A strong majority of New Jersey residents, 68%, favor reforming the state’s law concerning marijuana use, but most, 53%, do not favor making the recreational use and sale of the drug legal, according to an FDU Public Mind Poll released this morning.

27% of the 810 NJ adults surveyed in the poll think NJ’s pot laws should stay as-is. 26% think weed use should be decriminalized. 42% favor full legalization. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: February 1st, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: FDU Public Mind Poll, New Jersey | Tags: FDU Public Mind Poll, Marijuana, New Jersey, Recreational marijuana | 5 Comments »
Voters Give Christie, Legislature low marks. No confidence in government impacting addiction crisis, State is on the wrong track

State of the State 2017(Governor’s Office/Tim Larsen)
The vast majority of New Jersey voters, 74%, think individuals and families should be most responsible for ensuring that those seeking treatment for alcohol and drug treatment find what they need, according to a Fairleigh Dickinson University Public Mind Poll released this morning. 22% think government should be most responsible for getting addicts help.
Those who favor personal and family responsibility over government intervention include 64% of Democrats, 82% of Independents and 87% of Republicans. 60% said the know someone personally who is or was addicted to alcohol or drugs. 70% said they know someone who has died as a result of addiction.
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Posted: January 31st, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, New Jersey, News, NJ State Legislature | Tags: addiction, Chris Christie, FDU Public Mind Poll, New Jersey, State Legislature | 1 Comment »

Govenor Chris Christie at his Belmar Town Hall on July 31, 2014
Only 18% of New Jersey registered voters approve of Governor Chris Christie’s job performance and 73% disapprove, according to a FDU Public Mind Poll released this morning. 52% of registered Republicans disapprove of Christie’s performance. 33% of Republicans approve.
“A proposed renovation of the statehouse may improve the executive wing, but public attitudes are proving more difficult to change. This is the lowest recorded approval rating for any New Jersey governor in the years since the FDU poll has been measuring voter attitudes,” said Krista Jenkins, professor of political science and director of PublicMind.
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Posted: December 6th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, FDU Public Mind Poll, New Jersey | Tags: 18%, Bridgegate, Chris Christie, FDU Public Mind Poll, New Jersey | 3 Comments »

