Dem Freeholder Candidate Sticks Belmar Taxpayers With The Legal Fees To Fund His Ambition

Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, left, and Governor Chris Christie, on the Belmar boardwalk.
Like his friend Governor Chris Christie, Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty stuck taxpayers with the legal bills to fund his political ambition.
Doherty’s unlawful conduct in attempting to hide the identities of donors to his campaign for Monmouth County freeholder has cost the taxpayers of Belmar $122,910 for the legal fees of the citizens who successfully challenged Belmar’s violations of the Faulkner Act and the New Jersey Civil Rights Act in Court. When the borough’s legal fees to defend “Matt Law” are added, Doherty’s folly has cost Belmar taxpayers over $200,000.
Ken Pringle, Belmar’s former mayor and the attorney who represented the citizens who objected to “Matt’s Law” told MMM that Judge Katie Gummer awarded the legal fees to the plaintiffs on Thursday.
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Posted: November 3rd, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: 2016 Elections, Belmar, Dirty Doherty, Matt Doherty, Matt's Law, Monmouth County News | 1 Comment »

Sheriff Shaun Golden, left, confers with OEM Coordinator Michael Oppegaard during preparations prior to Superstorm Sandy. MMM file photo
Three Fraternal Order of Police lodges, the New Jersey State FOP and Locals #121, the Monmouth County Superior Law Enforcement Officers and Local #30, the Monmouth County Superior Corrections Officers, announced their endorsements of Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden on Thursday afternoon, November 3.
Golden has been Monmouth County’s Sheriff in 2010 when Governor Chris Christie appointed him to fill the vacancy created by Kim Guadagno becoming Lt. Governor. He was elected to three year terms in November of 2010 and 2013 and is seeking a third term on Election Day, November 8.
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Posted: November 3rd, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2016 Elections, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Shaun Golden | Tags: 2016 Elections, FOP Local #121, FOP Local #30, Fraternal Order of Police, Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden, NJ State FOP, Robert Fox, Shawn Reece, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Vincent Giglio | Comments Off on Sheriff Golden Endorsed By Three FOP Organizations

Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso
Police Benevolent Association Local #314, Monmouth County Sheriff’s Officers, announced their endorsement of Freeholder Deputy Director Serena DiMaso for a second full term on the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders, association President Robert Derasmo announced.
Calling DiMaso “the ideal candidate” for Monmouth County Freeholder, Derasmo cited her education with a law degree and bachelors from St. John’s University, her “vast experience” in public administration as a Freeholder since 2012 and as a former Mayor and Township Committee Member in Holmdel.
The endorsement letter noted that DiMaso is following in her family history as a first responder as a member of the Holmdel First Aid Squad. “Her administrative and front line experience gives Serena great perspective as an advocate for Shared Services in Monmouth County,” Dermaso said.
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Posted: November 3rd, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2016 Elections, Monmouth County News, Serena DiMaso, Tom Arnone | Tags: 2016 Elections, Freeholder Deputy Director Serena DiMaso, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Monmouth County News, PBA 314, Robert Derasmo, Serena DiMaso, Tom Arnone | Comments Off on PBA 314 Endorses DiMaso for reelection
Clinton Delegate Zipprich’s Implied Comparison of Prayer to Performing Oral Sex is Beyond Sinful
Red Bank Councilman and Democrat Chairman Ed Ziprrich compared GOP Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence’s daily prayer to oral sex on twitter last month, prompting Kelli O’Bosky Colwell, a Republican candidate for Red Bank Council to call for Zipprich to resign his position as a councilman and as the Democrat Local Chairman.
“He’s not fit for public office”, O’Bosky Colwell said of Zipprich.
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Posted: November 2nd, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Ed Zipprich, Monmouth County News, Red Bank | Tags: 2016 Elections, Brian Hanlon, Ed Zipprich, Kelli O'Bosky Colwell, Monmouth County News, Red Bank Democrats, Red Bank Republicans | 1 Comment »
Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty was a “key independent eye witness” in the Mastro Report, the $10 million plus investigation by Governor Chris Christie’s lawyers which purportedly exonerated Christie and other members of his administration of wrongdoing in the Bridgegate matter and other Port Authority related scandals.
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Posted: November 2nd, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Matt Doherty, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2016 Elections, Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, Bridgegate, Dirty Doherty, Lawless Matt Doherty, Monmouth County News | Comments Off on Watch MSNBC: Why you should know about Matt Doherty’s role in the Bridgegate investigation
“Walk the Line” is a documentary that chronicles one man’s quest for political identity. Lapell Crank sets out on a journey to become a politically informed citizen. The filming process follows Crank as he interacts with and interviews politicians, media figures and ordinary citizens. The documentary’s videographer, Christian Brown, was gracious enough to put together a clip of Freeholder Director Tom Arnone’s part in the film to help out with his campaign for reelection. Take a look!
Posted: November 2nd, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Monmouth GOP, Tom Arnone | Tags: 2016 Elections, Christian Brown, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Lapell Crank, Monmouth County News, Tom Arnone, Walk the Line | Comments Off on Walking the Line with Tom Arnone
The New Jersey State Police Benevolent Association Retired Officers Local #600 has endorsed Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden for another three year term leading the county’s law enforcement and public safety office.
The endorsement was published in the September edition of New Jersey COPS magazine and followed an August 30th visit to the Monmouth County Public Safety Center in Freehold by Local 600 President Tom Lombardi and Local 600 State Delegate Jim Toma.
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Posted: October 31st, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2016 Elections, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Shaun Golden | Tags: 2016 Elections, endorsement, Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden, NJ PBA Local 600, Retired Police and Corrections Officers, Shaun Golden | Comments Off on Retired Police and Corrections Officers Endorse Sheriff Shaun Golden for Reelection

