“If you see something, say something” is the slogan of a government campaign, originally deployed by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority, to encourage citizens to report potential terrorist activity to the authorities before something catastrophic happens.
The “major infrastructure failure” at New Jersey American Water Company’s Swimming River water treatment plant last week that resulted in no water for thousands of Monmouth County residents, a boiling water advisory for hundreds thousand of residents, and that will likely result in dead gardens, empty pools and dirty cars for the rest of the summer is an unfortunate lesson that we need to “say something” when our public utility companies are apparently putting our health at risk.
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Posted: July 3rd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, New Jersey American Water, NJAWC | Tags: app, Asbury Park Press, If you see something say something, John Curley, Michael Skudera, New Jersey American Water Company, NJAWC, Swimming River Water Treatment Plant | 9 Comments »
From facebook:
Why does the Asbury Park Press building on Rt 66 have their sprinklers on while they are reporting about the outdoor water ban??
Posted: July 2nd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Monmouth County, Neptune Nudniks, New Jersey American Water | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Chris Trifari, New Jersey American Water Company, NJAWC, Water, water crisis | 4 Comments »
June was by far the most active month in MMM’s history. There have been 32,000 visits and 57,000 page views so far month. 71% of those visitors were repeats. Google analytics says that all of that traffic came from 8700 computers. Unbelievably to me, the average visit is for 11 minutes, which is longer than it takes to read an entire issue of the Asbury Park Press.
According to alexa.com, only 15,850 websites in the New York area and 125,439 in the United States get more traffic than MMM.
Special thanks go out to Anna Little, Ernesto Cullari, John Bennett, Christine Hanlon, Vin Gopal, Frank LaRocca, Barbara Gonzalez, Bob Gordon, Linda Baum Rachel Alintoff, Judge Paul Escandon, Louise Murray and everyone who wears bathing suits on the Asbury Park Boardwalk. I can’t forget Bob Menendez’s opposition research team.
I doing my monthly review, I couldn’t help but notice the success of my friends in Asbury Park.
Congratulations to Dan Jacobson and Molly Mulshine at the AsburyParkSun. In only three months they have made a significant impact in the local media market. Alexa.com says that APS is in the top 200,000 of all websites nationally and in the top 35,000 in the New York area. Mulshine was the first to report the Asbury Park Boardwalk beach attire controversy, a story that went national.
UPDATE: July 1
Wow! I haven’t had such a busy last day of the month since I was in the car business. The final numbers for June are 32,959 visitors fromm 9,194 unique IPs and 58,768 page views. Ranked 120,646 in the U.S. on Alexa.
As Lois mentioned in the comments, thank you so much to all the commenters, especially the “congregation” as Lois called the regulars. I won’t name them all because I’m sure to leave an important one out.
Posted: June 30th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: NJ Media | Tags: Anna Little, Asbury Park Press, Asbury Park Sun, Banana Hammock, Barbara Gonzalez, Beach attire, Bob Gordon, Bob Mendendez, Christine Hanlon, Dan Jacobson, Ernesto Cullari, Frank LaRocca, Joe Kyrillos, John Bennett, Linda Baum, Louise Murray, Molly Mulshine, opposition reseach, Rachel Alintoff, Vin Gopal | 8 Comments »
Traffic rankings for APP.com, the Asbury Park Press’s website are down 25% in the month since the Gannett owned media outlet started charging for reading content on its website, according to the web information company, Alexa.
Posted: June 20th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Media, NJ Media | Tags: Alexa.com, APP.com, Asbury Park Press, Gannett | 2 Comments »
By Tommy DeSeno
Dear MMM readers,
I have nothing against Christine Hanlon. I understand she has come up through the ranks as a boots on the ground fighter and I’m down with that. If she becomes Monmouth Chair and needs me I’ll be there for her.
