What’s tackier than Christmas decorations before Halloween? Political signs before Labor Day.
The Matawan Democrats put their signs out two weeks ago. The Republicans responded by promising to pass a sign ordinance if they take control on election day. A sign ordinance in Matawan wouldn’t keep this sign from being posted even on the 4th of July. It’s in Aberdeen and is their, on Township property, with the blessing of Aberdeen Mayor Fred Tagliani who is very fond of the Cannon boys.

Republicans are taking orders for their signs on facebook.
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Posted: August 30th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: 2019 elections, Aberdeen, Matawan, Monmouth County News, Political signs | Comments Off on Political Signs In August?
The Kenilworth Schools Superintendent accused of serial pooping at the Holmdel High School track quit his job yesterday, according to a report at NJ.com
Dr. Thomas Tramaglini of Matawan resigned from the Kenilworth School System effective September 30. An announcement to district staff was made via email and voicemail, accord to the report.
“Based on events unrelated to his service for Kenilworth, it has become clear to both Dr. Tramaglini and the Kenilworth Board of Education that his continued service as Superintendent of Schools has become too much of a distraction to the main mission of the district,” the email states.
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Posted: July 27th, 2018 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: Dr. Thomas Tramaglini, Holmdel High School, Kenilworth Schools, Matawan, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Pooperintendent, Super Pooper | 2 Comments »

Dr. Thomas Tramaglini, the Super Pooper. photo via Kenilworth Public Schools
Dr. Thomas Tramaglini, 42, of Matawan, was charged by the Holmdel Police with Lewdness, Littering and Defecating in Public after the School Resource Officer spotted him taking a dump on the Holmdel High School track, according to multiple published reports.
Tramaglini is the Superintendent of Schools in Kenilworth in Union County. He was formerly the PreK-12 Chief Academic Officer in Keansburg. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 3rd, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: Dr. Thomas Tramaglini, Holmdel High School, Keansburg Schools, Kenilworth Schools, Matawan, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Super Pooper | Comments Off on Super Pooper Caught At Holmdel High School

photo via Aberdeen PD/facebook
Tenneyson D. Fairclough, 37, of Old Bridge, was arrested by Aberdeen Township Police on December 24 and charged with shooting a Somerset County man on December 23 outside the Masonic Lodge in the Township, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni announced.
Aberdeen Police responded to a report of shots fired at the Masonic Lodge at 9:53 p.m. on Thursday night. Upon their arrival, officers did not find a victim. A local hospital later notified police that a male gunshot victim was being treated at their facility. The victim was treated at the hospital for non-life threatening injuries and was later released.
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Posted: December 25th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Aberdeen, Monmouth County News | Tags: Aberdeen, Aberdeen Police Department, Matawan, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni, Old Bridge, Tenneyson D. Fairclough | Comments Off on Old Bridge Man Charged In Aberdeen Shooting

Bryan Sanderson. photo via Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office
Bryan W. Sanderson, 24, of Middletown was arrested and charged on August 18 with luring a 14 year old girl last year using the online social media app Kik, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni announced this afternoon.
Sanderson has been in the custody of the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility, Bordentown, since September 9, 2015 after he was found with the 14 year old year in a car after a traffic stop in Union County for an expired registration. A subsequent investigation led to the discovery of numerous images and videos considered child pornography on Sanderson’s cellphone.
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Posted: September 8th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: Bryan Sanderson, Bryan W. Sanderson, Matawan, Middletown, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni | Comments Off on Middletown Sex Offender, 24, Charged With Luring A 14 Year Old Girl

Matthew Kaminsky circa 2008. photo via facebook
Matthew Kaminsky, 49, of 9 Homestead Dr. in Matawan, was arrested by federal authorities today and charged with soliciting an underage girl to produce images of herself engaged in sexually explicit conduct and send the images to him through an online instant messaging application, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman announced.
According to the federal complaint, Kaminsky engaged a 13 year old North Carolina girl in the online chat service KIK over the course of four days in late January of 2015, and induced the girl to send him nude and sexually explicit photos of herself. He also sent nude photos of himself to the girl.
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Posted: April 12th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: Child Pornography, Kiddie porn, Matawan, Matthew Kaminsky, Monmouth County News, U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman | 4 Comments »
Matawan Councilwoman Toni Marie Angelini has resigned from the borough’s governing body effective June 30. Angelini, who declined to seek reelection this year, is moving to Wall Township.
Mayor Paul Buccellato said that Angelini will be missed. “Toni was a valuable member of the council who represented the residents of Matawan with honesty and integrity,” Buccellato said, “She always made decisions with the best interests of the people in mind.”
Angelini has lived in Matawan for 15 years and was elected to the Borough Council twice. Her move to Wall brings her closer to her family, Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini and Ocean Township School Board Member Bob Angelini, and gives her a shorter to commute to Trenton where she is the Senior Media Manger for Northeast and Midwest at the National Federation of Independent Businesses. (NFIB).
Toni Marie was formerly the manager of the Hazlet Motor Vehicle Commission facility and worked on Superstorm Sandy recovery in Governor Chris Christie’s office until October of last year.
Posted: May 14th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Matawan, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: Matawan, Mayor Paul Buccellato, National Federation of Independent Businesses, NFIB, Toni Marie Angelini | Comments Off on Toni Marie Angelini Resigns From Matawan Council Effective June 30

