The weather is predicted to be beautiful on Tuesday, temperatures in the high 70’s and no change of rain. If there is a low voter turnout in the primary, it won’t be because of the weather.
There will be no suspense in the GOP Freeholder races. The incumbents, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Deputy Director Serena DiMaso ran a hard campaign. Their opponents did not. Tom and Serena will win easily in the county wide race.
Likewise, Sheriff Shaun Golden will once again easily defeat Dan Peters, and by a larger margin that he did in 2010. Peters benefitted by the Tea Party wave in 2010 and by being bracketed with Anna Little in the 6th Congressional District and David Corsi in the 12th Congressional District. Outside of the 13th legislative district, most of the county, Peters is bracketed with only his Freeholder running mates this time around. He’ll get no help from them.
Peters has run harder, and spent more money than his freeholder running mates, but he has made no justification for electing him to the job. Shaun Golden is clearly qualified and is doing the job well. Peters has not demonstrated that he is qualified. Hopefully Peters won’t need a job in 2016 and we won’t have to put up with a nonsense challenge to Golden again.
This entire primary race has always been about Joe Kyrillos and the 13th district. Joe and his running mates, Assembly Members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon worked hard and spent the money necessary to win. The very likely will win comfortably. If the turnout in the 13th is 10,000 or more votes (out of about 35,000 registered Republicans) Joe, Amy and Declan will win by a landslide. If the turnout is between 7,000 and 10,000, their margin of victory will be comfortable.
If the turnout is 7,000 or less, there will be some nervous people at the Lincroft Inn tomorrow night. If it is 5,000 or less, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Posted: June 3rd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, LD 13, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Amy Handlin, Dan Peters, Declan O'Scanlon, Joe Kyrillos, Primary election, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone | 20 Comments »

‘Queen’ Barbara Gonzalez of The Bayshore Tea Party Group via facebook. Click for larger view
“There will be no double dipping when I am Sheriff,” Dan Peters, the Bayshore Tea Party backed candidate for sheriff said when he introduced himself to the group back in early April, and the last time he talked to MMM in person or on the phone. Peters was referring to retired police officers working for the Sheriff’s Office, while also collecting a pension.
After repeated attempts to question Peters, MMM was finally successful in engaging the candidate on facebook a couple of weeks ago. We asked him, given that he is collecting a disability police pension himself, if he would be working for free if elected Sheriff or if he would be giving up his pension.
Peters responded that he would implement a system whereby retired officers salaries are reduced by the amount of their pensions. This would be a significant savings for the taxpayers, he said.
Not a bad idea, if he could pull it off. But how could he? He couldn’t. Why would a retired police officer take a job with a $90,000 salary, for example, but only get paid $8000 if his/her $82,000 pension off set his salary? He/she wouldn’t, especially if a similar job where both a pension and salary could be collected was available in another county. Peters proposal would only result in Monmouth County losing out on the best talent.
For Peters idea (if it is indeed his idea) to work, would require statewide pension reform. It would require legislation to be passed in both house of the legislature and to be signed into law by the governor.
Well, it turns out there is legislation pending in both the Assembly and Senate now that would accomplish the goal. Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon, who is also being challenged by the Bayshore Tea Party Group backed slate of candidates, is one of the primary sponsors of the bill.
Other Monmouth County legislators sponsoring the bill are Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande as primary sponsor and Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini as cosponsor. Senator Jennifer Beck is a primary sponsor in the Senate.
Posted: May 28th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2013 Election, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Pensions | Tags: Bayshore Tea Party Group, Caroline Casagrande, Dan Peters, Declan O'Scanlon, double dipping, Mary Pat Angelini, Pension reform, Senator Jennifer Beck | 31 Comments »

