Raymond Dothard of Millstone is the Monmouth County Democrats endorsed candidate for Sheriff in the June 4 primary, MMM has learned.
Kevin Tuohy, the candidate who was endorsed at the Dems mini-convention earlier this month, has withdrawn for health reasons.
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Posted: March 27th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2019 elections, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2019 elections, Kevin Tuohy, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Sheriff, Monmouth Dems, Monmouth GOP, Raymond Dothard, Sheriff Shaun Golden | 3 Comments »
Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden announced a partnership with Team Rubicon, a non-profit group of veterans that unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams.
To improve response and recovery of disasters and emergency situations, Team Rubicon along with members of the Monmouth and Ocean County Building Officials Association, attended a training seminar at the Public Safety Center in Freehold on September 21. The focus was on damage assessment and the utilization of a new software system to record and track the damages caused by a disaster.
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Posted: September 22nd, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Monmouth OEM, Shaun Golden | Tags: Monmouth County News, Monmouth County OEM, Monmouth County Sheriff, OEM, Shaun Golden, Team Rubicon, V.E.T.S, Veterans | Comments Off on Sheriff’s Office Partners with Team Rubicon on disaster response training
Marlboro Councilman Jeff Cantor announced this morning that he is seeking the Democratic nomination for Monmouth County Sheriff in 2016.
A Colonel in the U.S, Army Reserves, Cantor cited his military experience in intelligence, emergency management and anti-terrorism as reasons he could do “a tremendous job” as sheriff in a phone interview with MMM.
Cantor has served on the Marlboro Council since 2004, including while deployed on active duty overseas. During his deployments, he participated in Council meetings via telephone. He told MMM that he doesn’t think he will be deployed in the next two years before he retires from the military, “but it depends on what happens in Syria.”
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Posted: December 14th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Shaun Golden | Tags: Jeff Cantor, Marlboro, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Sheriff, Shaun Golden, Sheriff Shaun Golden | 11 Comments »
Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden is pleased to announce that the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office issued 600 youth ID cards during the Monmouth County Fair which was held from July 24 to July 28. The Youth ID program consists of a credit card size photo ID of a child that is carried by a parent or guardian who maintains complete control of the card. In an emergency, the card can be given to local first responders to aid in the rapid location and safe return of a child.
“The Youth ID Program is offered year round and helps ensure the safety of our children, which is a top priority at the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office,” said Sheriff Shaun Golden.
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Posted: July 29th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Press Release, Shaun Golden | Tags: Monmouth County Sheriff, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Youth ID Program | Comments Off on SHERIFF GOLDEN CONTINUES TO MAKE CHILD SAFETY A PRIORITY THROUGH YOUTH ID PROGRAM

Tony Fiore
By Tony Fiore, Former Middleotown Mayor and Current Township Committeeman
I am writing today to ask you to join me in support of three extraordinary county leaders who deserve our support on June 4th; Sheriff Shaun Golden, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Freeholder Deputy Director Serena Dimaso. As the Mayor of the largest municipality in Monmouth County, it should come as no surprise that I have had many first hand experiences working with Shaun, Tom and Serena on a number of issues and initiatives. While I can point to a number of needed improvements that they have helped to bring to Middletown, it is not my intention. Instead, I’d like to share with you my experience working with them during one of the most difficult and challenging times in our township’s history.
Superstorm Sandy’s impact on Middletown was unprecedented. Thousands lost their homes and everyone lost power for almost two weeks. When we needed to secure our devastated bayshore for safety and security, we couldn’t depend on the federal government to get us the necessary resources. However, we could depend on Sheriff Golden. Each day Sheriff Golden would hold a personal call with both myself and the Township Police administration. Through his efforts, officers from as far as Mississippi came into Middletown to help us secure our most affected areas. At his direction helicopters with night vision flew over our bayshore to prevent and catch looters and others who came in to prey on our victims. Through his leadership, we were safe. I received a call or text message from him every day asking for our needs until power was 100% restored and we were back to some semblance of normal.
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Posted: May 15th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2013 Election, Middletown, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Monmouth GOP, Primary Election, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone | Tags: Middletown, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County Sheriff, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Sheriff, Tom Arnone, Tony Fiore | 8 Comments »
O’Scanlon calls on Bayshore Tea Party and their slate to withdraw support for Peters

