Freeholder Deputy Director Serena DiMaso announced today that the County Division of Weights and Measures, which she oversees, is on the look-out for unscrupulous gas stations that are raising their prices on the news that New Jersey Gas Tax has been increased by $.23 per gallon.
The new Trenton money grab does not go into effect until November 1.
In the fall of 2013, shoppers at the Garden State Plaza mall in Paramus fled in terror as a man with a rifle stalked the halls. Police officers, going through each store one by one, rescued dozens of people with no injuries. But what if those in the mall could have given police an eye into… Read the rest of this entry »
Freehold, NJ-Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon announced this morning that there as been an issue throughout the State of New Jersey with the proper delivery of Vote-By-Mail ballots being returned to the Board of Elections in voters respective counties.
Hanlon said that out of over 23,000 ballots requested in Monmouth County, over 4,700 voters have already returned their ballots to the Board of Elections without issue.However, the Clerk’s Office has received about 30 calls from voters who mailed in their ballots and had them return to to their homes by the Post Office.
Postal Service scanners have been picking up the tracking label on the return address of some ballots as the “mail to” address.
Monmouth Dems Solomeno and Doherty flaunt their lawlessness
Even if he did have sexual relations with that woman, Cindy, the Swedish whore (he says he didn’t and the facebook post was a joke among friends who had lost their phones) Vincent Solomeno did not break any laws that day in Amsterdam where prostitution is legal.
But in an amazing admission at the candidates debate in Manalapan last week, Solomeno admitted he would break the law with impunity should he be elected Monmouth County Surrogate.
Monmouth GOP blasts Dems’ for gender bias against women
Vincent Solomeno, the Democrat candidate for County Surrogate, posted a message on facebook explaining that he was without a phone and that if anyone needed to reach him, “there’s this swedish whore named cindy who usually knows where to find me.”
The post was made in 2007 while Solomeno was a graduate student at the University of Amsterdam. It remained on his facebook page until at least three weeks ago when it was removed after MMM asked him about it.
click for larger view
“Obviously I don’t engage in prostitution,” Solomeno said in a phone interview. “I don’t remember making the post. I don’t think something I did nine years ago while I was in college disqualifies me from being the Surrogate.”
Sue Fulton, a Democrat candidate for Monmouth County Freeholder, said she would reduce property taxes by 5% last week at a candidates forum at the Four Seasons 55+ community clubhouse in Manalapan.
Fulton did not say what programs she would cut, or what fiscal gimmicks she would employ, to come up with the $15.275 million. In a television commercial that started airing today on cable, Fulton said,”Cutting taxes won’t be easy. But I learned a long time ago, the the tougher the job, the harder you work.”
Fulton and her running mate, Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, who we already know is sketchy, criticized their opponents, Freeholder Director Tom and Arnone and Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso, for the $4.5 million dollar property tax cut they made this year. Read the rest of this entry »
Deputy Freeolder Director Serena DiMaso was challenged by her Democrat opponent, Sue Fulton, to declare her differences with the Republican National Platform at a candidates forum on Thursday night at the Four Seasons 55+ community in Manalapan.
Both DiMaso and Fulton were both aware that Democrat operatives were seated in the audience recording the exchange for use in the barrage of TV commercials that will attack DiMaso starting next week and extending through election day.
Rather than get into a same sex marriage or abortion debate by answering the GOP platform question, DiMaso deftly pivoted and addressed the presidential candidates.
Mayor Musich Expects To Take Legal Action To Stop The Pig Farming
It took about three weeks longer than the property owner expected, but there is a pig farm at the corner of Millhurst Road and Route 33 in the Township of Manalapan.
This column is for my Republican friends in the Assembly, especially those from Monmouth County.
Dave Rible, Rob Clifton, Sean Kean, Monmouth Republican Assembly Members who voted for gas tax in June, and Declan O’Scanlon who didn’t vote, should join Amy Handlin and Ronald Dancer, Republicans who represent parts of Monmouth and voted NO in June, in voting NO on Wednesday or whenever the bill that Governor Christie, Senate President Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto agreed to on Friday comes up for a vote.
The Asbury Park Press is peddling a story about Eatontown Mayor Dennis Connelly’s recent employment as the manager of the Motor Vehicle Commission office in Freehold. But other than a gadfly’s complaint about the position being a patronage job, The Asbury Park Press did not back up their sensational headline, Concern raised over Eatontown mayor’s new job, with any concerns.
What is the concern? It is a patronage job. If a Democrat is elected governor next year, Connelly, a Republican, will be out of the job. A Democrat will be appointed to that job. Will The Asbury Park Press be concerned then?
Connelly did not try to hide that he had taken a job with MVC. He announced it on facebook.
Last year, Freehold Borough Councilman Kevin Kane was a Democratic candidate for County Clerk. He got trounced by Clerk Christine Hanlon, the incumbent Republican. Four months later Kane landed a $65,000 per year job for Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop. Kane is boosting his pension credits from being a part time councilman with his new job. The Asbury Press did not express any concern about Kane’s new job. The Jersey Jounal/ was concerned.