Jeffery W. Foster resigned from the Wall Township Committee last week. He is applying to be the Director of Public Works for the Township and wants his application to be considered on it’s merits, not based upon his political position.

Jeffrey Foster
Foster was elected to the Township Committee in 2007 and served as mayor in 2012. He has been chairman of the Public Works Committee throughout his tenure.
If only a certain former Manalapan Township mayor had taken the same approach when he wanted to sell the development rights to his farm to the government.
Foster, 59, has been looking to get a municipal public works position for last the last few years. He applied to be the Director of Public Works in Belmar two years ago. Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty said Foster’s application was given serious consideration. “Jeff would make an excellent Public Works Director,” Doherty told MMM in a phone interview.
Foster has also applied to be an Assistant Public Works Director in Middletown. He sold his auto repair and towing business last summer. He started working as a maintence worker at the New Jersey Department of Transportation last September. “They let me use the heavy equipment,” Foster said, “I love this work. ”
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Posted: July 14th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Wall Township | Tags: Anne Marie Conte, Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, Eric Brophy, Gary Faraci, George Newberry, Jeffrey Foster, Public works, Robert Hendrickson, Vin Gopal, Wall Township, Wall Township Committee | 12 Comments »

Shaun Golden
Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden has picked up the endorsements of the elected officials from a third large municipality in his quest to replace John O. Bennett III as the Chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Organization.
Mayor Clint Hoffman, Deputy Mayor George Newberry and Township Committee Members Ann Marie Conte, Jeff Foster and Todd Luttman, the entire governing body of Wall Township, signed a letter on Wall Township Republican Organization letterhead and addressed to Monmouth County Republicans today, strongly endorsing Golden for Chairman. Their letter can be found here.
The Wall governing body joins the elected officials of Middletown and Howell in supporting Golden.
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Posted: May 21st, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: Anne Marie Conte, Clint Hoffman, George Newberry, Howell, John Bennett, John O. Bennett III, Middletown, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth GOP Chairman's race, Shaun Golden, Todd Luttman, Wall Township | 8 Comments »
The entirely Republican Wall Township Committee is asking their County Committee Members to support Christine G. Hanlon for Monmouth County Republican Chair.
The following letter signed by Mayor Jeff Foster, Deputy Mayor Todd Luttman, and Committee Members Clint Hoffman, George Newberry and Ann Marie Conte was sent to the Wall County Committee Members earlier this week:
As you know, Monmouth County GOP Chairman Joseph Oxley has been nominated by Governor Christie to sit on the bench of the NJ Superior Court, and therefore will not be seeking reelection as our county chairman. I am sure you join us in wishing Mr. Oxley all the best. After much consideration, we, your elected Township Committee, unanimously support Christine Giordano Hanlon to replace Oxley as County Chairman.
Over the last several years, Mrs. Hanlon has been a tireless worker for Monmouth County Republicans. An attorney and former District Attorney who prosecuted white collar crimes, she is the Republican State Committeewoman serving Monmouth County. As Oxley’s “right hand man,” she helped to regain control of the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders and ensured the reelection of Sheriff Shaun Golden and Surrogate Rosemarie Peters by wide margins. In 2009, she worked to help Monmouth County deliver one of the largest margins of victory ever to elect Governor Chris Christie and Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno. She was also County Coordinator for the McCain-Palin campaign and is the Chair of the Ocean Township Republican Party. In short, she’s been the force behind many successful elections and we believe she has the drive and experience to help lead the Monmouth County GOP into the future.
Hanlon has a very specific agenda to improve communication and transparency in County GOP politics, improve voter outreach through the use of technology, and build on our existing excellent grassroots network. She is a tireless worker, has a proven record of success, and has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to support GOP efforts here in Monmouth County. Furthermore, she has been endorsed by several members of the Senate and Assembly who can personally attest to her passion, commitment and unprecedented integrity.
We believe Christine Hanlon has the unique mix of skill, experience, innovation and moxy to be the next Monmouth County GOP Chairman. We hope you will join us in supporting her at the Monmouth County Republican Committee Reorganization on June 12 at Colts Neck High School.
Posted: June 6th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Ann Marie Conte, Christine Hanlon, George Newberry, Jeff Foster, Todd Luttman. Clint Hoffman | 5 Comments »
Governor Christie’s flirtation with the national media and GOP fundraisers over running for president started to build momentum during March. He told reporters in Washington that he wouldn’t be governor in 2014. He told the National Review’s Rick Lowry “I already know I could win” the presidency.
