Lurking Tyranny
Thanks to NetRightDaily
Posted: May 14th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Barack Obama, IRS, Tea Party | Tags: Barack Obama, cartoons, IRS, Obama Administration, Tea Party | Comments Off on Lurking TyrannyThanks to NetRightDaily
Posted: May 14th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Barack Obama, IRS, Tea Party | Tags: Barack Obama, cartoons, IRS, Obama Administration, Tea Party | Comments Off on Lurking Tyranny~ Joseph Heller, Catch 22
Last week we learned that the Obama Administrations IRS has been targeting Conservative groups with the words ‘Tea Party’ and ‘Patriot’ in their names.
The records obtained by the Justice Department listed incoming and outgoing calls, and the duration of each call, for the work and personal phone numbers of individual reporters, general AP office numbers in New York, Washington and Hartford, Conn., and the main number for AP reporters in the House of Representatives press gallery, according to attorneys for the AP.
In all, the government seized those records for more than 20 separate telephone lines assigned to AP and its journalists in April and May of 2012. The exact number of journalists who used the phone lines during that period is unknown but more than 100 journalists work in the offices whose phone records were targeted on a wide array of stories about government and other matters.
What’s next?
Posted: May 13th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Barack Obama, IRS, Justice Department, Obama, Obama Administration | Tags: Barack Obama, Eric Holder, IRS, Justice Department | 9 Comments »
Editorial cartoons are sponsored by New Markets Realty, 146 Maple Ave, Red Bank. 732-741-8211. Jim Giannell, President
A better late than never “fiscal cliff” deal will get done in Washington. Federal taxes and spending will both rise. The federal debt ceiling will rise in the coming months.
Last minute legal maneuvers by “birthers” to prevent Barack Obama’s election by the electoral college will fail.
New Jersey will confront a budget shortfall of almost $1 billion. Governor Christie will attempt to plug part of the shortfall with the privatization of the lottery. There will be painful spending cuts during the first six months of the year.
Congress will pass and the president will sign the $60.4 billion Sandy Relief Bill.
The rebuilding of the Jersey Shore communities devastated by Superstorm Sandy will be slowed by FEMA.
Despite New Jersey’s fiscal mess and frustration over the rebuilding process, Governor Christie’s approval ratings will be in the high 50’s throughout the year. Christie will be reelected, defeating State Senator Barbara Buono. The Democratic Party will retain control of the State Legislature.
The State Senate will confirm David Baumann as a State Supreme Court Associate Justice. They will not confirm Robert Hanna.
Joe Oxley will be confirmed as a Superior Court Judge.
There will be surprise retirements in the Monmouth County Vicinage of the Superior Court.
The first Monmouth GOP nominating convention under Chairman John Bennett and his new by-laws will see no challenges to incumbent freeholders, legislators or the sheriff. There will be Tea Party led primary challenges in the 11th, 13th and 30th Legislative Districts. The incumbents will all win.
The Monmouth GOP by-laws will be amended at the nominating convention to make the chairman’s term two years.
The Monmouth County Democratic Party will have difficulty recruiting a full slate of legislative and county candidates.
Tom Arnone will be the Director of the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders.
What do you think will happen?
Posted: January 1st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Predictions | Tags: Barack Obama, By-Laws, Chris Christie, David Bauman, Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Monmouth County Court, Robert Hanna | 3 Comments »
Barack Obama was reelected President of the United States
Posted: December 31st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Year in Review | Tags: 2012 Year in review, Barack Obama, Hurricane Sandy | 1 Comment »
The White House has announced that former presidential candidate Mitt Romney will have lunch with President Obama at the White House tomorrow.
Could Romney be joining the administration? Treasury Secretary? Ambassador to Libya?
Posted: November 28th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Barack Obama, Mitt Romney | Tags: Barack Obama, Mitt Romney | 6 Comments »Christie’s Republican Critics Don’t Get It
In early December of 2005 I attended the annual holiday gathering of the Monmouth Ocean Development Council. This particular party stands out in my memory of the hundreds of such parties I’ve attended over the years because of the entertainment. A jazz band from New Orleans was touring the country to raise money for the Katrina recovery efforts. Their music was fabulous. Their plea for help is what stuck with me. It was deep, personal and profound. The wreckage seen on television four months earlier was a distant memory for me, until I felt a little of the pain in that band’s plea.
The difference between hearing about and watching news accounts of a devastating hurricance and living through the aftermath of such a catostrophic event is like the difference between watching porn and having sex, though not nearly as fun. It’s not fun at all.
Posted: November 20th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Art Gallagher, Barack Obama, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: Barack Obama, Chris Christie, Hurricane Sandy, Mitt Romney, Monmouth Ocean Development Council, Monroe Towhship Republican Club, Monroe Township. Hurricane Katrina, porn, porn vs sex, Repubicans, sex | 6 Comments »As someone who has witnessed the destruction of my hometown and the devastation Sandy wrecked upon the lives of so many people I care about, I really don’t care if the partnership that Governor Chris Christie forged with President Barack Obama contributed to Obama’s reelection.
As I embraced my dear friend while we were standing in the wreckage of what used to be her mother’s home while she was crying, “she’s going to die,” the last thing I cared about was politics.
For over a week I’ve witness my neighbors’ possessions be piled into a garbage transfer station that used to be a parking lot and then be loaded into trailers be be trucked away. Soon many of those neighbors will be living in trailers in a park while someone else decides when, how and if their homes can be rebuilt.
I won’t complain that I haven’t slept in my own bed and there is no power at my house. I still have a house. My friends don’t. My friend, the mayor, his wife and three young children are sleeping on cots in a gymnasium.
