Over 900 of Shaun Golden’s friends, family, supporters and potential adversaries showed up for the Sherrif’s 9th annual winter gala at Eagle Oaks Country Club in Farmingdale on Friday night.
Always an exciting event, there was an additional energy this year as a rumor spread throughout political circles that Golden would announce his intention to run for governor in 2021.
Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden is upset about the care that military veterans are getting and and the attention that the media is giving to the plight of inmates in State and County prisons compared to the sparse coverage the media is giving convalescing vets in state run homes.
“This is shameful,” Golden said of reports that the high rate of mortality at New Jersey’s veterans homes since the COVID-19 pandemic broke. “We hear more about our inmates than our veterans. Everyday I receive calls from reporters on the status of inmates and there is blanket coverage on those in the jail, yet there’s sparse coverage on our veterans.”
FREEHOLD — More than 100 people, including law enforcement officials and members of the armed forces throughout Monmouth County, on Wednesday joined state and local leaders for a ceremony honoring the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The Patriot’s Pride ceremony was hosted by Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden, and included Lt. Gov. Kim… Read the rest of this entry »
Sheriff Shaun Golden and members of the Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey
Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden met with members of the Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey on Monday at the Sheriff’s Office Public Safety Center in Freehold to discuss emergency action plans for faith based organizations as part of his ongoing commitment to training faith based organizations in keeping their members and children safe.
During the fortuitously scheduled event which followed terrorist attacks in nearby Ocean and Union Counties and New York City last weekend, Golden spoke about the Sheriff’s Office’s continuing proactive approach to addressing homeland security and counter terrorism issues, and, offered advice and assistance to the attendees.
Monmouth County Republican Chairman Shaun Golden released a statement this morning announcing that his slate of municipal candidates this year included six Young Republican Leaders under the age of 35.
Candidates for local office filed to run with their respective Municipal Clerks all across Monmouth County on Monday. It is clear by the two parties’ selection of nominees, that Republicans in Monmouth County are the only ones offering voters a chance to elect a new generation of leaders with fresh, bold ideas for the future.
It's hurricane season and @sheriffgolden wants all to Know Your Zone. Please share this important safety message from the #MCSONJ. The information is vital should Monmouth County be affected by a significant weather event. #HurricaneSeasonpic.twitter.com/zMZhJraGbO
— Monmouth County Sheriff's Office (@MonmouthSheriff) July 29, 2020
Monmouth County Republican Chairman, Sheriff Shaun Golden has condemned the recent social media behavior of Sammy Gindi, an “off the line” candidate for the Republican nomination to challenge Congressman Frank Pallone in the fall. Golden called for Gindi to withdraw from the Republican primary.
At 7 a.m. this morning, Monmouth Ocean Hospital Services Corp, better known as MONOC, ceased operating as the primary provider of paramedic EMS services in Monmouth and Ocean Counties after 42 years.
Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden, a former MONOC paramedic, reports that the transition to the new providers of advanced life support services, Hackensack Meridian Health and Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health, was seamless and that paramedic units from the hospitals have been responding with no interruptions.
Shaun Golden and U.S. Senate candidate Rik Mehta at the Golden Gala
Bill Palatucci, New Jersey’s Republican National Committeeman, was showing U.S. Senate candidate Rik Mehta around the Golden Era Gala on Friday night, which surprised me because Hirsh Singh has been touting the Republican National Commiteeman’s endorsement for the nomination to take on Senator Cory Booker for months.
“I’m trying to get Eli Manning to run,” I told Palatucci when he asked me if I knew Mehta. Bill laughed and without missing a beat said, “Is that going to happen? Just it case it doesn’t, you should know Rik Methta.” Read the rest of this entry »