With the provisional ballots counted this morning by the Board of Elections in Freehold, Republican Council Candidate Michael Whelan has held on to his victory over incumbent Democratic Councilman Michael DuPont.
Whelan was leading DuPont by 4 votes on the voting machine ballots, 963-959. DuPont picked up 5 votes from provisional ballots. Whelan picked up 4 votes.
Whelan’s running mate, Mark Taylor was the lead vote getter on the machine count with 1,029 votes. Taylor picked up 4 votes from provisional ballots.
DuPonts running mate, School Board Member Michael Ballard had 925 machine ballot votes. Ballard picked up 9 votes from provisional ballots.
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Posted: November 9th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Monmouth County News, Red Bank | Tags: 2015 Elections, Ed Zipprich, Kathy Horgan, Linda Schwabenbauer, Mark Taylor, Michael Ballard, Michael Whalen, Micheal DuPont, Monmouth County News, Pat Menna, Red Bank, Red Bank Republicans | 1 Comment »
Republican Mark Taylor is the top vote getter in the Red Bank Council race with 956 votes. Taylor’s running mate Michael Whelan is leading Incumbent Democrat Michael DuPont by 4 votes, 896 -865. Democrat Michael Ballard, a member of the Red Bank Board of Education got 837 votes.
There are reportedly a “hand full” of provisional ballots.
Should tonight’s result stand, the GOP will take control of Red Bank’s municipal government for the first time in two decades.
Posted: November 3rd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Monmouth County News, Red Bank | Tags: 2015 Elections, Mark Taylor, Michael Ballard, Michael Dupont, Michael Whelan, Monmouth County News, Red Bank | 1 Comment »

Like Ground Hog Day, Ed Zipprich is flaunting the rules again. photo via facebook
Red Bank Republican Chairman Sean DiSomma is calling for an investigation into the likely improper use of Red Bank Borough Property, the Parks and Recreation Department’s email list, after a political email, “Election Request from Councilman Ed Zipprich” was sent to Monmouth County Recreation Commissioner Michael Harmon, a resident of Atlantic Highlands who regularly receives electronic correspondence for Red Bank’s Parks and Recreaton Department.
“Desperate people do desperate things. On the eve of losing control of Red Bank voters’ escalating property taxes, the Democratic Chairman, Councilman Ed Zipprich, apparently decided it was worth the risk of violating New Jersey Election Law, Ethics Law and to potentially commit Official Misconduct by illegally obtaining the Borough Parks and Recreations Department’s email list and using it for political purposes, ” said DiSomma. “On behalf of Red Bank taxpayers, I am calling for an investigation by the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission, the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs’ Local Finance Board and the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office.”
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Posted: November 3rd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Monmouth County News, Red Bank | Tags: 2015 Elections, Ed Zipprich, Linda Schwabenbauer, Mark Taylor, Michael Ballard, Michael Dupont, Michael Whelan, Mike Harmon, Red Bank, Sean DiSomma | 3 Comments »
Over the last two elections, Red Bank voters have expressed their dissatisfaction with their municipal government and transformed a Democratic stronghold into a swing town by splitting their partisan preferences in Council candidates.
Tomorrow, Red Bank will either turn over their government to Republican office holders with a 4-2 new majority, split partisan control of the Council 3-3, giving Democratic Mayor Pat Menna a deciding vote, or keep the current status-quo of 4-2 Democratic partisan control with Menna presiding over meetings and cutting ribbons, but having no power over policy.
Democratic incumbent Michael DuPont, 54, is running for his fourth term. Joining his effort to retain Democratic control of Red Bank is Board of Education Member Michael Ballard. Ballard, 52, replaced former Council President Art Murphy who resigned after a video of a drunken rant of him deriding a small business went viral.
Challenging DuPont and Ballard are Young Republicans Mark Taylor, 37, an attorney and Michael Whalen, 24, an insurance executive.
As the campaign comes to a close, the Democrats seem desperate to maintain control and their composure.
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Posted: November 2nd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Red Bank | Tags: 2015 Elections, Dan Jacobson, Mark Taylor, Michael Ballard, Michael Dupont, Michael Whelan, Red Bank, Red Bank Mayor Pat Menna, Sean DiSomma, Vin Gopal | 1 Comment »