Dan Peters
Three time Monmouth County Sheriff Candidate Dan Peters worked as an Account Executive for RedFlex, the ‘traffic safety’ company that has been implicated in an ongoing federal criminal investigation into a $2 million bribery scheme in Chicago.
Peters’ LinkedIn profile included the job on his resume from 2010-2011 yesterday afternoon. Today, the job has was removed from his LinkedIn profile. MoreMonmouthMusings called Peters twice yesterday and once this morning to ask him about his resume and education. He did not return the calls.
Peters admitted to working for the company on Saturday May 4 while speaking before a group of activists from Campaign for Liberty, according to Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon. O’Scanlon, the New Jersey champion of the fight against red light cameras, was an invited speaker for the group’s meeting. Peters and the LD 13 Tea Party backed candidates also spoke at the event which was held in Hightstown.
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Posted: May 8th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP, Primary Election | Tags: Bayshore Tea Party, Dan Peters, Dan Peters for Sheriff, Declan O'Scanlon, Monmouth County Sheriff, Red Light Camera Program, Red Light Cameras, RedFlex, Shaun Golden | 10 Comments »

Dan Peters
Dan Peters of Middletown has twice in the past filed to run in the Monmouth County GOP primary for Sheriff.
In 2007, Peters filed petitons to run for the seat which was being vacated by Joe Oxley, but he did not meet the residency requirement for the office. Monmouth Beach Commissioner Kim Guadagno was nominated by the GOP and was elected Sheriff.
Peters threw his hat into the ring again in 2010, mounting an unsuccessful challenge to Shaun Golden who had replaced Guadagno when she became Lt. Governor.
Peters created the Dan Peters for Sheriff facebook page on March 1, 2013. It would appear that he is preparing to make another run against Golden.
Bayshore Tea Party Group co-founder Barbara Gonzalez would not confirm or deny that Peters has the group’s backing. She offered to ask Peters to call MMM.
Sheriff Golden is unopposed for the Monmouth Republican County Committee’s endorsement which be be formalized at the GOP convention at Colts Neck High School on Saturday morning, March 23.
Posted: March 21st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Bayshore Tea Party Group, BTPG, Dan Peters, Monmouth County Sheriff, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth Republican Committee, Shaun Golden | 15 Comments »
Monmouth County officials remain stumped about what caused the reported sicknesses at the courthouse on Friday and again yesterday. The courthouse is closed today as testing for the source contaminant continues.
Freeholder Director John Curley told MMM that he received a report at 8am this morning indicating the facility had been tested for chemical contaminants overnight. The test came back negative. Curley said the facility is being swept for mold and pollen today.
Sheriff Shaun Golden said that all systems have been checked and rechecked and that environmental testing is being conducted today.
A message on the Court’s website states that General Equity at the Hall of Records and the Probation offices at Mechanic Street, Freehold and in Ocean Township are open today.
Bail can be posted at the Monmouth County Jail. Temporary restraining orders will be handled by the local police.
Child support payments can be mailed to NJFSPC, PO Box 4880, Trenton, NJ 08650-4880 or dropped off at the 30 Mechanic Street, Freehold office. Probation payments will also be received at Mechanic Street.
Posted: June 19th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: Freeholder Director John Curley, John Curley, Monmouth County Courthouse, Monmouth County Sheriff, Shaune Golden, Sheriff Shaun Golden | 4 Comments »
The Asbury Park Press endorsed Shaun Golden for Monmouth County Sheriff today.
They made a reasoned argument and had their facts straight. Their assessment of Golden strengths and his opponents weaknesses were on the mark.
I’d link you to the editorial, but they haven’t posted it on their website, as of 4:15 this afternoon.
Posted: October 19th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Shaun Golden | Tags: Monmouth County Sheriff, Shaun Golden | 2 Comments »