By Art Gallagher
Regardless of the outcome of Freeholder John Curley’s federal lawsuit to prevent the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders from Censuring him and to seal the investigative report into complaints of his harassment of County employees that he obviously believes will destroy his reputation, it is hard to imagine a scenario where Curley is nominated for reelection by the Monmouth GOP.
Curley’s term is up next year. The Republican and Democrat Party nominees for the primary will be chosen by early April.
In his lawsuit, Curley alleges that the investigation and proposed censure is a “political hatchet job” by Freeholder Serena DiMaso. The current mess does nothing for DiMaso politically. Curley and DiMaso were successful running mates in 2012. DiMaso is leaving the Board in January when she will be sworn into the State Assembly. Nothing about this situation benefits DiMaso politically. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: December 4th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: John Curley, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP, Opinion | Tags: Analysis, Dan Jacobson, Freeholder John Curley, Freeholder John P. Curley, harassment, John Curley, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth Dems, Monmouth GOP, Opinion, sexual harassment, The Ink Spots, triCityNews | 1 Comment »
By Tom DeSeno

James A Bradley statue in Asbury Park, NJ
Let me solve America’s current war on statues. Not just weigh in – solve it.
Whether or not to remove a statue should be governed by the “doctrine of subsidiarity.” What is subsidiarity? The doctrine holds, “a community of a higher order should not interfere in the internal life of a community of a lower order, depriving the latter of its functions, but rather should support it in case of need.”
In other words, problems are best solved by those closest to the problem. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: September 25th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Race, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: Asbury Park, Dan Jacobson, James A Bradley, Jim Crow of the North, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Racial Segregation, Tom DeSeno, Tommy DeSeno | 4 Comments »
Over the last two elections, Red Bank voters have expressed their dissatisfaction with their municipal government and transformed a Democratic stronghold into a swing town by splitting their partisan preferences in Council candidates.
Tomorrow, Red Bank will either turn over their government to Republican office holders with a 4-2 new majority, split partisan control of the Council 3-3, giving Democratic Mayor Pat Menna a deciding vote, or keep the current status-quo of 4-2 Democratic partisan control with Menna presiding over meetings and cutting ribbons, but having no power over policy.
Democratic incumbent Michael DuPont, 54, is running for his fourth term. Joining his effort to retain Democratic control of Red Bank is Board of Education Member Michael Ballard. Ballard, 52, replaced former Council President Art Murphy who resigned after a video of a drunken rant of him deriding a small business went viral.
Challenging DuPont and Ballard are Young Republicans Mark Taylor, 37, an attorney and Michael Whalen, 24, an insurance executive.
As the campaign comes to a close, the Democrats seem desperate to maintain control and their composure.
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Posted: November 2nd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Red Bank | Tags: 2015 Elections, Dan Jacobson, Mark Taylor, Michael Ballard, Michael Dupont, Michael Whelan, Red Bank, Red Bank Mayor Pat Menna, Sean DiSomma, Vin Gopal | 1 Comment »
By April W. Klimley, Art Critic
The July 4th weekend is a great time for gallery hopping. Many new exhibitions opened their doors last weekend, and I’m going to give you a run down on some of the most interesting—and provocative. The wide variety of artwork may surprise you, and some of it may even shock you.
A good place to start is at AJ Dillon gallery in Atlantic Highlands. The gallery has an exhibition that has been running all month called “Stars and Stripes Forever.” It ends on July 4th, but is well worth squeezing into your schedule.
Gallery owner Frank Leahy asked local artists to come up with their own interpretation of the American flag, or what they think of when they ponder the American flag. One interpretation that grabbed my attention was a large America flag hung sideways with Jimi Hendrix face painted on it. It’s called Don’t Tread on Red by Jana Moriarty. You’ll find it hanging in a place of distinction—a pillar-like wall to the right as you walk in the gallery.
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Posted: July 3rd, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: April W. Klimley, Art, Opinion | Tags: AJ Dillon Gallery, April Klimley, April W. Klimley, April's Art Column, Art, ArtSea Gallery, Atlantic Highlands, Brookdale Community College, Dan Jacobson, Elle, Gotham Lounge, Hunter McKee, Jana Moriarty, Joel Levinson, Lambs and Wolves salon, Lincroft, Lizzi Schippert, Michael Shepherd, Mil Korbrinski, Red Bank, Sea Bright, triCityNews, William Higgins | Comments Off on “Shock and Awe” Permeates the July Shore Fine Arts Scene
The Green Bay Packers will eliminate the Dallas Cowboys from Super Bowl contention with a victory in the Divisional Round of the NFL playoffs next Sunday.
Governor Chris Christie will announce that he is a candidate for President of the United States. Christie’s independent polling numbers will drop to the low 40’s in New Jersey, but his national popularity will rise.
Kim Guadagno will officially be the Governor of New Jersey on more days than Christie will be in 2015. Yet, Guadagno’s name recognition will not exceed 20% in independent polls.
U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman will announce 3-4 indictments in the George Washington Bridge/Port Authority fiasco. Christie will not be one of them. Neither will Acting Governor Guadagno.
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Posted: January 5th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: 2015 Predictions, Caroline Casagrande, Dan Jacobson, Frank LaRocca, General Assembly, Governor Chris Christie, Joe Grillo, John Curley, Kim Guadagno, Lou Fligor, M. Claire French, Mary Pat Angelini, Matt Doherty, Monmouth Democrats, U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman, Vin Gopal | 8 Comments »
What will Dan Jacobson do?

