Red Bank Councilman likes to have it both ways
What do Ed McKenna and Ed Zipprich have in common besides the same first name and being Red Bank Democrats? They both have a record of driving the wrong way on the Garden State Parkway after consuming too much alcohol.
The Red Bank Police should put a DUI check on River Rd on Sunday afternoon as McKenna is holding a fundraiser for Zipprich and his running mates at his home from 4-6. Red Bank Taxi and Red Bank Limo should make sure their drivers are on standby. The State Police should increase patrols at Exit 109.
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Posted: October 10th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Ed Zipprich, Monmouth County, Monmouth Democrats, Neptune Nudniks, Red Bank | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Driving the wrong way on the Garden State Parkway, DUI, Ed McKenna, Ed Zipprich, Garden State Parkway, Linda Schwabenbauer, Monmouth Democrats, Red Bank, Red Bank Democrats, Sean DiSpmma, Vin Gopal, Wrong Way Ed | 15 Comments »

Hollis Towns, APP’s Editor of the Future. Photo via facebook
Editors and writers at the Asbury Park Press are vying to keep their jobs in Executive Editor Hollis R. Towns’ “Newsroom of the Future.”
Gannett, the owner of the paper, announced on August 5 that it is separating into two publicly held companies. APP will be part of a publishing company that will be debt free and own the company’s newspapers including USA Today and 81 local daily newspapers and their affiliated websites. The more profitable broadcasting and digital divisions will be folded into a company that will assume the existing debt and consists of the 46 television stations the company owns or services as well as the websites and The publishing company will retain the Gannett name.
The following day, Towns announced on and the paper’s front page that he, along with the executive editors of four other of Gannett properties were charged with creating the “newsroom of the future.” There will be fewer editors and more reporters who will hang out in coffee shops and delis hunting for stories that they will be able to post to without a gatekeeper reviewing their work. And there will be public events like the Sleep Con event they hosted with an advertiser earlier this month where readers could pay $10 to learn how to sleep better by buying a mattress from the advertiser.
What Towns didn’t announce publicly was that current Asbury Park Press employees had to apply to keep their jobs. “To be hired into the Newsroom of the Future” is how is was spun in Neptune.
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Posted: August 24th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Monmouth County, Neptune Nudniks | Tags: Asbury Park Press., Gannett, Hollis R. Towns, Hollis Towns, Neptune Nudniks, Newsroom of the Future | 3 Comments »
The Asbury Park Press has a piece of the by the State and non-profit groups to crack down in human trafficking in New Jersey.
The Super Bowl is said to be big business for human traffickers. With the big game coming to the Meadowlands in February, the State and the New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking is working to educate and mobilize local hotels to stop trafficking in their venues.
But trafficking in a year round problem. Judging by the ads in the app, there is quite a bit of it happening right here in Monmouth County.
The sanctimonious nudniks should do their part and stop accepting ads that offer “A HOT SPECIAL TREAT Blondes and Brunettes Russian, Brazilian & Spanish Girls Brand New Girls Every week,” “Beyond Therapy” and the like.

Posted: September 3rd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Crime, Crime and Punishment, Gannett, Human Trafficking, Neptune Nudniks, Super Bowl | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Human Traffickiing, Neptune Nudniks, New Jersey Coaltion Against Human Trafficking, Super Bowl | 2 Comments »

No news. Empty newsstands stored in the Asbury Park Press’s empty parking lot in Neptune.
This morning the Asbury Park Press Neptune Nudniks have an article about something that might be happening and that might cause something else that’s bad to happen.
Two of the three mayors on the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority may be breaking confidentiality rules — and possibly jeopardizing millions of dollars in redevelopment deals — to keep their governing bodies up to date on property negotiations affecting their towns. (Emphasis added)
In a nutshell, the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (FMERA) is the entity responsible for redeveloping the fort that Congressmen Frank Pallone and Rush Holt let get away. The authority is governed by a 13 member board. 6 of the board members are representives of the State government. 1 is a Monmouth County Freeholder, 3 are “public members.” The final three are the mayors of the communities that host the fort, Oceanport, Tinton Falls and Eatontown.
Here’s where APP reporter Bill Bowman got a basic fact wrong:
A state authority under the umbrella of the state Department of Community Affairs, FMERA is the sole body that seeks out potential buyers and lessors and negotiates and approves contracts for the property.
FMERA is not under the umbrella of the state Department of Community Affairs. It is an independent authority staffed by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority.
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Posted: July 17th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, FMERA, Fort Monmouth, Neptune Nudniks | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Bill Bowman, Bruce Steadman, Eatontown, FMERA, Fort Monmouth, Michael Mahon, Micheal Skudera, Middletown Library, Neptune Nudniks, Oceanport, Susan O'Neal, Tinton Falls | 3 Comments »

