Anna C. Little of Highlands, was sworn in as a federal Immigration Judge on Friday, March 15, 2019, during an investiture ceremony in the Great Hall of Main Justice in Washington, DC. Principal Deputy Chief Immigration Judge Christopher Santoro administered the Oath of Office.
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Posted: March 16th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Immigration, Justice Department, Monmouth County News, News | Tags: Anna C. Little, Anna Little, Highlands, Immigration Law Judge, Monmouth County News | 5 Comments »

Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden
Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden told MMM that he will not be a candidate for Congress this year.
Monmouth County Republican Chairman John Bennett has been urging Golden to take on Congressman Frank Pallone due to the sheriff’s strong record of accomplishment and his popularity at the polls.
“I would love to see Shaun Golden run for Congress, ” Bennett said earlier this month, ‘Not only is he popular and a demonstrated vote getter, he has an outstanding record with a documented ability to get things done.”
Golden said that it is just not the right time for him to take on a congressional campaign.
Former Howell Mayor Joe DiBella said last week that he “would love to run against Pallone” if Golden doesn’t. Bennett told MMM that he received a message from DiBella expressing his interest. DiBella has not returned several phone calls inquiring about his candidacy from MMM this week.
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Posted: February 23rd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2014 Congressional Races, 2014 Elections, Anna Little, Frank Pallone, Joe DiBella, Shaun Golden | Tags: Anna Little, CD 6, Congressman Frank Pallone, Frank Pallone, Joe DiBella, John Bennett, Middlesex GOP, Monmouth GOP, NJ-6, Sam Thompson, Shaun Golden, Sheriff Shaun Golden | 15 Comments »
Party leaders are encouraging Sheriff Shaun Golden to challenge entrenched ObamaCare defender
Former Highlands Mayor Anna Little told MMM yesterday that she is not running for Congress in New Jersey’s 6th congressional district this year and that she never had plans to do so.
The GOP nominee against Congressman Frank Pallone in 2010 and 2012 said that her November 1, 2012 email to supporters wherein she announced “I want to work for YOU in Washington” and asked supporters for contributions to help her “finish the job” was not an announcement of her candidacy, but rather a reaction to Pallone’s over the top defense of ObamaCare . In October, Pallone called a congressional hearing into ObamaCare that he was participating in a “Monkey Court.” Appearing on FoxNews with Megyn Kelly, Pallone shouted, insisting that President Obama had kept his, “If you like your healthcare, you can keep it, period, I guarantee it,” promise and said insurance companies were practicing capitalism by cancelling “lousy” “scam” insurance plans that people didn’t want to buy.

Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden
Sheriff Shaun Golden’s strong performance in last November’s election …a 64%-36% reelection victory with over 100,000 votes… was noticed by state and national Republican leaders, many of whom are encouraging Golden to take on Pallone.
The two Republican leaders who matter the most in determining who receives the GOP nomination, Monmouth County Republican Chairman John Bennett and Middlesex County Republican Chairman Sam Thompson, like the idea of Golden running against Pallone.
“I would love to see Shaun Golden run for Congress, ” Bennett said, ‘Not only is popular and a demonstrated vote getter, he has an outstanding record with a documented ability to get things done.”
Thompson said, “Shaun would be a great candidate.”
Little said she would support Golden if he runs.
Golden wouldn’t comment when we asked if he was running.
Posted: February 5th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2014 Congressional Races, 2014 Elections, Anna Little, Frank Pallone | Tags: Anna Little, CD 6, Frank Pallone, John Bennett, Middlesex GOP, Monmouth GOP, NJ-6, Sam Thompson, Shaun Golden, Sheriff Shaun Golden | 42 Comments »

