Former Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Puts His Money Where His Mouth Is
Victor V. Scudiery, the Monmouth County businessman and former 23 year Chairman of the Monmouth County Democrats, is backing up his endorsement of Newark Mayor Cory Booker in the August 13 Special U.S. Senate Primary with an aggressive negative endorsement of Congressman Frank Pallone.
Scudiery is launching a personally financed campaign this morning designed to weaken Pallone’s support in his 6th Congressional district home base of Monmouth and Middlesex Counties. Scudiery’s efforts are independent of and without the prior knowledge of the Booker for Senate campaign.
The $45,000 campaign includes a mailing to 75,000 likely Democratic primary voters, print ads in local weekly newspapers and a web based ad campaign on local websites.
“I might even spend more by the time the 13th (the August 13th primary) comes around,” Scudiery said this morning.

“He’s all about himself, not for the people,” Scudiery said of the congressman whose tenure coincided with his own marathon as party chairman, “When I brought him to events, non-political events, like for senior citizens, Italian-Americans or small businesses, people would always say, ‘Frank, you never got back to me, I need your help,’ He’s been an embarrassment. He rarely followed through. When he did follow through, it was usually with excuses, not results.”
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Posted: August 1st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2014 U.S. Senate race, Cory Booker, Fort Monmouth, Frank Pallone, Hurricane Sandy, Jersey Shore, Middlesex County Democrats, Monmouth County, Monmouth Democrats, Pallone, Primary Election, Senate Special Election, U. S. Senate Races, Vic Scudiery, Victor V Scudiery | Tags: Cory Booker, Frank Pallone, Special Senate Primary, Vic Scudiery, Victor V Scudiery | 21 Comments »

Former Monmouth Democratic Chairman Victor Scudiery
Former Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Victor Scudiery is breaking with the organization he lead for over 20 years by endorsing Newark Mayor Cory Booker over Congressman Frank Pallone in the Special Senate Primary on August 13.
“I was born and raised in Newark,” Scudiery told MMM, “I have great admiration for Mayor Booker and what he has accomplished in the city and with their schools. I believe he is the right person to move up to be our next United States Senator.
“Newark is not an easy city to govern, but they’ve made great strides under Mayor Booker. I am proud to support him.”
Scudiery said that the Monmouth County campaign headquarters of the Booker campaign will open on Thursday in the Airport Plaza Shopping Center which he owns.
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Posted: July 15th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2014 U.S. Senate race, Cory Booker, Frank Pallone, Monmouth Democrats, NJ Democrats, Pallone, U. S. Senate Races | Tags: Congressman Frank Pallone, Cory Booker, Frank Pallone, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Victor Scudiery, Vin Gopal | 10 Comments »
By Geraldo Rivera, reprinted from FoxNewsLatino
A lot will happen between now and the November 2014 election. But let’s just say the stars align and my colleagues at Fox News and Cumulus Media let me run as a Republican for the United States senate seat from New Jersey, my home since 1989.
A year and a half from now, my probable opponent would be either the admirable five term incumbent 89-year old Senator Frank Lautenberg or the charismatic Newark mayor 43-year old Cory Booker, fine men and formidable candidates in a state where almost 60 percent of the people identify as Democrats.
Despite its popularity in the Garden State, their party is the problem. I endorsed the economic platform of Romney/Ryan in 2012 because Democrats were denying the deficit and decrying necessary changes in federal entitlements. Unfettered, theirs is a recipe for generational catastrophe. To pretend the government can just print money is untenable and irresponsible.
But I voted for Obama/Biden because the fiscal threat posed by the Democrats seemed less immediate then the GOP’s intrusion into the private space of abortion, as well as Republicans’ opposition to both the inevitability of immigration reform and the rights of gay people to get married. Those things I believe, so how am I a Republican?
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Posted: February 1st, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2014 U.S. Senate race, U. S. Senate Races | Tags: Cory Booker, Democrat, Frank Lautenberg, Geraldo, Geraldo for U.S. Senate, Geraldo Rivera, Geraldo Rivera for US Senate, Republican | 2 Comments »
A couple of MMM commenters have taken issue with the fact that we have not mentioned Joseph Rudy Rullo as one of the candidates for the 2012 GOP nomination for U.S. Senate.