The Monmouth County Freeholders suspended three SCAT drivers who had called out sick on February 25 but were caught on camera protesting labor reforms in Trenton. State Senator Joe Kyrillos praised the Freeholders for their action and stepped up his call for civil service reform.
Anna Little told The Auditor that she was thinking of running for U.S. Senate instead of Congress.
Peter Burnham was suspended as Brookdale College President on March 3. On March 9 Burnham resigned.
Citizen journalist James O’Keefe embarrassed NPR and came to Monmouth County as a Special Guest Speaker at the Bayshore Tea Party Group’s St. Patrick’s Day Celebration. O’Keefe ended up being embarrassed himself over the press coverage of the event which included accurate reports that he did not want the event videoed.
Monmouth University Pollster Patrick Murray accurately predicted that Dr. Alan Rosenthal, the tie breaking member of the legislative reapportionment, would choose the Democrats new legislative map. Murray based his prediction on Rosenthal’s scholarlly work espousing “continuity of representation,” i.e., that there is a value to voters being continuously represented by the same legislator after redistricting.
Even though MMM debunked the value of “continuity of representation” and the Bayshore Tea Party Group submitted a constitutional map, Rosenthal did indeed side with the Democrats, thereby assuring Democratic control of the legislature at least until the 2021 election.
After months of reading MMM, former Democratic Assemblyman and triCityNews publisher Dan Jacobson had an epiphany and registered as a Republican. Jacobson started submitting his weekly columns to MMM and prepared to challenge Senator Sean Kean in old 11th district Republican primary.
Spring Lake Councilman Gary Rich received the Monmouth GOP’s endorsement for Freeholder. Rich received 25 votes from the screening committee. Manalapan Mayor Andrew Lucas received 23 votes and Wall Committeeman George Newberry received 22 votes. Howell Mayor Bob Walsh removed himself from contention prior to the committee vote.
Posted: December 27th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2011 Year in review | Tags: Alan Rosenthal, Andrew Lucas, Anna Little, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Bob Walsh, Brookdale Community College, Chris Christie, continuity of representation, Dan Jacobson, Freespeaker1976, Gary Rich, George Newberry, James O'Keefe, Legislative Reapportionment, Monmouth County Freeholders, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth SCAT, Monmouth University, National Review, NPR, Patrick Murray, Peter Burnham, Rick Lowry, Sean Kean, Senator Joe Kyrillos, The Auditor, triCityNews | Comments Off on MMM Year In Review – March
Governor Chris Christie signed legislation to designed to revitalize Atlantic City. The Oceanport Task Force on Monmouth Park stepped up its efforts to save New Jersey’s horse racing industry.
Live Action Video released a tape of a Perth Amboy Planned Parenthood office manager coaching an actor posing as a pimp how to “beat the system” set up to protect underage sex trafficking victims. Media Matters for America, a liberal media watchdog, called the video a hoax and defended Planned Parenthood for alerting the FBI about a potential multistate sex trafficking ring. Amy Woodruff, the Planned Parenthood office manager, was fired. Frank Pallone was silent on the matter. The Asbury Park Press issued an inaccurate editorial defending Planned Parenthood.
The U.S. Census Bureau released the results of the 2010 census. New Jersey lost a congressional district. Hispanics became the state’s largest minority group. New Jersey’s population shifted from the north to the southern and central regions of the state.
New Jersey’s newpaper industry appealed to Trenton Democrats to maintain their corporate welfare in the form of “legal advertising.”
Congressman Christopher Lee, (R-Buffalo, NY) resigned three hours after published shirtless photos of him that he had sent to a woman seeking a date via craigslist.
By-laws, and the lack thereof, for the Monmouth GOP became a hot topic for a week or two.
Red Bank Councilman Ed Zipprich likened Congressman Chris Smith and American Catholics opposed to abortion to the Arizona shooter.
Freeholder Deputy Director John Curley called for a public review of Brookdale Community College’s budget and spending after learning of expensive country club memberships and a housing allowance for college President Dr. Peter Burnham. Burnham had drafted a budget that called for a 8.2% tuition increase and blamed the need for the increase on the Freeholder Board reducing the county subsidy for the college.
