By Michael Reagan As we’ve said here before, Donald Trump has to learn to just shut up and let things go. The failure to do that is the worst Achilles heel of a president who seems to have half a dozen Achilles heels. Because he can’t think on his feet, because he doesn’t know how to… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: August 20th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: Donald Trump, Opinion | Tags: Michael Reagan, Opinion, President Donald Trump | 1 Comment »
By Art Gallagher

August 12, 1958 was a big day in my mother’s life. I don’t even remember it
I’ve intentionally stayed out the the raging debate over the terrible events in Virginia last weekend and the adequacy, or lack thereof, of President Trump’s response to them.
I consider most of the ranting, from both the left and the right, to be bullshit political posturing, or ass covering, that will make no positive difference at all in improving our quality of life. It won’t make a positive difference how we relate to people who don’t look like us, dress like us or talk like us. On the contrary, the raging narrative in the media seems to be increasing our divisions.
The best result, so far, of the current media narrative is that we are apparently no longer on the verge of nuclear war with the crazy fat kid in North Korea and the Russians are apparently no longer attempting to hijack our republic.
I’m inviting my little corner of the Internet to use the upset caused by recent events to create some love and harmony. I think its contagious.
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Posted: August 16th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Art Gallagher, Monmouth County News, Opinion | Tags: Art Gallagher, Diversity, Monmouth County News, Opinion | 7 Comments »
By Bob McKenna

Bob McKenna
So there it is, finally out in the open. In his comments to MMM regarding his endorsement of Mr. Flancbaum for the LD 30 Assembly position, Senator Singer is quoted as saying, “ I had to defend my county “ ( Ocean ). I’m confused, I thought this Assembly seat, as well Senator Singer’s position, was about the representation at the state level of the residents, businesses and taxpayers of the 14 municipalities comprising LD 30, 12 of which are in Monmouth County.
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Posted: August 11th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2017 Elections, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Opinion, Wall Township | Tags: 2017 elections, 2017 Legislative election, Bob McKenna, Justin Flancbaum, LD 30, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Opinion, Senator Robert Singer, Wall Township | 5 Comments »
By Tommy DeSeno
“College Achieve” charter school is trying to open in Asbury Park. It’s operated by Mike Piscal, who is known in the education field for making charter schools in California go broke, for having lax policy on sexual harassment and choosing spokespeople the likes of Bill Cosby. After California he spent two years in Las Vegas, then recently had a failed attempt to open a charter school in Brooklyn.
Having come back home to New Jersey, he incorporated “College Achieve” charter school with no assets other than the $75.00 filing fee, with an address at his father’s house in Toms River.
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Posted: August 10th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, Education, Marriage Equality, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: Asbury Park, Bible, Charter School, Church and State, College Achieve, Gay rights, Leviticus Fund, Mike Piscal, Monmouth County News, Old Testiment, Opinion, Religious Rights, Tom DeSeno, Tommy DeSeno | 7 Comments »
By Patrick Short

Patrick Short , former Middletown Township Committeeman
The races for State offices this year are going to be exciting and I can’t wait for the truths, half-truths, or no truths be told. Who knows how one will vote this year. The water is very rough. One side remains angry. The other side who hung too close to Christie’s coat tail is very vulnerable.
To get my vote:
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Posted: July 11th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Opinion | Tags: 2017 elections, Middletown, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Opinion, Patrick Short | 2 Comments »
By Laurie Ehlbeck
Obamacare has been, to put it mildly, burdensome for small businesses in New Jersey. Soon, the Senate will have a chance to do something about it.
Year after year, when the National Federation of Independent Business surveys its members, they say their number one priority is healthcare, but the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, has made things more difficult for them. Its onerous taxes and mandates have increased costs and reduced choices.
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Posted: June 28th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Health Care, New Jersey, ObamaCare, Opinion | Tags: Affordable Care Act, health insurance, Healthcare, Laurie Ehlbeck, National Federation of Independent Businesses, New Jersey, NFIB, ObamaCare, Opinion, Sen Bob Menendez, Sen Cory Booker | 2 Comments »

Senator Jennifer Beck
By Senator Jennifer Beck
The biggest issue facing our state is property taxes. And the biggest impact on that issue is school taxes.
Over the next several weeks, a new plan for school funding will be debated in Trenton.
There aren’t a lot of details being provided on this plan or its methodology, but estimates suggest that it could end up costing Monmouth County schools over $100 million in state school aid.
This plan, if estimates are true, isn’t a fair or equitable solution to our school funding crisis.
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Posted: June 15th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: Jennifer Beck, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, New Jersey State Budget, Opinion, Property Taxes | Tags: Jen Beck, Jennifer Beck, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, New Jersey School Funding, Opinion, Property Taxes, Senator Jennifer Beck | Comments Off on Beck: School Funding Should Be Fair and Transparent
By Tom DeSeno
The Asbury Park Press is the only daily paper targeting two New Jersey counties. If that sounds small, consider those two counties have a larger population than eight U.S. states. They double the population of Washington DC. That makes the AP Press important not only as a courier of news, but considering its monopoly, as a sculptor of opinion in our great national debate.
Owned by media giant Gannett, the largest newspaper publisher in America and parent of USA Today, there exists available resources to publish a product that mirrors the Press’ considerable responsibility (if Gannett is willing to open the spigot on resources, that is).
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Posted: June 13th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Hollis Towns, Media bias, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Randy Bergmann, Tom DeSeno, Tommy DeSeno | 7 Comments »
By Art Gallagher
I’m voting for Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno in the Republican Primary tomorrow because I’m convinced she’s the only candidate in the field who can defeat former Goldman Sachs banker Phil Murphy, the likely Democrat nominee, in November and prevent the return of unbridled government spending and taxation that will occur if Democrats regain control of the State Executive branch.
Guadagno’s primary campaign has been brilliant in its simplicity. She has deftly managed to put distance between herself and Governor Chris Christie while keeping her eye on the prize….winning the gubernatorial nomination. Kim has demonstrated that she knows that she is out to win an election, not to sell investors on a business plan. She’s presented herself as likeable, relatable and wanting to make New Jersey “Better.” Her appeal is emotional, not cerebral.
The most likeable candidate is going to win in November. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: June 5th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2017 Elections, 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, Kim Guadagno, New Jersey, Opinion | Tags: 2017 GOP primary, 2017 Gubernatorial race, Jack Ciattarelli, Kim Guadagno, New Jersey, Opinion | 1 Comment »
By Art Gallagher
Over the Memorial Day weekend I noticed that Sean Byrnes, the establishment candidate for State Senate in the 13th District Democratic Primary, has put up lawn signs to get people to vote for him on Tuesday, June 6. Byrnes is being challenged for the nomination to compete with Republican Declan O’Scanlon in November by Joshua Leinsdorf of Atlantic Highlands. The winner of the LD 13 Senate election will replace Senator Joe Kyrillos in the Senate.
Given that Byrnes is taking the primary challenge from Leinsdorf seriously, I thought I should too. I invited Mr. Leinsdorf to sit with me for an interview. He surprised me. I thought Leinsdorf was an attention seeking gadfly perennial candidate. I found him to be a sincere, smart and thoughtful man who has common sense ideas on how to solve New Jersey’s many fiscal problems. Win or lose, he wants to influence public policy. He claims that even his losing campaigns have made a difference.
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Posted: June 2nd, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2017 Elections, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Opinion | Tags: Declan O'Scanlon, endorsement, Joshua Leinsdorf, LD 13 Democratic Primary, LD 13 primary, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Opinion, Sean Byrnes | 1 Comment »