Little “Leaning” Towards U.S. Senate Race
Former Highlands Mayor and former Freeholder Anna Little is considering a primary run for the GOP nomination to challenge U.S. Senator Robert Menendez in 2012.
An announcement posted on TPATH, a website run by Tea Party activist Dwight Kehoe, declared that Little is running:
Breaking News – (TPATH) Anna Little, one of New Jersey’s most dynamic supporters of the Constitution and smaller government, has set her sights on the US Senate race in 2012.
Anna announced today that her battle to unseat one of Obama’s most ardent supporters, Robert Menendez, will run hand in hand with the battle to save America by making Obama a one term President. She intends to use all her resources, energy and considerable enthusiasm towards that goal.
The Anna Little For Senate Campaign
Will be holding its first campaign meeting this coming:
November 15, 2011
at 5:00PM
Keyport IHOP.
Little’s spokesman Larry Cirgnano told Politickernj that the 2010 6th Congressional District nominee is “leaning” towards the Senate race.
State Senator Joe Kyrillos has established an exploratory committee for the Senate nomination and is considered the front runner by GOP insiders. State Senator Michael Doherty and former Roxbury Mayor Tim Smith are also expected to compete for the nomination. Jets owner Woody Johnson has been rumored to be considering a run.
This is a good one. The only thing wrong with this is that its not April 1st.
Too funny.
LOL LOL LOL Why not just announce for President whilst having these delusions.
She’s hardly raised any money since her House run, which she did not win.
What makes her think she could raise the $5 million or more for a Senate race?
I can confirm that this is indeed real news and I was tipped off to this possibility at Bachstadt’s Tavern last week.
I really like Anna Little, as a person, and I think she did a good job, as a politician, of putting up a challenge for Pallone in an off-year…. but part of me thinks it may have made more sense for her to try to repair some burned bridges, get back on the Freeholder board to fill Clifton’s seat until the next election, and try to start over from there. Not saying I would (or wouldn’t) support her and vote for her in a Freeholder run/appointment, just that I think it would/could be more realistic and beneficial to her own cause than trying to run for a US Senate seat at this time.
I did also hear some rumors of possible names being thrown around for the open Freeholder seat now that Clifton is Mr. Assemblyman, but I’ll keep it a secret for now so that the admin here can break the news, or you the reader will feel more inclined to attend county events to get news bits. 🙂
PS – Hopefully the Little’s can get their flooded house repairs completed with a US Senate Race to worry about. :/ I’m not good at construction, but if you guys need a hand moving some water logged items out of the basement or house or whatever, I’ll be a friend with a muscle and a truck so just give me a ring…. toodles.
This is great news!!
have never advised a candidate to be a “me for ANYthing” candidate, perpetually running, to be something, anything.. I think it erodes credibility, confuses already confused voters, and shows too much desperation.. we all have had ambitions, some are fulfilled, some, not, for whatever the reasons: luck, timing, other factors.. with no money, an eroding, less-interested base, and voter focus constantly on just the 2012 Presidential, I think this would be a large mistake for her, but, hey, this is her chosen occupation: being a candidate, and, at least until Obama wins re-election, ( God/ Allah/Whomever forbid!),it is still America.. so yes, am sad for her..
I will always admire Anna’s tenacity. She never gives up and that’s what it takes to make things happen. It’s a lot more than other people do, like complain and criticise. They should sit back and ask themselves what they have done lately.
Good for her.
For the Senate run, don’t forget Joe Rullo, the only one who officially announced
Anna and Larry are braking so many FEC laws and rules!
FEC Rules? Whats the matter OverSeer? Cat got your tongue? You have nothing more than rubbish to bring forth? Anna is the best candidate to run for the U.S. Senate seat. She is well-known throughout the state and is well admired. The traditional Democrats, as well as the slightly centered center Dems are finished with Pallone and Menendez. A longtime ago, she proved herself to be a hardworker. She is not a countryclub Republican- She is a person that the hardworking Democrats can relate to. I’d say “Anna! Anna! Anna!
You should ask the people of Highlands–the town she bankrupted and went Dem for the first time in a long time–how well respected she is. But then, she did raise almost $20 last quarter.
The woman is totally deluded and a head case! Oh, so she’s respected and admired all over the state huh? Well apparently she isnt too respected or admired in her hometown of Highlands! All three Republican candidates lost heavily in this years election. So, how admired, and how much “pull” can she have. In fact she is so self absorbed that she didnt even try to help local Republicans win this year. Didnt lift a finger!
Eveyone that knows her here knows what a total whack job she is. She shouldnt be elected to dog catcher!
All Little did last year was plow the road for Diane Gooch to run for congress next time. I have never seen a bigger case of Don Quixote disease than this! Sad! Very Sad!