Vin Gopal
Ever the optimist and desperate for relevancy, Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal is floating his name as a candidate for Assembly in 11th District.
The district’s Assembly seats are currently held by Mary Pat Angelini and Caroline Casagrande. Gopal and Red Bank Councilwoman Kathy Horgan lost to Angelini and Casagrande by over 3000 votes (out of 37,093 cast) in 2011. Former Democratic Assemblyman Dan Jacobson, publisher of the triCityNews and AsburyParkSun earned 2358 votes as an Independent candidate that year.
MoreMonmouthMusings hereby endorses Gopal for one of the Democratic Assembly nominations in the 11th.
We were worried that 2015 would be a boring year politically in Monmouth County and that we’d have to start covering restaurant openings to keep our traffic up next year. With Gopal on the ballot, MMM’s political focus would be assured for another year.
Another reason we like Gopal as a candidate for Assembly is that it takes an issue of the table for Sheriff Shaun Golden’s reelection in 2016.
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Posted: December 9th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 11th Legislative District, 2015 Legislative Races, Caroline Casagrande, Mary Pat Angenlini, Vin Gopal | Tags: Caroline Casagrande, Dan Jacobson, Ed Zipprich, Eric Houghtaling, Gary Rich, Jennifer Beck, Kevin Kane, LD 11, Lillian Burry, Mary Pat Angelini, NJ Legislative Election, Randy Bishop, Shaun Golden, Vin Gopal | 5 Comments »
In Asbury Park, a post card purported to be from Asbury Park Democrats, LLC has been mailed to voters with Senator Cory Booker’s endorsement of A-Team candidate for mayor Redmond Palmer.
Booker took to twitter to deny he endorsed anyone in the race. Asbury Park Democratic Chairman Joe Grillo took a break from his fledgling campaign for Monmouth County Freeholder to say that the Asbury Park Democrats have not endorsed anyone in the mayoral race.
Media mogul Dan Jacobson has the full story at AsburyOverheard.
The Monmouth County Prosecutor should investigate this incident. It is similar offense to the 4am robo call in the 13th legislative district primary in June of 2013 for which Leigh-Ann Bellew’s campaign manager Dwayne Horner was indicted.
Posted: November 2nd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park | Tags: A-Team, Asbury Overhead, Asbury Park, Cory Booker, Dan Jacobson, Fake Endorsement, Redmond Palmer | 2 Comments »
Asbury Park ballot applications wrong again

