It will feel like summer again in New Jersey on Sunday, with temperatures nearing record highs for this time of year. Temperatures will be in the high 70s to low 80s in most parts of the state, according to the National Weather Service. There will be fog and some rain in the morning, but that is… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: October 15th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: Al Gore, Monmouth County News, weather | Comments Off on Temperature records could fall Sunday when Al Gore comes to Monmouth County
After getting a brief taste of cool autumn temperatures during the first few days of October, New Jersey has been stuck in a warming trend that has made it feel more like late summer the past few days. Thanks to warm air flowing in from the southwest, much of the state was 10 to 15 degrees… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: October 10th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: Al Gore, Global Warming, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats | Tags: Al Gore, Climate Change, Global Warming, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Dems, New Jersey, october, Phil Murphy, Vin Gopal | Comments Off on Global Warming to continue through the weekend for Al Gore’s Monmouth County rally
Former Vice President Al Gore is coming to Monmouth County to support Democrat candidates up and down the ballot, according to an announcement of the Monmouth Dems’ website.
Gore is scheduled to appear at the Ocean Township Community Gym on Sunday, October 15 from 3 P.M till 5 P.M.
When last we heard of the inventor of the Internet and Global Warming campaigning in Monmouth County, he was embroiled in the “Crazed Sex Poodle” scandal. Six years before NBC leaked the Access Hollywood tapes featuring Donald Trump and Billy Bush joking about grabbing pussies, Portland Oregon massage therapist Molly Hagerty accused Gore of groping her and painfully squeezing her nipples over her clothes after she declined to rub his adductor magnus. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: October 6th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Al Gore, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Vin Gopal | Tags: Al Gore, Crazed Sex Poodle, Molly Hagerty, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Rush Holt, Vin Gopal | 2 Comments »

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One thing is for sure about Al Gore: It never rains on his global warming parade
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Posted: September 16th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Al Gore, Chris Christie, Climate Change, Global Warming, Opinion | Tags: Al Gore, Chris Christie, Climate Change, Global Warming, Global Warming Scam, Inside the Beltway, Libertarians, Rush Limbaugh | Comments Off on Inside the Beltway: Brace for the climate change mega-storm
Thanks to the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office

US National Weather Service Philadelphia/Mount Holly : The combination of strong winds and cold temperatures will create dangerous wind chill factors tonight and Tuesday. Wind chill factors Wind chill factors as low as 30 degrees below zero can be expected in the far northern portions of the Mount Holly CWA from tonight into Wednesday morning. Wind chill factors from zero to 20 below zero can be expected elsewhere. This could feel like the coldest outbreak for our area in several
Full Briefing Available:
Posted: January 6th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Global Warming, News | Tags: Al Gore, Climate Change, Extreme Cold, Global Warming, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, National Weather Service | Comments Off on Extreme Cold Warnings
The duplicity of Bob Menendez and the creation of Middle Class ghettos
During Bob Menendez’s first year in the U.S. Senate, 2006, there was a health care bill before the Senate designed to make insurance premiums more affordable for small businesses. The bill would have allowed small businesses to join together as larger groups in order to enjoy the economies of scale in their insurance purchases that large corporations enjoy. Chambers of commerce and other business associations would have been allowed to form groups to decrease the cost of health insurance so that more of the members could afford to insure the health of more of the employees and families.
At the time, I was a leader of the Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce and a member of the National Federation of Independent Business. The company I owned was paying 100% of the insurance premiums of its employees. Premiums were raising at about 13% per year. It was getting difficult to continue to provide health insurance. Potential hires who did not need insurance because their spouse’s employer provided it became the most attractive candidates to employ. Increasing insurance premiums consumed what would have been raises to loyal employees.
NFIB was lobbying hard for the bill. It had already passed the Republican House and President Bush had indicated he would sign the bill if it passed in the Senate. The Republican Senate majority support for the bill but the Democrats were filibustering. NFIP worked its members to contact their Democratic Senators asking that they stop the filibuster and allow the bill to be voted on.
