By Monmouth County Freeholder Tom Arnone

Monmouth County Freeholder Tom Arnone
Happy November! With all of this warm weather recently, it’s hard to believe we’re just a few weeks away from celebrating the holidays. Either way, it’s a great time of the year and, as always, there is so much going on and so much to do in Monmouth County.
As we approach the end of the year, I would like to give a brief update on the second phase of the Shark River dredging project. As part of the second phase, dredge materials have been temporarily placed on Seaview Island until they are removed at the conclusion of the project next spring. The actual dredging process – which includes pumping the material onto the island to dry – was scheduled to be completed by the end of this year and I am pleased to announce the project remains on schedule. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: November 6th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County News, Tom Arnone | Tags: Arnone Report, Grow Monmouth, Healthy Iniative, Monmouth County News, Shark River Dredging, Tom Arnone | Comments Off on The Arnone Report: Shark River Dredging and Healthy Eating Initiative Updates
By Monmouth County Freeholder Tom Arnone

Monmouth County Freeholder Tom Arnone
Happy August, Monmouth County! It’s hard to believe we are just a few, short weeks away from Labor Day! Soon children will be heading back to school and the cooler weather will be here. However, let’s forget about all of that now and just enjoy the remainder of this great summer season!
I would like to take the time to discuss an important project that will soon be underway and especially noticeable to those living and traveling near Shark River. The second phase of the Shark River dredging project will begin early this month with an anticipated completion time before next summer season. The first phase of this project was completed earlier this year.
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Posted: August 7th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: Arnone Report, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, NJDEP, NJDOT, Seaview Island, Senator Jennifer Beck, Shark River, Shark River Dredging | Comments Off on The Arnone Report: Shark River Dredging Project Enters Phase II
Freehold Director Tom Arnone told MoreMonmouthMusings that the NJ Department of Transportation has agreed to restart the Shark River dredging project despite the fact that the Transportation Trust Fund has yet to be renewed and funded. The news came to Arnone from a DOT official via phone after business hours on Wednesday.
NJ DOT spokesman Kevin Israel confirmed that the project will restart in an email to MMM.
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Posted: July 27th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, NJ DOT, Shark River, Tom Arnone | Tags: Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Kevin Israel, Monmouth County News, Neptune City Mayor Bob Brown, NJ Department of Transportation, NJ DOT, NJ Transportation Trust Fund, Shark River Dredging, Tom Arnone, Transportation Trust Fund | 7 Comments »
Freeholder Director Tom Arnone said he will announce a plan to restart the Shark River dredging project Wednesday morning at the Shark River Marina in Neptune Township.
The project, which had restarted on schedule on July 1 was halted at midnight on July 8 when Governor Christie’s executive order halting projects funded by the Transportation Trust Fund took effect.
The legislature failed to pass TTF funding with a $.23 per gallon gas tax on June 30th. The Senate’s plan was to increase the gas tax while phasing out the estate tax and reducing income taxes on retirees. Christie and the Assembly agreed on a bill that would have raised the gas tax and reduced the sales tax from 7% to 6%. Senate President Steve Sweeny and Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto agreed to pass a revised version of the Senate’s original bill last week. Yesterday, Christie said the Democrats plan is “dead on arrival.”
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Posted: July 26th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Gas Tax, Jennifer Beck, Joe Kyrillos, Monmouth County News, Tom Arnone | Tags: Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Gas Tax, Governor Chris Christie, Monmouth County News, NJ Legislature, NJ Transportation Trust Fund, Senate President Steve Sweeney, Senator Jennifer Beck, Senator Joe Kyrillos, Shark River, Shark River Dredging, TTF | Comments Off on With transportation funding negotiations deadlocked, County has plan to restart Shark River dredging
By Freeholder Director Tom Arnone

Monmouth County Freeholder Director Tom Arnone
It’s finally here …summer has returned! I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having lately, and enjoying all that our beautiful Monmouth County has to offer – beaches, parks, lakes, rivers, boardwalks, lighthouses, museums, theaters, historical sites, restaurants and much more. Our tourist season is in full swing, and according to early estimates, we are paced to match or exceed last year’s numbers, providing economic stability here in our region.
Speaking of tourist season, I am happy to report that the dredging of the Shark River is set to restart in the next few weeks, getting us closer to increasing the recreational side of the Shark River corridor as well as restoring the channels for our commercial fishing industry. As you may know, the dredging had started late last fall and was halted on January 1, 2016, due to state regulations in place to protect spawning and the early life stages of winter flounder and anadromous fish. The dredging project is moving along nicely due to a coalition of State, County and local leaders that effectively advocated for the project, including Senator Jen Beck, Committeeman Randy Bishop, County of Monmouth, Board of Chosen Freeholders, New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJ DOT) Office of Maritime Resources, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJ DEP), and the governing bodies of the participating municipalities including Neptune City, Neptune, Belmar, and Wall.
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Posted: June 28th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: JCP&L, Monmouth County News, Shark River, Tom Arnone | Tags: Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, JCP&L, Monmouth County News, Shark River Dredging, The Arnone Report | 1 Comment »
By Freeholder Director Tom Arnone
Happy New Year Everyone. I am extremely pleased to have been selected as Freeholder Director for 2016. It is an honor once again to represent the board in this capacity. Last week at our annual county re-organization meeting I had an opportunity to briefly review my department’s accomplishments; ones that I believe have provided significant income to our county as well as savings to the taxpayers.
First I would like to thank my family for their support along the way as well as my, fellow Freeholders for their continued dedication to our county. In addition, I would like to wish all our Mayors best of luck as we begin the New Year.
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Posted: January 12th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County News, Tom Arnone | Tags: 2015, 2016, Bike Route, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Memorial Sloan Kettering, Monmouth Coounty Board of Freeholders, Oceanic Bridge, Shark River Dredging, The Arnone Report | Comments Off on The Arnone Report: Impressive Accomplishments and Ambitious Plans