But I must confess County politics is not my brand of Tea Party. It embodies clientelism. I say that not to down the good people involved – it is designed to be clientelism. I can’t imagine a local system that wouldn’t work that way. So I watch from a distance, rooting for the Republican side, and serving when asked.
I’m compelled to write now due to the recent treatment of John Bennett. In 2003 he was attached by a Camden County hydra. That’s why he lost. He suffered no ethical or criminal lapses (as the Press was forced to later print – one time).
What concerns me is that this website and some others are forgetting what went down in 2003. To attack John using the hyperbole of Norcross warriors and Skip Hidlay fans is to use the weapons of an enemy to defeat a loyal friend.
I’ll hold no grudge if John loses this race to Monmouth people over Monmouth issues. But to continue the Democrat attack that was started in 2003 to beat him is unfair and irresponsible. It invites the Democrats to target more of our good people. Let us not do their work for them. Let us remember what went down in 2003 (the following was printed in the triCityNews on late October, 2003):
Camden’s Political Boss, The Asbury Park Press and Swaying Monmouth’s Elections
O, it is excellent to have a giant’s strength, but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant. William Shakespeare
The people of Monmouth County are under attack. A two-headed beast from Camden County is stealing away with our sovereignty. We must make a fight in our own defense for the sake of self-determination. Self-determination is why we fought the Revolutionary War; to govern ourselves, so not to be governed from afar.
Your attackers are stealthy. They won’t let you know what’s happening until it’s too late. First examine the attack, and then join many of your Monmouth County neighbors in a grass roots effort to defend yourself.
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: June 11th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: Christine Hanlon, John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Christine Hanlon, Courier Post, Ellen Karcher, George Norcross, John Bennett, Kennedy Communications, Skip Hidlay, Tommy DeSeno | 12 Comments »
Yesterday the Neptune Nudniks ran an editorial lamenting the lack of competition in the primaries.
This morning The Star Ledger reported that there are five candidates seeking the two major party nominations for U.S. Senate, 44 candidates for 13 congressional seats (they should have said 12 seats or 24 nominations) and 8 candidates for three special election primaries for State Assembly.
There are two GOP primary races in The Asbury Park Press’s coverage area. The CD-6 race between Monmouth GOP candidate Ernesto Cullari and Middlesex GOP candidate Anna Little, and the CD-4 race between incumbent Congressman Chris Smith and Terrence McGowan of Howell.
A search for “Anna Little” reveals that the former Highlands mayor’s name has not appeared on the site since February. “Ernesto Cullari” produced no results in a search of the site. On May 14 a letter to the editor in support of McGowan in CD-4 was published. Nothing else. Congressman Smith has made international headlines recently for his work to secure Chen Guangcheng’s release from China. Yet the APP is interested only in what Smith is doing for Lakewood’s schools, an issue that Smith’s office has no authority over. APP.com also reported that a 71 year old Manchester woman drove her car into the side of Smith’s Whiting office last November.
This is not to say that the press should cover every candidate that collects signatures to get on a primary ballot. Earned media should indeed be earned and so-called “fringe” candidates should be challenged to earn their coverage. MMM is aware that it could have made the CD-4 race more competitive than the rout it will be with Smith getting over 80% of the vote. However, McGowan did nothing to earn coverage on MMM. The first we heard from anybody in the McGowan campaign was last week when we were invited by a reader to a meet and greet a couple of hours before it started.
But there is no excuse for the APP’s lack of coverage of the CD-6 race where the competing candidates each earned the endorsement of a county Republican organization. That is a story.
One could argue, and the Nudniks do as an excuse for their lack of coverage in their editorial, that the gerrymandered congressional districts make the CD-4 and CD-6 races uncompetitive and the end result of each election is a fait accompli.
Where were they during the redistricting process? They ran an editorial lamenting the gerrymandering after fact, but provided little coverage that would have increased public awareness before or during the process.
How do the Nudniks think that voters will get their information about the electorial process? They are very supportive of pay to play restrictions that make it more difficult for candidates and parties to get their messages out, yet the APP does little to pick up the slack or provide coverage to to the electoral process.
