Little Silver Mayor Bob Neff
The Borough of Little Silver has been award $275,000 of Transportation Trust Fund money for the repaving on Markham Place, Mayor Bob Neff announced this afternoon.
The grant is part of the Department of Transportation’s 2019 Municipal Aid Program and is funded by the State gas tax, DOT Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti said in her letter to Neff. NJDOT received 681 applications requesting $377.9 million this year. The competitive program only has $161.25 million available in 2019.
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Posted: March 29th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Gas Tax, Little Silver, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, News | Tags: Monmouth County News, New Jersey, NJ Gas Tax, NJ Transportation Trust Fund, NJDOT, NJDOT Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti | Comments Off on Little Silver Awarded $275K To Repave Markham Place
By Monmouth County Freeholder Tom Arnone

Monmouth County Freeholder Tom Arnone
Happy August, Monmouth County! It’s hard to believe we are just a few, short weeks away from Labor Day! Soon children will be heading back to school and the cooler weather will be here. However, let’s forget about all of that now and just enjoy the remainder of this great summer season!
I would like to take the time to discuss an important project that will soon be underway and especially noticeable to those living and traveling near Shark River. The second phase of the Shark River dredging project will begin early this month with an anticipated completion time before next summer season. The first phase of this project was completed earlier this year.
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Posted: August 7th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: Arnone Report, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, NJDEP, NJDOT, Seaview Island, Senator Jennifer Beck, Shark River, Shark River Dredging | Comments Off on The Arnone Report: Shark River Dredging Project Enters Phase II
By Monmouth County Freeholder Tom Arnone

Freeholder Tom Arone
Summer is in full swing and I hope everyone is out there enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve been having. An annual tradition here in Monmouth County is the County Fair. The 41st Monmouth County Fair was a huge success with thousands of residents attending over the five days it was held at the East Freehold Fairgrounds on Kozloski Road.
Monmouth County is the gateway to the Jersey Shore, and you will find more than 50 miles of beaches, revolutionary history sites, nationally recognized parks and golf courses, outdoor dining experiences for all tastes and plenty of places to spend the night. The Monmouth Park System offers over 30 park areas to explore, please go out and enjoy all our beautiful county has to offer.
While we are on the topic of outdoor activities you can enjoy throughout our County, I would like to take a moment to address several concerns within different regions, including the Shark River dredging and the two-river area bike path.
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Posted: July 27th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County News, Neptune, Neptune Township, Shark River, Tom Arnone | Tags: Belmar, Cindy Zipf, Clean Ocean Action, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Little Silver, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Neptune City, Neptune Township, NJDOT, Randy Bishop, Rumson, Seaview Island, Senator Jennifer Beck, Shark River, Shark River Dredging, Tom Arnone, Two River, Two River Bike Path | Comments Off on The Arnone Report: Progress on Shark River Dredging and Two River Bike Path
By Freeholder Tom Arnone

Freeholder Tom Arone
TRAFFIC SIGNALS are of great significance in that they help to control the flow of traffic as well as helping to ensure the safety of our residents. Recently, there was a traffic signal activation ceremony held on the corner of Locust Avenue and Parker Roadin the Borough of West Long Branch. This project came about as a result of Mayor Tucci requesting that the County study this intersection to allow better traffic flow from Parker Road onto County Route 15 (Locust Avenue) and to improve safety and access for the Frank Antonides Middle School and the West Long Branch Community Center. Based on the County’s study our in-house County engineers designed this state of the art traffic signal which has dedicated turn lanes, improved crosswalks and push-button control pedestrian signals. The traffic signal uses LED lights that costs less to operate and is eco-friendly.
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Posted: June 16th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders | Tags: Bradley Beach, Foamed Asphalt Cold In Place Recyling, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Monmouth County, Neptune City, NJDOT, Tom Arnone, West Long Branch | 5 Comments »
The northbound lanes of the Pulaski Skyway are closed for two years as the bridge is reconstructed. The anticipated nightmare for commuters starts this morning.