Dan Jacobson
By Dan Jacobson
ASBURY PARK — For weeks, I’ve been blasting the A-Team slate for taking custody and control of hundreds of vote-by-mail/absentee ballots, with their supporters and paid operatives delivering them to voters. The voter then completes the ballot and mails it back for counting — or the A-Team delivery person can even take them back. It’s absurd.
The A-Team led by Mayoral candidate Remond Palmer is on track to deliver 500 of these ballots, known as vote-by-mail [VBM] ballots. That’s the election right there. Of course, this law was originally for invalids or shut-ins who had trouble getting their mail and wanted an absentee ballot. The A-Team is trying to drive hundreds of votes through that loophole.
I’ve consistently said they’re doing it wrong. In fact, we went down this road last year, with the Board of Elections disqualifying 250 ballots the A-Team organization delivered to voters in the 2013 election. A Judge agreed and said the applications for the ballots were flawed and the ballots can’t be counted.
Guess what.
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Posted: October 31st, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2014 Elections, Asbury Park, Dan Jacobson, Monmouth County, Olivia Nuzzi, Opinion | Tags: A-Team, Asbury Park, Asbury Park elections, Dan Jacobson, Disenfranchisement, Monmouth County, New Jersey, triCityNews, Voting irregularities | 17 Comments »

photo via facebook
The political landscape in New Jersey is ripe for a historic shift this November. But a shift in New Jersey’s representation in Washington is not likely to happen because the New Jersey Republican Party is wholly unprepared for the opportunity. The nincompoops who lead the NJGOP gave up on the U.S. Senate race in January. They gave up on picking up seats in the Congressional Delegation in 2012 when the new congressional map was drawn.
According to a Fairleigh Dickinson Univeristy Public Mind Poll released this morning, President Barack Obama’s approval rating among New Jersey registered voters is a dismal 36%. 49%, including 21% of Democrats and 45% of Independents, disapprove of the President’s job performance. Senator Cory Booker is 8 points below the magic number of 50% that an incumbent needs to be comfortable in a reelection race. Those are the kind of numbers any opposition party/candidate would pray for 8 weeks before an election.
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Posted: September 10th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2014 Elections, 2014 U.S. Senate race, Cory Booker, Jeff Bell | Tags: 2014 U.S. Senate race, Barack Obama, Cory Booker, Dan Jacobson, Geraldo Rivera, Jay Webber, Jeff Bell, Joe Kyrillos, Jon Bramnick, Mike Doherty, NJGOP, Steve Corodemus, Steve Lonegan, Tom Kean JR, Tom MacArthur, Tom Smith | 3 Comments »

Dan Jacobson
Former Assemlyman Dan Jacobson, publisher of the triCityNews weekly newspaper and AsburyParkSun hyper-local news website, launched his campaign to return to the legislature last week with his tCN column urging Senate Jennifer Beck to run for governor.
Jacobson served one term in the General Assembly, 1990-1991. He was swept out of office, along with the Democratic majority in the 1991 election over Governor Florio’s $2 billion tax increase, including sales taxes on toilet paper and food. In 2011 Jacobson registered as a Republican in order to challenge then Senator Sean Kean for the 11th district Senate nomination in the GOP primary. But the legislative redistricting commission foiled Jacobson’s plans by moving Kean’s hometown of Wall out of the 11th district into the 30th, and moving Red Bank, Beck’s hometown into the 11th.
Jacobson didn’t want to run against Beck. They’re friends and agree on most issues. And Beck’s political stardom is one of Jacobson’s major journalistic accomplishments. Just ask him. Jen Beck never even would have been elected to the Red Bank Borough Council if not for Dan Jacobson pumping her up in the triCityNews.
So Jacobson ran a pax-on-both houses Independent race for Assembly in 2011 to make a point. 2304 voters, 3%, got the point and have long since forgotten it. Obviously his heart wasn’t in the Assembly race. He really wants to be in the Senate, but he doesn’t want to run against Beck.
The obvious solution is for Beck to step up and run for governor. Jacobson rightly argues that the NJ GOP doesn’t have a viable alternative for a post-Christie candidate. The NJGOP is actually weaker now than it was before Christie was elected in 2009.
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Posted: March 31st, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 11th Legislative District, Dan Jacobson, Jennifer Beck | Tags: Asbury Park, Dan Jacobson, Declan O'Scanlon, Jennifer Beck, LD 11, Matt Doherty, NJ Governor, NJ State Legislature, Sean Kean | 16 Comments »