Even the liberal media is smelling blood in Senator Bob Menendez’s water. Sometimes a week really is a lifetime in politics.
MSNBC political analyst Steve Kornacki went on the Rachel Maddow Show to talk about the potential political fallout of Menendez scandal.
Kornacki said that Jets owner Woody Johnson would likely be Governor Christie’s choice to fill Menendez’s seat should the senator leave office this year in time for a special election in November.
Posted: February 1st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Bob Menendez | Tags: Bob Menendez, GOP, Jets, Menendez sex scandal, Senator Robert Menendez sex scandal, U.S. Senate, Woody Johson | 4 Comments »
By Charles Measley
Last week I outlined how the Democrats have been implementing a long-term strategy of positioning their people into key places of influence such as the media and the education system. But in that sentence lies the main differences between the two philosophies of winning; to Democrats it’s an endurance race, when to Republicans it’s a sprint. Republicans view the battlefield as individual election cycles, whereas Democrats view it as a long-term endurance race, constantly campaigning and building a sustainable infrastructure to dominate elections in the long term.
Earlier this morning Breitbart had a piece outlining this perfectly. Obama’s donors will be financing a long-term project called Organizing For Action, which will focus on supporting the President’s long-term agenda. Also the President converted his campaign into a 501(c)4 organization called Organizing For America (which means they don’t have to disclose donor information). What long-term organizations did the Republican Party set up after our embarrassing loss in November? That’s right none!
This problem isn’t just with our party, but with our candidates as well. The Democrats are constantly building and molding their candidates. How many years has Frank Pallone been preparing to run for U.S. Senate? Seven years! After failing to get his parties nomination back in 2006 he has been preparing himself and his campaign to battle it out for Frank Lautenberg seat (once Lautenberg’s cold dead fingers are pried from his Senate seat). Pallone has been campaigning at full steam since 2010. He doesn’t take breaks between election cycles, he goes at it putting in 100%. Look over his FEC reports and you’ll see he’s constantly building his fundraising base and campaign structure.
NJ Republicans have known this battle was coming and now it is here in the 2014 race for the United States Senate. But who are the frontrunners on the Republican side? No one! The Republican Party needs to focus on the long-term race by building key infrastructure to win elections not just for this years cycle, but for years to come. We need to build up candidates well in advance if we expect to win Democrat held seats.
I don’t say these things because I dislike the party or party leadership, but because I love this party. I love the principles and beliefs that we stand for! I want to see us succeed and not just to win elections, but rather dominate them!
To be continued…
Part 1
Posted: January 30th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Republican Party | Tags: Charles Measley, endurance race, GOP, Republican Party | 1 Comment »

Editorial cartoons are sponsored by New Markets Realty, 146 Maple Ave, Red Bank. 732-741-8211. Jim Giannell, President
Posted: January 23rd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Cartoons | Tags: Bipartisanship, cartoons, GOP, Jim Gianell, New Markets Realty, Obama, Rick McKee | Comments Off on Bipartisanship

Posted: November 9th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics | Tags: GOP, Tea Party | 5 Comments »
The Obama campaign will intensify its efforts to boost the President’s standing with women this week with a mailing to over 1 million female voters in more than a dozen battleground states, according to The New York Times.
The campaign’s effort to rally women around the health care law had been long planned, to coincide with the second anniversary of Mr. Obama signing it on March 23, campaign officials said. But the effort has gained intensity, they added, because of recent controversies over contraception, abortion and education in Washington and in state capitals that have energized people in the campaign’s far-flung field offices who are essential to putting any national strategy into action.
Late last year, two and a half months ago, the chatter was that Obama was in trouble with his liberal base as well as the rest of the electorate. The economy was the majority’s concern.
In the last two months, George Stephanopoulos introduced contraception into the GOP primary debate, Rick Santorum and the left stream media kept that chatter alive. Obama announced that contraception will be covered under ObamaCare and Rush Limbaugh called a law student a slut and a prostitute.
Now, instead of focusing on the economy, energy prices and the emergent inflation that hasn’t caught the media’s attention yet, we are engaged in a culture war designed by the Obama campaign to shore up the President’s support with his base and scare women about the evil white men who run the Republican party.
How easily manipulated we are.
The general election campaign is well underway. However the GOP is still fighting over minor differences between it’s potential candidates and is not yet engaged against Obama.
Posted: March 11th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics | Tags: 2012 Presidential Politics, Barack Obama, controception, easily manipulated, George Stephanopoulos, GOP, prostitute, Republcians, Rick Santorum, Rush Limbaugh, slut, women | 16 Comments »
From Rasmussen Reports:
Hold the celebration. Most voters expected Republicans to win control of the House of Representatives on Election Day, but nearly as many expect to be disappointed with how they perform by the time the 2012 elections roll around.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds, in fact, that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters think it is at least somewhat likely that most voters will be disappointed with Republicans in Congress before the next national elections. That includes 38% who say it is Very Likely.
Thirty-three percent (33%) say it’s unlikely most voters will feel that way about the new majority party in the House, but only five percent (5%) say it’s Not At All Likely. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Voters overwhelmingly believe the new Republican-controlled House is likely to vote to repeal the unpopular national health care law. They’re less confident that taxes and government spending will go down with the GOP in charge of the House.
Just before Election Day, most voters weren’t convinced that there will be a big change in their lives if Republicans won control of Congress.
Continue reading here.
Posted: November 3rd, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: GOP, Rasmussen Reports | 2 Comments »
(HIGHLANDS, September 24) – Republican congressional challenger Anna Little – responding to the release yesterday of House Republicans’ “Pledge to America” – today praised the document as a “governing agenda that will take power away from Washington and put it back in the hands of the people, where it belongs.”
“For too long, too many decisions have been made in Washington by political elites who don’t seem to care what the American people think,” said Little. “Every decision that’s made in Washington is a decision that’s not made by individual American citizens – and when you add to that the fact that Washington elites don’t seem to be paying attention to what the country wants, you just make the problem worse. That’s not what our Founders wanted for us, and that’s why the ‘Pledge to America’ is not just a governing agenda that will take power away from Washington and put it back in the hands of the people, where it belongs, it’s a modern-day restatement of the principles on which our nation was established.
“It’s not surprising, when you stop to consider that the ‘Pledge to America’ was created by actually listening to the people,” Little continued, “and therein lies its strength. The agenda laid out in the Pledge is an agenda that will respond to America’s demand for lower taxes, spending cuts, and reforming the way Washington works.
“If Washington elites – like my opponent, Frank Pallone – would spend more time listening to the people than to each other, they’d be a lot better off. And if they actually had faith in the American people, we’d all be a lot better off.
“Our campaign has garnered national attention because of our ability to mobilize grass-roots volunteers. And when the reporters ask what’s our ‘secret’ for getting them to come out and do the hard work, I explain very simply that there’s really no secret at all – people everywhere will help if you just listen to them, and respond to their needs. They’re coming out to help our campaign because they know that in doing so, they’re actually helping build a brighter future for themselves and their families.
“The simple fact is, you cannot change Washington without changing the people in Washington.
“The good news is, there’s an election in 39 days. And then the people will have a chance to make their voice heard!”
Posted: September 25th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little | Tags: Anna Little, GOP, Pledge To America, Republican | Comments Off on LITTLE: HOUSE GOP ‘PLEDGE TO AMERICA’ PUTS POWER BACK IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE – WHERE IT BELONGS