WASHINGTON, D.C. – Members of U.S. and New Jersey law enforcement agencies who took part in a Joint Super Bowl Operation deserve tremendous credit for rescuing 25 children ages 13-17 from lives of misery and sexual abuse, and for arresting 45 suspects who allegedly exploited the children for commercial sex, said Congressman Chris Smith (NJ-04), Chairman of the House congressional panel that oversees global human rights, and author of the landmark law, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-386).
According to the FBI, which announced the arrests yesterday, some suspects claimed to have traveled to New Jersey from other states specifically for the purpose of prostituting women and children at the Super Bowl. High-profile special events, which draw large crowds, have become lucrative opportunities for child prostitution criminal enterprises, the FBI said.
“This unprecedented effort by federal agencies in collaboration with local law enforcement from New Jersey aggressively focused on combating commercial child sex trafficking,” said Smith. “The joint efforts and the extraordinary leadership shown by Governor Christie and the New Jersey Human Trafficking Task force is to be applauded for working effectively to help save lives.
“Young victims now have a chance for a new start thanks to these arrests and rescues. Those who took advantage of young runaways and women forced or mislead into a life of sex trafficking and abuse must now face justice. Hopefully this effective effort will become a prototype and have a chilling effect on perpetrators across the nation and around the globe.”
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Posted: February 6th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Smith, Human Trafficking, Press Release, Super Bowl | Tags: Congressman Chris Smith, Human Trafficking, New Jersey Coaltion Against Human Trafficking, Press Release, Super Bowl | 1 Comment »
The Robert D. Wilson Memorial Community Center and the Snug Harbor Park will be having repairs to damage from Hurricane Sandy thanks to
NY/NJ Snowflake Youth Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Highlands Mayor Frank Nolan, Jets owner Woody Johnson, and Douglas Eagles, Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Club of Monmouth County at November 2, 2013 announcement of NY/NJ Snowflake Foundation Grant for Highlands
Highlands, NJ (January 30) – Long after this year’s Super Bowl Most Valuable Player is named, the game will continue to have an impact on youngsters throughout the State of New Jersey. The NY/NJ Snowflake Youth Foundation (SYF), the charitable arm of the NY/NJ Super Bowl Host Committee, is refurbishing run-down or damaged youth-serving organizations throughout the Garden State. Today, the Borough of Highlands announced that it is one of at least 23 sites benefiting from a $1.5 million grant for repairs and renovations from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to SYF through the Community Foundation of New Jersey.
Although some of these sites were in need of repairs and upgrades long before Hurricane Sandy came along, the superstorm had a huge impact. Many facilities were forced to shut their doors entirely, and more than a year after Sandy made landfall, the repair work continues. The funds provided will assist with the Community Center main room flooring replacement, installation of a new playground and renovations to the basketball and tennis courts that were undermined during the storm.
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Posted: January 31st, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Highlands, Press Release, Super Bowl | Tags: Community Foundation of New Jersey, Highlands, NY/NJ Snowflake Youth Foundation, Press Release, Robert Wook Johson Foundation, Timothy Hill | Comments Off on Super Bowl More Than a Game to Highlands, New Jersey Kids
Posted: January 31st, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie's Fleece, Super Bowl | Tags: Chris Christie, Christie's Fleece, Fleece, Super Bowl | Comments Off on Christie Has New Fleece, Baby. The Super Bowl Is In New Jersey And The Weather Will Be Fine
With Governor Chris Christie’s schedule this week…Super Bowl events, appearances on sports talk radio, and Howard Stern’s Birthday Bash, one might think that he is letting the media frenzy over Bridgegate just roll off his back. He’s having a good time and basking in the limelight.
But Christie’s appearance at the Friar’s Club to roast Nassau County Hall of Fame quarterback Boomer Esiason reveals that Bridgegate has taken a toll on Christie’s fun.
You may have read that the lawyer handling the Bridgegate inquiries for Christie’s office is earning $650 per hour. Being a good Republican, Christie apparently cut the budget elsewhere to come up with those funds. His comedy writer must have gotten the axe.
Posted: January 31st, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Bridgegate, Chris Christie, Super Bowl | Tags: Boomer Esiason, Chris Christie, Friars Club | 1 Comment »
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Posted: January 27th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Middletown, Super Bowl | Tags: Knowshon Moreno, Middletown, Super Bowl | Comments Off on Super Bowl 2014: Broncos RB Knowshon Moreno looking to join exclusive New Jersey club
Historic Ellis Island will be the site of Governor Chris Christie’s second Inaugural Celebration, according to an announcement from the Inaugural Committee.