Governor Chris Christie and Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty
Governor Chris Christie’s job approval and favorability ratings hit a new low in a FDU Public Mind Poll released this morning.
Only 21% of New Jersey’s registered voters approved on the governor’s job performance and only 29% of those voters have a favorable opinion of him, according to the poll. A majority of Republicans, 52%, disapprove of Christie’s performance. 90% of Democrats and 68% of Independents also disapprove.
“Apparently we’ve not yet found the floor for the governor’s approval among voters in the state. The recent gas tax increase that the governor supported no doubt caused some in his party to turn against him, even though he sought to reduce taxes in other areas in order to offset the increase at the pump,” said Krista Jenkins, professor of political science and director of PublicMind.
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Posted: October 19th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Bridgegate, Chris Christie | Tags: Bridgegate, Chris Christie, FDU Public Mind Poll, Krista Jenkins, Lawless Matt Doherty, New Jersey | 2 Comments »
50% of New Jersey voters think our State’s problems are solvable, but that our politicians are not willing to stick their necks out to get our State moving in the right direction. That’s the take away from the FDU Public Mind Poll released this morning which indicates that Governor Chris Christie approval rating is upside down, 30%-55% and that the State Legislature’s approval rating is negative 24%-44%.
28% of the 792 self identified registered voters survey by FDU from June 15-21 said that New Jersey is moving in the right direction. 57% said we are on the wrong track.
Poll results that this should indicate that change is coming in November. Don’t count on that happening, unless Christie shocks the world and announces that he is not running for president.
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Posted: June 23rd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, 2015 Legislative Races, Chris Christie, New Jersey, NJ Democrats, NJ GOP, NJ State Legislature | Tags: 2015 Elections, Assembly Democrats, Assembly Republicans, Chris Christie, FDU Public Mind Poll, NJ State Legislature, State Legislature | 2 Comments »
A majority of New Jersey residents oppose expanding legalized gambling in the State beyond the borders of Atlantic City, according to a Fairleigh Dickinson Public Mind Poll released this morning. 50 percent oppose casinos outside of AC. 42 percent favor expanding gambling venues in New Jersey.
Men favor casinos elsewhere in the State by a small margin, 48-46, while women are opposed , 53-36. Young adults aged 18-34 are in favor of gambling venues outside of AC, 52-38. Those aged 35-50 are opposed, 53-41 and those over 60 are opposed by a 56-36 margin.
Of the 819 respondents, those who have been to Atlantic City within the last 12 months are most likely to favor casinos elsewhere in New Jersey, by a 52-35 margin. Those who have been to casinos elsewhere but not in AC favor new gaming halls in New Jersey by a much narrower margin, 47-45. Those who have not been to a casino in the last 12 month are opposed to expanding gambling in NJ by 45-40.
When asked if they favored expanding to the Meadowlands or Monmouth Park in Oceanport, the Meadowlands was favored. Respondents favored opening casinos in the Meadowlands by a 47-45 margin. They opposed casino gambling at Monmouth Park by narrow 44-43 margin.
The margin of error of the poll is +/- 3.4%
Posted: August 4th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Atlantic City, Casinos, FDU Public Mind Poll, Monmouth County, Oceanport | Tags: Atlantic City, Casino Gambling, FDU Public Mind Poll, Gambling, Gambling Industry, Meadowlands, Monmouth Park, Oceanport | Comments Off on FDU Poll: Most in New Jersey oppose casinos outside of Atlantic City
Chris Christie’s approval rating flips in new poll (via
TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie has called the George Washington Bridge scandal an obsession of the press that the public doesn’t care about, but two polls released today show the ordeal continues to erode his political support and public image. One…
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Posted: March 11th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Bridgegate, Chris Christie | Tags: Bridgegate, Chris Christ, FDU Public Mind Poll, Rutgers-Eagleton poll | 1 Comment »
We’ll find out tomorrow night if Governor Chris Christie’s 11th push for coattails is working, but an FDU Public Mind Poll released this morning indicates that the Republican brand has been damaged by the antics of Congressional Republicans and that Christie’s personal popularity is not enough to overcome New Jersey’s Democratic tilt.
FDU surveyed 1206 registered voters last week on how they feel about the job Christie is doing in New Jersey, President Obama’s handling of the federal budget negotiations and Congressional Democrats and Republicans handling of the federal budget negotiations.
As has consistently been the case over the last year, Christie’s approval numbers are very strong. The governor’s approval rating is positive 61%-24%. Obama’s handling of the federal budget is disapproved of by 52% of NJ voters and approved by only 38%. Congressional Democrats got a negative rating from 57% with only 32% approving. 75% disapprove of how Congressional Republicans have handled the federal budget, including 79% of Independents and 58% of Republican voters. Only 14% of NJ voters, 33% of Republicans, approve of the job Congressional Republicans are doing on the budget.
FDU altered the order of their questions before asking participants their partisan identification. Those who were asked about Congressional Republicans immediately before being asked their party ID, were less likely to say they are Republican or that they would vote Republican.
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Posted: November 4th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, FDU Public Mind Poll, NJ State Legislature, Republican Party | Tags: Chris Christie, FDU Public Mind Poll, NJ State Legislature, republicans | 3 Comments »
The biggest, perhaps only, surprise in the FDU Public Mind Poll of the New Jersey gubernatorial race released this morning is that 40% of the respondents identified themselves as Republicans. 47% said they are Democrats and only 13% said they are Independent or refused to identify their party.
The overall results in the FDU poll are in line with the other Independent/Academic polls of the race: Governor Christie is going to win. The question is his margin. Will it be 19% as FDU says this morning, 33% as Quinnipiac said on Tuesday or by 24% as the Monmouth University Poll measured two weeks ago.
In Quinnipiac’s October 29 poll, 30% of likely voters said they were Republican, 34% said they were Democrats and 31% said they were Independent. Monmouth weighted it’s respondents, 38% Democratic, 28% Republican and 34% Independent.
If there is a surge in New Jersey voters considering themselves Republican, there could be unexpected coattails from Christie’s victory into the legislative races. If that happens, Trenton will have been turned upside down.
Posted: November 1st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election | Tags: 2013 Election, FDU Public Mind Poll, Monmouth Poll, Quinnipiac poll | 2 Comments »
Booker, Christie maintaining strong leads. Most New Jersey voters favor Gay marriage
Fairleigh Dickinson University released a Public Mind poll this morning that indicates that 62% of New Jersey registered voters agree that gay marriage should be legal, that 45% favor Cory Booker for U.S. Senate over 29% who favor Steve Lonegan and that Governor Chris Christie is leading State Senator Barbara Buono in the gubernatorial race by 33 points, 58%-25%.
Only 33% of the respondents could name both candidates for U.S. Senate. 23% could name Booker. 3% could name Lonegan. 40% did not known who the candidates are or refused to answer the question.
15% said they are following the Senate race closely. 32% somewhat closely. 27% said they are following the Senate race just a little and 24% said not at all.
At least 26% lied.
76% could not say where Booker stands on the National Security Agency’s practice of monitoring domestic phone calls and emails. 75% could not say where Lonegan stands on the issue. 55% could not say where Booker stands on stricter gun control. 73% could not say where Lonegan stands on gun control.
Similarly, majorities could not say where Christie or Buono stand on gun control or the minimum wage. 61% do not know where Buono stands on gay marriage. 57% know that Christie is opposed to gay marriage.
FDU did not poll New Jersey’s attitude about Miley Cyrus or twerking.
Posted: October 8th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Senate Special Election | Tags: Barbara Buono, Chris Christ, Cory Booker, FDU Public Mind Poll, Mily Cyrus, Steve Lonegan, twerking | 2 Comments »