By Art Gallagher
Frank Pallone will be honored with Planned Parenthood of Central New Jersey’s Leadership Award on Sunday evening as the organization celebrates in 75th Anniversary.
Earlier this week I ridiculed Pallone for pulling out of the Monmouth County Medical Society’s Health Care Forum and Planned Parenthood for teaching teens about pulling out as a method of contraception. In that post I admitted that I really didn’t know much about Planned Parenthood and just assumed it was a place where people went to get cheap (subsidized) contraceptives and abortions.
Now that Planned Parenthood is on my radar, I am appalled to learn what an evil, and racist, organization they are.
Ron Miller, a U.S Air Force veteran and the Executive Director of Regular Folks United spells out just how evil and racist Planned Parenthood is in his article, Planned Parenthood’s Negro Project Lives On. Miller writes:
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I believe Planned Parenthood is a morally bankrupt institution, whose legacy of restricting what Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg described as “growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of” is written in the blood of tens of millions of black children who never had the chance to see the light of day.
Their denials to the contrary, the facts continue to indict their ongoing attempts to exterminate as many “undesirables”, as Planned Parenthood founder and eugenicist Margaret Sanger called them, as possible.
From the sting that revealed an all too eager willingness on the part of several Planned Parenthood clinics to accept a donation from a man who explicitly expressed that it be used to kill black babies, to the statistics that reveal black women account for over a third of all abortions, even though they are only 13 percent of the population, they have been caught red-handed – literally – in their gruesome task of carrying on Sanger’s “Negro Project.”
Read the rest of Miller’s piece here.
Happy Anniversary Planned Parenthood of Central New Jersey. Congratulations Frank.
Posted: October 22nd, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Frank Pallone, Planned Parenthood | Tags: African American Genocide, Frank Pallone, Planned Parenthood | Comments Off on African American Genocide Organization To Honor Pallone
By Art Gallagher
In the surest sign yet that Frank Pallone is losing to Anna Little, Phoney Palloney has hit the airwaves with a negative TV ad.
Contrary to the custom with political ads, Pallone’s announcement that he approves the message appears at the beginning of the spot. This makes it appear that Pallone approves the previous ad shown, i.e., Frank Pallone approving a Scott Sipprelle ad, approving BP’s public relations ads, and Phoney Palloney approving a sleep apnea relief ad.
Complete with scaring music, newspaper headlines and black and white photos, Pallone’s ad says that Little told the Star Ledger that social security and medicare are unconstitutional, that she would end regulations on all corporations, kill the department of education, deny insurance coverage to sick people, and end corporate income taxes while imposing a 23% national sales tax. “Read the papers, Tea Party Approved Anna Little is too extreme for us” is the ad’s tag line.
When Pallone made these charges during the debate at Temple Shalom last Sunday, the crowd laughed at him. The ad provoked laughter in the Gallagher household this morning.
Both the Monmouth University poll and the National Research poll of the NJ-6 race indicated that Little’s only weakness (and Pallone’s only hope for reelection) is her low name recognition outside of Monmouth County. Pallone’s ad helps Little. I hope he keeps running it.
If anyone finds a video of the ad, please send it here. I want to post it.
Posted: October 22nd, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Frank Pallone, Uncategorized | Tags: Anna Little, Frank Pallone | 6 Comments »
Pallone’s other pressing engagement was the Ocean Township Democratic Club’s Monthly Meeting.
Congressman Frank Pallone refused to defend or explain the Health Care Reform Act that he helpped author this evening before the public and the Monmouth County Medical Society, opting instead to visit the Ocean Township Democratic Club’s monthly meeting.
Highlands Mayor Anna Little, Pallone’s opponent in the up coming election, addressed a crowd of approximately 200 at the Oyster Point Hotel in Red Bank and an additional 500 residents who participated in the forum via live stream through the internet or via teleconference call. There was roughly 60 people with Pallone in Ocean.
MoreMonmouthMusings was one of the hosts of the live feed. Video will be posted of the event sometime tomorrow.
If anyone has video of the Ocean Township Democratic Club’s meeting, please let us know and we’ll provide equal time.
Posted: October 21st, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Frank Pallone | Tags: Anna Little, Frank Pallone, Monmouth County Medical Society | 1 Comment »
MoreMonmouthMusings will have a live feed of the Monmouth County Medical Society’s Health Care Forum starting a 7PM.
