Freehold Director Tom Arnone told MoreMonmouthMusings that the NJ Department of Transportation has agreed to restart the Shark River dredging project despite the fact that the Transportation Trust Fund has yet to be renewed and funded. The news came to Arnone from a DOT official via phone after business hours on Wednesday.
NJ DOT spokesman Kevin Israel confirmed that the project will restart in an email to MMM.
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Posted: July 27th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, NJ DOT, Shark River, Tom Arnone | Tags: Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, Kevin Israel, Monmouth County News, Neptune City Mayor Bob Brown, NJ Department of Transportation, NJ DOT, NJ Transportation Trust Fund, Shark River Dredging, Tom Arnone, Transportation Trust Fund | 7 Comments »
By Freeholder Director Tom Arnone

Monmouth County Freeholder Director Tom Arnone
It’s finally here …summer has returned! I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having lately, and enjoying all that our beautiful Monmouth County has to offer – beaches, parks, lakes, rivers, boardwalks, lighthouses, museums, theaters, historical sites, restaurants and much more. Our tourist season is in full swing, and according to early estimates, we are paced to match or exceed last year’s numbers, providing economic stability here in our region.
Speaking of tourist season, I am happy to report that the dredging of the Shark River is set to restart in the next few weeks, getting us closer to increasing the recreational side of the Shark River corridor as well as restoring the channels for our commercial fishing industry. As you may know, the dredging had started late last fall and was halted on January 1, 2016, due to state regulations in place to protect spawning and the early life stages of winter flounder and anadromous fish. The dredging project is moving along nicely due to a coalition of State, County and local leaders that effectively advocated for the project, including Senator Jen Beck, Committeeman Randy Bishop, County of Monmouth, Board of Chosen Freeholders, New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJ DOT) Office of Maritime Resources, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJ DEP), and the governing bodies of the participating municipalities including Neptune City, Neptune, Belmar, and Wall.
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Posted: June 28th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: JCP&L, Monmouth County News, Shark River, Tom Arnone | Tags: Freeholder Director Tom Arnone, JCP&L, Monmouth County News, Shark River Dredging, The Arnone Report | 1 Comment »
By Monmouth County Freeholder Tom Arnone

Freeholder Tom Arnone
After a very long period time and with many notable road blocks and obstacles, I, along with a great team of my colleagues, including Senator Jennifer Beck (R-11), and Neptune Committeeman Randy Bishop, am so happy to announce that the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s (NJDOT’s) Office of Maritime Resources has awarded the bid to complete the Shark River dredging project. The project’s contract was awarded to Mobile Pumping & Dredging Co., of Chester, PA.
This huge step forward is a result of years of work coordinating with the many agencies that have authority over this project. After being involved in this project for more than fifteen years as Mayor of Neptune City and now as a member of the Board of Chosen Freeholders, I am personally very happy to see this project finally begin. I have worked with other officials throughout the years whom were also very passionate about this project, including Tom Catley, former Mayor of Neptune Township, as well as other past mayors of the surrounding towns and those in office today. The County has long continued to work cooperatively with these local officials, as well as state and government agencies to move this dredging project forward.
This is a large project, with approximately 106,000 cubic yards of material to be dredged. With cooperation from the Monmouth County Reclamation Center, which is able to accept and reuse the dredged material, and the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders providing funding, we have made this project a reality. Not one part of the Shark River project was easy or simple, but we found a way to accomplish this.
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Posted: September 28th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Neptune, Neptune Township, Shark River | Tags: Freeholder Tom Arnone, Mobile Pumping and Dredging, Monmouth County News, Randy Bishop, Senator Jennifer Beck, Shark River, Shark River Dredging, The Arnone Report, Tom Arnone, Tom Catley | 1 Comment »
By Monmouth County Freeholder Tom Arnone

