Maggie Moran, the Managing Director of the Asbury Park based Democratic consulting firm Kivvit and the wife of Belmar Mayor “Lawless Matt” Doherty, announced on facebook yesterday that she has donated to the reelection campaign of Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Wasserman Schultz is the Chair of the Democratic National Committee until Friday. She announced her resignation after DNC emails that proved she rigged Hillary Clinton’s Democrat nomination for president were released. She was then named Honorary Chair of Clinton’s campaign.

That’s perfectly consistent with the Monmouth County Democrats’ ethos that it is OK to cheat and the ends justifies the means.
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Posted: July 26th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Mike Doherty, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats | Tags: #MonmouthStrong, 2016 Presidential politics, Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Dirty Doherty, Hillary Clinton, Lawless Matt Doherty, Maggie Moran, Monmouth County News, New Jersey | 1 Comment »
Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal, speaking at his “Chairman’s Ball” fundraiser in Neptune last night, declared that he is targeting every Monmouth County Republican seat in the legislature in the 2017 election, according to a report on PolitickerNJ.
Gopal singled out Senator Joe Kyrillos, Senator Jennifer Beck and Assemblymen Declan O’Scanlon and Dave Rible in his remarks.
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Posted: July 21st, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Mike Doherty, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats, Vin Gopal | Tags: Assemblyman Dave Rible, Assemblyman Declan O'Scanlon, Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, Dirty Doherty, Freeholder John Curley, Governor Chris Christie, Lawless Matt Doherty, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal, Monmouth Democrats, Senator Jennifer Beck, Senator Joe Kyrillos, Vin Gopal | 6 Comments »
By Senator Mike Doherty (R-23)
With a $1.3 billion gas tax increase proposed by some in the Legislature, it’s more important than ever to understand New Jersey’s transportation spending.
More than a year ago, I called for the state to create a “State Transportation Cost Analysis Task Force” to conduct a methodical analysis of the factors that contribute to New Jersey’s road costs, compare our costs to those of other states, and provide recommendations to complete projects more cost-effectively.
While many would consider this legislation to be a matter of common sense, it has failed to advance in the Democrat-controlled Legislature.
I initially introduced S-1888 in response to a study by the Reason Foundation that found Garden State roads to be the nation’s most expensive to build, operate and maintain.
According to that report, New Jersey’s state-administered highways cost taxpayers $2 million per mile, which the Reason Foundation claims to be 12 times the national average, three times the cost in the next highest state and four times the cost in New York.
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Posted: June 14th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Gas Tax, Mike Doherty, New Jersey, Opinion | Tags: New Jersey, NJ Gas Tax, Opinion, Senator Michael Doherty, Transportation Trust Fund | 1 Comment »
By Art Gallagher
In his OpEd published this morning, former Kean and Whitman Administration spokesman Carl Golden makes the case why it is safe for New Jersey’s Republican legislators to defy Governor Chris Christie and join the Democratic majority in overriding Christie’s of the Port Authority reform legislation.
The two identical bills that Governors Christie and Cuomo vetoed on the Saturday between Christmas and New Years Day had passed overwhelmingly with bi-partisan support in both houses of the New Jersey and New York legislatures. The bills would have required increased transparency and accountability on the part of Port Authority of NY/NJ.
In vetoing the bills, Christie and Cuomo endorsed reforms proposed by a panel they had appointed and urged both legislatures to adopt them instead. But as Golden noted in his OpEd, the vetoes have been widely viewed as maintaining the status quo of disfunctionality, wasteful spending and gubernatorial abuse at Port Authority.
In his five years in office, none of Christie’s vetoes have been overridden, even if the original bills passed the legislature with bi-partisan support and by veto proof majorities. Republican legislators have frequently “flip-flopped” and changed their votes to uphold the Governor’s will. As Golden explains,
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Posted: January 20th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Mike Doherty, Monmouth County, NJ GOP, Opinion, Port Authority | Tags: Art Gallagher, Carl Golden, Chris Christie, Port Authority of NY/NJ, Senator Michael Doherty, Senator Mike Doherty, Veto override | 3 Comments »
Sweeney wants to pay for beach safety and maintenance by getting rid of cops and dpw workers