The Little campaign sent a robo call to 40,000 Democrats in the 6th district this afternoon asking them to call Frank Pallone and encourage him to attend the event. Those same 40,000 will be called again at 7PM for a teleconference whereby they can listen to the forum.
Additionally, News12 told the Little campaign that Pallone wants to debate Anna Little on the station next Friday, the 29th, according to campaign manager Larry Cirignamo.
Posted: October 21st, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Frank Pallone, Health Care | Tags: Anna Little, Frank Pallone, Monmouth County Medical Society, News12 | 2 Comments »
By Art Gallagher
If you know anyone who still gets their news from the Asbury Park Press, tell them that the Health Care Forum sponsored by the Monmouth County Medical Society has been moved from Riverview Medical Center to the Oyster Point Hotel. And tell them that Falsetto Frankie has pulled out.
The Neptune Nudniks posted this story on their website today, Pallone, Little to debate Thursday at Riverview Medical Center. MMM reported yesterday that the venue had changed to the Oyster Point, and earlier today that that Phoney Palloney pulled out.
The Star Ledger got the facts right, U.S. Rep. Pallone unable to attend public health care forum with challenger Anna Little, even if their headline is a bit Phoney. Of course Pallone is able to attend. He just chooses not to.
MoreMonmouthMusings called Pallone’s office this afternoon to find out what was so pressing that the Congressman could not meet the doctors of the Monmouth County Medical Society and members of the public, along with Mayor Little, to discuss his major acheivement, the ObamaPalloneCare health care reform bill. No one from the Congressman’s office has called back yet.
Kathleen Maher of the Ocean Township Democratic Club told MoreMonmouthMusings that Pallone’s office told her today that he is planning to attend the club’s monthly meeting tomorrow evening from 7:30-8:30, subject to an unexpected change is scheduling. The meeting is at the West Park Recreation/Senior Center on West Park Ave between Route 35 and Whale Pond Rd, about a 15 minute drive from the Oyster Point Hotel.
Pallone should do the right thing and attend both events. He can leave the Oyster Point and still get to the Ocean Township Democratic Club before that meeting ends. Or he could ask Kathleen to have the club members come to the Health Care Forum.
As for the Neptune Nudniks, they should really hire a fact checker to read MMM and before they publish anything about politics or government in Monmouth County.
They should also publish their endorsement of Shaun Golden for Monmouth County Sheriff on their website.
Posted: October 20th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Asbury Park Press, Frank Pallone, Health Care, Neptune Nudniks | Tags: Anna Little, Asbury Park Press, Frank Pallone, Health Care Forum, Neptune Nudknis, Sheriff Shaun Golden | 1 Comment »
By Art Gallagher
Congressman Frank Pallone has pulled out of the Monmouth Medical Society’s Health Care candidates forum, siting a scheduling conflict. A call to the Congressman’s campaign office to find out what he will be doing instead has yet to be returned.
The forum will go on as scheduled Thursday evening at the Oyster Point Hotel in Red Bank at 7PM. GOP Candidate Anna Little will be there and a chair will be available for Pallone should he have a change of heart.
While we don’t know where Pallone will be tomorrow night, we know where he will be on Sunday night and where he learned about pulling out.
Planned Parenthood of Central Jersey is celebrating their 75th Anniversary on Sunday. Falsetto Frankie is being honored with the Baby Killer’s Leadership Award.
I’ve never had any first hand experience with Planned Parenthood. I always figured it was a place where people went to get cheap (subsidized) contraceptives and abortions. Little did I know that they have an education program for teens, parents and educators.
Here’s what Planned Parenthood teaches teens about pulling out:
Pulling out, or the pull-out method, refers to withdrawal, which is one of many ways to prevent pregnancy. Read on for the scoop on withdrawal: how it works, how well it works, and why it may not be the right choice for teens.
What is withdrawal?
Also known — more scientifically — as coitus interruptus, withdrawal may be the world’s oldest way to practice birth control. When a guy performs withdrawal, he removes his penis from the vagina before he ejaculates, or comes — that’s when semen spurts from his penis.
How does that prevent pregnancy?
The idea behind withdrawal is simple: If sperm is not released into the vagina, pregnancy is impossible.
Read the rest here.
Somebody should tell Phoney Palloney and Planned Parenthood about the dangers of pulling out. They should all show up tomorrow in at the Oyster Point in Red Bank where there will be some good doctors who might explain it to them.