Red Bank Councilman Michael Dupont and Shrewsbury attorney Brian Nelson fought over the Sayreville Borough Attorney’s job.
The Republican Association of Princeton was reconstituted as The Lincoln Club of New Jersey under the leadership of Scott Sipprelle.
Manalapan Mayor Andrew Lucas, Wall Committeeman George Newberry and Spring Lake Councilman Gary Rich launched their campaigns for the GOP nomination for Freeholder.
Posted: December 27th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2011 Year in review | Tags: 2010 Census, Abortion, American Catholics, Amy Woodruff, Andrew Lucas, Asbury Park Press, Atlantic City, Brian Nelson, Brookdale Community College, Chris Christie, Chris Smith, Christoper Lee, Ed Zipprich, Frank Pallone, Gary Rich,, George Newberry, John Curley, Legal Advertising, Lincoln Club of New Jersey, Live Action Video, Media Matters, Michael Dupont, Monmouth GOP, Newspaper Industry, Oceanport Taskforce on Monmouth Park, Peter Burnham, Planned Parenthood, Sayreville, Scott Sipprelle | 11 Comments »
A strong argument could be made that the path to becoming a Monmouth County Freeholder goes through Red Bank realtor Jim Giannell’s office.
Since 2005 when he backed Colts Neck Mayor Lillian Burry, Giannell has picked every non-incumbent Freeholder nominee except two. One exception was Marlboro Councilman Jeff Cantor who replaced Freeholder Anna Little, a Giannell pick, on the ticket in 2007. Cantor lost a close election to Democrat John D’Amico and then left the Republican party for Jon Hornick’s Democratic organization in Marlboro. The other exception is John Curley. Curley was Giannell’s pick over Serena DiMaso in 2008. Curley narrowly lost to Amy Mallet in the Obama landslide. In 2009 Giannell backed Kim Spatola, a former Atlantic Highlands councilwoman over Curley. Curley prevailed at Joe Oxley’s first candidate selection screening and went on to defeat Sean Byrnes of Middletown in the 2009 Christie landslide in Monmouth.
With the election of Gary Rich earlier this month, 3.5, counting Curley, of five Freeholders owe their offices to Jim Giannell. If the former Red Bank municipal chairman’s pick in the current race to replace Assemblyman-elect Rob Clifton, Howell Mayor Bob Walsh, is elected on January 14, Giannell will have picked all five members of the board.
While the Freeholders may owe their careers to Giannell, there is little, if any, evidence that he is a boss, in the classic New Jersey sense of the word. Once they take office, the Freeholders go their own way. Burry is supporting Anne Marie Conte over Walsh in the current race. Curley and Tom Arnone are staying out of the race for now.
Here is a list of Giannell’s picks for non-incumbent Freeholders since 2005:
2005: Lillian Burry. Burry ran with incumbent Bill Barham. Barham was elected at a Republican convention earlier in 2005 to replace long time Freeholder Director Harry Larrison. Even in the wake of the Operation Bid Rig scandal which tarnished the Republican brand, Barham and Burry defeated Democrats Barbara McMorrow and Rebecca Aaronson and Independent Brian Unger. The Republican victory was in large measure do to the Asbury Park Press’s call for voters to bullet vote for Unger. Back then the APP’s endorsement still had influence. Unger garnered over 18,000 votes. Burry’s margin of victory over McMorrow was only 1,792 votes.
2006: Anna Little and Andrew Lucas. Little was elected, by one vote, over Howell Mayor Joe DiBella at a convention to replace Amy Handlin who had been elected to the Assembly. Giannell managed Little’s campaign and her floor fight at the convention. A month later at a contentious multiple ballot nominating convention, Giannell and candidate Terrence Wall threw their support to Lucas in an anti-establishment move against DiBella and then Chairman Fred Neimann. Little went on to win the rest of Handlin’s unexpired term in the general election. Lucas lost to Barbara McMorrow.
2007: Giannell did not have a candidate. Little, his successful pick in 2006, spent a contentious year battling with Chairman Puharic and Freeholder Director Barham. Little declined to seek the nomination rather than submit to Puharic’s rules for screening and the convention. Cantor was selected to join incumbent Rob Clifton on the ticket. Clifton won. Cantor lost to Democrat John D’Amico.