I could care less that Christie wept when Bruce Springsteen called him a friend. I care even less that Obama facilitated the friendship.
I am comforted that Chris Christie is doing his job and doing it well. I am comforted that he assembled such a competent team to form his administration three years ago and that they work so well together.
I can’t imagine Jon Corzine, Richard Cody, Jim McGreevey, Christie Whitman, Jim Florio, Tom Kean or Brendan Byrne being as hands on or as competent as Christie has been in this crisis. I also can’t imagine Cory Booker doing the job that Christie has done or assembling as good a team to do it.
Chris Christie is doing his job and doing it well. He’s witnessed far more of the devastation to New Jersey than I have. I’m pleased that for the last weeks he hasn’t cared about politics either.
Pundits on both sides of the aisle are saying that if not for Hurricane Sandy, Obama may not have been reelected. That could be true. But given Obama’s record, the state of the world and the economy, the election should not have been close heading into the last weekend in October.
Obama said he will be a better president as a result of the campaign. He said he heard those who opposed him and his policies. I hope that proves to be true. We’ll know soon enough.
I don’t think Chris Christie will be a better governor because he has Obama’s cell number. I think it is more likely that Obama will be a better president because he has Chrisite’s number.
Posted: November 9th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Barack Obama, Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: Barack Obama, Brendan Byrne, Chris Christie, Christie Whitman, Hurricane Sandy, Jim Florio, Jim McGreevey, Jon Corzine, Richard Codey, Tom Kean | 9 Comments »Press Release
The Monmouth County Democratic Organization swept races across the county yesterday! U.S. Congressman Frank Pallone Jr. for a big 65% district-wide victory! Congressman Pallone also comfortably carried the Monmouth County portion of the district with over 55% of the vote. President Obama and Senator Menendez nearly matched Governor Romney and Senator Kyrillos vote by vote in what analysts had predicted earlier in the year would be a Republican blowout in Monmouth. They were wrong! Monmouth County Democrats delivered over 125,000 votes for President Obama, the 6th highest amount of votes in the state of all 21 counties. Turnout for the election was at an impressive 58% of registered voters despite half the county still not having power and with thousands of people still displaced from their homes.
Monmouth County Democrats scored major municipal wins, defeating 7 incumbent Republicans. NO Democratic incumbents were defeated. Monmouth Dems scored major wins in the Bayshore this year, with wins in Highlands, Atlantic Highlands, Hazlet, Keyport and Matawan, setting up a strong foundation in the Bayshore for future years. Here are some of our major wins
In Atlantic Highlands, Roy Dellosso and Bob Sutton were re-elected, topping two Republican challengers by over 350 votes.
In Belmar, Councilwoman Jennifer Nicolay won nearly 60% of the vote, trouncing her Republican challenger.
In Eatontown, incumbent Councilman Anthony Talerico was top vote-getter by nearly 1,000 votes defeating his Republican challenger. In addition, Janice Kroposky comfortably defeated Republican incumbent Kevin Gonzalez to win the second seat. Welcome to the Eatontown governing body, Councilwoman-Elect Kroposky!
In Farmingdale, 4 Democrats faced 4 Republicans in a showdown for the Western Monmouth community. Democrats Richard Geffken and newcomer Carly Immen defeated their Republican opponents to win 2 of the seats. Democrat Jan Zientek currently trails by just 5 votes behind his Republican challenger for the 3rd seat. Absentee ballots and Provisionals still need to be counted and Monmouth County Democrats’ attorneys are weighing a re-count for Jan’s seat. Still, winning these 2 seats is a huge breakthrough in a town where Republican voter registration outnumbers Democrats 2 to 1.
In Freehold Borough, Democratic newcomer Ron Griffiths outsed Republican incumbent John Newman while Democratic incumbent Sharon Shutzer was re-elected.
In Hazlet, Democrats Jim DiNardo and Barbara Ronchetti beat Republican incumbent Mayor David Tinker and Committeeman Jim Brady to take a 3-2 majority of the Hazlet governing body, a big win for the Bayshore community.
In Highlands, Democratic Councilman Kevin Redmond was re-elected and Democrat Tara Ryan was elected, winning a Republican held seat.
In Keyport, Democratic Councilman Ken McPeek was re-elected and Sophia Lamberson was elected. Councilwoman-Elect Lamberson will take the seat of Council President Christian Bolte who did not seek re-election. The duo beat their GOP challengers by more than 500 votes.
In Matawan, Democratic newcomer Kim Daly was elected to the Borough Council defeating incumbent councilman Andrew Lopez. Democrat Nicholas Nellegar was narrowly defeated for the 2nd seat by just 80 votes. Monmouth County Democrats Attorneys are currently reviewing absentee ballots and provisionals but Democrats have broken the all GOP stronghold in Matawan.
Posted: November 7th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth Democrats | Tags: Andrew Lopez, Anthony Talerico, Atlantic Highlands, Barack Obama, Barbara Ronchetti, Belmar, Bob Menendez, Bob Sutton, Carly Immen, Christian Bolte, David Tinker, Eatontown, Farmingdale, Frank Pallone, Freehold Borough, Hazlet, Jan Zientek, Janice Kroposky, Jennifer Nicolay, Jim Brady, Jim DiNardo, Ken McPeek, Kim Daly, Matawan, Monmouth Democrats, Nicholas Nellegar, Richard Geffken, Ron Griffiths, Roy Dellossa, Sharon Shutzer, Sophia Lambersonn | 7 Comments »