Dan Peters: if you’re happy and you know it, don’t vote!
If you think Monmouth County is a great place to live, Bayshore Tea Party backed Sheriff Candidate Dan Peters doesn’t want you to vote in the primary on June 4, a week from today.
In a bizarre blog post on Middletown Patch, Peters, a former Middlesex County police officer collecting a disability pension and a former salesman for a red light camera company, said,
“If you think things are great here in Monmouth County then don’t vote — stay home. If you KNOW things can be better and want better vote for line 3. We are tea party approved!”
Voter suppression is the new credo of the Tea Party?
Peters is making his third attempt to direct the Sheriff’s Office, since he moved to Monmouth County. He withdrew his 2007 candidacy because he did not qualify under the three year residency requirement. Maybe the next time he runs, the Black Panthers will support him.
Peters said that the “sheriff’s department” (it is actually called the “Sheriff’s Office”) has not had a change in leadership in 25 years.
“The sheriff’s department has had the same leadership for over twenty five years. As a matter of fact until recently there has not been a Sheriff in Monmouth County that had any police or public safety experience. In that time there has been no change in its direction or vision.”
When he withdrew his 2007 candidacy due to not meeting the residency requirement, Peters called the “department” a “premier law enforcement agency.”
Our vision is clear for safety and security here in Monmouth County and enabling the Sheriffs Department to continue being a premier law enforcement agency.
In fact, Monmouth County has had four sheriffs in the last 33 years. William Lanzaro was elected in 1980 and served through 1995 after being defeated by Joe Oxley in the Republican primary. Oxley, a former prosecutor, declined to seek a fifth term in 2007 as a protest over the direction then Monmouth GOP Chairman Adam Puharic was leading the Party. Oxley went on to replace Puharic as chairman a year later.
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Posted: May 28th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: Adam Puharic, Barbara Gonzalez, Dan Peters, Joe Oxley, Kim Guadagno, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Shaun Golden, William Lanzaro | 34 Comments »
Monmouth County GOP Chairman John Bennett sounded a rallying cry to about 125 Republican faithful on Saturday morning in Hazlet at a Armed Forces Day ‘friend raiser’ held at the Red Oak Diner for county candidates Sheriff Shaun Golden and Freeholders Tom Arnone and Serena DiMaso.
“We’ve had primaries before in Monmouth County that we did not take seriously,” Bennett said,”and bad things happened. This time we’re running as if we are 25 points behind.”
State Senator Joe Kyrillos asked the assembled Republicans to make sure their friends and families come out and vote on June 4 for himself and Assembly members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon, in addition to Golden, Arnone and DiMaso.

Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso, former mayors Eddie Farve or Bay St. Louis, MS and Brett Warr of Gulfport, MS and former CNN correspondent Kathleen Koch
DiMaso introduced former CNN correspondent Kathleen Koch, former mayors Eddie Farve of Bay St. Louis, MS and Brett Warr of Gulfport, MS, as well as former Congressman Gene Taylor. The group was visiting New Jersey to support the Bayshore Conference of Mayors, touring the destruction of Superstorm Sandy in Mantoloking and the rebuilding of the Seaside Heights boardwalk.
Golden used the presence of the guests from Mississippi to talk about his department’s response to Sandy. “We had no deaths or serious injuries in Monmouth County. In Katrina, there were almost 2000 deaths,” he said.
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Posted: May 19th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2013 Election, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Elections, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP, Primary Election | Tags: Amy Handlin, Bayshore Conference of Mayors, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Brett Warr, Brian Largey, Dan Peters, Declan O'Scanlon, Eddie Farve, Enda Walsh, FEMA, Gene Taylor, Joe Kyrillos, John Bennett, Kathleen Koch, Mantoloking, Seaside Heghts, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Steven Boracchia, Tom Arnone | 22 Comments »
O’Scanlon calls on Bayshore Tea Party and their slate to withdraw support for Peters