2008: John Curley was Giannell’s pick over Serena DiMaso who had the backing of Chairman Adam Puharic. Burry was Curley’s running mate. In a photo finish election dominated by Obamamania, Burry prevailed and Curley lost to Amy Mallet on the count of provisional ballots. Democrats took control of the Freeholder Board for the first time in 20 years.
2009: Giannell backed Chairman Joe Oxley in supporting Atlantic Highlands former Councilwoman Kim Spatola over Curley. McMorrow was up for reelection and was considered a lock to be reelected. Nominating a woman, given the pro woman gender gap demonstrated by Burry and Mallet’s 2008 victories was considered the only hope of defeating McMorrow. Just before the nominating meetings for both parties, McMorrow announced she would not seek another term. Curley won a roll call vote at Oxley’s first screening selection. The Democrats scrambled to find a candidate to replace McMorrow, settling on Byrnes from Middletown over Mike Beson of Neptune Township. Curley defeated Byrnes and Republicans won back control of the Board.
2010: Giannell’s pick, Tom Arnone, narrowly defeated former Middltown Committeeman Tom Wilkens and Spring Lake Councilman Gary Rich. Arnone and incumbent Rob Clifton went on to defeat D’Amico and Spring Lake Councilwoman Janice Venables.
2011: Giannell backed Rich over Manalapan Mayor Andrew Lucas, who had Burry’s support, Walsh, and Wall Township Committeeman George Newberry. Rich won the nomination with 25 votes in the screening committee. Lucas has 23 votes and Newberry 22. Walsh withdrew before the polling. Rich and incumbent Burry went on the defeat Mallet and newcomer William Shea earlier this month.
2012? Monmouth County Republicans have not had a nominating convention of all county committee members since 2008. It remains to be seen if Giannell can pull off another close race. Don’t bet the house against Bob Walsh.
Posted: November 30th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Adam Puharic, Amy Mallet, Andrew Lucas, Anne Marie Conte, Barbara McMorrow, Bill Barham, Bob Walsh, Brian Unger, Fred Niemann, Gary Rich, George Newberry, Harry Larrison, Janice Venables, Jeff Cantor, Jim Giannell, Joe DiBella, Joe Oxley, John Curley, Jon Hornick, Mike Beson, Rebecca Aaronson, Rob Clifton, Sean Byrnes, Serena DiMaso, Terrence Wall, Tom Arnone, Tom Wilkens, William Shea | 25 Comments »
By Art Gallagher
The race for the Monmouth GOP nomination for Freeholder is coming down to the wire. The only safe bet at this point is that Howell Mayor Bob Walsh will not be the nominee. A late entry into the race, Walsh has impressed on the stump, but this is not his year. He has a future in county or state politics, if he wants it. Elected in Howell as an Independent, Walsh needs to build support within the Republican party in order to secure a nomination on a higher than municipal level.
The race as it stands now is a nail biter between Manalapan Mayor Andrew Lucas, Wall Committeeman George Newberry and Spring Lake Councilman Gary Rich. Tonight’s speeches at the Monmouth County Affilitated Club’s candidates night ( Lakeside Manor, Rt 36, Hazlet, 6PM) will be delivered with the hope of closing the few undecided delegates and picking off delegates with “soft” commitments. A gaffe or a home run tonight could determine the nomination. Not that I want to create any pressure for the candidates.
Rich has emerged from the “oh him again” candidate to a tenacious contender. He has earned the respect of many and the admiration of his competitors. His presentation skills are strong. Rank and file Republicans and Tea Party groups both like him. If Rich wins the nomination it will be from the strength of his support from the municipal chairs, especially from the smaller coastal and bayshore towns.
Newberry is a solid guy. Honest, hardworking, dependable. A team player. While not yet comfortable on the county stage, George, if nominated will be a strong candidate in the general election against Democratic incumbent Amy Mallet and Sean Byrnes, if Byrnes is the Democratic nominee. If Byrnes runs for the legislature, Newberry is even stronger in the general.
Lucas is a proven winner in rough and tumble Manalapan politics. He is Lillian Burry’s first choice for a running mate. He has strong support in among chairs in the western part of the county. Andrew has run for Freeholder before, losing to Barbara McMorrow in 2006 when she was a Democrat. The is no shame in losing to McMorrow and losing a countywide race is no longer a disqualification for seeking another shot. Mallet lost an Assembly bid before winning her Freeholder seat and John Curley was successful in his second try for Freeholder.
