photo via facebook
The story of the alleged arrest warrant, for a traffic violation, out of Dallas for Red Bank Republican Council candidate Sean DiSomma took bizarre twist and turns on Friday as Dallas officials confirmed to MMM and RedBankGreen, early in the day, that there had never been a warrant on DiSomma. Late Friday, a Dallas official told RedBankGreen that DiSomma was in “capias warrant status” and the Dallas Court website was updated to reflect that status. The official told RBG that the warrant was issued because DiSomma’s 2011 check paying his traffic violation fine bounced one year after it had been submitted, which would have been in January or February of 2012.
Monmouth Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal released an audio clip produced on Friday, purported to be a recording on the Dallas Court’s automated response system indicating that there was an “alias warrant” issued for DiSomma.
DiSomma, who provided documentation showing he paid his fines on Thursday evening, hours after he was made aware of the situation by members of the press following up on Gopal’s accusations, said the he was caught up in a “bureaucratic nightmare” with the Dallas Courts and that he was being defamed by the Monmouth Democrats.
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Posted: October 26th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: NJ Media, Red Bank, Vin Gopal | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Dallas, NJ.com, Red Bank Democrats, Red Bank Republcans, RedBankGreen, Sean DiSomma, Traffic Violation, Vin Gopal | 27 Comments »
A Dallas Municipal Court employee told MoreMonmouthMusings this morning that there has never been a warrant issued for the arrest of Sean DiSomma, the Red Bank Republican council candidate, who was defamed by the Monmouth County Democrats, The Asbury Park Press and NJ.com yesterday.
NJ.com updated their headline to include the word “accused” this morning, but has not lifted a finger to verify the accusation, nor have they referenced MMM’s story that disproved the allegation that a warrant for DiSomma’s arrest is outstanding or had ever been issued. MMM has previously been cited by NJ.com and The Star Ledger on several stories. They can’t honestly claim that they don’t consider this little blog a reliable news outlet.
The Asbury Park Press doubled down on their defamation of DiSomma in a story updated this morning: (Screenshot from the app.com story)
APP reporter Larry Higgs has not responded to numerous messages via twitter, public and private, asking if he personally confirmed a warrant with the Dallas municipal court.
Such a confirmation would be impossible, because there was never a warrant.
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Posted: October 25th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth Democrats, NJ Media, Red Bank | Tags: Asbury Park Press, defamation, Monmouth County Democrats, NJ Media, NJ.com, Red Bank, Red Bank Democrats, Red Bank Republicans, Sean DiSomma, Star Ledger, Stuart J. Moskovitz, Vin Gopal | 7 Comments »
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Posted: September 26th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: NJ Media, NJNewsCommons, RePost | Tags: Darrly Isherwood, NJ.com, PolitickerNJ.com | Comments Off on NJ.com hires Darryl Isherwood, editor of PolitickerNJ.com, as senior political reporter
In an interview with NJTV’s On The Record with Michael Aron aired yesterday, Democratic U.S. Senate nominee, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, insisted that T-Bone is a real person and not a composite or archetype as has been previously reported.
The mayor said the Newark police told him there are currently five people in the city using the alias “T-Bone.” He went on to say that he, as an attorney prior to entering public office, “and after I became mayor” would hold meetings with drug dealers, “100’s of guys involved in the narcotics trade,” in his house, ” even putting them up with me.”
The Booker interview can be viewed here. Aron starts the T-Bone questioning at the 9:15 mark. Booker talks about his meetings and his hospitality for drug dealers, while mayor, at the 11:29 mark.
Booker said he was dealing with non-violent drug dealers. Aron did not ask him how he knew they were non-violent drug dealers.
When MMM first reported the T-Bone controversy, we asked, Did Booker Fabricate A Drug Dealer Or Did He Harbor A Fugitive? Last week, I argued that Booker’s “story telling” to make a point or to inspire action was not a big deal and was politically insignificant.
However, if Booker is telling the truth in his stories, as he insists he is, it is a big deal. It seems to me that Booker is confessing to his own crimes of harboring fugitives and maybe even aiding and abetting.
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Posted: September 16th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Cory Booker, Crime, Crime and Punishment, Newark, News, NJ Media, Senate Special Election | Tags: Cory Booker, Crime, Michael Aron, Newark, NJTV, Special Senate Election, T-Bone, violence | 4 Comments »
Nudniks Tout $1500 Prize, Don’t Report Layoffs

No news. Empty newsstands stored in the Asbury Park Press’s empty parking lot in Neptune. July, 12 2013
Between 13 and 40 people were laid-off at the Asbury Park Press last week, as part of a nationwide RIF in parent company Gannett’s newspaper division.
Gannett, a publically traded company, is not saying how many employees they have cut loose. The Gannet Blog, which first reported the story which was picked up by the Associated Press, estimates that 200 newspaper employees have been let go from the Asbury Park Press, The Burlington Free Press in Vermont, The Arizona Republic in Phoenix and The Courier-Journal in Louisville, Ky.
The Asbury Park Sun was the first New Jersey news outlet to report the story.
The Asbury Park Press Neptune Nudniks have yet to find the story newsworthy, preferring instead to report how they won a $1500 prize from the Associated Press Media Editors for their Superstom Sandy coverage.
“We are honored by the great recognition the journalism community has given to the entire staff of the Asbury Park Press and APP.com for their unflagging
dedication during such a terrible storm, which affected each of us in some way,” said Hollis R. Towns, executive editor/vice president for news at the Press.
“Our team worked tirelessly before, during and after the storm to ensure the community received the most accurate, useful information as quickly as
In the same article, the Nudniks touted a prize they received yesterday from the National Association of Black Journalists for their “Gripped by Violence” report on shootings in Asbury Park.
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Posted: August 4th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Asbury Park Sun, NJ Media | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Bill Bowman, Gannett, layoffs, Neptune Nudniks | 2 Comments »

