Thornton Replacing Lawson as Monmouth Assignment Judge

Assignment Judge Lawrence M. Lawson administering the Oath of Office to Freeholder Gary Rich, January 2012.
New Jersey Supreme Court Chief Justice Stuart Rabner announced yesterday that Judge Lisa P. Thornton will replace Judge Lawrence M. Lawson as the Assignment Judge of the Monmouth County Vicinage, effective September 1, 2014.
Lawson, who has served on the bench since 1987 and as Assignment Judge since 1993, is retiring three years before he reaches the mandatory retirement age of 70.
Thornton will be the first female African-American Assignment Judge in the history of the New Jersey Court. She served as Rabner’s Chief of Staff when he was New Jersey’s Attorney General under Governor Jon Corzine.
A resident of Neptune, Thornton was appointed to the Court by Corzine in 2008. She earned her law degree from Rutgers-Newark in 1992 while she was employed by Prudential Financial. She was the Municipal Court Judge of Neptune Township from January of 1999 through December 2001. In 2002 Thornton was named special deputy commissioner of the Department of Banking and Insurance where she served until joining Corzine’s office as senior associate counsel in January of 2006 where she served until joining Rabner in the Attorney General’s Office in September of 2006.
Posted: July 8th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Court, NJ Judiciary | Tags: Assignment Judge, Chief Justice Stuart Rabner, Judge Lawrence M. Lawson, Judge Lisa P. Thornton, Monmouth County Court, Monmouth County Vicinage | 2 Comments »Judge Lawson: Freeholder Lillian Burry had no conflict of interest regarding Lucas farm vote
Monmouth County Assignment Judge Lawrence M. Lawson has ruled that “no rational fact-finder could find a conflict of interest” in Freeholder Lillian Burry’s March 2013 vote to fund the purchase of the development rights to former Manalapan Mayor Andrew Lucas’s Burke Farm.
In an opinion dated January 8, Lawson said that Burry did not have a conflict of interest, “real or apparent,” “potential” or “actual” in the controversial farmland preservation purchase that has been a political football in Monmouth County and Manalapan since 2010.
In a Summary Judgment, Lawson dismissed the suit with prejudice, brought by Holmdel attorney Lawrence Luttrell, a Democratic freeholder candidate at the time that he, his wife and mother-in-law formed R.A.G.E (Residents Against Government Exploitation), a non-profit corporation, for the sole purpose of bringing suit against Monmouth County over Burry’s vote on the Lucas farm deal.
Posted: January 23rd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: Andrew Lucas, Andrew Lucas farm, Burke Farm, Judge Lawrence M. Lawson, Lawrence Luttrell, Lillian Burry, Manalapan, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Court, Monmouth County Democrats, R.A.G.E., RAGE, Residents Against Government Exploitation, Serena DiMaso, Tom Arnone | 8 Comments »Petition For Impeachment Filed Against Judge Paul Escandon
Five women whose divorce cases were heard by Monmouth County Superior Court Judge Paul X. Escandon are petitioning the New Jersey General Assembly to impeach the Judge they say violated their rights of due process and equal protection.
WABC-NY first reported the story of the impeachment petition.
Under the New Jersey Constitution, the General Assembly has the sole power to impeach judges by majority vote of the members. Should a judge be impeached by the Assembly, a trial is held in the Senate. A conviction and removal from office requires the vote of two-thirds of the Senate members.
Patricia Madison aka Patricia Pisciotti, Rachel Alintoff, Tameka Hunt, Paula Diaz Antonopoulos Wolfe, and Kristen Williams are represented by Robert A. Tandy, Esq., a Woodcliff Lake civil rights and employment attorney.
The women argue that they have no recourse against Escandon, other than impeachment and removal from office, for violating their civil rights due to the broad immunities granted Judges. They make the following allegations in their petition:
Posted: September 4th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Civil Rights, Equal Protection Clause, Judicial Reform, Justice, Legislature, Monmouth County Court | Tags: Divorce, Family Court, Impeachment, Judge Paul Escandon, Judge Paul X. Escandon, Judical Abuse, Kristen Williams, Monmouth County Court, NJ General Assembly, NJ State Assembly, Patricia Madison, Patricia Piscotti, Paul Diaz Antonopoulos Wolfe, Paul Escandon, Rachel Alintoff, Robert Tandy, Superior Court, Tameka Hunt | 25 Comments »Trial Date Set For Asbury Park Ballot Controversy
Monmouth County Superior Court Judge Dennis R. O’Brien has set a trial date of July 16 to determine if the Asbury Park municipal election ballots disqualified by the Monmouth County Board of Elections will be counted, according to a report in AsburyParkSun.
