U. S. Senator Bob Menendez was in Belleville, NJ. on September 25 looking for votes from American Veterans and throwing around Presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” remark. Menendez likes to contrast himself with Romney. He told the veterans how much he understands them and their lives. What a joke.
How can he? How can a career politician like Bob Menendez play the champion of the “middle class” when he has lived as a member of that most elite of elites, the “political class”, for nearly all of his adult life? In other words, he is that rarity of rarities – a one percenter among one percenters.
Starting out as a young man on the make, Bob Menendez hitched on to corrupt Union City boss Mayor Musto and became one of his ardent henchmen – until a palace coup got rid of Boss Musto and replaced him with Boss Menendez. And what kind of a boss was Bob Menendez? To know the politician, you must go back to his roots, in Union City, back when he had his first taste of power, back when he was Mayor Menendez – boss of Union City.
In the winter of 1988, a story broke about an American veteran, down on his luck, living in low income housing, stuck in Union City. The Record (Bergen County) carried this report on December 9, 1988:
It seems to me that Romney performed best tonight. He didn’t let Obama mischaracterized his proposals. He had a superior command of the issues. He was aggressive yet respectful.
Yet there was no knock out punch.
Obama seemed to be to be detached and disinterested. I don’t recall Obama ever having the demeanor he displayed tonight. He did not engage the camera or Romney. He and Jim Lehrer seemed to be having a nice chat.
The mainstream media is gleefully parroting the results of a new Quinnipiac/CBS/NYT poll released yesterday afternoon showing Mitt Romney trailing Barack Obama in three key swing states (PA, OH and FL).
Trailing badly, Save Jerseyans.
But stop the presses! Unfortunately for Romney haters, this poll’s sample was absurdly unrealistic. In fact, an absolutely ideal, hugely historic Democrat turnout model could only exist in David Axelrod’s or Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s filthiest dreams. And we don’t need to go there, nor would we want to.
Do NOT believe the polls, Save Jerseyans! It’s a sick joke. I don’t know if it’s indicative of bias, stupidity, or a base desire to “create” big news and attract an audience. My suspicion is that they’re using 2008 or better-than 2008 turnout models to zap your enthusiasm.
Maybe Rose Mary Woods’ grandson is the ultimate source
We know that former President Jimmy Carter’s grandson brokered the deal that provided the tax exempt non-profit news organization Mother Jones the secretly recorded video of Mitt Romney speaking to donors that the media has made such a fuss over for the last 48 hours.
Turns out there is a “one to two minute” gap in the tape. Maybe the grandson of former President Nixon’s secretary, Rose Mary Woods, was the shooter of the tapes. For those readers too young to remember Watergate, Woods admitted to “inadvertently” erasing 5 minutes of the 18 1/2 minute gap in the White House audio tapes that lead to Nixon’s resignation in disgrace.
Mother Jones insists that the gap is only 1-2 minutes, but we’ll never really know unless someone else comes forth with another video of the event.
The gap occured just at the end of Romney’s now famous “47%” remark that those who don’t pay taxes will not vote for him. When the recording resumes, Romney is talking about China. A transcript of the video before and after the gap can be found here.