
Golden: “Time and again, Serena has failed us.”

Photo by Rhoda

With a scathing letter to the Republican County Committee members of the 13th Legislative District, Monmouth County Republican Chairman Shaun Golden has broken his public silence about why Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso has lost his support for reelection.

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: March 14th, 2021 | Author: | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, Monmouth GOP, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , , , , | 5 Comments »

Gary Rich endorses DiMaso for Assembly

Serena DiMaso and Gary Rich

Former Monmouth County Freeholder Gary Rich has endorsed Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso for reelection to a third term in the legislature.

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: March 14th, 2021 | Author: | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, Gary Rich, Monmouth County News, Monmouth GOP, Serena DiMaso | Tags: , , , | 3 Comments »

Pat Impreveduto endorses Vicky Flynn and Gerry Scharfenberger in LD 13 Assembly race

Patrick Impreveduto and Vicky Flynn

Patrick Impreveduto, a former Monmouth County Freeholder and former Holmdel Mayor issued his endorsement of Vicky Flynn for Assembly in LD 13 and Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger for reelection in the uncontested Assembly seat in the 13th legislative district.

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: March 12th, 2021 | Author: | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Vicky Flynn is running for the Assembly seat currently held by Serena DiMaso

Vicky Flynn

Victoria A Flynn, President of the Holmdel Board of Education, announced yesterday that she is seeking the Republican nomination for the LD 13 Assembly seat currently held by two term Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso.

DiMaso, also of Holmdel, has not yet announced if she is seeking reelection, running for another office or not running for office in 2021.

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: February 27th, 2021 | Author: | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, Holmdel, Monmouth County News, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Ethics Committee Dismissed Houghtaling and Downey’s Complaint Against DiMaso

Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso

The Joint Legislative Committee on Ethical Standards dismissed a complaint by Assembly Members Eric Houghtaling and Joann Downey against Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso today, finding that there was no probable cause for the Democrats complaint against their Republican colleague, according to reports on NewJerseyGlobe and APP.

“While this matter never stopped me from doing my job for the people of the 13th district,  I’m glad its behind me,” DiMaso said to MMM in  phone interview.

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Posted: June 18th, 2019 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments »

Scharfenberger to run for Assembly

Gerry Scharfenberger

MMM has learned that Monmouth County Freeholder Gerry Scharfenberger will seek the Republican nomination for State Assembly in the 13th legislative district for the seat currently held by Assemblywoman Amy Handlin.  Handlin announced last fall that she will not seek reelection.

Scharfenberger is expected to join Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso on the top the the ballot in LD 13 in the June 4 primary and the November 5 general election.  DiMaso filed her petition for the nomination last week.

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Posted: February 1st, 2019 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , , , , | 10 Comments »

Republicans Urging Guadagno To Run For Assembly


Kim Guadagno

Former Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno today said Republicans have asked her to run for State Assembly in the 13th legislative district.

So far, Guadagno has politely turned down the overtures, citing family issues and her commitment to her job as a partner as at the Connell Foley law firm.  “Too many non billable hours,” she said in a text when MMM raised the issue with her last month, “Thank you for thinking of me, but the timing is not good for me or my family.”  She also said she would run if she won the lottery.

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Posted: January 21st, 2019 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: , , , , , , | 20 Comments »

DiMaso elected President of National Foundation for Women Legislators

Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso

Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso was elected President of the National Foundation for Women Legislators on Friday in Washington during the organization’s 80th annual conference.

NFWL is a non-partisan  501c3, educational foundation for elected women on the state, county, and municipal levels. Its is to provide strategic resources to elected women for leadership development, exchange of diverse legislative ideas, and effective governance through conferences, state outreach, educational materials, professional and personal relationships, and networking. They encourage the election and/or appointment of women to public office.  Membership is automatically granted to the over 5000 elected women throughout the United States on the state, county and municipal levels.

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Posted: November 17th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Serena DiMaso | Tags: , , , , | 36 Comments »

Democrats in the running for Handlin’s Assembly seat

Josh Welle and Amber Gesslein could run for the Dem nominations for Assembly in LD 13 next year.

Assemblywoman Amy Handlin’s announcement that she will not seek reelection next year inevitably creates speculation on who will run to replace her. While party leaders on both sides of the aisle would rather their troops stay focused on the election coming up next month, the jockeying has started given how infrequently a vacancy occurs in the 13th district.

Democrats, who normally lose badly in the district will likely have a contest for the two Assembly nominations next year, given Handlin’s vacancy and Serena DiMaso serving her freshman term.  DiMaso put something of a target on her back with the Dems when she made a robocall criticizing LD 11 Assemblymembers Eric Hougtaling and Joann Downey for voting for Governor Murphy’s tax increases.  Houghtaling and Downey responded to DiMaso’s robocall with an ethics complaint.

With the Assembly on top of the ballot next year, Dems will likely be motivated and funded, even in LD 13.

Potential Democrat Candidates for LD 13 Assembly in 2019 who are running for other offices this year:

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Posted: October 8th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, Monmouth County News, NJ Politics, NJ State Legislature | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

O’Scanlon Wins LD13 Senate Seat

Senator-elect Declan O’Scanlon

Sean Byrnes conceded the LD13 Senate race to Senator-elect Declan O’Scanlon at 9:10 pm

With 86% of the precincts in the district reporting, O’Scanlon has a 9.5% lead.

“Sean Byrnes ran a spirited race. I thank him for his gracious phone call,” O’Scanlon said.

Assemblywoman Amy Handlin and Freeholder Serena DiMaso are leading comfortalbly

Posted: November 7th, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: | 1 Comment »