With 87% of the mail-in ballots counted, Monmouth County is one of only 7 New Jersey Counties that voted Republican in 2020.
Early returns in the unprecedented paper ballot election indicated that Democrats had scored an upset in the County that reliably votes Republican despite a registration advantage for Democrats. On Election Night, former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Cory Booker and the Democrat Freeholder candidates were leading the paper ballot count. Congressman Chris Smith and County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon were the only Republicans leading above the municipal level.
Read the rest of this entry » Posted: November 8th, 2020 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Middlesex County Republicans, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2020 election, Monmouth County News | Comments Off on Monmouth County Remains Red

The Pallone residence in Washington. The pink flamingos are on a neighboring property. Aug 31, 2018
Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr and his wife signed mortgage documents and affidavits in 2016, and again this year, in which they represented that the home they have owned in the Glover Park section of Washington, DC since 1992 is their primary residence, according to District of Columbia property records.
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Posted: September 10th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Congress, Frank Pallone, Middlesex County Democrats, Middlesex County Republicans, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2018 elections, Congressman Frank Pallone, Frank Pallone, Frank Pallone Jr, Long Branch, Middlesex County News, Monmouth County News, Washington DC | 11 Comments »

Senator Sam Thompson
State Senator Sam Thompson will not stand for reelection as Middlesex County Republican Chairman. Old Bridge Councilwoman Lucille Panos will seek the position, with Thompson’s support, when the County Committee convenes on June 14.
Thompson, the chairman since 2010, announced that he is stepping down at a Middlesex GOP fundraiser in Matawan on Tuesday evening.
The Republican senator from Old Bridge, 80, told MoreMonmouthMusings that he is not retiring. He is planning to seek reelection to the Senate in 2017.
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Posted: May 10th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Middlesex County Republicans, News, NJ Politics | Tags: Lucille Pano, Middlesex GOP, news, NJ Politics, NJ State Senator Sam Thompson | 3 Comments »
Bakke Says Politico “Reporter” is Democratic Mouth Piece
“A mouth for the moth lover”

