The Republican Party is in chaos as Donald Trump continues to rule with an iron fist even though he left the White House in disgrace. Dissenters dare not speak up against The Donald.
Read the rest of this entry » Posted: February 17th, 2021 | Author: NJNewsCommons | Filed under: Opinion | Tags: Opinion, Paul Mulshine, Republican Party | 2 Comments »
It’s one of those things you hear that is so preposterous you just assume it’s fake news.
I’m talking about the assertion that smokers get special preference for COVID-19 vaccinations in New Jersey.
Read the rest of this entry » Posted: February 7th, 2021 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Opinion | Tags: COVID-19, Opinion, Paul Mulshine, Smoking | 3 Comments »
The Milano family’s restaurant in Red Bank has a great view across the Navesink River of the Murphy family’s estate on the other bank.
There’s a big difference, however. Gov. Phil Murphy can do as he likes in his buildings. But he has issued edicts that keep the Milanos from using theirs.
That was all scheduled to end today. Gov. Murphy had said he was going to permit restaurants to open at 25 percent of indoor capacity in time for the July 4 weekend. But on Monday the governor rescinded that decree.
That was the same day that a local blog posted photos from the prior Saturday of the governor enjo… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: July 2nd, 2020 | Author: NJNewsCommons | Filed under: COVID-19, New Jersey | Tags: 26 West, Declan O'Scanlon, Governor Phil Murphy, Martell's Bayville, New Jersey, Paul Mulshine, Senator Declan O'Scanlon | 1 Comment »
I took a walk around the local strip mall the other day. The only traffic was a guy in a muscle car doing burn-outs. In the old days, the cops would have been on him in a minute. But no one was there to notice him except for me. The parking lot was empty except for… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 6th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: Eatontown, Monmouth County News | Tags: Eatontown, Jared Kushner, Mayor Dennis Connelly, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Mall, Opinion, Paul Mulshine | 2 Comments »

On a recent weekend I drove to a spot along the beach in Brick Township to see how my tax dollars were doing. About 40 million of them are going to build a steel wall that will protect a four-mile stretch of beach running from Mantoloking southward. Once I parked, I realized there was no way…
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Posted: December 29th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Jersey Shore, Monmouth County, Opinion, Paul Mulshine | Tags: Army Corp of Engineers, Beach replenishment, DEP, Jersey Shore, Lawrence E. Bathgate II, Paul Mulshine | Comments Off on In Sandy’s aftermath, the battle of the beaches is coming to a head: Mulshine

There is some speculation that our governor will eventually bow out of the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination in return for a position in the administration of the next President Bush. I doubt that will happen. But if it does, let’s hope the position in question isn’t secretary of state. Earlier this week, Chris…
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Posted: December 27th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie, Opinion, Paul Mulshine, U.S.-Cuba relations | Tags: 2016 Presidential politics, Barack Obama, Chris Christie, Foreign Policy, Paul Mulshine, U.S.-Cuba relations | 1 Comment »
For the Jersey Democrats, happy days are here again (via
File photo Elvis had left the building. That was obvious at last week’s convention of the New Jersey League of Municipalities in Atlantic City. Traditionally, the winner of the governor’s race does a victory lap at the League luncheon. Last week…
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Posted: November 24th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: NJNewsCommons, Opinion | Tags: Jersey Democrats, Jersey Republicans, Paul Mulshine | 1 Comment »
Asbury Park, NJ – When Jersey Shore Tea Party president, Mark Falzon, invited conservative Republican congressional candidate Ernesto Cullari to speak to his organization on Wednesday, May 23, Falzon said the event would be a “meeting with his members”.
Now Anna Little, Cullari’s opponent in the June 5th primary, and the Bayshore Tea Party Group, which is supporting Little, have created a Facebook invite that hypes the event a little differently: “Debate! Anna Little vs. Ernesto Cullari!”
“I’m happy to go anywhere to meet people, but this is the wrong venue for a debate,” said Cullari, who is seeking the nomination in New Jersey’s 6th congressional district, now held by liberal Democrat Frank Pallone. “Mark Falzon is one of Bayshore founder Barbara Gonzalez’ closest allies. I look forward to a debate, but on neutral territory.”