No news. Empty newsstands stored in the Asbury Park Press’s empty parking lot in Neptune.
In their editorial posted last evening, the Asbury Park Press Editorial Board The Neptune Nudniks lecture New York City voters on character and morality.
As if they are an authority on character and morality and have readers from New York! Maybe they are hoping some bennies here for the weekend will read their paper instead of Greg’s List.
The Nudnik’s homily bemoans the fact that former Congressman Anthony Weiner and former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer are doing very well in the polls in their campaigns for municipal office in New York.
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Posted: July 13th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Neptune Nudniks, NJ Media, Opinion | Tags: Anthony Weiner, Asbury Park Press, Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer, Fire the Asbury Park Press Editorial Board, Jim McGreevey, Judge Lawrence M. Lawson, Monica Lewinsky, Neptune Nudniks, Tony Fiore | 6 Comments »
For the last several years this site has derided the Asbury Park Press Editorial Board Neptune Nudniks for their ignorance of the facts and processes about which they opine, and for their religious bigotry.
The Nudniks’ editorial today about the controversy surrounding the emails exchanged between Middletown Library Director Susan O’Neal and Democratic candidate for Middletown Township Committee Linda Baum is a firing offense. They apparently didn’t even read or comprehend their own reporter’s article about the issue, before publishing their ignorant opinion.
APP reporter Suzanne Cervenka reported the story accurately on July 4. Middletown Township Committeeman Tony Fiore made an OPRA request for emails between O’Neal and Baum. Baum took the issue to Court, arguing that the emails were private, had nothing to do with library operations and that she in no way acted as an agent of the library. Judge Lawrence M. Lawson ruled that, as a matter of law, the emails were government documents subject to OPRA and ordered them released.
In their editorial, the Nudniks said that Fiore took the matter to Court when in fact Baum took the matter to Court. They said Lawson should have refused to hear the matter. If Lawson kept the Court out of it, the emails would have been released without Baum being heard on the matter. The Nudniks said Fiore was being petty for following his instincts that O’Neal was undermining the public’s oversight of the $4.6 million dollar operation she directs.
Monmouth and Ocean County citizens deserve better from their largest newspaper/news site. We’ve deserved better for a long time. We should demand better.
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Posted: July 10th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Neptune Nudniks, NJ Media, Opinion | Tags:, Fire the Asbury Park Press Editorial Board, Judge Lawrence M. Lawson, Linda Baum, Middletown, Middletown Public Library, Neptune Nudniks, Neputne Nudniks, Susan O'Neal, Tony Fiore | 14 Comments »

