

(HIGHLANDS, October 14) – Republican Congressional challenger Anna Little – responding to publication of an analysis by Americans for Tax Reform of the 111th Congress’ record on tax cuts v. tax hikes – today asked if her opponent, 22-year incumbent Frank Pallone, understands the difference between a tax “cut” and a tax “increase.” 

“Its clear that Frank Pallone’s been in Washington too darn long,” said Little. “Apparently, he’s been there so long, voting for so many tax increases and so much more spending, that he’s now begun to confuse tax ‘cuts’ with tax ‘increases.’

 “On NJN’s ‘On the Record’ broadcast over the weekend, he said the current Congress has enacted more tax cuts than any other Congress.

 “Here’s his exact quote: ‘I mean, there’s been more tax cuts and efforts to try to, uh, uh, help businesses through tax credits or tax cuts in this Congress than in any other Congress.’

 “But Americans for Tax Reform – the nation’s leading tax reform group – just yesterday published an analysis that essentially says Frank Pallone doesn’t know what he’s talking about. According to the ATR analysis, the 111th Congress enacted tax cuts totaling $373.6 billion, of which just $107.6 billion is permanent tax relief.

 “Meanwhile, that same Congress enacted tax INCREASES totaling $725.7 billion, of which every single penny is permanent.

 “That’s a net tax HIKE of $352 billion enacted by the current Congress. So Frank Pallone’s insistence that this Congress has passed more tax cuts than any other Congress leads me to ask a simple question – does Frank Pallone not understand the difference between a tax ‘cut’ and a tax ‘increase,’ or he is just willfully telling an untruth?

 “Remember, you cannot change Washington without changing the people we send to Washington!”

 You can read the ATR analysis here: http://www.atr.org/final-tally-th-congress-obama-democrat-a5482

Posted: October 14th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Pallone, Press Release | Tags: , | Comments Off on LITTLE: DOES PALLONE NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A TAX ‘CUT’ AND A TAX ‘HIKE?’ OR HIS HE DELIBERATELY TELLING UNTRUTHS?

A Little Puzzling

By Art Gallagher

Three weeks before the election and CD-6 candidate Anna Little is introducing the “Fair Tax” into the debate.

Yesterday before the Asbury Park Press editorial board and last evening before the Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce’s candidates forum, Little proposed eliminating the federal income tax and replacing it with a 23%  sales tax.  She spoke frankly of expanding the pool of taxpayers to the 50% of workers who do not now pay federal income taxes. 

The state Democratic Committee and the Pallone campaign were both taping her remarks at the Northern Monmouth Chamber event.  The sound quality was poor.  Little should hope that it is not usable for Frank Pallone’s next commercial.  She should stop talking about the fair tax and increasing taxes on people who don’t pay them now for the rest of the campaign.  She should talk vaguely about reforming the tax code, if she must.

The fair tax is not necessarily a bad idea.  However it is a radical change from our present system and easily demagogued.  Little doesn’t have the resources to explain it and sell it to the public in the next three weeks.  She has the resources to win, just barely.

45% of the voters don’t know enough about Anna Little to form an opinion, according to the Monmouth University poll, yet she is within single digits of knocking off the 22 year incumbent Pallone. 

With three weeks to ago, Little can win if she addresses the voters anger over the economy and Pelosi-Pallone’s reckless spending.   She can win if she returns to the empathetic and optimistic message she delivered so well early in the campaign.

Now is the time to keep it simple.  Make Pallone defend himself.   If Little spends the rest of the campaign defending her proposals, she looses.  If she relates to voters concerns, which no one does better than she does when she is on her game, and reminds voters of the numerous reasons for vote against Pallone, she wins.   Little doesn’t have the resources to convince voters to vote for her.  The voters are already inclined to vote against Pallone.  They just need a Little push.

