Dem Surrogate Candidate Solomeno denies using prostitutes
Monmouth GOP blasts Dems’ for gender bias against women
Vincent Solomeno, the Democrat candidate for County Surrogate, posted a message on facebook explaining that he was without a phone and that if anyone needed to reach him, “there’s this swedish whore named cindy who usually knows where to find me.”
The post was made in 2007 while Solomeno was a graduate student at the University of Amsterdam. It remained on his facebook page until at least three weeks ago when it was removed after MMM asked him about it.
“Obviously I don’t engage in prostitution,” Solomeno said in a phone interview. “I don’t remember making the post. I don’t think something I did nine years ago while I was in college disqualifies me from being the Surrogate.”
The Surrogate’s Office oversees the the probate of wills, adoptions and guardianships.
The facebook post came to light yesterday when the Monmouth GOP released it in response to statement by Monmouth County Democrat Chairman Vin Gopal which attempted to tie Donald Trump’s 11 year old audio with offensive language about women to the Republican candidates for county offices, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Surrogate Rosemarie Peters and Freeholders Tom Arnone and Serena DiMaso.
“The (Monmouth) County Republicans have endorsed a very sick man for President who brags about how he can sexually assault any woman he wants because he is a ‘celebrity,'” Gopal told The Asbury Park Press. “Is this really who Sheriff Shaun Golden, Surrogate Rosemary Peters, Freeholders Tom Arnone and Serena DiMaso all want in the White House and are proud to run on a ballot with?”
In a press release also posted on facebook, the County Republicans acclaimed their record of nominating women to county and legislative offices at a significantly greater rate than that of the Democrats, and called on Solomeno to “explain why he feels it appropriate to use a vile term such as “whore” when referencing a woman.” The GOP said that Gopal discriminates against women seeking higher office and that he and Solomeno “need to take a long look in the mirror, and apologize to the women of Monmouth County.”

Screenshot of Surrogate Candidate Vincent Solomeno’s facebook post about campaigning in Middletown High School North. MMM has reduced the size of the photo to protect the identity of the students.
The Republicans noted that in the last eight general elections, since 2009, they have nominated 26 female candidates for county and state offices, while their Democrat counterparts have nominated only 11. Since Gopal became chairman in 2012, he has “nominated 26 men and only 5 women to county or legislative offices, while the Monmouth GOP has nominated gender balanced tickets totaling 17 men and 14 women.”
“Worse than Gopal’s obvious discrimination against women is the fact that his candidate this year for County Surrogate, the office that oversees the affairs of orphans, the disabled, seniors, and grieving families, openly uses the word “whore,” and bragged about his relationship with a prostitute on facebook,” the County GOP statement said.
This the the second time in less than a month that the appropriateness of Solomeno’s social media activity has come under question. Last month a picture of Middletown High School North students was posted on the Surrogate candidate’s campaign page on facebook, without the consent of the students’ parents of the school’s administration.
Solomeno and his running mates, Freeholder candidates Sue Fulton and Matt Doherty, appeared at Middletown North to campaign and recruit interns. Gopal, and Middletown Superintendent of Schools, William George, EdD, justified the candidates’ appearance in the school as an educational experience that Republicans were invited to participate in retroactively.
Neither George or Gopal have yet to address the privacy violations of the students pictured for the campaign ad on facebook. The photo was removed from Solomeno’s campaign page after Freeholder Director Tom Arnone called the school to question why his opponents were campaigning in a classroom. Solomeno denied responsibility for the photo. “The campaign did that,” he said.
Gopal declined to comment about either of Solomeno’s problematic facebook posts.
Gee wiz – if Bill Clinton can use women in any way he wants, why can’t this democrat candidate do the same?
Wonder what his female running mate will say? At least she is married to her wife.
Both of these human beings are very lucky we are not under Sharia law in this country.
whatever Dems do is ok and forgivable. The disgusting double standard, made clearer than ever this year, should make Dem voters embarassed, defect, and/ or at least, stay home. Memo to would- be geniuses and egos contemplating a run for any office( especially if you happen to be a Republican,) – either check with Hiliary as to how to bleach, blow up, scrub, or wipe out any email, comment, opinion, “like” or post you have ever made, or our fine ” gotcha” media, mentality,and culture will cut your whatevers off!!!
Lets all calm down now. Prosititution is perfectly LEGAL overseas–especially in the Netherlands. Lets move along now, nothing to see.
From the mouth of Hillary Clinton —–
“He is not fit to serve”.
The sword swings both ways – or does it
As a Republican Elected Official, I am grateful to the County Leadership for not only supporting women in political office but advocating for us and going above and beyond. I am proud to be part of a unified team working together with a common goal- to bring good government and good leadership for our constituents. Sadly, I don’t always see that on the other side.
Really Sue?? You are truly grateful to the county leaders for advocating for women?
Where was your disdain and disgust when two legislators from the county, Senator Kyrillos and Senator Beck voted NO on Senate Bill 922? That Bill would have granted equality to WOMAN!
So before you look at the Democrats, take a long hard long at these two legislators representing Monmouth County–and the silence of the leadership of the Monmouth County GOP organization.
…should attend Solomeno’s events and hand out packets of Swedish Fish®.