Atlantic Highlands activist Joshua Leinsdorf says that Route 36 in Atlantic Highlands, Highlands and Middletown has a higher per capita pedestrian death rate tham Newark and he wants our elected officials to come together to solve the problem rather than blaming other agencies has they have for years.
Leinsdorf posted the following video and narrative on Art Gallagher’s personal facebook page:
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Posted: January 22nd, 2020 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Atlantic Highlands, Highlands, Middletown, Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Tags: Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso, Atlantic Highlands, Carolyn Broullon, Gerry Scharfenberger, Governor Phil Murphy, Highlands, Joshua Leinsdorf, Loretta Gluckstein, Middletown, Monmouth County News, NJ Department of Transportation, NJ DOT, Senator Declan O'Scanlon, Tony Perry | 2 Comments »
Freehold Director Tom Arnone told MoreMonmouthMusings that the NJ Department of Transportation has agreed to restart the Shark River dredging project despite the fact that the Transportation Trust Fund has yet to be renewed and funded. The news came to Arnone from a DOT official via phone after business hours on Wednesday.
NJ DOT spokesman Kevin Israel confirmed that the project will restart in an email to MMM.
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Posted: July 27th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, NJ DOT, Shark River, Tom Arnone | Tags: Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Kevin Israel, Monmouth County News, Neptune City Mayor Bob Brown, NJ Department of Transportation, NJ DOT, NJ Transportation Trust Fund, Shark River Dredging, Tom Arnone, Transportation Trust Fund | 7 Comments »
The New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Office of Maritime Resources has awarded the bid to complete the long awaited Shark River and Shark River Spur Dredging Project to the low bidder, Mobile Pumping & Dredging Co., of Chester, PA. MPD’s bid of $7,649,817.50 was $1.8 million lower than the next closest bidder.
The State of New Jersey will contribute over $5 million to the project. Monmouth County will contribute $1.1 million and Neptune Township has committed $450,000. Belmar, Neptune City and Wall Township are expected to share the remaining costs of the project, according to a statement isssued by Senator Jennifer Beck, Freeholder Tom Arnone and Neptune Township Committeeman Randy Bishop. Beck said the project will start this year, “if all the stars align,” and will be completed by the end of 2016.
“After over two decades, there has finally been a bid awarded to dredge Shark River. Notably, The National Marine Fisheries only allows dredging work from July 1st to December 31st, so I’m happy to see this monumental step taken forward, which, if all the stars align, will allow dredging to begin this year. None of this could have been possible without the work of Freeholder Tom Arnone and Committeeman Randy Bishop, working together in a bipartisan fashion with every state, county, and local stakeholder to make this project happen. While the State is investing more than $5 million, the project couldn’t have moved forward without the assistance of Monmouth County, which is accepting the material at its landfill and helping to fund the trucking. In addition, a number of surrounding municipalities have preliminary agreed to share in the cost of the project” said Beck.
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Posted: September 26th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: Arnone, Belmar, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Jennifer Beck, Mobile Pumping and Dredging, Monmouth County News, Neptune, Neptune City, Neptune Committeeman Randy Bishop, NJ Department of Transportation, NJ DOT, Senator Jennifer Beck, Shark River, Shark River Dredging, Tinton Falls, Wall Township | 2 Comments »

Pictured left to right: Kevin Harms, Rob Harms and Jeff Brantly (all from Harms Construction Company, Inc.), Manasquan Mayor George Dempsey, Dan Healey (from Harms Construction Company, Inc.), Assemblyman David P. Rible, Manasquan Councilman Jeff Lee (in sunglasses), Freeholder Director Gary J. Rich, Sr., Manasquan Councilman Gregg Olivera (partially obscured), Freeholder Thomas A. Arnone, Manasquan Councilman Owen McCarthy, County Public Works Director John W. Tobia and County Engineer Joseph Ettore.
MANASQUAN, NJ- The Glimmer Glass Bridge, which had been closed since last August due to significant damage to the bridge deck and immediate safety concerns was re-opened this afternoon, 80 days ahead of schedule. Repairs to the bridge performed by George Harms Construction Co. of Farmingdale were expected to be completed on May 29 as the summer tourist season kicks off.
“Reopening the Glimmer Glass Bridge is a welcome relief to the nearby residents and the communities of Manasquan and Brielle,” said Freeholder Thomas A. Arnone, liaison to the County’s Department of Public Works and Engineering. “We appreciate all the work done by George Harms Construction to complete this deck replacement project 80 days ahead of schedule.”
“Harms Construction began work in October and worked weekends and overtime to complete the project well ahead of schedule,” said Freeholder Director Gary J. Rich, Sr. “With this being one of the coldest winters in recent memory, this was no small task.”
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Posted: March 13th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County News | Tags: Assemblyman Dave Rible, Brielle, Freeholder Gary Rich, Freeholder Tom Arnone, George Harms Construction Company, Glimmer Glass Bridge, Manasquan, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, NJ Department of Transportation, NJ DOT | Comments Off on Historic Glimmer Glass Bridge connecting Brielle and Manasquan reopens 80 days ahead of schedule

Credit: Governor’s Office/Tim Larsen Transportation Commissioner Jamie Fox To new Transportation Commissioner Jamie Fox, the challenge is clear, and so is the solution: After years of “taking a Band-Aid approach to everything,” New Jersey’s transportation system is in crisis. The only way out is to raise taxes to replenish the soon-to-be-empty Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) and…
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Posted: October 20th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, New Jersey, News | Tags: Christie Administration, Gas Tax, Jamie Fox, New Jersey, NJ Department of Transportation, NJ DOT, Tax Increases, Transportation Trust Fund, Trenton turned Christie Upside Down | 4 Comments »