Bayshore Tea Party Group member Frank Gonzalez, husband of the group’s co-founder, Barbara, installs homemade lawn signs on Rt 35 in Middletown during the 2013 Monmouth County Republican primary campaign
Bayshore Tea Party Group co-founder Barbara Gonzalez told HuffPost that her group has nearly 1000 members and that they are staunch supporters of former Highlands Mayor Anna Little’s quest to unseat Congressman Frank Pallone, in an article posted last evening.
“If you don’t get someone in who is totally willing to fight the establishment, it will never change,” Gonzalez told HuffPost.
Little lost to Pallone in 2010 and 2012 with BTPG’s support, but Gonzalez thinks it will be different this year.
Gonzalez said her membership roll has grown by “a couple of dozen new members” since earlier this month when the Bridgegate controversy broke.
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Posted: January 30th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP | Tags: 4 am robocall, Anna Little, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Bob Gordon, Bob Walsh, Bridgegate, Declan O'Scanlon, Frank Pallone, Gary Rich, Joe Kyrillos, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Lillian Burry, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth GOP Freeholder Nomination, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone, Wake up call | 17 Comments »
Anna Little wants round three against Frank Pallone.
In an email this morning to past and present supporters, the 2010 and 2012 GOP nominee for New Jersey’s 6th Congressional District seat in the House of Representatives, Little sang a familiar refrain:
I’m Anna Little and I want to work for YOU in Washington
Little said,
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Posted: November 1st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2014 Congressional Races, Anna Little, Frank Pallone | Tags: 2014 Congressional races, Anna Little, Frank Pallone, NJ CD 6 | 28 Comments »
Reports out of Long Branch are that Frank Pallone was shocked and dismayed that he lost his first election ever last night.
The story is that it took him two hours after the Associated Press called the primary for Cory Booker to show up at McLoone’s Pier House because he was holed up in his office, unable to compose himself. It was only after he heard the media was leaving that he was able to pull himself together and join his own party while Senate nominee Cory Booker was delivering his victory speech on live TV from Newark.
But the big story, and what Pallone should really be upset about, is not that he lost a primary few thought he could win, but that he is now exposed as vulnerable for reelection in the 6th Congressional District. Pallone performed poorly in his Middlesex and Monmouth base.
Numbers and graphics from Politico.
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Posted: August 14th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2014 Congressional Races, Anna Little, Congress, Frank Pallone | Tags: Anna Little, Bayshore Tea Party Group, CD 6 NJ CD 6, Cliff Moore, Frank Pallone, Hazlet, Jun Choi, Mark Falzon, NJ6, Tony Fiore, Victor Scudiery | 35 Comments »

Photo credit:
Since they formed in 2009, the Bayshore Tea Party Group has supported three campaigns that have defeated the Monmouth County Republican Organization in primaries.
Former Highlands Mayor Anna Little won the 6th Congressional District nomination twice. In 2010 Little defeated the MCRO’s endorsed candidate Diane Gooch. In 2012 Little defeated newcomer Ernesto Cullari. Cullari had won the Monmouth Republican organization’s endorsement. Little won the Middlesex County Republican Organization’s endorsement and won the primary handily in both counties. Little went on to lose twice to incumbent Democratic Congressman Frank Pallone.
Oceanport real estate executive David Corsi beat Princeton venture capitalist Scott Sipprelle in Monmouth County during the 2010 primary for the 12 Congressional District nomination. Sipprelle prevailed on the strength of his support in the Middlesex and Mercer portions of the district. Sipprelle lost to incumbent Democratic Congressman Rush Holt.
Both Little and Corsi were supported by BTPG’s grassroots activists.
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Posted: March 21st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Diane Gooch, Ernesto Cullari, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Amy Handlin, Anna Little, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, BTPG, David Corsi, Declan O'Scanlon, Diane Gooch, Ernesto Cullari, Joe Kyrillos, Monmouth GOP primary, Scott Sipprelle, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone | 2 Comments »
The Bayshore Tea Party Group is preparing a primary slate to challenge 13th district legislators, Senator Joe Kyrillos and Assembly Members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon, and county office holders, Sheriff Shaun Golden and Freeholders Tom Arnone and Serena DiMaso, according to the group’s co-founder Barbara Gonzalez.
Gonzalez told MoreMonmouthMusings that the group has six candidates who are clearing their potential candidacies with their families and employers. She wouldn’t name any of the candidates but expects to make a formal announcement next week. If the slate declares, they will bypass the Monmouth GOP convention on March 23 and file to run in the June 4 Republican primary.
Gonzalez said that former Highlands Mayor Anna Little, who twice ran and won in Congressional primaries with the group’s backing, is not one of the candidates.
Posted: March 5th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Amy Handlin, Anna Little, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Declan O'Scanlon, Joe Kyrillos, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, NJ State Legislature, Primary Election | Tags: Amy Handlin, Anna Little, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Declan O'Scanlon, GOP Primary, Joe Kyrillos, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone | 42 Comments »
Congressman Frank Pallone defeated Anna Little by 32% in their 6th congressional district rematch, earning a 13th term in the House of Representatives.
148,251 votes were cast for Pallone district wide compared to 75,519 for Little.
Pallone won all four voting districts in Highlands, Little’s home where she served as mayor from 2008-2010.
In the Monmouth County portion of the district Pallone won the voting machine tally by 41,462-33,202. These numbers do not yet reflect the thousands of paper ballots that were cast in the Middletown Township portion of the district where the machines malfunctioned. Additionally, v0ters who received email and fax ballots by 5PM on election day have until 8PM Friday to deliver those ballots to the Board of Elections.
In Middlesex County, Pallone earned 71% of the vote, 100,040 of the 141,502 machine ballots cast.
The likelihood of Little overcoming that lead with provisional, paper and emergency ballots is nil.
Posted: November 7th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Anna Little | 3 Comments »
In a remarkable interview with, 6th district congressional challenger gives insight into her transformation from a rising GOP star to a fringe candidate.
“I had been a mainstream Republican candidate, but unfortunately I was not allowed to be myself. I am a traditional lady – I am pro-life, I am Catholic, and I am proud of it,” Little said. “Any political party, if it’s top-down driven, they want you to fit their mold. I don’t fit anybody’s mold. With the Tea Party people, I can be me. And I just want to do the right thing.”

