I took a walk around the local strip mall the other day. The only traffic was a guy in a muscle car doing burn-outs. In the old days, the cops would have been on him in a minute. But no one was there to notice him except for me. The parking lot was empty except for… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 6th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: Eatontown, Monmouth County News | Tags: Eatontown, Jared Kushner, Mayor Dennis Connelly, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Mall, Opinion, Paul Mulshine | 2 Comments »
By Art Gallagher

Eatontown Mayor Dennis Connelly
The Asbury Park Press is peddling a story about Eatontown Mayor Dennis Connelly’s recent employment as the manager of the Motor Vehicle Commission office in Freehold. But other than a gadfly’s complaint about the position being a patronage job, The Asbury Park Press did not back up their sensational headline, Concern raised over Eatontown mayor’s new job, with any concerns.
What is the concern? It is a patronage job. If a Democrat is elected governor next year, Connelly, a Republican, will be out of the job. A Democrat will be appointed to that job. Will The Asbury Park Press be concerned then?
Connelly did not try to hide that he had taken a job with MVC. He announced it on facebook.
Last year, Freehold Borough Councilman Kevin Kane was a Democratic candidate for County Clerk. He got trounced by Clerk Christine Hanlon, the incumbent Republican. Four months later Kane landed a $65,000 per year job for Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop. Kane is boosting his pension credits from being a part time councilman with his new job. The Asbury Press did not express any concern about Kane’s new job. The Jersey Jounal/NJ.com was concerned.
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Posted: September 29th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Opinion | Tags: Art Gallagher, Asbury Park Press, Christine Hanlon, Eatontown, Jeff Cantor, Lawless Matt Doherty, Maggie Moran, Matt Doherty, Mayor Dennis Connelly, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Rosemarie Peters, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Vincent Solomeno | 5 Comments »
Freeholder Lillian Burry and Mayors Michael Mahon (Oceanport), Gerry Turning (Tinton Falls) and Dennis Connelly (Eatontown) issued the following statement this afternoon regarding the Ebola quarantine facilities at Fort Monmouth. Burry and the mayors are members of the board of the Fort Monmouth Revitalization Agency (FMERA).
“As the only members of the FMERA board who are elected to office, we wish to clarify some of the recent articles on the proposal to house a quarantine facility at Fort Monmouth for those that are exposed to Ebola while outside the United States. Only those that returned to the U.S. through New Jersey and have no place to reside will potentially be placed in this facility. The articles further state that the Department of Human Services has a 6-month lease with FMERA to use the property which began on January 1st. The elected officials further stated that at no time did they ever vote on or approve such a lease. This lease was imposed on FMERA by the executive branch and was not vetted at a public meeting or voted on by the entire Board. The lease was actually signed by the Attorney General and was not supported by the Board as a whole.
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Posted: February 2nd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Ebola, Fort Monmouth | Tags: Eatontown, Ebola, Ebola Quarantine, Fort Monmouth, Freeholder Lillian Burry, Mayor Dennis Connelly, Mayor Gerry Turning, Mayor Michael Mahon, Monmouth County, Oceanport, Tinton Falls | 3 Comments »