Posted: June 5th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Asbury Park Press, Neptune Nudniks | Tags: Anna Little, Asbury Park Press, CD 6, CD-4, Chris Smith, Ernesto Cullari, Neptune Nudniks, Star Ledger, Terrence McGowan | 5 Comments »
The print edition of the Asbury Park Press has an six paragraph article today about the Republican and Democratic races for County Chair.
“Pair look to replace Oxley as county GOP chairman” is the headline of the piece which appears on page 3 of the local Monmouth section of the paper. The lead is “Former Senate President John O. Bennett III and Christine Giordano Hanlon, a behind-the-scenes political organizer, both hope to succeed Joseph W. Oxley as chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Committee
The article explains that GOP Chairman Joe Oxley has been nominated to the state Superior Court and reports that he said he is stepping down to spend more time with his 10 week-old daughter, Margaux.
Bennett received one paragraph that said he would officially notify party officials of his candidacy today and noted his position with the Dilworth Paxon law firm. Bennett did not elaborate due to a recent death in his family, the APP said.
Hanlon received two paragraphs on her background.
The last paragraph mentioned the Democratic race between Marlboro Democratic Chairman Frank LaRocca and Long Branch publisher Vin Gopal.
It is unusual that the APP would cover an internal party race. They did not even mention the January election for Freeholder until days after Serena DiMaso was already sworn in to replace Rob Clifton.
Given the extreme, to put it mildly, coverage that Bennett received from the APP in 2003 over his double billing of Marlboro Township while serving as the municipal attorney, many Republican leaders have been worried about the impact a Bennett chairmanship would have on the party and the coverage it receives from the press.
The APP’s coverage of Bennett’s double billing his widely believed to the cause of his 2003 loss of his 12th district Senate seat, the losses of his running mates seats in the Assembly, and ultimately the exile to minority status of the Republican Party in Trenton which has continued to this day.
MMM will update this piece with a link the story on app.com, if and when it gets posted on the pay site.
Posted: May 23rd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Christie Hanlon, Frank LaRocca, Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Monmouth Democratic Committee, Monmouth Republican Committee, Vin Gopal | 4 Comments »
Because The Asbury Park Press Is No Longer Relevant
The Asbury Park Press is outraged that Governor Chris Christie did not make the problems of the Lakewood school system a primary topic of his town hall meeting in Freehold yesterday. The Neptune Nudniks are also upset that Congressman Chris Smith hasn’t returned their calls for comment or held a press conference about the Lakewood schools since the paper and pay site ran their series CHEATED about the problems in Lakewood schools last week.
Christie spent much, if not most, of his town hall meeting yesterday talking about education reform. His focus was on tenure reform as a way to improve results in our failing urban schools and to stop paying “a Kings Ransom for failure” by flushing 15% of the state’s tax dollars into failing schools as New Jersey has done for decades.
If ever there was evidence that The Asbury Park Press has become irrelevant, it is their heavily promoted Cheated series, yesterday’s town hall meeting, combined with today’s rants by the Nudniks that Christie and Smith are not paying attention to them.
Why didn’t Christie talk about Lakewood yesterday to hundreds of residents in the APP’s coverage area? Because no one asked him. The governor was talking about education. The APP had just finished a “special series” on the Lakewood schools. Not one person in the audience of the town hall made the connection and asked the governor a question about Lakewood.
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 9th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Asbury Park, Asbury Park Press, Chris Christie, Chris Smith, Education, Media, New Jersey | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Asbury Park School, Chris Christie, Chris Smith, Freehold Patch, Lakewood Schools, Neptune Nudniks, news, political agenda | 4 Comments »
The State Attorney General’s office executed search warrants on Birdsall Services Group’s Eatontown office yesterday, according to reports in Politickernj and The Asbury Park Press.