Posted: October 14th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Pallone | Tags: , | 30 Comments »

Closing Statements by CD-6 Candidates Before the APP Editorial Board

Posted: October 14th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Pallone | Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Closing Statements by CD-6 Candidates Before the APP Editorial Board

Pallone and Holt Rated ZERO By Small Business Council (Adler Not Far Behind)

By Mark Falzon, VP Jersey Shore Tea Party

Thursday 10/14:  In their report issued this week http://www.sbecouncil.org/scorecard/ the Small Business Entrepreneurship Council released ratings for both the House and Senate for 2010.  Both Central NJ Democratic congressional incumbents Frank Pallone and Rush Holt rated ZERO OUT OF 100.  This information contradicts anything Pallone and Holt have been chirping on the campaign trail.  Whatever boasts they have made about being a friend to the American small business owner are statistically laughable. To absorb the enormity (or lack thereof) of this rating, consider Tea Party favorites like congresspersons Ron Paul-Tx 95%, Michele Bachmann-MN 100% and senator Jim DeMint SC-100%.
In a slightly higher rating than Pallone’s and Holt’s dismal performance, NJ congressman Adler scored 23%
The business group itself issued the following guidelines to analyze the ratings:
Champion of the Entrepreneur:  90% – 100%
Advocate of the Entrepreneur:  80% – 89%
Friend of the Entrepreneur:  70% – 79%
Notice how the business group did not provide a scorecard key for ratings under 70%, instead leaving it to the savvy American voter to draw their own conclusion.  A low rating is one thing, but ZERO?  Our elected officials voted without fail against small business every and all the time? 23% for Adler?  He didn’t come close to a 70%
So who exactly are these three gentlemen supporting?  Who exactly are these men representing?  Certainly not the heart of the American experience, our small businesses.  Certainly not the constituent struggling to earn a living, raise a family and pay the bills
The Tea Party Movement and groups in NJ are careful to vet candidates before publicly releasing support.  This cycle Ms. Anna Little, a staunch conservative and the THE banner person for the NJ Tea Party Movement is locked in a race with Pallone.  I am comfortable in assuming Ms. Little’s congressional scorecard would be more in line with a Bachmann, a Paul or a Demint.  Do we want our 6th CD congressperson on the side of American small businesses?  I would hope so.  It is quite apparent Pallone is not.
In the other races, Sipprelle (vs. Holt) has picked up some Tea Party support and is the product of the private sector himself and has built and operates a mid-sized financial firm.  Do you see Scott voting 100% NO against small businesses, or even 23% of the time?  I don’t.  What is Rush Holt voting for? In the 3rd CD, challenger Runyan has opened lines of communication with local Tea Parties.  Do we see Mr. Runyan improving on Adler’s 23% rating?  I do.
If there was ever hard statistical data to prove the arrogance and unknown goals and aspirations of central NJ’s congressional incumbents, this is it.  What are they thinking?  What playbook are they following?  Whose agenda are they supporting?  I don’t have the answers to those questions but I do know two things; 
1) American citizens yearn for a vibrant economy, energy independence, liberty friendly regulations and a government that knows its place in our lives.
2) All three of these congressmen do not share the vision of a vibrant, economically healthy America with a blossoming middle class.  They do not share the vision of an realistic energy independent America.  They do not share the vision of a liberty driven, business friendly atmosphere.
To return these three incumbemts to office would be an American travesty.  To send Anna Little, Messrs. Sipprelle and Runyan to DC would be a Walls of Jericho trumpet blast to the detached inhabitants of congress and DC that we indeed, have had enough.

Posted: October 13th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Pallone, Rush Holt, Scott Sipprelle | Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Pallone and Holt Rated ZERO By Small Business Council (Adler Not Far Behind)

Pallone and Little to Debate on Sunday

More Middlesex Musings heard it from the Pallone campaign.  MoreMonmouthMusings got confirmation from the Little campaign.

Congressman Frank Pallone and Mayor Anna Little will debate on Sunday evening, 7 PM at Temple Shalom, 5 Ayrmont Lane , Aberdeen.  The debate is being sponsored by the League of Women Voters.

Little campaign manager Larry Cirignano said Little will leave her rally with Governor Christie, scheduled for 5PM in Piscataway, in time to debate the congressman in Aberdeen at 7.