Rullo, of Ocean County, has registered with the FEC as a candidate.
From the looks of his website, its hard to tell if Rullo is running for Senate or if he is promoting his solar energy business.
He says he loves the GOD of Abraham and JESUS CHRIST. That he is a boy scout and likens himself to Mr. Smith who wants to go to Washington to make the real estate market stable, and end political and corporate corruption so that all Americans can be confident once again as players on a level playing field in our economy.
He says the focus of his campaign will be to give jobs to the unemployed, to turn consumer inconfidence into booming economic growth, to hold corporate and political leaders accountable to the constitution of the United States of America, to redirect financial and legal power to working legal Americans, to reward companies that employ Americans and tax companies that outsource to foreign countries, to freeze funding of countries like Pakistan that support terrorists and give that money back to America, to tax countries like China until they trade fairly and ethically in the United States, to identify every source of energy this country can produce within its borders and put America back to work, to support WTC victims and responders who are not being helped by the government with cancer and other related health problems, and to hand back government back to the people.
Rullo had ambitions to run for Congress in 2010. He owns the website, the content of which promotes his solar energy company.
Forgive us for not taking Joseph Rullo seriously and including him in the posts about the U. S. Senate race.
Heretofore when covering the Senate race we will mention Rullo with a link back to this post, if we remember to do so.
Posted: November 15th, 2011 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, U. S. Senate Races | Tags: Joseph Rullo | 16 Comments »
Former Highlands Mayor and former Freeholder Anna Little is considering a primary run for the GOP nomination to challenge U.S. Senator Robert Menendez in 2012.
An announcement posted on TPATH, a website run by Tea Party activist Dwight Kehoe, declared that Little is running:
Breaking News – (TPATH) Anna Little, one of New Jersey’s most dynamic supporters of the Constitution and smaller government, has set her sights on the US Senate race in 2012.
Anna announced today that her battle to unseat one of Obama’s most ardent supporters, Robert Menendez, will run hand in hand with the battle to save America by making Obama a one term President. She intends to use all her resources, energy and considerable enthusiasm towards that goal.
The Anna Little For Senate Campaign
Will be holding its first campaign meeting this coming:
November 15, 2011
at 5:00PM
Keyport IHOP.
Little’s spokesman Larry Cirgnano told Politickernj that the 2010 6th Congressional District nominee is “leaning” towards the Senate race.
State Senator Joe Kyrillos has established an exploratory committee for the Senate nomination and is considered the front runner by GOP insiders. State Senator Michael Doherty and former Roxbury Mayor Tim Smith are also expected to compete for the nomination. Jets owner Woody Johnson has been rumored to be considering a run.
Posted: November 11th, 2011 | Author: admin | Filed under: U. S. Senate Races | Tags: Anna Little, Joe Kyrillos, Mike Doherty, Robert Menendez, Tim Smith, Woody Johnson | 24 Comments »
Political newcomer Ian Linker, the only declared candidate for the GOP nomination to challenge Senator Robert Menendez in 2012, terminated his candidacy due to his wife’s health.
In a statement posted on the Ridgewood Blog this evening, Linker said:
I launched my campaign for the U.S. Senate because America is on an unsustainable course. And for the future of our country I could not sit idly by and allow politicians to destroy the last best hope for freedom on earth. Without bold, principled leadership in Washington, America could become, in the not-to-distant future, a second-rate power along the lines of a half dozen European countries now facing severe crises. Career politicians more concerned about their own reelection have failed to solve our problems and have in many cases actually caused them. They have brought America to the brink.
My family inspired me to run for the U.S. Senate. Now, I must exit this race for them as well.
About eight years ago my wife was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Over the years, her illness has been relatively under control until very recently when it began to rapidly progress. I have been dedicating as much time as possible to my family, which has been to the detriment of my campaign. My family must be my priority and to run an effective U.S. Senate campaign I would be neglecting my duties as a father and as a husband given my wife’s current condition. With two young children at home, I have a moral obligation to take care of my family before anything else and must put off running for political office at this time.
I hope, and pray, that Republicans in New Jersey nominate a principled conservative for the U.S. Senate in 2012 who cares about making a positive difference for our future. I would look forward to supporting this individual to the fullest extent possible.