Politickernj cites a source saying that the investigation is into campaign contributions, including the Middlesex County PACS first exposed by Harold Kane writing for MMM in September of 2011. Politickernj is erroneously claiming credit for first exposing the activities of the Middlesex County PACs and their donors.
Birdsall Services is cooperating with the investigation, according to The Asbury Park Press account.
Posted: May 3rd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Harold V. Kane, Pay-to-play, Public Corruption | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Birdsall Services Group, Harold Kane, Politickernj, State Attorney General, The Star Ledger | Comments Off on Pay to pay investigation probes Birdsall Engineering
By Art Gallagher
Michael Riley, a Baptist minister and member of The Asbury Park Press editorial board says “Jesus was a card-carrying socialist” in his Only Human column in today’s print edition. The column is not yet on the app’s web site.
Someone better inform Barack Obama who insists that he is a Christian, that he is not a socialist, and that he was born in Hawaii.
But Riley is not writing for Obama. He’s writing to Republicans:
“I hate to break it to the far-right wing in this country (or as it is more commonly called these days, the Republican Party), but Jesus was a car-carrying socialist. Or, he would have been, if cards had been invented, and if pockets to carry the card had been around and if the word socialism had made it into the language in the first century.
I have no doubt about it.”
I have doubts about what Riley understands about Jesus, government and freedom. That there will be a slew of cancelled subscriptions to The Press as a result of Riley’s column, I have no doubt.
The first thing that struck me about Riley’s column is that he is talking about Jesus in the past tense. Even a Jesuit trained lapsed Catholic like me believes in a Living God. Why is this Baptist minister telling The Press’s remaining readers that Jesus is dead? Didn’t we just celebrate His resurrection two weeks ago?
Riley paraphrases the Gospel of Luke and Karl Marx to make his case.
“One thing you lack,” Riley quotes Luke quoting Jesus talking to the rich, “go and sell all you possess and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”
“But Jesus was a conservative compared to those who followed him,” Riley continues in the past tense again, “In the book of Acts, we read, ‘All the believers were together and had everything in common, They sold property and possession to give to anyone who had need.’
No one claimed that any of their possession were their own; they shared everything they had.
That is right out of the Marxist playbook: ‘from each according to his ability to each according to his need.’ And woe to anyone who tried to wiggle out of the deal.”
Without getting all theological and politically scientific on Michael, the Nudnik of Neptune, let me just point out two key words from his paraphrase of Luke paraphrasing Jesus that hopefully will set him straight:
Sell and Give. Both involve a concept that is fundamental to Christianity and foreign to Marxism: Choice.
Never mind that Christians believe that God created Man (and Woman) and that Marxists believe than Man created God. Let’s look at selling and giving.
In order for Jesus’s followers to sell all of their possessions, they first had to have them. Hmmm, how would that happen in a Marxist socialist society?
In order for the rich to give to the poor, someone would have to buy those possessions. More than likely someone else who was rich.
While Riley starts his column with no doubt that the dead Jesus was a socialist, he seems to have some doubt as he concludes:
Obviously, human sin makes this kind of socialistic/communist economic system unworkable over the long haul and in large groups. But capitalism is a sinner’s banquet as well, full of abuse and greed and loopholes that turn into nooses for the poor.
The point here is that socialism is not necessarily a dirty word. It seems to be sort of what God was hoping for as a model for his people. So let’s not get all high and mighty about using it as an epithet.
How about we do get high and mighty about Liberty, Choice, Charity and Responsibility.
How about the preachers and ministers do their jobs and spread The Word and convert the sinners so that capitalism, the only system that has ever worked and creates genuine sharing and empowerment as opposed to the compelled sharing and mediocrity of Marxism, can work better for the rich and the poor.
Riley’s heart might be in the right place, but his head is a dark place.
Posted: April 20th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, NJ Media | Tags: Art Gallagher, Asbury Park Press, Barack Obama, Jesus, Karl Marx, Michael Riley, Socialism | 16 Comments »