Photo credit:
MMM has called Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-Gloucester) three times since he jumped on board with the Senator Mike Doherty (R-Warren) in sponsoring legislation that would ban shoreline municipalites from selling beach badges or imposing other user fees to pay for lifeguards, beach cleanup and policing, if those towns accept federal and state money to rebuild from the destruction of Hurricane Sandy. He hasn’t called back. Steve Sweeney is a kitten. Kitten, kitten, kitten!
Given that he won’t talk to us, we’ll have to judge Sweeney’s crusade for free sand in his ass by what others report he says. The Senate President invited himself to a meeting with the Asbury Park Press Editorial Board earlier this week to make his case for free beaches.
“You don’t charge me to breathe air, why are you charging me to sit on a beach?”
We should be grateful that the top elected Democrat in New Jersey hasn’t figured out how to tax breathing (yet). But really now, our Senate President thinks breathing air (as opposed to grapefruit juice?) is analogous to sitting on a beach? That is something we should be concerned about, especially since this guy is considering a run for governor.
Sweeney told the APP that Belmar and the other shore communities that impose beach user fees should cover those costs by consolidating police forces and departments of public works. He said he would “beat up mayors down the shore” to make it happen “because its not acceptable, you know, to charge beach fees.”
Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty took Sweeney’s first beating:
“I asked (Doherty), how many people live year-round in his town,” Sweeney said. “He’s got a one-square mile town, he’s got 5,800 people. Now, could we run a shared police department? I met his public works director today, could we run a shared public works office?”
“You guys know how I feel about shared services,” Sweeney told the APP. We don’t know if the APP knows how he feels, but MMM thinks Sweeney is thwarting shared services and other methods that municipalities could use to reduce the size and cost of local government. If Sweeney was serious about property tax reduction and more efficient local government he would have passed Governor Christie’s property tax tool kit.
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Posted: December 21st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Beach Access, Belmar, Government Waste, Hurricane Sandy, Jersey Shore, Matt Doherty, Mike Doherty, NJ State Legislature, Property Tax Tool Kit, Property Taxes, Reform Agenda, Stephen Sweeney, Superstorm Sandy, Taxes | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Beach Access, Beach fees, Belmar, Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, Jersey Shore, John Pedersen, Matt Doherty, Myrtle Beach, Senate President Steve Sweeney, Senator Mike Doherty, Steve "The Kitten Sweeney", Steve Sweeney | 6 Comments »
Senator Mike Doherty wants the Jersey Shore rebuilt with high-rise condos
State Senator Michael Doherty (R-Warren) would go a lot further than eliminating beach badges from the Jersey Shore if he had his way. Doherty says that the pre-Sandy Shore was a failed economic model reminiscent of the 1950’s Catskill Mountain bungalow communities and that our coast should be rebuilt in the image of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Ocean City, Maryland and Destin, Florida with high-rise condos with pools, free beaches and high end merchants.

- Photo Credit: Myrtle Beach Area Convention and Visitors Buerau. Click for larger view.
Doherty has proposed legislation that would prohibit coastal communities that accept state or federal funds to rebuild from selling beach badges or otherwise charging the public for access to the shore. The bill would also require municipalities to provide free restroom facilities from Memorial Day through Labor Day annually.
Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-Gloucester) has signed on as a prime co-sponsor of the bill. That means it is not likely to be buried in committee never to see that light of day.
“It is likely that state and federal taxpayers will provide hundreds of millions of dollars to repair and replenish New Jersey beaches that were washed away during Hurricane Sandy,” said Doherty. “Considering the massive public resources that will be directed at rebuilding many New Jersey beaches, it only seems fair to ensure that everyone have the opportunity to enjoy free access to the beaches they will support and help rebuild with their tax dollars.”
Sweeney said, “Where taxpayers are paying for beach restoration, they shouldn’t be taxed a second time just to walk on the sand. As New Jerseyans, we are all in the recovery and rebuilding process together. That means we should all be able to enjoy the reopening of our state’s greatest natural resource together, too.”
MMM called Doherty and Sweeney to ask how beach maintenance, life guards and police would be paid for under their plan. Sweeney hasn’t gotten back to us, but Doherty gave us an earful.
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Posted: December 6th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Beach Access, Belmar, Economy, Hurricane Sandy, Jersey Shore, Matt Doherty, Mike Doherty, NJ State Legislature, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: Beach Access, Beach Badges, Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Sandy Recovery, Matt Doherty, Mike Doherty, Mrytle Beach, Steve Sweeney | 3 Comments »

Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty Photo Credit Mark Bonamo,
Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty and his colleagues on the Borough Council are acting on their pledge to rebuild the town’s boardwalk by Memorial Day 2013. reports that the governing body introduced a $20 million bond ordinance last week to provide the initial funding of the reconstruction.
Doherty said that Belmar’s property taxpayers will not be on the hook for the cost of the new boardwalk, with FEMA and the borough’s beach utility, which is funded by beach badge fees, paying off the bonds.
“It’s our understanding is that FEMA will pick up 75 percent of the expense, based on the language coming from the White House,” said Doherty, 39. “The remaining amount will come from the beach utility itself. So if you don’t use the beach, you’re not paying for anything. And zero dollars are coming from residential property-tax payers, with no property-tax hike anticipated.”
Beach badge prices are expected to rise from $7 to $8 for daily passes and for $50 to $55 for seasonal passes.
The mayor, a Democrat, had kind words for Governor Christie, but not so kind words for another Doherty, State Senator Michael Doherty. The senator has proposed legislation that would eliminate a beach town’s ability to sell beach badges if state or federal funds are used to rebuild from Hurricane Sandy.
“I think Gov. Christie has done an outstanding job in his leadership, and one of the things he’s been very effective at is keeping politics out of anything related to the Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts,” Doherty, a Democrat, said. “I wish that Sen. Doherty would follow Gov. Christie’s lead as well. It’s nothing more than trying to score cheap political points after arguably the worst natural disaster that our state has ever experienced.”
The bond ordinance is expected to be passed at the December 3 meeting of Belmar’s council.

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Posted: November 25th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Beach Access, Belmar, Chris Christie, Economy, FEMA, Matt Doherty, Mike Doherty, Monmouth County | Tags: Belmar, Belmar Boardwalk, Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, Bonding, Bonds, Matt Doherty, Senator Michael Doherty | 1 Comment »
By State Senator Michael J. Doherty
On November 6th, New Jersey voters should vote NO on Public Question #1, which seeks authorization for the state government to borrow $750 million “to build, equip and expand higher education facilities.” The New Jersey Constitution does not allow our state government to borrow money unless the voters approve. As a result, the state legislature was forced to put the $750 million borrowing plan on the November 6th ballot in the form of a public question.
The United States federal government is drowning in debt. Earlier this year, our national debt surpassed $16 trillion. According to the Congressional Budget Office, this debt problem will only grow worse in the future.
Like the federal government, New Jersey state government is also drowning in debt. According to its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, New Jersey state government has over $40.5 billion in outstanding debt. According to, when other obligations such as future pension and health benefit payments for public employees are included, New Jersey state government has a total debt of $258 billion. New Jersey’s total debt is now the fifth highest in the nation after California, New York, Texas and Illinois. That debt burden comes to about $30,000 per resident, or about $120,000 for a family of four. County and municipal debts add even more to the total government debt burden facing New Jersey residents.
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Posted: October 24th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: Mike Doherty | Tags: Senator Michael Doherty, Vote NO on Public Question #1 | 7 Comments »
By Art Gallagher
Governor Chris Christie will being holding a press conference in Belmar on Wednesday as one of the stops in a series of beach and boardwalk visits to reaffirm the administration’s commitment to protecting and promoting New Jersey’s beaches and waterways.
The press conference will take place on the Belmar boardwalk between 6th and Ocean Avenue at 3:30PM. Following the press conference the Governor will walk the beach and boardwalk.
Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty said he will be participating in the event and welcomes Christie to his town. “Promoting tourism and the Jersey Shore is what Belmar is all about,” said Doherty.
Posted: August 9th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Belmar, Chris Christie, Mike Doherty | Tags: Belmar, Chris Christie, Matt Doherty | 1 Comment »
By Art Gallagher
State Senator Mike Doherty will be our guest for the first half hour of this afternoon’s LaRossa and Gallagher: Real Jersey Guys Radio Show which will be broadcast live on WIFI AM 1460 and on the Internet here from 5PM till 6PM. The show is sponsored by Repatriot Radio.
Doherty has been traveling the state encouraging municipalities to support his school funding reform plan.
The Borough of Oceanport past a resolution in support of the plan last week. Councilman Joe Irace said,
“Our School District is one of the many treated unfairly by the State of New Jersey when school aid dollars are appropriated. According to Senator Mike Doherty, our Borough gets back $0.01 for each dollar we send to Trenton.
If all school tax revenue collected by New Jersey were to be distributed equally to each student, it would equate to $7,481 per student. Given our enrollment projections, adoption of this plan would result in an increase in State school, aid of $4,122,031.00 annually. This change would provide meaningful tax relief for Oceanport residents immediately.”
During the second half hour former State Senator Dick LaRossa and I will be discussing the negotiations happening in Washington over the federal debt ceiling and taking your calls.
If you would like to be part of the show, call into 609-447-0236 or 609-447-0237.
Posted: July 26th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: LaRossa and Gallagher, Mike Doherty | Tags: LaRossa and Gallagher: The Real Jersey Guys, Mike Doherty | 1 Comment »