I want to thank all the wonderful folks who supported me during my brief campaign and I look forward to seeing and working with you all in the future
State Senator Joe Kyrillos, a potential candidate for the NJ GOP 2012 U.S. Senate nomination said, ” I had a nice lunch with Ian over the summer and found him to be a bright and good man. I am sorry to hear about his wife’s condition.”
Posted: September 21st, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: U. S. Senate Races | Tags: Ian Linker, Joe Kyrillos, Robert Menendez | 6 Comments »
In an email to “Members and Friends,” Don Adams, President of the Independence Hall Tea Party PAC, declared that the PAC’s favorite candidate to challenge U.S. Senator Robert Menendez is Anna Little:
Independence Hall Tea Party PAC
July 25, 2011
Dear Members and Friends,
Not surprisingly, all five of the region’s Democrat US Senators voted against the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act this past Friday.
The real surprise is that we let them get away with it. Three of the five are up for
re-election in 2012–Bob Casey (D-PA), Tom Carper (D-DE), and Bob Menendez (D-NJ).
In New Jersey, several strong candidates have been mentioned as possible opponents to the tax loving, spendaholic Bob Menendez.
Our favorite is Anna Little. As a PAC endorsed candidate, Anna won an upset primary victory in the 2012 New Jersey 6th Congressional District race. She then narrowly lost the General Election to incumbent Democrat Frank Pallone in a district where Democrats largely outnumber Republicans.
Anna has been planning a rematch against Pallone, but PAC members have been discussing a Draft Anna Little for US Senate campaign.
Anna is an ideal senate candidate. She is articulate, charismatic, knowledgeable, and conservative. She has prior elective experience, serving as a Monmouth County Freeholder and Mayor of Highlands, NJ. She speaks fluent Spanish, and, if elected, would become the state’s first female US Senator.
If you agree with the draft Anna Little campaign, you’ll have an opportunity to tell Anna, yourself, at a luncheon withGrover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform.
Lunch with Grover Norquist
When: Tuesday, July 26, 12 Noon-2 PM
Where: Iberia Restaurant, Iberia Peninsular, 63-69 Ferry Street, Newark, NJ 07105
Host: Anna Little
Also, meet Bruce Gardner and Beverly Elliott of TEA for Education, a national organization.
Costs: You are responsible for your ala carte meal. Anna Little Campaign
Contribution strongly recommended.
On behalf of the PAC Board of Delegates,
Don Adams, President
If you are unable to make lunch in Newark tomorrow, feel free to express your thoughts on the idea of Little running for U.S. Senate next year here in the comments. I’m sure the word will get back to her.
Personally, I think Little should hold out for the Vice Presidential nomination. If elected, she would be the first female Vice President of the United States that speaks fluent Spanish, was a Monmouth County Freeholder, Mayor of Highlands, and who lost to Frank Pallone.
Posted: July 25th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Robert Menendez, U. S. Senate Races | Tags: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Anna Little, Independence Hall Tea Party PAC, Robert Menendez | 20 Comments »
By Art Gallagher
Bio-tech entrepreneur and Navy intelligence reservist John Crowley will not be a candidate for the GOP nomination to challenge Senator Robert Menendez next year, according to his friend and political adviser Bill Spadea speaking to Politickernj.
Crowley stepped down as CEO of the firm he founded, Amicus Theraputics, in April in order to focus on “public policy, civic service and philanthropic endeavors.” An “unnamed political adviser,” said at the time that Crowley was likely to compete for the 2012 U.S. Senate nomination.
Earlier today Amicus announced that Crowley would be returning as CEO in August after his reserve duty with Naval Intelligence.
Last weekend The Star Ledger’s Auditor reported that someone was anonymously circulating opposition research about Crowely in an attempt to thrwart his candidacy. Spadea told MMM that the Auditor piece had no impact on Crowley’s decision not to run, “if anything it was just the opposite.” Spadea said that a Senate run “was not possible given the weight of John’s commitments to his family, to bringing new drugs to market and to the military.”
At this early stage, the Republican contest to challenge Menendez is shaping up to be a race between State Senators Joe Kyrillos (Monmouth) and Mike Doherty (Warren).
Posted: June 29th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: U. S. Senate Races | Tags: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Joe Kyrillos, John Crowely, Mike Doherty, Robert Menendez | Comments Off on Crowley Will Not Be A U.S. Senate Candidate