photo by Art Gallagher. click for larger view
Woodbridge, NJ – Governor Christie’s 2014 Inaugural Committee today announced that the Grand Hall at historic Ellis Island in Jersey City will be the host venue for the Celebration of the Inauguration of Governor Chris Christie and Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno.
The Inaugural Celebration will take place the evening of January 21, 2014, following the traditions of a morning Inaugural service and formal noon Swearing-In Ceremony for the Governor and Lt. Governor. More details on the full schedule of Inauguration Day activities will be announced in the coming days.
In addition, www.Inaugural2014.org has been established as the Inaugural Committee’s website. The site now allows for contributions to be made and will be updated to provide the public the latest information on all Inauguration Day activities, including ticketing information for the evening reception. Space will be limited and tickets are expected to sell out quickly.
New Jersey law limits all contributions to the Inaugural Committee to $500. All proceeds from the event will go to charity.
Today, Ellis Island stands as a symbol of the hope, freedom, and promise of opportunity afforded by our state and our nation and continues to be a powerful connection for millions of Americans to their family history. Estimates suggest that nearly half of all Americans can trace their lineage to at least one ancestor who was one of the more than 12 million individuals who passed through Ellis Island during its operation as a federal immigration station. Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty are part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument shared by New Jersey and New York.
The symbolism of Ellis Island for the celebration is important. For 2016, the message is a reminder that the governor won the Hispanic vote in his landslide reelection. It’s a reminder that President Obama has not gotten anything done on immigration reform, and that Christie is the guy who gets thing done.
Happening just two weeks before the Super Bowl which will be played in the Meadowlands, the choice of Ellis Island for what will undoubtedly be a high profile media event, will add to the New Jersey/New York bragging rights debate.
Is Ellis Island in New York or New Jersey? Both. Under a 1998 U.S. Supreme Court decision, the original three acre site belongs to New York, but the surrounding 24 acres that was land-filled belongs to New Jersey. Some structures on the island are in both States.
The price to attend the party is also symbolic. At $500 per pop, it is not likely that the tired, poor and huddled masses will be attending.
Posted: December 10th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie, Immigration, Super Bowl | Tags: Chris Christie, Christie Inauguration 2014, Ellis Island, Inauguration 2014 | 1 Comment »

Highlands Mayor Frank Nolan, Jets owner Woody Johnson, and Douglas Eagles, Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Monmouth County.
The NY/NJ Super Bowl Host Committee and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation announced yesterday that they are awarding $1.5 million to New Jersey youth serving agencies for repairs to recreational facilities and equipment that were damaged by Superstorm Sandy.
The announcement took place at the headquarters of the Puerto Rican Association for Human Development in Perth Amboy, in a play room that has recently been renovated with the first $100 thousand distributed of the $1.5 million dollar grant.
The funds are being distributed through the NY/NJ Snowflake Youth Foundation, the newly formed non-profit arm of the Super Bowl Host Committee. The mission of the NY/NJ Snowflake Youth Foundation is to transform after-school facilities for youth in New Jersey and the New York metro area. They are focused on assisting these locations that provide school-age boys and girls with safe and supervised recreational, educational, and character-building activities.
Jets owner Woody Johnson, Co-Chair of the Super Bowl Host Committee and great-grandson of Robert Wood Johnson, was on hand for the announcement, as were Al Kelly, President and CEO of the Host Committee, John Lumpkin, MD, Directo r of the Health Care Group at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, State Senator Joseph Vitale, Perth Amboy Mayor Wilda Diaz and Highlands Mayor Frank Nolan
The Monmouth County communities of Belmar, Highlands and Manasquan will be beneficiaries of the grant. In Belmar and Masasquan, outdoor recreational facilities of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Monmouth County will be refurbished. In Highlands, the indoor building and the playground of the Robert D. Wilson Memorial Community Center will be renovated.
Elsewhere in New Jersey, youth recreational facilities in Seaside Heights, Moonachie, Rahway, Toms River and Hackensack are slated to receive financial support.
Posted: November 2nd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Super Bowl, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: Boys and Girls Clubs of Monmouth County, Douglas Eagles, Highlands Mayor Frank Nolan, Mayor Wilda Diax, NY/NJ Super Bowl Host Committee, Perth Amboy, Puerto Rican Association for Human Development, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Senator Joseph Vitale, Superstorm Sandy, Woody Johnson | 1 Comment »
The Asbury Park Press has a piece of the by the State and non-profit groups to crack down in human trafficking in New Jersey.
The Super Bowl is said to be big business for human traffickers. With the big game coming to the Meadowlands in February, the State and the New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking is working to educate and mobilize local hotels to stop trafficking in their venues.
But trafficking in a year round problem. Judging by the ads in the app, there is quite a bit of it happening right here in Monmouth County.
The sanctimonious nudniks should do their part and stop accepting ads that offer “A HOT SPECIAL TREAT Blondes and Brunettes Russian, Brazilian & Spanish Girls Brand New Girls Every week,” “Beyond Therapy” and the like.

Posted: September 3rd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Crime, Crime and Punishment, Gannett, Human Trafficking, Neptune Nudniks, Super Bowl | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Human Traffickiing, Neptune Nudniks, New Jersey Coaltion Against Human Trafficking, Super Bowl | 2 Comments »
By Art Gallagher

Photo courtesy of The Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Consequences of Natural Disasters
During the immediate aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, it gave me and my neighbors great comfort when we were greeted by State Police Officers from Mississippi and Illinois when were coming back to Highlands. It felt good to know that fellow Americans from far away were here for us in our time of need; that trained police and other first responders were here to protect our lives and property along side our local police and first responders.
I’m not sure I would have felt as comforted if I had to pass through a checkpoint manned by armed Russian soldiers or police to get to my home.
That could happen in future disasters under an agreement that FEMA signed with the Russian Emergency Ministry last week, according to a press release by EMERCOM of Russian.
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Posted: July 2nd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Art Gallagher, Bob Menendez, Department of Homland Security, Emergency Management, FEMA, Hurricane Sandy, Jeffrey S. Chiesa, Robert Menendez, Russia, Russian Federation, Super Bowl, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: Bob Menendez, Department of Homeland Security, EMERCOM, FEMA, Russian Federation, Senate Foreign Relations Committee | 11 Comments »