RINO George Gilmore
George Gilmore, the Toms River attorney who was found guilty last month of twice failing to pay his employees’ payroll taxes to the IRS after withholding the money from their paychecks and also of lying on an application for a $1 million plus loan, is continuing to strong arm and threaten Ocean County Republicans, according to several GOP loyalist who witnessed Gilmore’s behavior at the Ocean County Federation of Republican Women’s Annual Gala last Thursday night.
Gilmore’s criminal defense attorney, Kevin Marino, said his client had no intention of resigning as Ocean Republican Chairman, when the federal jury returned their verdict in Trenton on April 17. On April 24, Gilmore finally submitted his resignation. He continues to control the Chairman’s PAC, and is raising money for the PAC through direct solicitations and through the Ocean GOP Gala which is being held on Thursday evening at the Eagle Ridge Golf Club in Lakewood. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 6th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2019 elections, Ocean County | Tags: George Gilmore, New Jersey, Ocean County News, Ocean GOP, Resigned In Name Only, RINO | 1 Comment »
By Mark A. Falzon, President, Jersey Shore Tea Party
So long, Nikita. Bye bye, Brezhnev. Sayonara, Stalin. Change the drapes at the Kremlin for now Washington DC, USA is the hub of global Marxist activity in the world. Yes, the Kremlin has succumbed to the weight of time and passed the torch to North America.
This migration of the Marxist HQ has taken decades to complete. For a while there, global Marxism has had no official home. Castro and Peking have been fermenting internal revolutions or been occupied with other things. Moscow was drained of her captive nations. But then, a consortium of undesirable elements here in this country including our vaunted press, 1960ish radicals and greedy, selfish politicians have all participated in the slaying of the grandiose experiment known as the American Republic. Notice I use past tense because it is almost complete. The EPA, the NLRB, un-appointed czars (now I know why they use that name!), POTUS and a DC over-regulated, centralized nanny state are in place. To hell with individual liberty! To hell with the American Constitution. It was written by greedy, wealthy white slave owners anyway. God knows what else the devils have put in place because surely we cannot count on our vaunted press to expose it.
After the pseudo stimulus bill was passed I noticed something not widely published. That being, Andy Stern made a trip to Europe, stopping at many of the Euro capitals and larger cities. The same Andy Stern that was at one time the most frequent visitor to the WH. The same Andy Stern who was the brains and brawn behind SEIU and ACORN. I asked myself, “why?” and then it hit me. Our government, loaded with new Marxist-Leftist Radicals brought in by BHO and that Valerie Jarret were now flush with American taxpayer cash. We all know money talks. I ask, could Andy, as proper a Marxist representative as there is, have been parading through Europe handing out our taxpayer money to the cash starved Marxist groups all over Europe? I asked Joe (verbal gaffe of the day) Biden who was responsible for over seeing the disbursement of the stimulus funds, but he didn’t respond. Think about it. Marxist now rule the roost here. What better way to cement your global control of the Global Marxist Movement than to rain US taxpayer cash on them. At that point, you have control and allegiance. So long, Moscow hello DC!
Was this part of a master plan to fund the Euro demonstrations we saw last summer? Is that same cash secretly helping OWS who is threatening to bring Euro style violent demonstrations to our shores? Are known and unknown persons in DC calling the global Marxist Movement shots subsidized by US tax collections? Could be! Who knows because there certainly has not been a ledger produced detailing stimulus outlays…..and even if there were what clear thinking person would believe anything to come out of this administration. Credibility is not their strong suit.
Why mention this now? One word, ROMNEY. Romney is not the favorite of the Tea Party Movement. Of the 4 candidates I would safely say he is the least liked. The GOP Establishment with decades of experience and tons of money, appear to be having their way. The Tea Party Movement, newbies to the political scene have lost in this GOP presidential primary process. The GOP is poised to put their boy at the top. But there is the congress.
If a military field commander was charged with defending a city, bridge or any target, Officer training 101 would include several lines of defense. Line A, then Line B and possibly a Line C to maintain possession and thwart the enemy. We, the Tea Party Movement cannot influence whom we want as the GOP presidential candidate this cycle. But there is the congress. Congress can be our second line of defense. What better way to outflank the GOP Establishment and our Marxist interlopers in one move than the Tea Party Movement influencing the senate majority leader selection and the Speaker of the House? What a citizens’ coup! So my Tea Party brothers and sisters, do not lament for long Romney’s apparent success. Identify those senate and congressional candidates running that are true American patriots. Help those we put in office 2010 stay in office. Let’s make our new goal the following: both congressional leadership positions must go to a member of the congressional Tea Party Caucus! By controlling both houses of congress we can neuter a RINO president. With a RINO president and Tea Party congress we can squash once and for all this American Marxist initiative.
Let’s get out there and continue the revolution we started September 12, 2009. Let’s get out there and use as our goal the record setting congressional turnover in 2010 and try to build on it. Let the GOP Establishment focus on POTUS and we should not hinder them. We must, must have BHO removed. We must, must have the final say in our beloved nation and an iron grip over the congress will do just that.
Posted: February 1st, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, 2012 Presidential Politics, Tea Party | Tags: ACORN, Andy Stern, BHO, Brezhnev, Castro, Congress, DC, Euro, Jersey Shore Tea Party, Joe Biden, Kremlin, Mark A. Falzon, Marxism, Marxists, Nikita, OWS, Peking, POTUS, RINO, Romney, SEIU, Staling, stimulus, Tea Party, Tea Party Movement, Valerie Jarrett, Washington, White House | 8 Comments »