
Gallagher on Power and Politics this weekend

Luke Margolis, Art Gallagher and Jay Lassiter on the News12 set

Luke Margolis, Art Gallagher and Jay Lassiter on the News12 set

Your favorite blogger appears on News12’s Power and Politics with Luke Margolis this weekend opposite the indefatigable Democratic activist Jay Lassiter.

Our topic was Congressman Chris Smith’s commitment to human rights and his controversial comments regarding LGBT rights vs human rights last month.

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Posted: February 13th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: Art Gallagher, Chris Christie, Gay Marriage, Gender Equality, Human Rights, Human Trafficking, Humanity, marriage, Marriage Equality | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Gallagher on Power and Politics this weekend

Tis the season to make a difference

By Greg Kelly and Art Gallagher

Courtesy of Teddy Bears by the Shore

Courtesy of Teddy Bears by the Shore

‘Tis the season to be jolly—and generous.

A MMM reader asked Art to publish an article on ways to volunteer during the holidays.  Art asked Greg to make a list and check it twice, with a Monmouth County focus, and to include charities and non-profits that need volunteers and financial support.

The following 100+ charitable/volunteer organizations based in Monmouth County go the extra mile every day to help those less fortunate or for causes that really matter to humanity. You can help them to help others this holiday season.

Feel free to add to the list in the comments.

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Posted: November 29th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Art Gallagher, Greg Kelly, Greg's List, Monmouth County | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments »

Even the Asbury Park Press Advertises on MoreMonmouthMusings!

app ad2The Asbury Park Press wants their readers back so bad that they are advertising on MoreMonmouthMusings!  Their ad sneaked in this morning through a national syndicate we participate in.   We’d have to think long and hard about accepting their ad had they contacted us directly, because we have major reservations about the product they produce.

But, we’ll accept their ad as an endorsement of how well MMM has been able to attract the attention of Monmouth County and New Jersey readers.

To celebrate the endorsement, we’re having a sale.

APP’s ad is offering 50% off on subscriptions for three months.  We promise to keep our content free for three months.

We’re offering 50% off on ads for three months, starting on November 5. We’re sold out until then for most ad packages.  This is a great deal for retailers, restaurants, theaters, car dealers, contractors, real estate brokers, lawyers, accountants and banks, especially as we enter the holiday season.

MMM’s traffic is up 41%, year to date over 2013, and growing.  We’ve already exceeded our 2013 readership by 81,000, and we’re only two weeks into the fourth quarter of the year.

If you want to get in on this great deal, contact Art Gallagher now at artvg@aol.com or 732-208-2240.  Don’t wait.  This offer expires on October 31.

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Posted: October 15th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Advertisement, Art Gallagher, Asbury Park Press, Monmouth County | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Search function added

Yes, after 4,000 posts, it is about time.

MoreMonmouthMusings just got a little more useful and a little more user friendly. We’ve finally added a search function.   It’s on the top of the right sidebar, just above the first ad.

Want to know the glorious history of the Bayshore Tea Party Group or what to do if your generator won’t start?  Now that information is easier to find.

Who were the Monmouth County Freeholder candidates in 2010? Got it.  Who is the former nude model who held a fundraiser for Chris Christie?  Enter nude model, Christie.

Curious about any Monmouth County or New Jersey political news since 2010?  Try out the search function.


Posted: April 24th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Art Gallagher | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Search function added

Depressing scene at Brookdale Job Fair

By Art Gallagher

Hundreds of middle-aged people looking for work at Brookdale this morning. April 4, 2014

Hundreds of middle-aged people looking for work at Brookdale this morning. April 4, 2014

When I was readying to leave the house this morning,  my wife asked if I was working on a story.  “No, I’m looking for a job,” I replied.  Her head snapped up in surprise. In all the years she’s known me I’ve never said those words.  I’ve always been the owner, or early in our relationship, an unmanageable top producing salesman.

The truth is I wasn’t sure what I was doing when I headed into the job fair at Brookdale Community College this morning.  I met a NJ.com reporter who got the ax yesterday, effective in September, in the overflowing parking lot outside of Collins Arena.  “Working a story or looking for a job?” I asked him.  “A little of both,” he replied before getting called away to cover a fatal car accident in Howell.

I was doing a little of both too. I’m having more fun building this business, MMM, than I had in building any of the others I’ve built or help build, but the revenue is not coming fast enough.  If the big media companies are contracting, there’s no harm in taking a look at what is out there, especially if I can make a story out of it and meet potential advertisers.

“Ha, you’re here looking for advertisers,” a recruiter from Town Square Media said to me when I introduced myself and asked her what an Integrated Sales Person was. She got me, but if Town Square wants to buy MMM, give me a radio show, blog and a fat check, I’ll listen.  An Integrated Sales Person sells ad for websites, radio shows and other mediums, I found out.  I’m now looking for one of those.  The recruiter either wasn’t aggressive or quickly sized me up as not a good fit. Probably both.

The Asbury Park Press’s recruiter was telling visitors to their booth that they weren’t hiring until they finish their across the street move in Neptune. Why were they there? Gannett would have to write a really big check and give me more authority than any corporate nudnik would consider in order to get me to fix that mess.

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Posted: April 4th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Art Gallagher, Asbury Park Press, Brookdale Community College, Economy, Education, Monmouth County | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 14 Comments »

Where are the comments?

Several MMM readers have mentioned that there seems to have been a drop off in the number of comments posted here, and that they miss the circus.

A great deal of that action has been happening on facebook, where I link almost every post.

This afternoon my ace webmaster, Craig Phares from sixoverground installed a widget that, if it works as I’ve been told, will have comments from facebook show up here.

