Atlantic Highlands activist Joshua Leinsdorf says that Route 36 in Atlantic Highlands, Highlands and Middletown has a higher per capita pedestrian death rate tham Newark and he wants our elected officials to come together to solve the problem rather than blaming other agencies has they have for years.
Leinsdorf posted the following video and narrative on Art Gallagher’s personal facebook page:
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Posted: January 22nd, 2020 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Atlantic Highlands, Highlands, Middletown, Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Tags: Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso, Atlantic Highlands, Carolyn Broullon, Gerry Scharfenberger, Governor Phil Murphy, Highlands, Joshua Leinsdorf, Loretta Gluckstein, Middletown, Monmouth County News, NJ Department of Transportation, NJ DOT, Senator Declan O'Scanlon, Tony Perry | 2 Comments »
Our story on Monday claiming that QuickChek is lying to its customers in Highlands regarding its plastic bag ban was not entirely accurate.
QuickChek claims it is not giving its customers shopping bags “due to the recent passing of local legislation.” We reported that “Highlands does not have an ordinance that prohibits stores from providing their customers with shopping bags, plastic or otherwise.”
Both statements are untrue. Highlands passed a plastic bag ban 30 years ago. 30 years is only “recent” in a biblical context. MMM regrets its error.
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Posted: January 8th, 2020 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: Carolyn Broullon, Highlands, Monmouth County News, Plastic bag ban, QuickChek | Comments Off on Correction: Highlands Passed A Plastic Shopping Bag Ban 30 Years Ago

Highlands Mayor-elect Carolyn Broullon, left rear, celebrates her victory with supporters on Saturday with dinner at Chilangos
Highlands Mayor Rick O’Neil has chosen not to contest his one vote loss to Councilwoman Carolyn Broullon in court.
O’Neil conceded in a letter to the residents of Highlands posted Friday on the nation’s first online-only newspaper,
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Posted: December 14th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Tags: Anna C. Little, Carolyn Broullon, Highlands, Monmouth County News, Rick O'Neil | Comments Off on O’Neil concedes Highlands election to Broullon
O’Neil undecided on challenging the election results

Highlands Mayor-elect Carolyn Broullon in Freehold, following the recount of the November 5 election
The results of the election for mayor of the Borough of Highlands remain unchanged following a recount conducted by the Monmouth County Board of Elections in Freehold on Tuesday afternoon.
Councilwoman Carolyn Broullon won the election over Mayor Rick O’Neil by one vote, 603-602.
O’Neil won the majority of the votes cast on voting machines, 534-518. Broullon got 59% of the Vote By Mail votes that arrived by election day, November 5, 71-49. O’Neil got 6 of the 8 VBM ballots that were postmarked by November 5 and were delivered by the post office by November 7. The certified provisional ballots broke for O’Neil, 13-12.
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Posted: December 11th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Highlands, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: Carolyn Broullon, Highlands, Monmouth County News, Rick O'Neil | Comments Off on Broullon prevails in Highlands mayoral recount
With 25 provisional votes counted, Highlands Councilwoman Carolyn Broullon is leading Mayor Rick O’Neil by one vote.
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Posted: November 12th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: 2019 elections, Carolyn Broullon, Highlands, Highlands Mayor's race, Monmouth County News, Rick O'Neil | Comments Off on Broullon leads Highlands mayoral election by one vote

Carolyn Broullon and Rick O’Neil. photo courtesy of ShoreGrafx Inc
Highlands Councilwoman Carolyn Broullon leads Mayor Rick O’Neil by 2 votes with late Vote By Mail (VBM) ballots counted, according to results posted on, the election website of the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office, and the site’s mobile app.
Broullon led O’Neil by 6 votes when the polls closed on Tuesday, 589-583. VBM ballots postmarked by election day and delivered to the Board of Elections within 48 hours of polls closing are counted. The updated count is 591-589 with 4 write-in votes. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: November 9th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2019 elections, Highlands, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2019 elections, Carolyn Broullon, Highlands, Monmouth County News, Rick O'Neil | Comments Off on Highlands Mayoral Race Tightens To 2 Votes With Late VBM Ballots Counted

Carolyn Broullon and John Urbanski
By Art Gallagher
When the September deadline for candidates to submit their petitions for Highlands’ non-partisan municipal elections passed, many in town were disappointed and concerned that there were only three candidates to choose from for the two seats.
Council President Carolyn Broullon is an obvious choice for reelection. It’s hard to believe Broullon is finishing only her first term. She as accomplished a great deal in her three years on the council and has made a positive difference in the community.
Friends of former Councilman John Urbanski have launched a Write-In campaign to draft Urbanski into service. I’m writing John in and I urge my neighbors in town to do the same. Johnny says he’s willing. We all know he’s able.
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Posted: November 3rd, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Highlands, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2018 elections, Carolyn Broullon, Highlands, John Urbanski, Monmouth County News | 1 Comment »

Highlands Councilwoman Tara Ryan. photo via facebook
The Monmouth County Democratic Party has endorsed incumbent Councilwoman Tara Ryan-Killeen for reelection in the non-partisan municipal election in Highlands on November 3.
In a sponsored advertisement on facebook, Chairman Vin Gopal’s organization lists every nominated Democratic candidate in Monmouth County on the County, State and Municipal levels, plus Ryan-Killeen in the non-partisan election in Highlands. The Democrats did not endorse any candidates in the only other non-partisan election this November, in Tinton Falls, which is uncontested.
Incumbent Councilman Kevin Redmond, who ran with Ryan-Killeen as a Democrat when they ran in 2012, did not receive the endorsement of Gopal’s organization. Highlands changed to non-partisan municipal elections in 2014.
Redmond and Ryan-Killeen appear to be running together, as the share a facebook page, lawn signs and have issued a joint mailer. However, they have different slogans on the ballot.
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Posted: October 15th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Highlands, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats | Tags: Billy Caizza, Carolyn Broullon, Claudette D'Arrigo, Highlands, Kevin Redmond, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth Dems, Tara Ryan, Tara Ryan-Killeen, Vin Gopal | 5 Comments »