I wrote Mendendez and Senator Frank Lautenberg asking that they support the bill. As I expected, they didn’t and the bill never made it to the Senate floor vote. Lautenberg wrote back thanking me for contacting him. Menendez wrote back telling me why he supported the bill that he voted to defeat.
Menendez’s reelection campaign is just as duplicitous as his letter to me in June of 2006.
The theme of our junior senator’s campaign is The Middle Class Is Under Attack. He says he’s fighting for the Middle Class and wants to rebuild the economy from the “middle out.”
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Posted: October 8th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, 2012 U.S. Senate Race | Tags: Al Gore, Barack Obama, Barney Frank, Bob Menendez, Frank Lautenberg, Joe Kyrillos, Jon Corzine, Middle Class | 8 Comments »
What an unprecedented mess that would be.
In the unlikely event that any of the challenges to Barack Obama’s candidacy for a second term makes it all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court and succeeds, then what?
Before the case even got that far, would Judges and Justices appointed by Obama be eligible to hear and rule on the issue? Can you imagine Hannity or Limbaugh if they do rule? Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann (if he gets a job) if they don’t?
If Obama is ruled ineligible to serve as President of the United States, is he immediately removed from office? If so, who becomes President? If Obama’s 2008 election was invalid, it seems that Joe Biden’s election as Vice President would also be invalid. Next in line would be House Speaker John Boehner.
If John Boehner assumes the presidency, would the GOP nominate him as the 2012 candidate? Boehner isn’t ready to retire. Why would he want to give up the Speakership in order to be President for a few months. Would Boehner appoint Mitt Romney as Vice President? Would the Senate confirm Romney? Would Romney accept the job?
Would Boehner pardon Obama?
Who do the Democrats nominate for President? Biden? The party never warmed to him as a presidential candidate in his multiple tries. Hillary Clinton? John Kerry? Al Gore? Jesse Jackson? Al Sharpton? Keith Ellison (a real American Muslim)? Cory Booker? Dennis Kucinich?
What happens to all the laws, executive orders and appointments that Obama signed? Is ObamaCare the law? Are Sonya Sotomayor and Eleana Kagan Supreme Court Justices? Did Sandra Fluke really need all of that birth control?
Obama hasn’t signed a budget sinced he’s been President, but is the debt ceiling valid? Is all of that debt backed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America?
Would Obama owe the U.S. Treasury his salary, rent on the White House? Would he have to reimburse the Treasury for his security and vacations? Does he has to reimburse all his donors from the 2008 and 2012 campaigns?
I can understand why Judges would look for procedural or jurisdictional grounds not to hear such a case.
What would be better for the country? To pursue the issues raised by the Objectors or look the other way?
Posted: April 7th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Predictions | Tags: Al Gore, Al Sharpton, American Muslim, Barack Obama, Cory Booker, Dennis Kucinich, Eleana Kagan, Hillary Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Joe Biden, John Boehner, John Kerry, Keith Ellison, ObamaCare, Objectors, President of the United States, Sandra Fluke, Sonya Sotomayor, U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Treasury, United States of America, Vice President, White House | 14 Comments »
triCityNews publishers Dan Jacobson has launched a hyper-local news site, The Asbury Park Sun, which will cover local events in Asbury Park, Allenhurst, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Ocean Grove and Wanamassa.
Molly Mulshine, the very talented Stimulus Girl, has signed on as the site’s editor.
MMM welcomes our friends to Al Gore’s greatest invention and is pleased to be the first to get them listed on google.
Posted: March 30th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Sun, Dan Jacobson, Media, NJ Media | Tags: Al Gore, Allenhursts, Asbury Park, Asbury Park Son, Dan Jacobson, google listing, hyper-local news sites, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Molly Mulshine, Ocean Grove, Stimulus Girl, The Asbury Park Sun, triCityNews, Wanamassa | 2 Comments »
By Art Gallagher
Former Vice President Al Gore is coming to Rumson next week to stump and raise some cash for CD-12 Congressman Rush Holt.