Anna Little in her Woodbridge campaign office during her interview. Photo credit: Mark Bonamo/
The obvious implication is that those who didn’t “allow” her to be herself don’t want to do the right thing. That’s her ethos. On the wall next to her desk in her campaign office is her slogan,
Little was a mainstream candidate. A good one at that. In early 2006 the Monmouth GOP County Committee, suffering from the aftershocks of Operation Bid Rig, tabbed the little know Highlands Councilwoman and her “do the right thing” message to complete Amy Handlin’s seat on the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders when Handlin was sworn into the State Assembly.
During her fall campaign to defend the seat, then GOP County Chairman Adam Puharic, a proud pro-life Catholic, called Little “a Rock Star.” Against an anti-war, anti-Bid Rig tide, Little was a rare Republican victor on election night of 2006. Within weeks the proud pro-life Catholic Puharic was plotting to get Little off the Republican ticket the following November.
Puharic and the Monmouth GOP did send Little packing from the Freeholder Board one year after she emerged like a Rock Star. The Highlands GOP welcomed her home an nominated her for mayor after the incumbent unexpectedly resigned his candidacy. The Highlands voters welcomed her home with a victory. Three years later, rather than run for reelection Little ran for Congress. She narrowly won the Monmouth County portion of the 6th district in a huge pro-Republican tide election. But she lost Highlands. Republicans swept every ballot position in Highlands in 2010, except the top one…Little’s. Highlands voted for Frank Pallone in 2010 rather than their incumbent mayor.
Little responded by calling Highlands employees, council members and voters stupid.
If you don’t support Anna Little unconditionally and give her what she wants when she wants it, you’re either corrupt or stupid. That’s her message. Her lack of mainstream support has nothing to do with her being pro-life, Catholic or a traditional lady. There are many pro-life, Catholic, traditional ladies thriving politically in the mainstream NJ/Monmouth GOP.
The list of former Little supporters who have mysteriously become corrupt or stupid is long and growing. It is not an accident that those who know her best, the voters of Highlands and the Monmouth GOP who nominated an unknown political neophyte instead of Little in the congressional primary, have withdrawn their support.
And it’s not because they are corrupt or stupid.
It is, in large part, because she says they are corrupt and stupid when they dare to question her.
Posted: October 26th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Anna Little | Tags: Adam Puharic, Anna Litte, Do the right thing, | 3 Comments »