Posted: October 20th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Frank Pallone, Health Care | Tags: Anna Little, Frank Pallone, Health Care Forum, Monouth County Medical Society, Planned Parnenthood | 3 Comments »
In honor of the Soprano State MoreMonmouthMusings hereby adds Falsetto Frankie to Phoney Palloney as our favorite nicknames for the congressman from New Jersey’s sixth district.
In the most telegraphed endorsement since The New York Times endorsed Barack Obama for President, the Asbury Park Press endorsed Falsetto Frankie for another term in Washington this morning. The endorsement found its way to the Nudniks’ website. Their endorsement of Shaun Golden for Monmouth County Sheriff, which appeared in yesterday’s print edition, has yet to make its way to
Posted: October 20th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Frank Pallone, Neptune Nudniks | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Falsetto Frank, Frank Pallone, Neptune Nudniks, Phoney Palloney | 1 Comment »
By Art Gallagher
Due to overwhelming public interest the Monmouth County Medical Society has moved the venue of the NJ-6 candidates forum from Riverview Medical Center to the Oyster Point Hotel. The time remains 7PM on Thursday, October 21.
Catherine Johnson, Executive Director of the MCMS, emphasized that the event is not a debate. She said that each candidate would be given 10-15 minutes to speak, followed by a Q & A session.
Frank Pallone has not confirmed his attendance. Johnson said that his staff told her that they are working on his schedule.
Call Frank Pallone and tell him to attend the Monmouth County Medical Society’s candidates forum. His campaign office phone number is 732-571-4141. His congressional office phone number is 731-571-1140.
Posted: October 19th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Frank Pallone | Tags: Anna Little, Frank Pallone, Monmouth County Medical Society | 2 Comments »
NJ-6 Congressional Candidates Anna Little and Frank Pallone will face off in their second debate on Thursday evening October 21 at the Riverview Medical Center’s Blasisdal Auditorium in Red Bank. The debate, sponsored by the Monmouth County Medical Society is open to the public, however registration is required. RSVP to Cathy: [email protected]
Little has made the repeal of ObamaCare, she calls is PalloneCare, the cornerstone of her campaign to unseat her 11 term incumbent opponent. Pallone boasts that the health care reform bill passed by the 111th Congress was his bill, not Nancy Pelosi’s and not President Obama’s.
A National Research poll by pollster extraordinaire Adam Geller has the candidates in a dead heat 44%-43% with a 5.66% margin of error. Little leads Pallone 58%-32% among voters who are aware of both candidates.
Posted: October 19th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Frank Pallone, Health Care | Tags: Anna Little, Debate, Frank Pallone, Health Care | 2 Comments »
(HIGHLANDS, October 19) – Republican Congressional challenger Anna Little – responding to news reports indicating that Boeing has joined a growing list of major American corporations that have decided to curtail their employees’ health benefits in the wake of the government takeover of healthcare – today reiterated her determination to repeal Obamacare when she gets to Congress in January.”We said from the beginning,” said Little, “that if this monstrosity passed, companies would be forced to make a hard choice between dropping coverage for their employees or raising their employees’ contributions to their benefits. Yesterday, Boeing announced that it is joining the long and growing list of companies that is already beginning to curtail benefits for its employees – in this case, for their 90,000 non-union employees.
“The government takeover of healthcare – ‘Pallonecare,’ in honor of his declaration that ‘This is not Obama’s bill. This isn’t Nancy Pelosi’s bill. It’s MY bill’ – was wrong on several fronts. It is bad medicine, and it is bad for business. And I cannot for the life of me understand why our Representative would think it was a good thing to raise the cost of doing business at a time when we’re trying to dig our way out of a jobless recovery.
“Washington just doesn’t get it,” continued Little. “Rather than take the right kind of actions – like voting to extend ALL the current tax rates for EVERY federal taxpayer, so that the entrepreneurs and job-creators in our economy know what will be the tax rates they face next year, and can make investment decisions accordingly – our leaders focus on growing the size of government and the reach of government, pushing it into areas it has no business being.
“Repealing Pallonecare will be the first step to restoring our nation’s economic growth,” said Little. “And the second step will be to extend the current tax rates for ALL of America’s taxpayers, so that NO ONE faces a tax hike in the middle of a jobless recovery.
“Remember, you cannot change Washington without changing the people we send to Washington!”
Posted: October 19th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Frank Pallone, Health Care, Press Release | Tags: Anna Little, Frank Pallone, ObamaCare, PalloneCare | 5 Comments »