Freeholder John Curley
Freeholder John P. Curley released an anonymous letter that alleged improprieties in the County’s pilot Tax Assessment Demonstration Program. Curley called for the suspension of the program and referred the letter to the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office.
Three weeks later, the Asbury Park Press published an expose into potential ethical conflicts that occurred in the implementation of the program. In December, the Monmouth County Tax Board announced that municipalities could opt-out of the program for the 2017 tax year. APP has claimed credit, which arguably should go to Curley, for all actions taken regarding the ADP program since they published the expose.
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Posted: December 31st, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: Assessment Demonstration Program, Freeholder John Curley, John P. Curley, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Tax Board, Scott Walker, Shark River Dredging, Yogi Berra | 1 Comment »
By Monmouth County Freeholder Thomas A. Arnone

Freeholder Tom Arone
I know there is much speculation recently on the integrity of the Assessment Demonstration Project and I want everyone to know that we hear you and we will support your inquiries. Earlier this year, I along with my fellow members of the Board of Chosen Freeholders asked Matt Clark, Monmouth County’s Tax Administrator, to hold a meeting for all the municipalities to explain the details of the Assessment Demonstration Project. It was our understanding that attendees left feeling more comfortable with what they heard and understood the benefits of the program. As a result of the close working relationships we have throughout the County, numerous Mayors have contacted the Freeholders with concerns over the uncertainty of this program and the recent negative media coverage surrounding it. While we all did our best to alleviate those concerns, we also understand the difficult position it puts most of them in. After the events the past few weeks, without making judgements on the program, its administrator or county tax board members, we believe it may be best to put this program on hold until all questions are answered and the Mayors can explain the long term tax benefit to the residents of Monmouth County . It is our hope that the timeline of January 1 will remain intact while these issues are vetted, as it gives the municipalities the ability to budget for the following year’s tax appeals. It is our hope that you continue to stay informed and aware of the tax assessment program through your municipality or at the County level.
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Posted: October 21st, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Tom Arnone | Tags: ADP, Arnone Report, Assessment Demonstration Program, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Monmouth County News, Property Taxes, Shark River, Shark River Dredging, The Arnone Report, Tom Arnone | Comments Off on The Arnone Report: Hold Up On ADP, All Systems Go On Shark River
By Monmouth County Freeholder Tom Arnone

Freeholder Tom Arnone
After a very long period time and with many notable road blocks and obstacles, I, along with a great team of my colleagues, including Senator Jennifer Beck (R-11), and Neptune Committeeman Randy Bishop, am so happy to announce that the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s (NJDOT’s) Office of Maritime Resources has awarded the bid to complete the Shark River dredging project. The project’s contract was awarded to Mobile Pumping & Dredging Co., of Chester, PA.
This huge step forward is a result of years of work coordinating with the many agencies that have authority over this project. After being involved in this project for more than fifteen years as Mayor of Neptune City and now as a member of the Board of Chosen Freeholders, I am personally very happy to see this project finally begin. I have worked with other officials throughout the years whom were also very passionate about this project, including Tom Catley, former Mayor of Neptune Township, as well as other past mayors of the surrounding towns and those in office today. The County has long continued to work cooperatively with these local officials, as well as state and government agencies to move this dredging project forward.
This is a large project, with approximately 106,000 cubic yards of material to be dredged. With cooperation from the Monmouth County Reclamation Center, which is able to accept and reuse the dredged material, and the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders providing funding, we have made this project a reality. Not one part of the Shark River project was easy or simple, but we found a way to accomplish this.
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Posted: September 28th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Neptune, Neptune Township, Shark River | Tags: Freeholder Tom Arnone, Mobile Pumping and Dredging, Monmouth County News, Randy Bishop, Senator Jennifer Beck, Shark River, Shark River Dredging, The Arnone Report, Tom Arnone, Tom Catley | 1 Comment »
The New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Office of Maritime Resources has awarded the bid to complete the long awaited Shark River and Shark River Spur Dredging Project to the low bidder, Mobile Pumping & Dredging Co., of Chester, PA. MPD’s bid of $7,649,817.50 was $1.8 million lower than the next closest bidder.
The State of New Jersey will contribute over $5 million to the project. Monmouth County will contribute $1.1 million and Neptune Township has committed $450,000. Belmar, Neptune City and Wall Township are expected to share the remaining costs of the project, according to a statement isssued by Senator Jennifer Beck, Freeholder Tom Arnone and Neptune Township Committeeman Randy Bishop. Beck said the project will start this year, “if all the stars align,” and will be completed by the end of 2016.
“After over two decades, there has finally been a bid awarded to dredge Shark River. Notably, The National Marine Fisheries only allows dredging work from July 1st to December 31st, so I’m happy to see this monumental step taken forward, which, if all the stars align, will allow dredging to begin this year. None of this could have been possible without the work of Freeholder Tom Arnone and Committeeman Randy Bishop, working together in a bipartisan fashion with every state, county, and local stakeholder to make this project happen. While the State is investing more than $5 million, the project couldn’t have moved forward without the assistance of Monmouth County, which is accepting the material at its landfill and helping to fund the trucking. In addition, a number of surrounding municipalities have preliminary agreed to share in the cost of the project” said Beck.
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Posted: September 26th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: Arnone, Belmar, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Jennifer Beck, Mobile Pumping and Dredging, Monmouth County News, Neptune, Neptune City, Neptune Committeeman Randy Bishop, NJ Department of Transportation, NJ DOT, Senator Jennifer Beck, Shark River, Shark River Dredging, Tinton Falls, Wall Township | 2 Comments »