Gore, who was called a “Crazed Sex Poodle”and a “big lummox” by Portland Oregon massage therapists Molly Hagerty when she accused him of groping her and painfully squeezing her nipples over her clothes during a massage at the Hotel Lucia in 2006, and the congressman who calls himself a Rocket Scientist will be having cocktails with supporters at the opulent mansion of Wall Street tycoon Thomas Unterberg on Sunday October 17, according to an announcement on Holt’s website.
Holt’s campaign has made an issue out of his opponent Scott Sipprelle’s Wall Street career. According to The Daily Princetonian, Holt sent an email to supporters bashing Wall Street and claiming he doesn’t “take big checks from them.”
… Holt’s reelection campaign has emphasized Sipprelle’s career on Wall Street. “It’s not news that a Wall Street multimillionaire would give himself a bonus, but it means that he’ll have the resources to try to distort Rush’s record of getting things done for Central New Jersey,” Holt’s campaign manager Sarah Stewart said in an April 16 e-mail to supporters.
“[Holt is] not working for the lobbyists. He’s not fighting to protect big banks and Wall Street. And he doesn’t get big checks from them. He has a broad base of support from real people with shared values,” she said.
Hmmm, the crazed sex poodle and the rocket scientist are coming to a Wall Street tycoon’s mansion not to take checks?
MoreMonmouthMusings surveyed area massage therapists to check on the likelihood of Gore getting a massage should he seek one while he is in the area.
Nicole Lerario, LMT, of A Kneaded Vacation Therapeutic Massage in Red Bank is a member of the Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce and the American Massage Therapy Association . Nicole said she does not massage clients after 8PM in order to avoid confrontations like Hagerty had. Lerario, who is licensed to practice massage in New York said she would work on any politician, “so that I can talk to them about having massage therapy covered by health insurance and about the importance of licensing massage therapists.” She said New Jersey does not license massage therapists, but should because, “massage parlors and untrained women advertising body rubs makes life difficult for legitimate therapists.”
Michelle, who advertises in the Asbury Park Press classifieds as “PETITE PLEASURE MASSAGE 24 hrs., In/Out GSP 105”could accommodate the former Vice President after 8PM but “probably wouldn’t,” she told MMM, “When dirty laundry comes out about well known people, it comes out on the other people involved too. Some people might like that, but I prefer to be more discreet and do my little thing.”
Annie of Fair Haven Therapeutic Massage also advertises in the APP. GRAND OPENING ASIAN STAFF, River Road, is how the ad reads. There was something of a language barrier between Annie and I. She wanted to know if Al Gore was the Vice President of Monmouth County, and she wanted to know if I would be coming with him for massagee. I told her I would not be joining Gore and that he was the former Vice President of the United States. “Ooohhh,” she said, “we would be honored.” Gore would have to visit Annie’s office, which is just down the road from the Unterberg estate.
Rosie advertises in the massage section of
as ROSIE LATIN MASSAGE. She said “No, I am not interested in doing that,” when asked if she would massage Al Gore.
Lorraine advertises ~*~*~ Holistic Massage & Reiki ~*~*~ by Female ~open 7 days on She told me she would be happy to massage Gore, but that he would have to come to Manalapan and stay fully draped.
From this small sample, I get the distinct feeling that Northern Jersey Shore massage industry is not going to be stimulated by Gore’s visit.
Poor Al. He’ll have to settle for the Wall Street checks that Holt says he doesn’t accept.
Posted: October 7th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Rush Holt | Tags: Al Gore, Crazed Sex Poodle, Massage Therapy, Molly Hagerty, Monmouth County News, Rush Holt | 1 Comment »