Daniel Harris, a candidate on the United Asbury ticket sued to have 332 vote by mail ballots and 32 provisional ballots that were disqualified for faulty signatures or missing witness/messenger affidavits counted in the final tally of the election that occurred on May 14. If the suit is successful, it is possible that members of the new council that was sworn in yesterday could be removed from office and replaced by Harris and/or other members of his ticket. Two members of the United Asbury ticket, James Keady and Duanne Small, are within 178 votes of unseating Mayor Myra Campbell and Deputy Mayor Susan Henderson. A pick up of 192 votes would also put Harris on the council and give United Asbury majority control of the council.
O’Brien ordered that the parties exchange the information that the need from each other by the end of the day today and raised the possibility that all 300-odd people who cast disallowed ballots could be called to testify.
Posted: July 2nd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park, Asbury Park Sun, Monmouth County Court | Tags: Daniel Harris, Duanne Small, James Keady, Judge Dennis O'Brien, Monmouth County Board of Elections, Monmouth County Court, Myra Campbell, Susan Henderson, United Asbury | 1 Comment »2013 Predictions
A better late than never “fiscal cliff” deal will get done in Washington. Federal taxes and spending will both rise. The federal debt ceiling will rise in the coming months.
Last minute legal maneuvers by “birthers” to prevent Barack Obama’s election by the electoral college will fail.
New Jersey will confront a budget shortfall of almost $1 billion. Governor Christie will attempt to plug part of the shortfall with the privatization of the lottery. There will be painful spending cuts during the first six months of the year.
Congress will pass and the president will sign the $60.4 billion Sandy Relief Bill.
The rebuilding of the Jersey Shore communities devastated by Superstorm Sandy will be slowed by FEMA.
Despite New Jersey’s fiscal mess and frustration over the rebuilding process, Governor Christie’s approval ratings will be in the high 50’s throughout the year. Christie will be reelected, defeating State Senator Barbara Buono. The Democratic Party will retain control of the State Legislature.
The State Senate will confirm David Baumann as a State Supreme Court Associate Justice. They will not confirm Robert Hanna.
Joe Oxley will be confirmed as a Superior Court Judge.
There will be surprise retirements in the Monmouth County Vicinage of the Superior Court.
The first Monmouth GOP nominating convention under Chairman John Bennett and his new by-laws will see no challenges to incumbent freeholders, legislators or the sheriff. There will be Tea Party led primary challenges in the 11th, 13th and 30th Legislative Districts. The incumbents will all win.
The Monmouth GOP by-laws will be amended at the nominating convention to make the chairman’s term two years.
The Monmouth County Democratic Party will have difficulty recruiting a full slate of legislative and county candidates.
Tom Arnone will be the Director of the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders.
What do you think will happen?
Posted: January 1st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Predictions | Tags: Barack Obama, By-Laws, Chris Christie, David Bauman, Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Monmouth County Court, Robert Hanna | 3 Comments »
Judge Michael Guadagno elevelated to Appellate Court
Judge Michael A. Guadagno, the presiding judge of the Monmouth County Court’s family division, has been elevated to the Appellate Division of the State Superior Court effective August 1, Chief Justice Stuart Rabner announced today.
Judge Guadangno is Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno’s husband.
The Appellate Division of the Superior Court is New Jersey’s intermediate appellate court. The 32 Appellate Division judges hear appeals from decisions of the trial courts, the Tax Court and state administrative agencies. The Appellate Division decides approximately 6,500 appeals and 7,500 motions each year.
Posted: July 3rd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Court, NJ Courts, NJ Judiciary | Tags: Appellate Court, Appellate Division of Superior Court, Chief Justice Stuart Rabner, Judge Michael Guadagno, Kim Guadagno, Monmouth County Court | 6 Comments »