the Army.  He served in Korea and Viet Nam.  He also served in Germany and France, where Newt lived with him.   Source: Wikipedia

If Gingrich wins the GOP nomination, America will be choosing a president between two products of broken homes who had different names in their youth and spent significant portions of the childhoods overseas.

Posted: January 22nd, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races | Tags: , , , | 7 Comments »

Gingrich Wins South Carolina

Overcoming an 18 point deficit in the polls, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich soundly defeated former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney in the South Carolina GOP presidential primary by 12%.

The Speaker ended the night with 40% of the vote compared to Romney’s 28%.

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum earned 17% of the vote.  Texas Congressman Ron Paul got 13% and Herman Cain, who dropped out of the race weeks ago got 1%.

The race for the GOP nomination moves on to Florida which holds its primary on January 31. Recent polls give Romney a 20%+ edge in the Sunshine State.  As we saw tonight, there’s only one poll that counts.

We have a contest.

Posted: January 21st, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races | Tags: , | 16 Comments »

Sipprelle Not Running In CD-12

Plans to Remain Engaged as a Private Citizen

PRINCETON, NJ- January 12, 2012- In response to inquiries from supporters and potential candidates, Scott Sipprelle announced today that he will not be a candidate for Congress this year in the reconfigured 12th Congressional District. 


“While I remain as committed as ever to the principles of political reform and economic renewal, as articulated during my 2010 campaign, this is not my time to be a candidate,” said Sipprelle. “Over the last year I have become fully engaged, with a renewed passion and purpose, in my business of starting and building emerging growth companies.”


“For now I intend to play an outside role in the world of politics, with a particular interest in supporting first-time candidates for public office,” said Sipprelle. “Through The Lincoln Club of New Jersey, I also intend to continue as a squeaky wheel, working to educate and inform the voters while supporting candidates with the experience, courage and independence to serve as problem solvers.”

Posted: January 12th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races | Tags: , | 3 Comments »

Frank Pallone’s New Years Message

A New Year, A New District, Same Old Republican Antics

With each New Year we find ourselves reflecting on the past and setting goals for the coming year. 

2011 was a year of tragically partisan politics in DC. The new Republican majority made it clear that fulfilling their backward social agenda was more important than putting Americans back to work. Rather than advancing any legislation that would continue the American recovery, they spent the entire year trying to roll back health care reform, proposing changes to Medicare and Social Security that would effectively end both programs as we know them, and manipulating the facts, trying to convince Americans that common sense environmental protections are hurting the economy.

As we enter into 2012 I re-new my commitment to you that I will continue to fight to protect Social Security and Medicare and stand strong against the Tea Party controlled Republican leadership. Most importantly, I, along with my Democratic colleagues, will work to implement our Make it in America agenda to put Americans back to work and ensure a sustainable recovery for our American economy.

2012 promises to be a year of many changes.

Some of these changes were made clear last week when the new boundaries of our Congressional districts were finalized. I continue to be disappointed that New Jersey lost a Congressional seat.  We must not forget the lesson learned from this census  and continue to fight for an accurate count looking forward to the 2020 census. 

The new map poses challenges for our Party, but I am committed to my service to the residents of the 6th district and am eager to get to work. I am saddened that the new map moved towns that I am proud to represent into other districts, but am excited at the opportunity to introduce myself to residents of newly included towns, earn their votes and represent them in the new Congress. 

We will be hitting the ground running with my 2012 campaign and I ask that you take a minute to sign up here to get involved. There is plenty of work to be done and, with your help, I have no doubt that we will celebrate a tremendous victory for our party in November, when we re-elect President Obama, re-elect Senator Menendez,  regain a  Democratic majority in the House and win offices throughout our state, county and local governments. 

Thank you for you help in 2011 – your efforts for resulted in solid victories for the Democratic Party in the legislative elections, sending a clear message to Governor Christie, and a reminder to anyone who doubted it, that New Jersey is a Blue State. Let’s continue the hard work and move to even more victories in 2012. 

Happy New Year and many wishes that 2012 brings health and happiness to you and your family.

Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr.

Posted: January 5th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Frank Pallone | Tags: | 7 Comments »

Somebody at the Ledger doesn’t like Assemblywoman Connie Wagner

Senator Loretta Weinberg has been creating a media storm touting Bergen County Assemblywoman Connie Wagner as the Democratic candidate to challenge Congressman Scott Garrett in the newly redrawn 5th congressional district.

The Star Ledger/NJ.com played along, mentioning Wagner most prominently in a piece about potential Garrett challengers.

Yet someone at NJ.com either doesn’t like Wagner or never heard of Google Images.  They ran a 2008 file photo of Wagner with the article.   Wagner looks a bit different in the more recent photo on her assembly website.

2008 Star Ledger photo of Assemblywoman Connie Wagner

2008 Star Ledger photo of Assemblywoman Connie Wagner

Assemblywoman Connie Wagner's website headshot

Assemblywoman Connie Wagner's website headshot

Posted: January 4th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment »

Republicans’ map favors minorities

John Farmer, the tie breaking member of the congressional redistricting commission, chose the Republicans’ map because, in his view, it created the possibility of two more minority districts than they Democratic map did, according to a report by Mark Magyar at NJSpotlight.

The new 9th district’s population is 53.1% minority.  Leaders of the minority community were pleased with the map, counting on it becoming a minority represented district once Bill Pascrell, who turns 75 this month, retires.  But Steve Rothman, 59, challenging Pascrell in the Democratic primary makes eventual minority representation less likely, which could lead to a minority challenger entering the 9th district Democratic primary.  That’s the point of Magyar’s piece.

The addition of all of Trenton and Plainfield in Rush Holt’s district, presumably makes the 12th the other potential minority district.

The NJGOP should identify and agressively recruit high quality minority candidates to run in these districts.   A Hispanic in 9 and an African American in 12.  Then the GOP should  raise the money to make those campaigns competive.

The GOP should recruit and fund an Asian American to challenge Frank Pallone in the 6th, while they are at it, unless Diane Gooch decides to run.

If running competively in the 9th, 12th and 6th is considered a pipedream, than it is also a pipedream that Joe Kyrillos can beat Robert Menendez for U.S. Senate or that the GOP presidential nominee can win New Jersey.

If the NJ GOP uses the same old playbook it will get the same old result.

Posted: January 3rd, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, 2012 Presidential Politics, 2012 U.S. Senate Race | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Republicans’ map favors minorities