Posted: October 13th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Chris Christie, Pallone | Tags: , , | 3 Comments »


(HIGHLANDS, October 13) – Republican Congressional challenger Anna Little – an independent wife and mother who, unlike her 22-year incumbent opponent, Frank Pallone, has never voted for, and will never vote for, Nancy Pelosi to be Speaker of the House of Representatives – today reiterated that she “gets it,” and asked if her opponent even understands the term.
“People greet me all the time when we’re out knocking on doors,” said Little, “and household after household, I hear the same thing – ‘Anna, you get it.’
“When working families in the Sixth District tell me they’re having a hard time making ends meet, I get it.
“When they tell me they’re upset that the politicians in Washington don’t seem to care about what their constituents back home think, I get it.
“When they share with me the difficulties of trying to make the mortgage payment, save for the kids’ braces and maybe put away a little something for college or even a weekend getaway down the Shore, I get it.
“When mothers tell me of their concerns over the government takeover of healthcare, and their fear that they’ll no longer be able to see the doctor of their choice, whether for themselves or their children, I get it.
“When seniors tell me of their anger that the bill Frank Pallone voted for cuts Medicare by $500 billion, I get it.
“When I’m told that taxes are too high, and government spends too much, and we’re drowning in a river of red ink thanks to politicians like Frank Pallone, I get it.
“That’s why 200 people came out to walk with us in the Columbus Day Parade in Long Branch on Sunday,” continued Little. “But 200 people didn’t come out to walk with Frank Pallone. Fewer than a dozen did.
“I guess that’s because Frank just doesn’t get it. Does he even understand the term?
“Remember, you cannot change Washington without changing the people we send to Washington!”

Posted: October 13th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Pallone, Press Release, Uncategorized | Tags: , | 2 Comments »

Pallone’s Desperate Plea

By Art Gallagher

The Wave that started on the Jersey Shore  is rising to sweep Nancy Pelosi out of power and Frank Pallone and Rush Holt out of office.    Pallone is running scared.

During his interview with NJN last week, Pallone said the Tea Party’s anger is understandable but misplaced.  He said they should not be angry with him, rather they should be angry with banks, Wall Street and insurance companies.  Would that be the same insurance companies that contributed to his $4 million war chest? 

Pallone told NJN he’s been fighting banks, Wall Street, oil companies and insurance companies for 22 years.  Now he says people should be angry with the people he’s been fighting instead of him.  That sounds to me like an admission that he hasn’t won a fight in 22 years.  He’s in the fight of his life now and he knows he’s losing. 

Pallone sent a desperate plea to his supporters yesterday:

Dear Friend,

There’s only 3 weeks left until Election Day. On November 2nd voters will have to make an important decision – we can either continue to progress with crucial reforms, or we can turn back the clock to the failed Bush/Cheney policies which left our country in a devastating position.Would you please consider making a $21 donation for the last 21 days of this campaign?

My Tea Party-approved opponent is out-of-touch – she is more interested in ideology than working for the residents of the 6th District and New Jersey. I’m working to reign in the excesses of Wall Street with the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. I fought against offshore drilling on our beaches and shores, and this year we passed the most important reform to our health care system our generation has ever seen. My opponent would rather worry about what’s best for big businesses rather than New Jersey’s working families.

Although 3 weeks seems like a long time away, Election Day will be here before you know it. Can I count on your help reaching out to voters and helping in my campaign office? In this crucial time every hour you can give matters.

Thank you for all of your hard work.

Frank Pallone Jr.

PS. Please forward this message to 5 others to spread the word about my campaign of progress for the 6th District.




Continue the progress? What has he been doing for 22 years?

Pallone started airing his TV commericials this morning. They are weak and whining like he is. We have him on the ropes. Let’s knock him out.

Do your part. Give $21 or $2100 to Anna Little’s campaign. Do it now here

Then email this post to 21 people.