“We have a lot of questions we want to put to Anna Little,” said Cullari manager Kelly Hart, “Like why Little is running on the Bayshore ticket with Bader Qarmout.” Little, an immigration attorney, is on the Bayshore Tea Party Group “ticket” with U.S. Senate candidate Bader Qarmout. Qarmout is the author of a controversial amnesty plan for illegal immigrants. For a nominal fee of $19.25 a week, Qarmout’s plan would allow an illegal immigrant to remain in the United States, work here, open a bank account, and obtain a driver’s license.
“The Qarmout-Little team would let illegals stay in the United States for $2.75 a day – less than the price of a Big Mac,” said Hart. “It is the most liberal amnesty plan being pushed by a Republican candidate anywhere in America.”
Hart noted that conservative columnist and Ron Paul enthusiast Paul Mulshine published a column today that links to a story on this:
Hart said: “Let’s have a debate, but let’s have one on the level, with a neutral moderator and a neutral venue.”
Posted: May 22nd, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Anna Little, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Ernesto Cullari, Press Release | Tags: Badar Qarmout, Barbara Gonzalez, Ernesto Cullari, Frank Pallone, Jersey Shore Tea Party, Kelly Ann Hart, Mark Falzon, Paul Mulshine, Press Release, Qarmout-Little team | 37 Comments »
The Star Ledger’s Tom Moran is back to his old tricks of using the race card while attempting to advance his political agenda.
In early 2010, shortly after Governor Chris Christie took office, Moran tried to derail the Christie administration by teaming up with Assembly Speaker Shelia Oliver to call Christie and his team “…white men, most of them political neophytes…” who never rode a bus and couldn’t understand how their deeply their economic policies were impacting “working poor families.”
Moran did that before he realized that Christie is a “force of nature who could probably make a dog sing if he put his mind to it.”
In a column posted on Tuesday that defends the President’s constitutional pronouncements about the Supreme Court’s right to overturn ObamaCare Moran employed Jeanane Garofalo’s tactic of accusing Obama’s critics of being racist.
Because Moran is smarter and prettier, his accusation is sublter than Garofalo’s crude remarks, yet it is no less offensive:
Obama went on to make an important point: That if the court overrules the health care law, it will be practicing judicial activism. Conservatives have been complaining about judicial activism since the Supreme Court struck down Jim Crow segregation laws in the South, and the heat rose considerably after Roe v. Wade.
Maybe fellow Star Ledger columnist Paul Mulshine can explain the difference between judicial activistism and constructionism to Moran.
Activistism is when a Court finds, invents or redefines a constitutional provision in order to make new law that is consistent with its political or ideological preference. That is what the U.S. Supreme Court did in Roe v Wade and what the NJ Supreme Court did in the Abbott decisions.
Constructionism is what a court does when it decides that the legislative or executive branches exceeded the power granted to them in the Constitution, like mandating people buy something they don’t want.
Moran, like Obama, probably knows the difference. Also like Obama, he probably just doesn’t think the Constitution is that important. That’s OK for Moran who hasn’t sworn to protect and defend the Constitution. It’s not OK for the President who has sworn that oath.
The race card worked well for liberals in 2008. The invoked it successfully to mute Obama’s poltical opponents in the Democratic primary and during the general election. They appealed to ‘white guilt” to get Obama elected. It was a disgusting and effective strategy.
But the race card is played out. It didn’t work in the politicization of the Trayvon Martin tragedy. It didn’t work when Garofalo played it. It didn’t work in 2010.
Moran should stop playing the race card. Conservative opposition to ObamaCare has nothing to do with the Jim Crow laws, just as Governor Christie’s economic policies have nothing to do with how many of his cabinet members and staffers have ever ridden a bus.
Moran’s job is the inform, educate and persuade. He should leave the obfuscation to politicians, activists and B-rate entertainers looking for their next gig.
Posted: April 5th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Media, NJ Media | Tags: Abbott Ruling, Barack Obama, Chris Christie, conservative, Jeanane Garofalo, Jim Crow laws, liberal, NJ Supreme Court, ObamaCare, Paul Mulshine, Race Card, Racism, Roe v Wade, Star Ledger, Tom Moran, Trayvon Martin, U.S. Supreme Court | 9 Comments »