@DemocratForAnnaLittle When quarter after quarter you raise $0 but somehow your campaign can afford to fly and drive all over the country and send out thousands of dollars worth of fundraising letters. Where is the money coming from? Anna Little failed to report for the last quarter!
How about Anna’s vote to keep the miserable Highlands PD locked in to our town by voting along with the Democrats to protect the union? She’s as conservative as Michael Moore.
I am with Mr. Hogan on this one. Anna needs to be repairing bridges at home, starting with small wins first. She hasn’t won anything substantial in a while. She also needs to build a proven record of fundraising.
Democrat For Little…I feel for you. I know you think highly of her, and I suspect you are a Tea Party supporter. That’s great. Welcome to conservative thought.
But, there is always “another side of the story” with Anna. She has proven over the years to be flighty, shown herself to be nutty and a bit irresponsible keeping to a campaign plan. Such things don’t cut it in a Senate campaign.
One needs more than the right positions to make a Senatorial campaign (or Congressional campaign for that matter) work.
One Man’s Opinion
The woman is totally deluded and a head case! Oh, so she’s respected and admired all over the state huh? Well apparently she isnt too respected or admired in her hometown of Highlands! All three Republican candidates lost heavily in this years election. So, how admired, and how much “pull” can she have. In fact she is so self absorbed that she didnt even try to help local Republicans win this year. Didnt lift a finger!
Eveyone that knows her here knows what a total whack job she is. She shouldnt be elected to dog catcher!
All Little did last year was plow the road for Diane Gooch to run for congress next time. I have never seen a bigger case of Don Quixote disease than this! Sad! Very Sad!
I voted for every Republican in the column on the ballot of the computer election machine, last week, in the spirit of 101.5 F.M. announcer Jim Gearhart’s “GRIP: Get Rid Of All Incumbent Politicians” who have been in for two terms or more, in hopes of unseating the Damncrats whom support illegal immigration welfare. The Republicans support Marijuana prohibition and police misconduct. I would have voted for Anna Little, but I’m residing in North Brunswick, N.J., and local Congressman Rush Holt is not up for re-election at this time. I’m not sure it would make that much difference, anyway, as I believe we have as many grievances as those listed in the U.S. Declaration of Independence (1776) and the only way we are going to stop the plunger is to violently kill the Bush/Rockefeller/Soros/Illuminati globalists.
Zuckerman must be off his meds this morning.
this Tuesday begins the state League of Municipalities convention in AC, don’t know how many of Anna’s diehard supporters had planned to attend that- might ned another mtg., and hope all those accounts are wrapped up, with a new one started,web mastheads changed, details taken care of,etc.- make no mistake,this one will be tougher than before, be forewarned.. hope everyone starts focusing on how ANYbody in NJ beats the Hispanic Obama apologist and advocate.. blessings on whomever tries, it will be nearly impossible, no matter who gets that nomination.. (frankly, I’d rather have root canal without anesthesia, or be trapped in a cave for weeks, than run in that one!.. as my dad used to say: “how many times do you have to get hit in the head, before you say: ouch!?”)……
[…] Anna Little’s fliration with the Senate race has many Republicans shaking their heads. Others are scratching their heads. Little’s FEC reports indicate no money raised in 2011 for her announced rematch against Frank Pallone. Yet Little has been sending fund raising letters,”paid for” by Anna Little for Congress 2012, the expenses for which are not reported, and is traveling the state and the country seeking support and singing God Bless America. […]
Out of all the candidates who are thinking it over or exploring a run for senate why is the name Joseph R. Rullo the only one filed with the FEC. The guy has a full blown website with every issue covered. I noticed he has a huge following in Ocean County, and is a successful operative in everything from local and county. He is someone who can pull votes in a county that can carry the whole entire state. He is very respectful of Anna Little on his FB page. In fact he announced her candidacy as a friend. He apparently worked with Kyrillos on the 2008 Romney campaign as the only respected Regular Republican in Ocean County putting up all the signs Kyrillos sent him by his helper by the name of Chris. I am very involved in Ocean County and will tell you this guy is absolutely someone who spreads like wildfire when he chooses to do so. It will be interesting seeing how long he can be ignored before the media and others find out he is already there, lol.
Lol, she can raise campaign money by joining the cast of The Jersey Shore with all the other ‘new jerseyans’ we wish would go away. Could you just see Sookie’s face when Anna breaks into patriotic song when Sookie’s trying to pick up some guido in a bar. Anna should just go home. Thanks Art for the laugh. :-}
I correct myself. Snooki. Whoops, I guess when you don’t care that the person exists until you use them in a joke, you don’t know how to spell their name. Lol.