file photo by Art Gallaghernightmare for commuters starts today.
Seastreak, LLC, and the New Jersey Department of Transportation have partnered to provide a pleasant alternative for Central Jersey commuters to get to Hoboken or Jersey City and home again daily.
Seastreak has two morning departures, 5:45 and 7:45, from the Atlantic Highlands Marina with stops at Paulus Hook in Jersey City and Hoboken. There are three returning departures originating in Hoboken at 3:15 pm, 5:15 pm and 7:15 PM. The fare for a one-way trip to or from either Hudson County terminal and Atlantic Highlands is $12. $5 gets you a ride to or from Jersey City and Hoboken.
The subsidized fare is a bargain. Seastreak’s one-way fare to Manhattan is $26. The fare for a trip on a NJTransit train from Middletown to Hoboken is $14.25, and the train takes longer.
The complete schedule can be viewed here.
Posted: April 14th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: NJ DOT, Pulaski Skyway, Seastreak Ferry | Tags: Commute, Hoboken, Jersey City, NJDOT, Pulaski Skyway, Seastreak Ferry, Seastreak LLC | Comments Off on Seastreak and NJDOT providing relief for Pulaski Skyway commuters
“O’Scanlon: A good step, but rip-offs continue

NJ101.5 photo
The New Jersey Department of Transportation announced yesterday that no additional red light cameras will be installed in the state under the pilot program that is scheduled to run through the end of next year, according to an Associated Press report.
The program, which includes 76 cameras throughout New Jersey, was started in 2009 ostensibly to promote public safety and reduce motor vehicle accidents. DOT says they are not installing new cameras because there is not enough time to collect data from them before the program expires.
Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon says no more data is needed from any of the cameras. They don’t enhance public safety, but are safety hazards. The program is a money grab from New Jersey motorist.
“We know these cameras do not improve safety,” O’Scanlon said, “The data is indisputable. Every objective study on this equipment demonstrates that. Subsequently, many jurisdictions are choosing to eliminate the cameras altogether. But the camera companies continue to relentlessly push for more cameras – clearly demonstrating that their only motivation is stealing more money from NJ residents. It is long past the time that New Jersey join the bandwagon and end this failed program.”
Posted: April 19th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Declan O'Scanlon, Red Light Cameras | Tags: Declan O'Scanlon, NJDOT, Red Light Cameras | 1 Comment »

A 2 man DOT crew picking up Cullari and Little signs on Route 36 in Belford this afternoon. The crew said they were not members of the Bayshore Tea Party Group
Posted: June 5th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races | Tags: Anna Little, Bayshore Tea Party Group, DOT, Ernesto Cullari, NJDOT | 4 Comments »

I counted six trucks and eleven men at Rt. 36 and Broadway in the Leonardo section of Middletown this morning.
Posted: February 8th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: NJ DOT | Tags: How many trucks/men does it take to change a light bulb?, Leonardo, Middletown, NJDOT, Route 36 | 3 Comments »
Construction of the Highlands-Sea Bright, “Joseph Azzolina Memorial” bridge has been halted, as has 106 other NJ Department of Transportation projects, because the state legislature failed to approve a routine bond sale prior to September 30, according to Transportation Commissioner James Sampson. 14 NJTransit projects and design work on hundreds of future projects has also been halted effective Monday October 4.
“We have been forced to implement this work stoppage due to the Legislature’s failure to approve a routine bond transaction for the fifth and final year of a transportation program that was approved under the previous Administration,” Commissioner Simpson said. “Because of the Legislature’s failure to act, thousands of engineers, planners, designers and construction workers will be put out of work and project schedules will be disrupted.”
The Transportation Trust Fund Authority transaction involving the sale of up to $1.25 billion in bonds and the refinancing of up to $500 million in existing debt was anticipated to occur before the end of September to carry projects forward into the spring of 2011.
Posted: October 1st, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: James Sampson, Legislature, NJDOT | Comments Off on Transportation Construction Halted Due To Legislature’s Inaction