Press Release
East Brunswick, NJ- Synnove Bakke, a Republican candidate for New Jersey Assembly from Middlesex County responded to a recent hit piece on her by Politico-New Jersey reporter Matt Friedman with the following statement:
“The Columbia School of Journalism should demand it’s diploma back from Matt Friedman,” Bakke said. “He is not reporting, but rather is regurgitating opposition research paid for by Trenton Democrats and my opponent Nancy Pinkin. The PC nonsense that Friedman is posting on Poltico-NJ is worthy of a partisan blog, not a journalistic news site and I am shocked Assemblywoman Pinkin would condone this nonsense.”
“Friendman’s recent garbage never would have gotten past the editors of his former employers, the Star Ledger and PolitickerNJ, and that says a lot”, Bakke continued. “I’m not the only Republican he’s gone after. Friedman has been reporting Democratic opposition research as if it was original reporting for weeks.”
Friedman wrote on Poltico-New Jersey beta, an upstart division of the national Democratic leaning website, Politico, that Bakke tweeted that the United States should consider deporting Muslims and faces a “Muslim invasion,” and suggested that President Barack Obama is not an American.
“I have issued 33,000 tweets in the two years I have had that twitter account. That the Trenton Democrats paid someone to go through my tweets and come up with three politically incorrect entries is a sign that my true message is resonating with the voters of the 18th Legislative District.”
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Posted: October 13th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2015 Elections, 2015 Legislative Races, Legislature, Middlesex County Democrats, Middlesex County Republicans, Middlesex GOP Women's Club, Politics, Press Release | Tags: 2015 Elections, LD 18, Matt Friedman, Politico-New Jersey, Press Release, Synnove Bakke | 1 Comment »
Hari Eppanapally of Livingston will be seeking the Republican nomination for congress in the 6th congressional district next Saturday at the Monmouth and Middlesex nominating conventions. His prior political experience is as an active fundraiser for Assemblyman Upendra Chivukula’s 2012 congressional run against Republican Congressman Leonard Lance in the 7th congressional district.
Eppanapply contributed $2500 to President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign.
MMM hereby endorses Eppanapally for the Democratic nomination for congress in CD-6.
Really. Eppanapally has a better chance of beating Frank Pallone in the Democratic primary than he does of beating Pallone in the general election.
The Vice President and member of the Board of The Financial Policy Council, a free market oriented non-profit think tank and policy advocate, Eppanapally would be a much better congressman than Pallone.
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Posted: March 15th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2014 Congressional Races, 2014 Elections, Middlesex County Republicans, Monmouth GOP | Tags: 2014 Congressional Elections, CD 6, Frank Pallone, Hari Eppanapally, Leonard Lance, Middlesex GOP, Monmouth GOP, Upendra Chivukula | 12 Comments »
On the day Anna Little won the endorsement of the Middlesex County GOP, she became the favorite to win the 6th congressional district nomination. Despite that all of the candidates, Democrat and Republican are from Monmouth County, the new 6th is a Middlesex County district.
With no presidential contest on the top of the ballot and the U.S. Senate race uncompetitive, turnout is likely to be very low. 13,000 voters decided the 2010 primary race between Little and Monmouth County GOP Vice Chair Diane Gooch by less than 90 votes. This time out, I’ll be surprised if there are more than 6000 votes.
Based on name recognition, Little should be considered the favorite. She scored an upset in the last primary. She was the general election candidate in 2010 and she was a countywide candidate for Freeholder in 2006.
Coming into the race, Ernesto Cullari, the Monmouth County GOP endorsed candidate was a complete unknown, except for readers of the triCityNews where he was the token conservative columnist. The nomination in both Middlesex and Monmouth Counties was his for the taking because no one else wanted it. Little was running for the U.S. Senate nomination against Joe Kyrillos.
Little has been once again running against the Republican establishment who turned her away for the congressional nomination twice and never wanted her as freeholder candidate. She won the office of Freeholder by one vote at a raucous January 2006 convention and was denied the nomination for reelection in 2007.
But it was during a meeting with Kyrillos in early March, before the Monmouth County screening/candidate selection and after Cullari announced his candidacy, that Little give up her Senate bid and decided to make another run for Congress. Kyrillos did not want a primary challenge from the pesky Little. Little did not want her career to end with a primary loss to Kyrillos. The independent minded elected officials and municipal chairs of the Monmouth GOP were not going along with the deal. They knew Little was no more of a threat to Kyrillos than Badar Qarmout.
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Posted: June 4th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Anna Little, Diane Gooch, Frank Pallone, Joe Kyrillos, Middlesex County Republicans, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Anna Little, CD 6, Diane Gooch, Ernesto Cullari, Frank Pallone, Joe Kyrillos, Middlesex GOP, Middlesex Republicans, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth Republicans, NJ-6, Sam Thompson | 12 Comments »
Senator Jennifer Beck and Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini Endorse Cullari in CD-6 Primary
In an interview with Politickernj, the Monmouth County GOP nominee in the primary for the 6th Congressional District, Ernesto Cullari, said that Anna Little, the 2010 GOP nominee in the 6th district and his primary opponent this year, was focused on herself and not the task at hand, defeating Congressman Frank Pallone, during the 2010 general election,
“What I saw was a candidate unwilling to go after (incumbent U.S. Rep. Frank) Pallone – like the fact that he got his wife a job at the EPA where she works while most people suffer an economic downturn,” Cullari said. “Frank Pallone and a slew of other leaders have been looking out for just themselves. I’ll make that case. I’m not ashamed to make it.
“What I witnessed in Anna was someone deeply focused on herself instead of the task at hand – namely advancing the small government ideology,” he added. “She missed that opportunity.”
Cullari went on to define himself as the true Tea Party conservative in the primary,
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Posted: May 16th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Anna Little, Congress, Elections, Ernesto Cullari, Frank Pallone, Jennifer Beck, Mary Pat Angenlini, Middlesex County Republicans, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Anna Little, CD 6, Ernesto Cullari, Frank Pallone, Jennifer Beck, Mary Pat Angelini, NJ-6 | 17 Comments »
East Brunswick- Former Highlands Mayor Anna Little easily defeated Ernesto Cullari for the Middlesex GOP endorsement for Congress from New Jersey’s 6 district. The final tally was 149 to 48. The convention was held at East Brunswick High School.
Cullari was awarded the Monmouth County GOP endorsement on March 16. The nomination will be decided by Republicans at the polls on June 5th. The primary victor will take on Congressman Frank Pallone in the November 6 general election.
The convention unanimously endorsed State Senator Joe Kyrillos for U.S. Senator. Assemblywoman Donna Simon was endorsed in the special election for State Assembly from the 16th legislative district.
In a three way race for two Freeholder nominations, former Superior Court Judge Roger Daley was the big winner with 319 votes. Daley has twice previously served on the Middlesex County Freeholder Board. Edison businessman Sam Khan won the second Freeholder nomination over North Brunswick financial consultant Carlo DiLalla.
Posted: March 24th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Middlesex County Republicans | Tags: Anna Little, Carlo DiLalla, Diane Simon, Ernesto Cullari, Joe Kyrillos, Roger Daley, Sam Khan | 37 Comments »