Monmouth County Clerk M. Clair French address the Monmouth GOP convention. Chairman Shaun Golden in background. photo by Art Gallagher
An impressive crowd of over 400 Monmouth Republican County Committee members gathered on Saturday morning to nominate their candidates for State Assembly, County Clerk and Freeholder. The size of the crowd was impressive not only because of the weather but because the results of the convention were a foregone conclusion as there were no challengers to the incumbent Assembly Members, Freeholder or Governor Chris Christie’s nominee for County Clerk.
Free of any competitive tensions, the mood at Colts Neck High School was upbeat, friendly and proud among the grassroots leaders who came out for Chairman Shaun Golden first nominating convention. Freeholder Deputy Director Serena DiMaso noted both the size and enthusiasm of the crowd. “This crowd is almost as large as last year’s convention when we had a competition for the freeholder nominations,” DiMaso said, “We’re in really great shape and that is a testament to Shaun’s leadership.”
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Posted: February 22nd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Amy Handlin, Assembly Republcians, Caroline Casagrande, Chairman Shaun Golden, Chris Smith, Claire French, Congressman Chris Smith, County Clerk M. Claire French, Dave Rible, Declan O'Scanlon, Freeholder Deputy Director Serena DiMaso, Freeholder John Curley, Gary Rich, Jennifer Beck, Kim Guadagno, Lillian Burry, M. Claire French, Mary Pat Angelini, Rob Clifton, Ron Dancer, Rosemarie Peters, Sean Kean, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone | 8 Comments »

Luke Margolis, Art Gallagher and Jay Lassiter on the News12 set
Your favorite blogger appears on News12’s Power and Politics with Luke Margolis this weekend opposite the indefatigable Democratic activist Jay Lassiter.
Our topic was Congressman Chris Smith’s commitment to human rights and his controversial comments regarding LGBT rights vs human rights last month.
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Posted: February 13th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Art Gallagher, Chris Christie, Gay Marriage, Gender Equality, Human Rights, Human Trafficking, Humanity, marriage, Marriage Equality | Tags: Art Gallagher, Boko Haram, Chris Smith, Congressman Chris Smith, Human Rights, Jay Lassister, LGBT rights, Luke Margolis, marriage, News12, Nigeria, Power and Politics, Same Sex Marriage | Comments Off on Gallagher on Power and Politics this weekend
Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ-4), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee on Africa and Human Rights, responded to the controversy about a remark concerning homosexual rights and human rights that he made during a hearing last week on combating violence inflicted by the terrorist group Boko Haram in Nigera with a statement issued to MoreMonmouthMusings:
“All governments have a duty to protect everyone and I am unequivocally opposed to acts of violence against anyone,” Smith said, “All individuals, including LGBT persons, should be treated with respect and compassion.”
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Posted: February 5th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Smith, Frank Pallone, Gay Marriage, Gender Equality, Marriage Equality | Tags: Chris Smith, Congressman Chris Smith, Congressman Frank Pallone, Equality GOP NJ, Frank Pallone, Gay rights, Homosexual Rights, Human Rights, Kim Taylor, LGBT, Sub Committee on Africa and Human Rights | 9 Comments »
By Ernesto Cullari
If Republican Congressmen Chris Smith and Tom MacArthur vote for John Boehner (R-Ohio) to be the Speaker of the 114th Congress then they will both be breaking two foundational campaign promises: the first to defeat Obamacare and the second to end Obama’s policy of Executive Amnesty for Illegal Aliens. If they break either campaign promise both are certain face a mutiny at home by voters in two years.
On the issues of Amnesty and Obamacare, Speaker John Boehner has given Obama’s policies the Congressional stamp of approval. In the $1.1 trillion dollar spending bill that Boehner fought for and passed in December 2014, there were provisions that provided short term funding of Obama’s amnesty program.
Prior to the Republican Congress’s financial support, Obama was on shaky legal ground; however by providing funding for Executive Amnesty Boehner breathed new life into Obama’s strategy. The U.S. Supreme Court in Youngstown, a case dealing with the executive seizure of private property in the absence of congressional approval, established that, “Presidential authority is strongest when acting with the expressed or implied consent of Congress.” Through Boehner Congress has shown consent.
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Posted: January 5th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Smith, Ernesto Cullari, Opinion | Tags: Chris Smith, Ernesto Cullari, Executive Amnesty, House of Representatives, John Boehner, ObamaCare, Tom MacArthur | 7 Comments »

Shore Blvd, Keansburg Oct. 30, 2012
TRENTON — The Federal Emergency Management Agency should stop demanding that Hurricane Sandy victims pay back money they mistakenly received from the government, members of the New Jersey congressional delegation said in a letter released today. Both U.S. senators and 10 of the state’s 12 U.S. representatives signed a letter to FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate asking… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: December 17th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Bob Menendez, Chris Smith, Congress, Cory Booker, FEMA, Frank Pallone, Hurricane Sandy, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: Bob Mendendez, Chris Smith, Cory Booker, Craig Fugate, FEMA, Frank Pallone, Hurricane Sandy, NJ Congressional Delegation, Superstorm Sandy | Comments Off on N.J. lawmakers to FEMA: Stop demanding Sandy victims give back government overpayments

