Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon launched a website yesterday to make it easier for Monmouth voters confirm that their ballots have been received by the Board of Elections.
Be sure to #VoteEarly and to track your ballot!
In partnership with the Monmouth County Board of Elections and…
Stephanie Schmid, the truth challenged Democrat running against Congressman Chris Smith in the 4th congressional district, was once again exposed and a blatant liar this afternoon during a facebook live debate hosted by the Asbury Park Press.
As the election comes upon us, and in response to certain statements made by Congressman Chris Smith’s opponent, Stephanie Schmidt, we have been made aware that Ms. Schmidt has been campaigning on a platform comprised, at least in part, of deceptive untruths regarding the Congressman Chris Smith’s response to the Covid issue. Contrary to Ms. Schmidt’s claims to the contrary, Congressman Smith has been a champion for those battling the Covid-19 virus; and through his intercedence saved my brother’s life.
UPDATE 10/14/20: The NJ Division of Elections has corrected the issue and Maryanne is no longer getting calls.
Maryanne, an 83 year old widow who lives in Freehold, is getting about 45 phone calls a day on her home phone from Monmouth County voters calling to see if their ballots have been received by the Board of Elections.
The National Wildlife Federation Action Fund has endorsed Congressman Chris Smith
Congressman Chris Smith has been endorsed by the National Wildlife Federation Action Fund, his campaign announced.
A leading national environmental organization, the National Wildlife Federation works to promote clean water and energy initiatives and advocates for solutions to protect and restore wildlife habitats.
Truth challenged congressional candidate lies to FEC about her $100K loan
Stephanie Schmid, the lawyer known for defending the human rights of criminal corporate polluters and for lying to Monmouth and Ocean County Democrats about her ability to raise money, has admitted to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) that she accepted campaign contributions from prohibited entities and that she accepted contributions that exceed the legal limit.
Senator Declan O’Scanlon, Freeholder Deputy Director Sue Kiley, Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso and Congressman Chris Smith in a pre-pandemic photo
By Senator Declan J. O’Scanlon, Jr
I am tremendously proud of my friend and our Congressman Chris Smith who consistently rises above the noise and clatter of politics and personally goes the extra mile to help people in desperate situations.
During this pandemic Chris Smith has done it again—he has literally saved lives. He’s not just saved the lives of countless unknown people who did not get sick because of the PPE Chris was able to secure for first responders and medical providers. But he’s saved really sick patients whose families called their congressman because they were desperate for answers, medication, and approvals for treatment in a healthcare system that was overwhelmed. Chris Smith came through for them.
The races for Congress in Monmouth County are snooze fests. Our incumbent congressmen, Chris Smith and Frank Pallone are heavily favored to be reelected by wide margins.
But just south of us in Ocean and Burlington Counties, the CD-3 race between freshman Democrat Congressman Andy Kim and Republican businessman David Richter is one of the most competitive and closely watch races in the nation. The partisan balance of power in the House of Representative could depend on the outcome of that election.
The Monmouth County Republican Committee (MCRC) has filed an Order to Show Cause against New Jersey Secretary of State Tahesa Way seeking to compel the State to issue rules and regulations regarding the collection of ballots in the upcoming general election and to forbid the counting of ballots that are received by Boards of Elections after election day and without postmarks.
photo courtesy of Trenton Metro Area Local-American Postal Workers Union
New Jersey’s State Postal Workers union, and its local affiliate, issued their endorsement of Congressman Chris Smith for reelection on Friday. Smith represents the 4th Congressional District of New Jersey which includes most of Monmouth County and parts of Mercer and Ocean Counties.
“New Jersey’s postal workers are proud to endorse our friend, the hardworking Congressman Chris Smith for re-election,” NJ State Postal Workers Union President and Trenton Metro Area Local President Bill Lewis said. “For many years—especially this year with the COVID-19 crisis—Rep. Smith has been a consistent champion for postal workers, advocating for a safer and better work environment. Chris has been tenacious, fighting for PPE for our postal workers, supporting essential emergency relief and maintaining operational equipment so that our men and women on the frontlines can continue to serve our customers safely and effectively,” Lewis added.