It looks like a great week ahead. Earth day is on Tuesday, April 22nd
and Friday, the 25th is Arbor Day.
Monmouth County is celebrating all over.
It all starts on Monday, the 21st with two EARTH DAY STORY & CRAFT events. Be sure to Register and get there by 4:15 PM to either the
Holmdel Township Library, RSVP: 732-946-4118 or
to the Marlboro Library, RSVP: 732-536-9406
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Posted: April 20th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Environment | Tags: arbor day, Atlantic Highlands, bizeturtle, earth day, garden, Holmdel, Library, Long Branch, Marlboro, Matawan, Monmouth County, Monmouth University, Sandy Hook, trees, West Long Branch | 1 Comment »
A two week investigation by the Matawan Police Department resulted in a prostution arrest on Friday afternoon, according the Matawan-Aberdeen Patch.
A Brooklyn woman is facing prostitution charges after she allegedly offered services to an undercover police officer at Hot Stone Massage Therapy in Matawan.
Inga Zubenko, 45, was arrested at about 4 p.m. Friday and charged with prostitution and operating within the borough without a masseuse license, according the Lt. Ben Smith.
The owner of the parlor, Lioudmila Tynanskikh of Manalapan, was issued a summons for operating a parlor in the borough without a license. The license for the parlor at 70 Main Street had expired and was never renewed, Smith explained.
10 members of Matawan’s 20 person police department participated in the investigation. No wonder it took two weeks.

Posted: March 25th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Crime and Punishment, Matawan | Tags: Happy ending, Inga Zubenko, Lioudmile Tynabskikh, Manalapan, Massage Parlor, Matawan, Matawan Massage Parlor, Matawan Police Department, Prositution | Comments Off on Rubbed the wrong way in Matawan
Press Release
The Monmouth County Democratic Organization swept races across the county yesterday! U.S. Congressman Frank Pallone Jr. for a big 65% district-wide victory! Congressman Pallone also comfortably carried the Monmouth County portion of the district with over 55% of the vote. President Obama and Senator Menendez nearly matched Governor Romney and Senator Kyrillos vote by vote in what analysts had predicted earlier in the year would be a Republican blowout in Monmouth. They were wrong! Monmouth County Democrats delivered over 125,000 votes for President Obama, the 6th highest amount of votes in the state of all 21 counties. Turnout for the election was at an impressive 58% of registered voters despite half the county still not having power and with thousands of people still displaced from their homes.
Monmouth County Democrats scored major municipal wins, defeating 7 incumbent Republicans. NO Democratic incumbents were defeated. Monmouth Dems scored major wins in the Bayshore this year, with wins in Highlands, Atlantic Highlands, Hazlet, Keyport and Matawan, setting up a strong foundation in the Bayshore for future years. Here are some of our major wins
In Atlantic Highlands, Roy Dellosso and Bob Sutton were re-elected, topping two Republican challengers by over 350 votes.
In Belmar, Councilwoman Jennifer Nicolay won nearly 60% of the vote, trouncing her Republican challenger.
In Eatontown, incumbent Councilman Anthony Talerico was top vote-getter by nearly 1,000 votes defeating his Republican challenger. In addition, Janice Kroposky comfortably defeated Republican incumbent Kevin Gonzalez to win the second seat. Welcome to the Eatontown governing body, Councilwoman-Elect Kroposky!
In Farmingdale, 4 Democrats faced 4 Republicans in a showdown for the Western Monmouth community. Democrats Richard Geffken and newcomer Carly Immen defeated their Republican opponents to win 2 of the seats. Democrat Jan Zientek currently trails by just 5 votes behind his Republican challenger for the 3rd seat. Absentee ballots and Provisionals still need to be counted and Monmouth County Democrats’ attorneys are weighing a re-count for Jan’s seat. Still, winning these 2 seats is a huge breakthrough in a town where Republican voter registration outnumbers Democrats 2 to 1.
In Freehold Borough, Democratic newcomer Ron Griffiths outsed Republican incumbent John Newman while Democratic incumbent Sharon Shutzer was re-elected.
In Hazlet, Democrats Jim DiNardo and Barbara Ronchetti beat Republican incumbent Mayor David Tinker and Committeeman Jim Brady to take a 3-2 majority of the Hazlet governing body, a big win for the Bayshore community.
In Highlands, Democratic Councilman Kevin Redmond was re-elected and Democrat Tara Ryan was elected, winning a Republican held seat.
In Keyport, Democratic Councilman Ken McPeek was re-elected and Sophia Lamberson was elected. Councilwoman-Elect Lamberson will take the seat of Council President Christian Bolte who did not seek re-election. The duo beat their GOP challengers by more than 500 votes.
In Matawan, Democratic newcomer Kim Daly was elected to the Borough Council defeating incumbent councilman Andrew Lopez. Democrat Nicholas Nellegar was narrowly defeated for the 2nd seat by just 80 votes. Monmouth County Democrats Attorneys are currently reviewing absentee ballots and provisionals but Democrats have broken the all GOP stronghold in Matawan.
Posted: November 7th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth Democrats | Tags: Andrew Lopez, Anthony Talerico, Atlantic Highlands, Barack Obama, Barbara Ronchetti, Belmar, Bob Menendez, Bob Sutton, Carly Immen, Christian Bolte, David Tinker, Eatontown, Farmingdale, Frank Pallone, Freehold Borough, Hazlet, Jan Zientek, Janice Kroposky, Jennifer Nicolay, Jim Brady, Jim DiNardo, Ken McPeek, Kim Daly, Matawan, Monmouth Democrats, Nicholas Nellegar, Richard Geffken, Ron Griffiths, Roy Dellossa, Sharon Shutzer, Sophia Lambersonn | 7 Comments »