Kim Guadagno will be elected the 56th Governor of New Jersey by less than 2000 votes.
The Associated Press will not call the NJ gubernatorial race until Thursday due to the failure of the vote reporting systems in Essex, Hudson, Camden and Middlesex counties which will prevent the vote from being counted. CNN and NJ.com will report rumors that the New Jersey election was hacked by the Russians.
Steve Sweeney will survive the millions spent against his reelection by the NJEA. The teachers’ union will lose considerable influence in Trenton and its membership will revolt against leadership and reform the association. Guadagno and Sweeney will have a stronger and more effective reform agenda than Christie and Sweeney had during the first Christie’s term. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: November 7th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2017 Elections | Tags: 2017 election predictions, 2017 elections, Amy Handlin, Ann Marie Conte, Chuck Todd, Declan O'Scanlon, Derek DeLuca, Ed Gillespe, Eric Houghtaling, Greg Buontempo, Jennifer Beck, Joann Downey, John Dwyer, Kim Guadagno, Larry Luttrell, Lillian Burry, Michael Whelan, Middletown, Ned Thomson, Patricia Branch, Patrick Impreveduto, Rob Acerra, Rob Clifton, Robert Singer, Rocco Pascucci, Ron Dancer, Sam Thompson, Sean Kean, Serena DiMaso, Stephanie Murray, Steve Sweeney, Sue Kiley, Tony Fiore, Vin Gopal, Vincent Solomeno | 4 Comments »
The entirely Republican Wall Township Committee is asking their County Committee Members to support Christine G. Hanlon for Monmouth County Republican Chair.
The following letter signed by Mayor Jeff Foster, Deputy Mayor Todd Luttman, and Committee Members Clint Hoffman, George Newberry and Ann Marie Conte was sent to the Wall County Committee Members earlier this week:
As you know, Monmouth County GOP Chairman Joseph Oxley has been nominated by Governor Christie to sit on the bench of the NJ Superior Court, and therefore will not be seeking reelection as our county chairman. I am sure you join us in wishing Mr. Oxley all the best. After much consideration, we, your elected Township Committee, unanimously support Christine Giordano Hanlon to replace Oxley as County Chairman.
Over the last several years, Mrs. Hanlon has been a tireless worker for Monmouth County Republicans. An attorney and former District Attorney who prosecuted white collar crimes, she is the Republican State Committeewoman serving Monmouth County. As Oxley’s “right hand man,” she helped to regain control of the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders and ensured the reelection of Sheriff Shaun Golden and Surrogate Rosemarie Peters by wide margins. In 2009, she worked to help Monmouth County deliver one of the largest margins of victory ever to elect Governor Chris Christie and Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno. She was also County Coordinator for the McCain-Palin campaign and is the Chair of the Ocean Township Republican Party. In short, she’s been the force behind many successful elections and we believe she has the drive and experience to help lead the Monmouth County GOP into the future.
Hanlon has a very specific agenda to improve communication and transparency in County GOP politics, improve voter outreach through the use of technology, and build on our existing excellent grassroots network. She is a tireless worker, has a proven record of success, and has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to support GOP efforts here in Monmouth County. Furthermore, she has been endorsed by several members of the Senate and Assembly who can personally attest to her passion, commitment and unprecedented integrity.
We believe Christine Hanlon has the unique mix of skill, experience, innovation and moxy to be the next Monmouth County GOP Chairman. We hope you will join us in supporting her at the Monmouth County Republican Committee Reorganization on June 12 at Colts Neck High School.
Posted: June 6th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Ann Marie Conte, Christine Hanlon, George Newberry, Jeff Foster, Todd Luttman. Clint Hoffman | 5 Comments »