Dan Peters
Three time Monmouth County Sheriff Candidate Dan Peters worked as an Account Executive for RedFlex, the ‘traffic safety’ company that has been implicated in an ongoing federal criminal investigation into a $2 million bribery scheme in Chicago.
Peters’ LinkedIn profile included the job on his resume from 2010-2011 yesterday afternoon. Today, the job has was removed from his LinkedIn profile. MoreMonmouthMusings called Peters twice yesterday and once this morning to ask him about his resume and education. He did not return the calls.
Peters admitted to working for the company on Saturday May 4 while speaking before a group of activists from Campaign for Liberty, according to Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon. O’Scanlon, the New Jersey champion of the fight against red light cameras, was an invited speaker for the group’s meeting. Peters and the LD 13 Tea Party backed candidates also spoke at the event which was held in Hightstown.
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Posted: May 8th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP, Primary Election | Tags: Bayshore Tea Party, Dan Peters, Dan Peters for Sheriff, Declan O'Scanlon, Monmouth County Sheriff, Red Light Camera Program, Red Light Cameras, RedFlex, Shaun Golden | 10 Comments »
Evidently, the Bayshore Tea Party Group leadership and their candidates don’t like the coverage MoreMonmouthMusings is giving their primary campaign. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to Barbara Gonzalez introducing sheriff candidate Dan Peters in the first video below.
Leigh-Ann Bellew stopped taking my phone calls a couple of weeks ago. She told someone to pass along the message that I should deal with Dwayne Horner. Now Horner is not returning my calls. Freeholder candidate Ed Pekarsky asked that I post Tom Fitzsimmons’ email and if he could respond here. I told him he could. He hasn’t sent me his response. It’s OK with me that he isn’t responding, but hey, Gonzalez wrote that I censored Tea Party posts, which I didn’t, and then her candidate doesn’t send it a post he that requested.
When I met Dan Peters in early April, he said he would sit for an interview. I’m writing a story about him for publication later today or tomorrow. Peters hasn’t returned three calls since yesterday.
It’s a lot easier to write “Bellew (or Horner, Peters, Pekarsky, etc) didn’t return a phone call,” than it is to write up their comments, but I’d really rather give them an opportunity to tell their side of the story.
In that spirit, here they are, telling their own stories on video:
Dan Peters, Sheriff Candidate
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Posted: May 8th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, LD 13, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Dan Peters, Ed Largey, Ed Pekarsky, Edna Walsh, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Stephen Boracchia | 10 Comments »

LD 13:Aberdeen, Atlantic Highlands, Fair Haven, Hazlet, Highlands, Holmdel, Keansburg, Keyport, Little Silver, Marlboro, Middletown, Monmouth Beach, Oceanport, Rumson, Sea Bright, Union Beach
The idea that State Senator Joe Kyrillos and Assembly Members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon could be defeated by their Tea Party challengers, Leigh-Ann Bellew for Senate and Edna Walsh and Stephen Boracchia for Assembly, in the June 4 primary is unthinkable, even laughable, to many Monmouth County Republicans.
But recent history and a look at the numbers indicate that an upset with statewide consequences could very well be in the making if the challenge is not taken seriously.
With only nominal competition in the governor’s race, voter turnout in the Republican primary on June 4 is likely to be very low. Therein lies the danger for the incumbents. Even “good Republicans” rarely vote in primaries. Even fewer if there is no perceived competition.
There are 34,216 registered Republicans in the 13th district. In the 2011 primary, the last time the legislature was on the ballot, only 2,274 Republicans voted. The challengers know that.
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Posted: April 15th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Amy Handlin, Assembly Republicans, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Declan O'Scanlon, Diane Gooch, Joe Kyrillos, LD 13, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP, Primary Election, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone | Tags: 13th legislative district, Amy Handlin, Brian Largey, BTPG, Dan Peters, Declan O'Scanlon, Ed Pekarsky, Edna Walsh, Joe Kyrillos, LD 13, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Shaun Golden, Stephen Boracchia | 12 Comments »

Dan Peters
Dan Peters of Middletown has twice in the past filed to run in the Monmouth County GOP primary for Sheriff.
In 2007, Peters filed petitons to run for the seat which was being vacated by Joe Oxley, but he did not meet the residency requirement for the office. Monmouth Beach Commissioner Kim Guadagno was nominated by the GOP and was elected Sheriff.
Peters threw his hat into the ring again in 2010, mounting an unsuccessful challenge to Shaun Golden who had replaced Guadagno when she became Lt. Governor.
Peters created the Dan Peters for Sheriff facebook page on March 1, 2013. It would appear that he is preparing to make another run against Golden.
Bayshore Tea Party Group co-founder Barbara Gonzalez would not confirm or deny that Peters has the group’s backing. She offered to ask Peters to call MMM.
Sheriff Golden is unopposed for the Monmouth Republican County Committee’s endorsement which be be formalized at the GOP convention at Colts Neck High School on Saturday morning, March 23.
Posted: March 21st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Bayshore Tea Party Group, BTPG, Dan Peters, Monmouth County Sheriff, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth Republican Committee, Shaun Golden | 15 Comments »