You can post your comment on facebook or, if you’re signed into facebook, your comment here will show up on your wall.

Not on facebook or want to post here with your pseudonym? You can still do that.

~ Art


Posted: October 8th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Art Gallagher | Tags: , , , , | 7 Comments »

Middletown Democrats, Asbury Park Press Follow MMM’s Lead In Endorsing Pallone

Following the lead of MoreMonmouthMusings, the Middletown Democrats and the Asbury Park Press have endorsed Congressman Frank Pallone for the Democratic nomination to complete the term of the late U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg.

Frank Pallone at 2010 Highlands Clamfest.  The 19th annual clamfest ends today in Highlands.  Pallone was there on Friday night

Frank Pallone at 2010 Highlands Clamfest.
The 19th annual clamfest ends today in Highlands. Pallone was there on Friday night

MMM, the first website in the world to endorse Pallone for the Senate nomination, did so on June 25 because the congressman asked publisher Art Gallagher for help, because Gallagher believes the Republican nominee, likely to be former Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan, stands a better chance against Pallone than against Newark Mayor Cory Booker, and most importantly, a vacancy in Pallone’s 6th district congressional seat would be fantastic for MMM’s web traffic.  Our advertisers would love it!

The Middletown Dems say they endorsed Pallone because he “did the best he could” on a variety of issues.  In reality, they are hoping for money from Pallone to fund races even porn distributors are taking a pass on.

The Asbury Park Press endorsed Pallone, even though they say, “Voters can’t go wrong, no matter which way they lean in this primary, ” because they hope hometown Pallone will spend some advertising dollars,drive up newsstand sales and website visits.

All three endorsements come down to money.  Only MMM will admit that.  We like money and we need it!  Go Frank Go!

Posted: August 4th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: 2013 Election, Art Gallagher, Asbury Park Press, Frank Pallone, Middletown Democrats, Pallone, Senate Special Election | Tags: , , , , , , , | 11 Comments »

FEMA Makes A Deal With Russian Emergency Ministry

By Art Gallagher

Photo courtesy of The Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Consequences of Natural Disasters

Photo courtesy of The Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Consequences of Natural Disasters

During the immediate aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, it gave me and my neighbors great comfort when we were greeted by State Police Officers from Mississippi and Illinois when were coming back to Highlands.  It felt good to know that fellow Americans from far away were here for us in our time of need;  that trained police and other first responders were here to protect our lives and property along side our local police and first responders.

I’m not sure I would have felt as comforted if I had to pass through a checkpoint manned by armed Russian soldiers or police to get to my home.

That could happen in future disasters under an agreement that FEMA signed with the Russian Emergency Ministry last week, according to a press release by EMERCOM of Russian.

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Posted: July 2nd, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Art Gallagher, Bob Menendez, Department of Homland Security, Emergency Management, FEMA, Hurricane Sandy, Jeffrey S. Chiesa, Robert Menendez, Russia, Russian Federation, Super Bowl, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: , , , , , | 11 Comments »

Why I am voting against Leigh-Ann Bellew on June 4

Art headshot 2012By Art Gallagher

Yesterday I was interviewed by The Star Ledger and went on the record saying that I would be voting for Joe Kyrillos for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District Republican primary on June 4th.   Consistent with my slogan of being fair and biased, it is appropriate that I tell you, my readers and the reason my opinion matters to The Star Ledger, that MMM is now part of the story and that I have made a decision that can’t help but color my coverage of the rest of the campaign.

MMM is part of the LD 13 story, instead of just covering the story, because we’ve provided the bulk of the media coverage of the primary campaign to date and because Kyrillos’ challenger, Leigh-Ann Bellew, attacked this site in a press release, according to The Star Ledger.

On many important issues, Life and The Right to Bear Arms in particular, I am in more philosophical agreement with Bellew than I am with Kyrillos.   Despite my philosophical differences with Kyrillos, the choice between him and Bellew has become a very easy one.  Kyrillos is a very good State Senator.  Bellew is a deeply flawed candidate.  She never should have exposed herself, her family, and friends who care about her deeply to the rigors and vetting of this campaign.

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Posted: May 24th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, Amy Handlin, Art Gallagher, Declan O'Scanlon, Joe Kyrillos, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Monmouth GOP, Primary Election | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 65 Comments »

Bellew Attacks MMM

The Bellew for State Senate campaign issued a press release this morning wherein they refer to MoreMonmouthMusings and its commenters as “a sympathetic band of faux journalists who could appear on campaign reports for in-kind contributions as paid communication staff.”

The Kyrillos campaign issued a childish response to a serious issue regarding the hypocrisy of Joe Kyrillos, Declan O’Scanlon, and Amy Handlin using a taxpayer funded website to praise a group in the face that they have been stabbing in the back politically.  Calling the Tea Party silly and outrageous, the Kyrillos continues to demonstrate a distain for citizen patriots fighting to make New Jersey and America stronger. He knows that the voters are not warming up to him as they learn about his liberal voting record. So instead of engaging them at a candidate event, he and his campaign have turned to a sympathetic band of faux journalists who could appear on campaign reports for in-kind contributions as paid communication staff.

MMM is the only media outlet that carried the Kyrillos campaign’s statement calling Bellew “silly and foolish” over her press release attacking Kyrillos, O’Scanlon and Handlin for their release condemning the IRS and the Obama Administration for their illegal targeting of Conservative and Tea Party groups.

What a difference seven weeks makes.

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Posted: May 22nd, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2013 Election, Art Gallagher, Barbara Gonzalez, Leigh-Ann Bellew | Tags: , , , | 6 Comments »