Governor Christie on the Belmar boardwalk, August 2011
Governor Chris Christie will be making several appearances on the Jersey Shore tomorrow, Thusday, July 3.
At 11am Christie will join Congressman Chris Smith, State Senator Jennifer Beck, Neptune Mayor Dr. Michael Brantley and Dr. Dale Whilden, President of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association for the ceremonial ribbon cutting of Ocean Grove’s newly rebuilt boardwalk.
At 1:15pm, Christie will sign S846/504, a Boating Safety Act which increases the penalties for leaving the scene of a boating accident, at the NJ State Marine Police Services Bureau Station in Point Pleasant Borough. Follow the bill signing, Christie is scheduled to walk the Point Pleasant Beach boardwalk.
Posted: July 2nd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Chris Smith, Jersey Shore | Tags: Boating Safety, Chris Christie, Chris Smith, Jersey Shore, Neptune Township, Ocean Grove, Ocean Grove boardwalk, Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association | 1 Comment »
International Megan’s Law moves through Congress (via
The International Megan’s Law cleared a major hurdle Friday when the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee unanimously passed it. Rep. Chris Smith (R-4th Dist.) has worked to pass the bill, which would expand the system of registering…
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Posted: May 11th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Smith, Congress | Tags: Chris Smith, Congressman Chris Smith, International Megan's Law, Megan's Law | 1 Comment »
By Art Gallagher, [email protected]
The Obama Administration is considering holding a contest for areas impacted by disasters other than Superstorm Sandy. The “winners” would get between $1 billion and $2 billion of the remaining $3.6 billion is Sandy relief dollars being doled out by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), according to a story first reported by the Wall Street Journal
The Record reports that New Jersey Congressmen Bill Pascrell Jr., D-Paterson; Albio Sires, D-West New York; and Frank Pallone, D-Long Branch, and Sen. Bob Menendez are urging HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan not to divert federal aid to projects in other parts of the country. Members of the New York Congressional Delegation are making similar pleas.

Bookerism of the Day
Where’s Senator Cory Booker? He’s proselytizing on twitter.
Sires told The Record that the entire New Jersey delegation could join together in opposition to a nationwide contest for the money. That would be great! Sires should lead the Democrats in the delegation in ending the partisanship that has been dominating the discourse over Sandy recovery and sign the letter to Donovan and Michael Boots, the Acting Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality that Congressman Chris Smith invited him, and all members of the delegation to sign requesting a meeting to hash out the multitude of issues New Jersey residents are having with the HUD relief process.
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Posted: April 24th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Smith, Cory Booker, Hurricane Sandy, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: Bookerism of the day, Chris Smith, Congressman Albio Sires, Congressman Chris Smith, Cory Booker, Frank Pallone, HUD, HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan, Michael Boots, Obama Administration, Superstorm Sandy, White House | 1 Comment »
Pallone says legislation is not necessary, regulators can change the rules

Governor Chris Christie listens to a resident’s question in Belmar. March 25, 2014 MMM photo/Art Gallagher. Click for larger view.
Governor Chris Christie told the 650 people in attendance at his Town Hall Meeting in Belmar yesterday that he went to Washington last week to ask HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan to waive the rule that is keeping Sandy victims from rebuilding their homes while they are waiting to find out if they will be approved for Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, Elevation and Mitigation (RREM) grants of up to $150,000.
The RREM program will not reimburse homeowners for work done on their homes prior to their acceptance into the program. Over 3000 people are on the RREM waiting list for the second round of HUD funding which is expected to be awarded late this spring. They are in limbo, living in temporary housing, paying rent and mortgages, while their ruined homes are dormant.
Christie said that Donovan told him he could not waive the rule because a specific federal law prohibits grants being used to pay for work performed prior to the federal approval being secured.
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Posted: March 26th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Belmar, Chris Christie, Frank Pallone, Keansburg, RREM, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: Belmar, Bob Menendez. Senator Bob Menendez, Chris Christie, Chris Christie Town Hall, Chris Smith, Christie's Belmar Town Hall, Congressman Chris Smith, Congressman Frank Pallone, Frank Pallone, Olivia Nuzzi, Senate President Steve Sweeney, Steve Sweeney | 2 Comments »
Bill would reform National Flood Insurance Program, aims to protect homeowners from steep insurance hikes

Congressman Chris Smith and Monmouth County Shaun Golden prepare to survey Hurricane Sandy damage
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The House of Representatives voted last night to provide relief to hundreds of thousands of homeowners facing huge flood insurance premium rate increases, including many still recovering from the devastation caused by Superstorm Sandy. Congressman Chris Smith (NJ-04), who represents severely damaged areas in southern Monmouth and northern Ocean Counties, praised the vote.
“The bill makes targeted and necessary reforms and will prevent massive premium increases from hitting homeowners who simply cannot afford them—and cannot find a buyer to take them on, leaving them stranded and without a solution,” Smith said. “Many cannot afford the recommended mitigation measures that may or may not reduce their premiums, creating a further environment of uncertainty. Accordingly, the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act slows the rate of increase that was included in the 2012 Biggert-Waters reform bill, allowing homeowners to remain in their homes and plan accordingly to continue flood insurance policies.”
The bill passed in a 309-91 vote. If enacted the bill will provide relief and stability to these homeowners and their communities while bringing reform to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It also provides a mechanism for enhanced community participation in the flood mapping process and increases transparency by making information publicly available to impacted parties.
The Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act (HR 3370), co-sponsored by Smith, remedies many of the unintended consequences of the so-called Biggert-Waters Act of 2012. It repeals certain rate increases on Pre-Flood Insurance Rate Map (Pre-FIRM) properties and restores Grandfathered Rates for Post-FIRM properties that were built to code at the time of construction. It prevents a property sale from triggering rate increases and refunds those who have already faced one.
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Posted: March 5th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Smith, FEMA, Flood Maps, Flooding, National Flood Insurance Plan, Press Release | Tags: Chris Smith, Congressman Chris Smith, FEMA, House of Representatives, National Flood Insurance Plan, Press Release | 1 Comment »