High-Profile Couple Will Have to Tiptoe Through Ethical Minefield

Andrew Lucas will finally get his $1,152,000.
After almost three years since the Manalapan Township Committee Member purchased a 97 acre farm in Iron Ore Road, the Manalapan Township Committe and the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders approved the funding of their respective portion of the purchase of the development rights to the property. Manalapan is paying $186,969.10 of the purchase price. Monmouth County is paying $277,920. The balance is coming from State coffers for the purpose of Open Space preservation.
Manalapan’s all Republican Committee approved their funds, 2-1, on Wednesday evening, according to ManalapanPatch. Committeeman Ryan Green voted no. Deputy Mayor Jordan Maskowitz abstained. Mayor Susan Cohen, the Monmouth GOP Vice Chair, and Committeeman Donald Holland voted to approve the purchase. Lucas recused himself from the proceedings. Maskowitz and Lucas are both up for reelection this November.
The isssue was heated at the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders meeting last night, with John Curley accusing his fellow freeholder, Lillian Burry, of colluding with Lucas. Lucas hosted a fundraiser for Burry at the farm in 2011, according to the Asbuy Park Press. The APP said the exchanges between Curley and Burry were so intense that Freeholder Director Tom Arnone called multiple recesses. Arnone voted with Curely against the purchased. Gary Rich and Serena DiMaso joined Burry in voting for the purchase.
Democratic Freeholder candidate Lawrence Luttrell asked Burry to recuse herself. County Counsel Andrea Bazer advised Burry that she had no conflict that would prevent her from voting.
Former Middletown Democratic Township Commitee candidate Linda Baum also spoke against the purchase on ethical grounds.
The issue has been controversial for years because, while he recused himself from voting as a committee member on the purchase, Lucas participated in deliberations about the transaction. The State Local Finance Board approved the ethics of Lucas’ participation due to the fact that he sought the advice of the Township’s attorney. In their opinion, the Finance Board indicated that they would be issuing new rules to cover future similar circumstances.
Posted: March 1st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Manalapan, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders | Tags: Andrew Lucas, Donald Holland, ethics, Gary Rich, John Curley, Lillian Burry, Linda Baum, Local Finance Board, Lucas Farn, Manalanpan, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Freeholders, Open space, Ryan Green, Serena DiMaso, Susan Cohen, Tom Arnone | 22 Comments »BILL WOULD INCREASE MAXIMUM ETHICS FINES TO $10,000 – AS RECOMMENDED BY RECENT COMPTROLLER REPORT
Assemblywoman Amy H. Handlin introduced legislation yesterday imposing larger fines against unethical local public officials after a recent State Comptroller investigation showed current penalties did not deter a local official from improperly using his government position and gain substantial profit in a land deal.
“It’s no longer a shock when public officials act in their own interests instead of the public good. With penalties set so low, it’s more surprising that we don’t see officials improperly profiting from public service more frequently,” Handlin, R-Monmouth, said. “To an unscrupulous official with $1 million at stake, a $500 penalty is just a sunken cost that would barely budge the bottom line.”
A recent Comptroller’s report determined a Chesterfield Township committeeman improperly used his government position in facilitating a private land deal that brought him substantial profit. The report recommended increasing maximum fines for violations of the Local Government Ethics Law from $500 to $10,000. Handlin’s proposal would implement those increased penalties.
“I agree with Comptroller Matt Boxer’s call to bring ethics penalties for local officials in line with those for state employees, especially now that New Jersey is undergoing a massive rebuilding effort mixing planning decisions and tens of billions of federal funding,” Handlin, R-Monmouth, said. “Rebuilding our state after Hurricane Sandy is too important to be tainted by corruption. We need a loud message and strong deterrents against self-serving politicians who violate the public’s trust to earn a buck.”
Comptroller’s press release:
Comptroller’s report:
Posted: February 8th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Amy Handlin, ethics, NJ State Legislature, Press Release | Tags: Amy Handlin, Comptroller Matthew Boxer, ethics, Local Government Ethics Law | 5 Comments »Is it unethical to clear the cookies on your computer in order to gain access to information on a website that limits free content?
Posted: June 30th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: ethics, technology | Tags: content, cookies, ethics, pay site, technology, websites | 11 Comments »Randall Gabrielan. Photo Credit: visitmonmouth.com
Middletown Mayor Tony Fiore has asked for the resignation of Middletown Library Board President Randall Gabrielan because Gabrielan has been selling books to the library personally and signing the purchase orders for those books himself as president of the board, according to a report on Middletown Patch.
Gabrielan, a former insurance broker, is also the Executive Director of the Monmouth County Historical Commission, a pensionable position for which he earned $35,391 in 2010, according to APP.com’s Data Universe.
Middletown’s Vendor History report on Gabrielan reveals that he has sold the library $778.45 worth of books since 2007.
Gabrielan told Patch that he considered Fiore’s move to be “political retribution” for his opposition to the Library turning over $500,000 of its surplus to the Township in last year’s budget.
Fiore said that it is a matter of ethics and fiscal accountability. The mayor has turned the matter over to the state’s Department of Community Affairs’ Division of Local Government Local Government Services.
Library Board Trustee Sherry Miloscia also signed Gabrielan’s purchase orders. Yesterday, Library Director Susan O’Neal informed Fiore that Miloscia resigned effective January 20.
Posted: January 31st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Middletown, Monmouth County | Tags: ethics, Middletown, Middletown Library, Monmouth County Historical Commission, Randall Gabrielan, surplus, Tony Fiore, Township | 6 Comments »