The Monmouth GOP is fortunate to have such a deep bench of qualified candidates. Each of the four gentlemen pursuing the nomination this year could win the general election and serve with distinction. The close race is an indication of the difficulty of the choice.
The selection committee meets Saturday morning. MMM will have the result first.
Posted: March 25th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth GOP, Monmouth GOP Affiliated Club | Tags: Andrew Lucas, Bob Walsh, Gary Rich, George Newberry, Monmouth GOP Freeholder Nomination | 5 Comments »
WALL TOWNSHIP – Wall Township Committeeman and former Mayor George K. Newberry announced that he is seeking the Republican nomination for Monmouth County Freeholder.
“Being born and growing up in Monmouth County, I know first-hand what a tremendous jewel Monmouth County is. It is with that value in my heart for this County that I announce my candidacy for Freeholder,” he says.
“I believe I demonstrated as Mayor and as a Wall Township Committee member that I have the experience, knowledge and values to be an effective member of our Freeholder team, and I ask for the support of my party to place my name on the ballot,” he adds.
Newberry says that thanks to many decades of Republican leadership, Monmouth County is envied for having a high bond rating, low county taxes and the finest parks, recreational programs and library services. He says he plans to continue on the strong foundation laid by previous administrations and use his many years of business experience overseeing multi-million dollar budgets and large commercial projects as a member of the Freeholder Board.
“Today’s tough economic times call for vision and experience in controlling spending and waste. In continually controlling costs the Freeholder Board must keep in their vision what Monmouth County has become and make sure the high level of regard many have for Monmouth will remain. I promised the people of Wall and will promise the residents and businesses of Monmouth County that as I work toward efficiencies in budgets and they look in the future at the town they know and the County they love those places will be no less than what they envision them to be today. As a senior project manager for a large contracting company, I have hands-on experience negotiating contracts, budgeting, managing a large staff and making a dollar go further,” he says.
Living in Wall Township and working for 25 years in the Bay Shore area, as well as assisting his Father, who until his recent passing, lived in Cream Ridge, has given Newberry a bird’s eye view of the County on a daily basis for many years.
Newberry, age 55, traces his heritage back at least five generations in Monmouth County. He has been married to his wife Jeanne, formerly of Rumson, for 35 years. They have a son, Bill, and daughter, Beth.
Mr. Newberry has been a member of the Wall Fire Company #1 since 1988 and served as Chief for five years. A member of Wall Kiwanis, he was named VFW Citizen of Merit in 1996 and Wall Township Citizen of the Year in 2005. He was the second gentleman to serve as president of his local PTA in his 120 year old elementary school and is a participant of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association as well as St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Ocean Grove. He has volunteered with The National Park service in West Orange and served as a member on the Wall Township planning board as well as rent stabilization board. Newberry has been a member of IBEW Local 400 electrical workers union since 1977.
Posted: February 16th, 2011 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Press Release | Tags: George Newberry, Monmouth County Freeholders, Monmouth GOP | 4 Comments »
By Art Gallagher
Wall Township Committeeman George Newberry has sent a letter to County Committee members seeking their support for the GOP nomination to run as Freeholder Lillian Burry’s running mate this fall. 
A full size copy of Newberry’s letter can be found here.
Manalapan Mayor Andrew Lucas and Spring Lake Councilman Gary Rich are also expected to compete for the nomination. Former Middletown Committeeman Tom Wilkens, who narrowly lost the nomination to now Freeholder Tom Arnone last year, will not be a candidate this year.
The Monmouth GOP’s Annual Lincoln Day Dinner is the traditional kickoff for candidates seeking county and legislative office. With Republican incumbents seeking reelection for the legislature, surrogate, and Burry seeking a third term as freeholder, the nomination for Democratic Freeholder Amy Mallet’s seat is the only race that is expected to be competitive in the screening process.
The Lincoln Day Dinner is this Sunday evening at the Shore Casino in Atlantic Highlands. For information on reserving your seat, download the reservation form here.
Posted: February 8th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee | Tags: Amy Mallet, Andrew Lucas, Freeholder candidates, Gary Rich, George Newberry, Lillian Burry, Lincoln Day Dinner, Monmouth GOP | 11 Comments »