Monmouth County Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Deputy Director Serena DiMaso
Freehold, NJ- The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #30, Monmouth County Superior Officers’ Association supports the reelection of Freeholders Tom Arnone and Serena DiMaso, announced the association’s president, Shawn Reece.
“Public Safety is one of the most important functions of county government,” Reece said. “Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Serena DiMaso have always recognized that truth and have made sure that our members have the support, training and resources we need to keep Monmouth County a safe and secure place to live and raise our families.”
Freeholder DiMaso is the daughter of a New York City Police Officer and her sister is a NYPD Captain. As a member of the Holmdel First Aid Squad, DiMaso is a first responder herself—on call 24/7—to save the lives of those facing medical emergencies. Our work in law enforcement, the sacrifices we make and the risks we take, is not theoretical for Serena and that shows in how she conducts herself as a leader of Monmouth County’s government.
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Posted: October 31st, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2016 Elections, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County News, Serena DiMaso, Tom Arnone | Tags: 2016 Elections, Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso, Fraternal Order of Police, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Superior Officers Association-FOP Lodge #30, Serena DiMaso, Tom Arnone | Comments Off on FOP Lodge 30-Monmouth County Superior Officers Endorse Arnone and DiMaso for Freeholder
FBI field offices in New York, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and Little Rock, Ark., are investigating the Clinton Foundation concerning allegations of pay-to-play financial and political corruption, according to a report at The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Sunday. Mirroring information provided by a former senior law enforcement official that “multiple FBI investigations are underway involving potential… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: October 31st, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Elections, 2016 Presidential Politics, Hillary Clinton | Tags: 2016 Elections, 2016 Presidential politics, Clinton Foundation, FBI investigation, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton FBI investigation | Comments Off on Now Five FBI Field Offices Are Probing Clinton Charity, Adding Fuel To The Fire

Maggie Moran and Matt Doherty at Governor Corzine’s 2006 inauguration.
Maggie Moran, Democrat freeholder candidate Matt Doherty’s wife and former Governor Corzine’s Deputy Chief of Staff and campaign manager, wants the Monmouth GOP to stop telling Monmouth County voters that she and Matthew profited from the suffering of Jersey Shore residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
Moran’s lawyer, Angelo Genova of the Newark law firm Genova Burns, LLC, sent a Cease and Desist Letter to the Monmouth County Republican Committee yesterday claiming that a mailer and TV commercial the GOP shared with Monmouth County voters this week is factually inaccurate and defames Moran. Genova also sent the letter to the Common Sense for Belmar blog, who published the mailer.
Genova must think that Shaun Golden, Chairman and Tom Szymanski, Executive Director of the Monmouth GOP, as well as Dave Schneck, publisher of Common Sense for Belmar, don’t read MoreMonmouthMusings.
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Posted: October 29th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2016 Elections, Matt Doherty, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2016 Elections, Angelo Genova, AshBrit, AshBritt, AshBritt-Conti, Desperate Doherty, Dirty Doherty, Lawless Matt Doherty, Maggie Moran, Matt Doherty, Monmouth County News | 1 Comment »