I knew this woman was going places.
Former MMM columnist Oliva Nuzzi is on the front page of the New York Daily News today.
“Oh no, what did she do?” said both Dan Jacobson, who stole her away from MMM for $50 bucks, and Vin Gopal, for whom she had her first political internship in 2011, when I asked them if they’d seen it.
Nothing bad at all! Actually its great for Olivia! The Daily News saw her piece on NSFW about Anthony Weiner calling her “Monica” when she was his intern and paid her to write an article for them.
Olivia is smarter, funnier and better looking than most TV news personalities and pundits of any ideology or gender. The Middletown native, now a junior at Fordham, has a lot more than 15 minutes of fame in her future.
Posted: July 30th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Anthony Weiner, Media, NJ Media, Olivia Nuzzi | Tags: Anthony Weiner, Dan Jacobson, Middletown, NY Daily News, Olivia Nuzzi, Vin Gopal | 6 Comments »
Gannett’s USAToday Gets Pranked While Reporting Zimmerman Verdict

‘Howie Felterbush’s’ facebook avatar. The photo is actually of photographer Terry Richardson and two friends, according to TinEye.com
Newspaper/website conglomerate Gannett has more problems than the Asbury Park Press Editorial Board Neptune Nudniks.
The editors of the USA Today, the flagship paper of the Nudnik’s parent company, Gannett, were pranked over the weekend while covering the George Zimmerman verdict.
Deadspin caught the prank and saved it with a screen grab:
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Posted: July 15th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Gannett, Media, NJ Media | Tags: Asbury Park Press Editorial Board, deadspin, Gannett, George Zimmerman, Ho Lee Fuk, Howie Felterbush, KTVU, Neptune Nudniks, Terry Richardson, USA Today | 3 Comments »

No news. Empty newsstands stored in the Asbury Park Press’s empty parking lot in Neptune.
In their editorial posted last evening, the Asbury Park Press Editorial Board The Neptune Nudniks lecture New York City voters on character and morality.
As if they are an authority on character and morality and have readers from New York! Maybe they are hoping some bennies here for the weekend will read their paper instead of Greg’s List.
The Nudnik’s homily bemoans the fact that former Congressman Anthony Weiner and former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer are doing very well in the polls in their campaigns for municipal office in New York.
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Posted: July 13th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Neptune Nudniks, NJ Media, Opinion | Tags: Anthony Weiner, Asbury Park Press, Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer, Fire the Asbury Park Press Editorial Board, Jim McGreevey, Judge Lawrence M. Lawson, Monica Lewinsky, Neptune Nudniks, Tony Fiore | 6 Comments »
For the last several years this site has derided the Asbury Park Press Editorial Board Neptune Nudniks for their ignorance of the facts and processes about which they opine, and for their religious bigotry.
The Nudniks’ editorial today about the controversy surrounding the emails exchanged between Middletown Library Director Susan O’Neal and Democratic candidate for Middletown Township Committee Linda Baum is a firing offense. They apparently didn’t even read or comprehend their own reporter’s article about the issue, before publishing their ignorant opinion.
APP reporter Suzanne Cervenka reported the story accurately on July 4. Middletown Township Committeeman Tony Fiore made an OPRA request for emails between O’Neal and Baum. Baum took the issue to Court, arguing that the emails were private, had nothing to do with library operations and that she in no way acted as an agent of the library. Judge Lawrence M. Lawson ruled that, as a matter of law, the emails were government documents subject to OPRA and ordered them released.
In their editorial, the Nudniks said that Fiore took the matter to Court when in fact Baum took the matter to Court. They said Lawson should have refused to hear the matter. If Lawson kept the Court out of it, the emails would have been released without Baum being heard on the matter. The Nudniks said Fiore was being petty for following his instincts that O’Neal was undermining the public’s oversight of the $4.6 million dollar operation she directs.
Monmouth and Ocean County citizens deserve better from their largest newspaper/news site. We’ve deserved better for a long time. We should demand better.
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Posted: July 10th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Neptune Nudniks, NJ Media, Opinion | Tags: APP.com, Fire the Asbury Park Press Editorial Board, Judge Lawrence M. Lawson, Linda Baum, Middletown, Middletown Public Library, Neptune Nudniks, Neputne Nudniks, Susan O'Neal, Tony Fiore | 14 Comments »
NJ Media trips over itself to give the Senate President cover

Photo credit: nomblog.com
Senate President Steve Sweeney referred to Assemblyman Jason O’Donnell, Barbara Buono’s choice to be the new Democratic State Chairman, as “Cryan’s beard” yesterday while condemning the choice as divisive. Buono is the presumptive Democratic gubernatorial nominee. By tradition the gubernatorial nominee of both parties chooses the state chairman of the party. Cryan is former Democratic State Chairman, Assemblyman Joe Cryan.
“Beard” is a slang term for a person, most often a woman, who is used, knowingly or unknowingly, as a date or spouse to conceal their ‘partner’s’ homosexuality.
Can you imagine the media outcry if Governor Chris Christie or another prominent Republican denounced an advisory as a beard?
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Posted: May 21st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Barbara Buono, Garden State Equality, Gay Marriage, Gender Equality, NJ Democrats, NJ Media | Tags: Barbara Buono, Beard, Bob Ingle, Charles Stile, Cryan's Bead, Jason O'Donnell, Jay Lassister, Joe Cryan, Steve Sweeney | 3 Comments »