Freeholder Tom Arone
Summer is in full swing and I hope everyone is out there enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve been having. An annual tradition here in Monmouth County is the County Fair. The 41st Monmouth County Fair was a huge success with thousands of residents attending over the five days it was held at the East Freehold Fairgrounds on Kozloski Road.
Monmouth County is the gateway to the Jersey Shore, and you will find more than 50 miles of beaches, revolutionary history sites, nationally recognized parks and golf courses, outdoor dining experiences for all tastes and plenty of places to spend the night. The Monmouth Park System offers over 30 park areas to explore, please go out and enjoy all our beautiful county has to offer.
While we are on the topic of outdoor activities you can enjoy throughout our County, I would like to take a moment to address several concerns within different regions, including the Shark River dredging and the two-river area bike path.
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Posted: July 27th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County News, Neptune, Neptune Township, Shark River, Tom Arnone | Tags: Belmar, Cindy Zipf, Clean Ocean Action, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Little Silver, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Neptune City, Neptune Township, NJDOT, Randy Bishop, Rumson, Seaview Island, Senator Jennifer Beck, Shark River, Shark River Dredging, Tom Arnone, Two River, Two River Bike Path | Comments Off on The Arnone Report: Progress on Shark River Dredging and Two River Bike Path
Press Release

photo via
Senator Jennifer Beck, Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini, Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande, Monmouth County Freeholder Tom Arnone, and Neptune Township Committeeman Randy Bishop offered the following statement Monday to update residents on the progress being made in the effort to dredge Shark River state navigation channels:
“This project is closer to reality than ever before. This is a result of years of work coordinating with the many agencies that have authority over this project. This project focuses on what we can do, dredge the state navigation channels of the river” Arnone explained, a former Neptune City Mayor. “A project like this has to have full cooperation from the federal, state, county, and municipal governments. It has been a long process, but one that is moving forward”.
There are two permits necessary to move forward with the project: one from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, and the second from the US Army Corps of Engineers. NJ DOT has submitted applications for both permits. The State hopes to bid this project in time for a late-summer project award. If a responsive bid is received, and the selected contractor chooses, dredging could potentially begin later this year. The contractor may be given the option to conduct the work over two dredging seasons if necessary.
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Posted: June 1st, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Press Release, Shark River | Tags: Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande, Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini, Belmar, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Monmouth County News, Neptune, Neptune City, Neptune Committeeman Randy Bishop, NJ DEP, NJ Department of Environmental Protection, NJ Dept of Transportation, NJ DOT, Press Release, Senator Jennifer Beck, Shark River, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Wall | 2 Comments »
Bids expected in late summer. Award anticipated in Fall of 2015
The long delayed dredging of the Shark River Channels is finally moving forward, according to a statement released today by State Senator Jennifer Beck, Freeholder Tom Arnone and Neptune Township Committeeman Randy Bishop.
The New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Office of Maritime Resources has provided a working timeline for dredging the channels. Requests for proposals (RFP) will be released by DOT in August or September, according to Arnone, and a contract for the project is expected to be awarded in late October.
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Posted: April 23rd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Neptune Township, NJ Department of Environmental Protection, NJ DOT, Shark River | Tags: Freeholder Tom Arnone, Neptune Committeeman Randy Bishop, NJ DEP, NJ DOT, Senator Jennifer Beck, Shark River, Shark River Dredging | 8 Comments »
Beck: Federal and State Agencies Haven’t Approved Drying Sites
Governor Chris Christie told his Town Hall gathering in Belmar yesterday afternoon that the dredging of Shark River is being held up because the municipalities along the river and Monmouth County can not agree on a destination for the dredge spoils to be dumped.
The issue has gathered increased public attention in recent months due to a massive fish kill in the river last May. 310 tons of dead fish were removed from the shoreline of the estuary that feeds into the Atlantic through the inlet between Belmar and Avon-by-the-Sea and extents 11 miles through Neptune and Wall Townships.
In answering a question from a man who identified himself as Bob from Wall, Christie said that he supports the dredging, fought for money from FEMA to pay for the dredging and would impose a solution on the county and municipalities if he had the authority to do so. He said he had been briefed on the issue three weeks ago.
Maybe the Governor remembered a briefing from a different dredging project when answering Bob’s question.
Both the Monmouth County and Neptune landfills are willing to take the dredge spoils, according to Senator Jennifer Beck. The river hasn’t been dredged, Beck said in a phone interview last night, because over the last two decades various federal and state agencies have rejected every proposed location for the dredged materials to dry before being moved to their final disposal site.
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Posted: July 31st, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Belmar, Chris Christie, Jennifer Beck, Monmouth County, Shark River | Tags: August 19 Special Belmar Election, Belmar, Belmar Bonding Referendum, Belmar Town Hall, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Governor Chris Christie, Senator Jennifer Beck, Shark River, Shark River Dredging, Shark River Fish Kill, Tom Arnone | 3 Comments »