Posted: October 13th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Pallone | Tags: , | 3 Comments »


(HIGHLANDS, October 12) – Republican Congressional challenger Anna Little – responding to a statement by her opponent, 22-year incumbent Frank Pallone, on NJN’s “On the Record” that “there have been more tax cuts … in this Congress than in any other Congress” – today asked Pallone if he is living on The Planet of Opposites, where night is day, down is up, Barack Obama is Ronald Reagan, and a tax hike is a tax cut.
“Is Frank Pallone living on the Planet Earth, or on The Planet of Opposites?
“On NJN’s ‘On the Record’ broadcast over the weekend, Frank Pallone said the 111th Congress has passed ‘more tax cuts … than in any other Congress’ – a statement which, I’m sure, had all the taxpayers running to their mailboxes to see where was their missing tax cut, the one they never received,” said Little.
“Seriously, here’s his exact quote: ‘I mean, there’s been more tax cuts and efforts to try to, uh, uh, help businesses through tax credits or tax cuts in this Congress than in any other Congress.’
“‘More tax cuts … than in any other Congress?’
“Can he be serious? Does he believe we have forgotten the vote he cast a week and a half ago, to adjourn the Congress and flee Washington before casting a vote that could help prevent the biggest tax HIKE in American history? He cast the DECIDING VOTE on that one, and in doing so, failed to block a massive tax hike scheduled to kick in on New Year’s Day.
“Or could it be that he thinks we have forgotten the 20 new or higher taxes in the healthcare bill he still proudly insists is ‘Not Obama’s bill … not Pelosi’s bill. It’s MY bill?’ Higher taxes on working families that will total over $500 billion – to go with the $500 billion in Medicare cuts he voted for?
“Only on The Planet of Opposites does what Frank Pallone said about this Congress and tax cuts make sense. Unfortunately for him, his constituents still have their feet planted firmly right here on Planet Earth, and in 22 days they’re going to be sending him into retirement – whether here on Earth, or there on The Planet of Opposites, will be his choice,” continued Little.
“Remember, you cannot change Washington without changing the people we send to Washington!”

Posted: October 12th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Pallone, Press Release | Tags: , | Comments Off on LITTLE: IS PALLONE LIVING ON THE PLANET OF OPPOSITES?

Has Murray Changed His Mind, Or Has He Lost It?

By Art Gallagher

The political website formerly known as politicsnj.com is reporting that Monmouth University Polling Institute Executive Director Patrick Murray has issued a press released denying that he backed off his polling numbers of October 6th indicating that Frank Pallone is leading Anna Little by 12 points in the CD-6 congressional race.

According to the website, Murray said, ”

“It has come to our attention that the campaign of Anna Little, Republican candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s 6th District, issued a press release claiming that the Monmouth University Poll revised its official poll results for the election in that race,” Murray said in a statement. “This is patently untrue.  The poll report we issued on October 6 (http://www.monmouth.edu/polling/admin/polls/MUP…) is the only official number we produced.”

Note the spin, “official number.”

This is what Murray had to say on MoreMonmouthMusings last week,

Art’s original criticism of our voter turnout model is a fair one, since no one knows what Nov. 2’s electorate will look like and I responded to that by re-running our numbers using his assumptions and providing that data.

Murray’s re-run numbers resulted in a margin on 9%, a 25% difference from his “official” numbers.

Murray re-ran his numbers, on his own volition, after reading this post criticising his voter sample.  MMM called him the following day for clarification on his sample of 2 of 4 voters.  Much to my surprise, he already had the new calculations ready when I called.

Murray issued his denial in response to this press release from the Little campaign.  Murray is parsing words.  He uses the words “official numbers” twice, while failing to acknowledge to the media at large that he did indeed adjust his numbers.  No where did the Little camp say “official numbers.” They said he adjusted his numbers, which he did.

Murray needs to be forthright about this, or he risks damaging his already diminished credibility further.

Posted: October 11th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Monmouth University Poll, Pallone, Patrick Murray | Tags: , , , | 6 Comments »

NJN ‘s On The Record Interviews Anna Little and Frank Pallone

Michael Aron interviewed Mayor Little at NJN’s studio.   Adrienne Supino interviewed Frank Pallone in his Long Branch campaign office.

Watch the show online here.

Posted: October 10th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Pallone | Tags: , | 4 Comments »