Photo credit:
As if the weather wasn’t a damper enough to the Jersey Shore kickoff that Superstorm Sandy ravished businesses, their employees and shore area municipalities desperately need, the shore’s biggest newspaper, and its most popular columnist/blogger are working against us too.
The Asbury Park Press Editorial Board (formerly known here as the Neptune Nudniks, a title we retired the day before Sandy hit, but are tempted to bring back after today’s doozy), opines today that Governor Christie should issue an Executive Order doing away with beach badge sales.
What is really insulting, is that the APP blatantly show how ignorant they are about the New Jersey economy, our tax structure and the cost allocation of our various governments.
There is another logical reason for making the beaches free: revitalizing the Shore economy. What better extra inducement to get people to come to the Jersey Shore? Free beaches could mean millions of dollars in additional revenues for towns. More money spent in restaurants and bars, on summer rentals and motel stays, on souvenirs, on gasoline. For some families, beach fees are prohibitive. For a family of four, they can run $40 or more. That kind of expense can make the difference between going to the beach or staying home. Or between going once or twice a summer instead of several times during the season.
Doing away with beach badges would be a logical thing to do if it would bring revenues to shore towns. Duh! Why didn’t the mayors think of that!?
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Posted: May 24th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: #STTS, Asbury Park Press, Beach Access, Belmar, Bob Ingle, Chris Christie, Hurricane Sandy, Jersey Shore, Neptune Nudniks, Superstorm Sandy, Taxes | Tags:, Asbury Park, Asbury Park Press, Beach Badges, Beach fees, Belmar, Bob Ingle, Long Branch, Manasquan, Neptune Nudniks, Sea Bright, Spring Lake | 9 Comments »
“Club Monmouth” is kaput. The Asbury Park Press negative monkier for the Monmouth GOP is obsolete now that their editorial board has endorsed the entire Monmouth Republican slate using the adjectives “innovative.” independenct,” and “effective.”
Accordingly, MMM is retiring the moniiker “Neptune Nudniks,” for now, that we have used for the last few years in naming the APP Editorial Board.
Their endorsements of John Curley and Serena DiMaso for Freeholder are right on the mark.
Curley has demonstrated leadership, independence and fiscal conservatism during his time as a freeholder. His tireless research and persistence in uncovering the excesses and illegalities of former Brookdale Community College President Peter Burnham led to Burnham’s ouster and guilty plea on official misconduct charges this summer.
DiMaso and Curley helped pare $4.1 million from the county’s $487 million spending plan this year, without laying off any employees and keeping property taxes stable. Curley has pledged to continue with plans to consolidate county jobs as people leave and to explore more opportunities to outsource county services.
DiMaso’s insistence on the need for the freeholders to keep our state legislators’ feet to the fire when it comes to the federal government’s lack of transparency with the redevelopment of Fort Monmouth is welcome, as is her focus on continuing to find ways to share services with neighboring counties and municipalities.
As they did in endorsing M.Claire French for County Clerk, the APP simply dismissed the Democratic opposition as not up to the jobs.
“What’s next, endorsing Romney?” one MMM reader asked. That would be something. The APP’s sister publication with the same website design, The DeMoines Register, reversed their 2008 endorsement of Obama yesterday, declaring,
Which candidate could forge the compromises in Congress to achieve these goals? When the question is framed in those terms, Mitt Romney emerges the stronger candidate.
The former governor and business executive has a strong record of achievement in both the private and the public sectors. He was an accomplished governor in a liberal state. He founded and ran a successful business that turned around failing companies. He successfully managed the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.
Romney has made rebuilding the economy his No. 1 campaign priority — and rightly so.
Posted: October 28th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, John Curley, Monmouth GOP, Neptune Nudniks, Serena DiMaso | Tags: app, Asbury Park Press, John Curley, M. Claire French, Neptune Nudniks, Serena DiMaso | 1 Comment »
Could they possibly endorse Curley and DiMaso for Freeholders too?
The Asbury Park Press has recognised the fine job Republican County Clerk M. Claire French has done over the last ten years and endorsed her for a third five year term.
The Neptune Nudniks got this one right. They dismissed Democratic candidate Michael Steinhorn as someone who “has little to recommend him for the job,” despite the fact that he exposed the statistical anomaly of the Monmouth GOP winning the first general election ballot position in 30 of 33 years and that they like his proposal to that the clerk’s office provide mobile services to seniors and veterans.
Given their logic in endorsing French, it will be fascinating to see how they endorse at least one of the Democratic Freeholder candidates, as I expect they will.
The Democratic Freeholder campaign has been so anemic that I suspect many readers don’t even know who is running. Despite the Monmouth Dems outraising the Monmouth GOP through September, there is little evidence that Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal and his team are trying to get their nominal slate elected. Publicly Democratic leaders say the right things about supporting their candidates. Privately they seem resigned to a Republican blow out.
The Democratic candidates are William Shea and Kevin Lavan. Shea, as Amy Mallet’s running mate, lost to Freeholders Lillian Burry and Gary Rich last year. He is challenging Freeholder Director John Curley for a full three year term. Lavan, who lost his run for Assembly to Declan O’Scanlon and Amy Handlin in the 13th district last year, is running against Freeholder Serena DiMaso for the remaining one year of Rob Clifton’s term. Clifton resigned upon being sworn into the State Assembly.
Shea and Lavan were not even on the same page when the Nudniks interviewed all four candidates in September. Shea recklessly proposed a 20% across the board spending cut from the county budget without backing up how he would do it. Lavan said “maybe” depending upon the results of an audit.
Yet, the Nudniks loath single party control of any governing body (except the federal government when it is in Democratic hands) and has a historical bias against “Club Monmouth” as they frequently call the Monmouth GOP. They seem to forget that all of the Monmouth Republican county office holders and all of Monmouth GOP leadership has been replaced since Operation Bid Rig, except Claire French who they just endorsed. The GOP holds all five seats on the Freeholder Board.
Will the APP editorial board affirm the nudnikness and endorse Shea or Lavan? We’ll find out soon. Either way, it won’t matter on election day. It might matter to their own crediblity if the actually endorse the best people for the job and get over their own biases.
Posted: October 26th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Freeholder, John Curley, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP, Neptune Nudniks, Serena DiMaso | Tags: Asbury Park Press, endorsements, Freeholder Director John Curley, Freeholder Serena DiMaso, John Curley, Kevin Lavan, Michael Steinhorn, Monmouth County Clerk, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP, Neptune Nudniks, Serena DiMaso, Vin Gopal, William Shea | 1 Comment »
The editorial board of the Asbury Park Press Neptune Nudniks want the State Attorney General’s office to monitor the ballot positioning draw for Monmouth County elections until such time as the legislature takes the chance out of ballot positioning.
Even though they acknowledge that there is no way to prove their allegations, the Nudniks are basically accusing Monmouth and Essex County Clerks, and the Monmouth GOP and Essex Democrats by inference, of fraud because the results of ballot positioning draws have defied statistical probability by huge margins over the past few decades.
Ballot drawings should be watched. But the Attorney General or Jimmy Carter don’t have to do the watching. The APP should send a reporter and write about the process.
One reason this matters, the Nudniks and the “experts” they refer to say is because voters who are uninformed about candidates will vote for candiates in the first ballot position. It seems to me that “voters” who are uninformed about the candidates stay home. They APP could impact this problem by doing a better job covering candidates and campaigns.
Posted: October 9th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Neptune Nudniks | Tags: Essex County Clerk, Monmouth County Clerk, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth Republicans, NJ Media | 1 Comment »