NJTV’s Michael Aron interviews Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider. file photo
Long Branch, NJ- Mayor Adam Schneider, a Democrat, today endorsed Republican Assemblywomen Mary Pat Angelini and Caroline Casagrande for reelection in New Jersey’s 11th Legislative District.
Schneider said that Angelini and Casagrande are partners that Monmouth County and Long Branch need in the Assembly.
“It means a lot to have two representatives that partnered with me to help Long Branch recover, rebuild and safeguard against future storms,” said Mayor Schneider. “Mary Pat and Caroline are dedicated, hardworking leaders that continually demonstrate their commitment to putting partisanship aside to protect our families, make our state more affordable and provide more opportunities for our children. I will be working hard to help them secure the support they need to continue to bring both parties together to solve problems.”
The 11th Legislative District, which includes Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Colts Neck, Deal, Eatontown, Freehold Borough, Freehold Township, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Long Branch, Neptune City, Neptune Township, Ocean Township, Red Bank, Shrewsbury Borough, Shrewsbury Township, Tinton Falls, and West Long Branch, is the only district in New Jersey that is represented by an all female delegation in the legislature. In addition to Angelini and Beck in Assembly, the 11th is represented by Sen. Jennifer Beck in the State Senate. Beck is not up for reelection this year. All 80 seats in the Assembly are on the ballot on November 3rd.
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Posted: October 19th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 11th Legislative District, 2015 Legislative Races, Caroline Casagrande, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, NJ State Legislature | Tags: 2015 Elections, 2015 Legislative Races, Adam Schneider, Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande, Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini, LD 11, Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider, Monmouth County News | Comments Off on Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider Endorses Angelini and Casagrande in LD 11
Bakke Says Politico “Reporter” is Democratic Mouth Piece
“A mouth for the moth lover”

Press Release
East Brunswick, NJ- Synnove Bakke, a Republican candidate for New Jersey Assembly from Middlesex County responded to a recent hit piece on her by Politico-New Jersey reporter Matt Friedman with the following statement:
“The Columbia School of Journalism should demand it’s diploma back from Matt Friedman,” Bakke said. “He is not reporting, but rather is regurgitating opposition research paid for by Trenton Democrats and my opponent Nancy Pinkin. The PC nonsense that Friedman is posting on Poltico-NJ is worthy of a partisan blog, not a journalistic news site and I am shocked Assemblywoman Pinkin would condone this nonsense.”
“Friendman’s recent garbage never would have gotten past the editors of his former employers, the Star Ledger and PolitickerNJ, and that says a lot”, Bakke continued. “I’m not the only Republican he’s gone after. Friedman has been reporting Democratic opposition research as if it was original reporting for weeks.”
Friedman wrote on Poltico-New Jersey beta, an upstart division of the national Democratic leaning website, Politico, that Bakke tweeted that the United States should consider deporting Muslims and faces a “Muslim invasion,” and suggested that President Barack Obama is not an American.
“I have issued 33,000 tweets in the two years I have had that twitter account. That the Trenton Democrats paid someone to go through my tweets and come up with three politically incorrect entries is a sign that my true message is resonating with the voters of the 18th Legislative District.”
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Posted: October 13th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2015 Elections, 2015 Legislative Races, Legislature, Middlesex County Democrats, Middlesex County Republicans, Middlesex GOP Women's Club, Politics, Press Release | Tags: 2015 Elections, LD 18, Matt Friedman, Politico-New Jersey, Press Release, Synnove Bakke | 1 Comment »
By Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon

Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon
Now that the 2016 budget debate is over, we must get back to the most pressing state issue of our time. The suggestion of some in the public worker sector that those of us who voted against the budget are in favor of our abandoning our commitment to ensuring their pensions is completely false. For any responsible elected official, and decent human being, it is imperative that we meet our commitments in a way that protects our pubic workers – and the NJ economy at the same time.
The reason we couldn’t make a payment larger than the $1.3 billion one included in the Governor’s budget has nothing to do with a lack of will or integrity. It’s about devoting as much $ as possible without inflicting massive, economy-killing, tax increases on an economy just now showing signs of real growth. Without economic growth there will be no chance we will be able to meet our commitments to the system in the many years to come – so ensuring growth is as important to public workers as anyone else. We don’t simply have a $1.8 billion deficit this year. We have a $6 to $7 billion hole over the next few years. Taxing the life out of our economy this year, with no plan going forward – and leaving us in a $2 billion hole next year as the Democrat’s proposed budget would – is bad policy, for all New Jerseyans.
But it is true as well that we can’t foster growth to the exclusion of our obligation to our dedicated public workers. And I can’t state that point vehemently enough. Our teachers and other public workers are decent, devoted, professional people. Generalizations to the contrary are without merit.
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Posted: July 11th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2015 Legislative Races, Declan O'Scanlon, Economy, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, New Jersey State Budget, NJ State Legislature, Opinion | Tags: Assemblyman Declan O'Scanlon, Declan O'Scanlon, New Jersey State Budget, Opinion, Pension and Benefit Reform | 13 Comments »
50% of New Jersey voters think our State’s problems are solvable, but that our politicians are not willing to stick their necks out to get our State moving in the right direction. That’s the take away from the FDU Public Mind Poll released this morning which indicates that Governor Chris Christie approval rating is upside down, 30%-55% and that the State Legislature’s approval rating is negative 24%-44%.
28% of the 792 self identified registered voters survey by FDU from June 15-21 said that New Jersey is moving in the right direction. 57% said we are on the wrong track.
Poll results that this should indicate that change is coming in November. Don’t count on that happening, unless Christie shocks the world and announces that he is not running for president.
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Posted: June 23rd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, 2015 Legislative Races, Chris Christie, New Jersey, NJ Democrats, NJ GOP, NJ State Legislature | Tags: 2015 Elections, Assembly Democrats, Assembly Republicans, Chris Christie, FDU Public Mind Poll, NJ State Legislature, State Legislature | 2 Comments »

Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick addressing New Jersey Republicans in Atlantic City, February 2, 2015. MMM file photo
TRENTON — With the primaries over and the general election season upon us, state Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick has a big challenge. Bramnick (R-Union) wants to be Assembly speaker. That means in November — when all 80 Assembly seats at the top of the ballot — he’ll need to flip at least nine Democratic-held seats… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: June 3rd, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2015 Elections, 2015 Legislative Races, Assembly Republicans, Jon Bramnick, New Jersey, NJ GOP, NJ State Legislature | Tags: 2015 Elections, 2015 Legislative Races, Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick, Assembly Republicans, Jon Bramnick, Michael Muller, NJ Assembly Democrats, NJ State Legislature, Totten Communications | Comments Off on N.J. Assembly Republicans promise aggressive challenge to Democrats in November
TRENTON — Bill Stepien, Gov. Chris Christie’s former campaign manager and deputy chief of staff who was tarnished in the George Washington Bridge scandal, is once again working on campaigns in New Jersey. Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick (R-Union), who is attempting to take control of the lower house in this year’s election, said Wednesday that… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 7th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2015 Legislative Races, NJ GOP, NJ State Legislature | Tags: 2015 Legislative Races, Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick, Bill Stepien, Chris Christie, Jon Bramnick | Comments Off on Former Christie aide Bill Stepien is working again on N.J. campaigns

Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick. MMM file photo
UNION TOWNSHIP — Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick on Tuesday said Democratic legislative leaders shouldn’t side with unions in asking the courts to order the restoration of $1.6 billion in state pension payments cut by Gov. Chris Christie. They should come up with the money themselves. “I think it’s simple: I just don’t think that we… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 21st, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2015 Legislative Races, Assembly Republicans, Jon Bramnick, New Jersey, New Jersey State Budget | Tags: Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick, Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto, Governor Chris Christie, Jon Bramnick, NJ State Budget, Senate President Steve Sweeney | 2 Comments »
TRENTON — New Jersey’s election season officially kicked off Monday, with 177 major-party candidates filing to run for state Assembly seats — including a flock of contenders who will battle in hotly contested primaries in Hudson and Union counties. All 80 seats in the lower house of the New Jersey Legislature are up for grabs this… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: March 31st, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2015 Legislative Races, New Jersey, NJ State Legislature | Tags: 2015 Legislative Races, NJ State Assembly | Comments Off on N.J. election season begins as more than 100 file for primary Assembly races

Trenton, we have a problem
The Monmouth County Democrats held their nominating convention last Monday night at the IBEW Local 400 union hall in Wall Township. However, as of Saturday March 28, no Democratic candidates for Assembly from the four districts that include Monmouth County have filed their nominating petitions with the New Jersey Division of Elections.
The nominating petitions are due with the Divisions of Elections by Monday, March 30th at 4 p.m. Should no candidates file petitions with 100 valid signatures, the Democratic nominations for Assembly will be up for grabs to write-in candidates in the June 2 primary.
There has been radio silence from Monmouth Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal’s office and on his blog since the convention on Monday. Even MMM’s spies at the convention have been mum. The silence has lead many Republicans to speculate that Vin has a problem.
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Posted: March 29th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Legislative Races, Monmouth County, Monmouth Democrats, New Jersey, Vin Gopal | Tags: Assembly candidates, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth Dems, NJ Division of Elections, Vin Gopal | 20 Comments »
The Monmouth County Democrats will hold a “mini-convention” this evening at the IBEW Local 400 Union Hall in Wall Township to formally nominate their slate of County and Legislative candidates for the June 2 primary.

Jeanne Cullinane is challenging Assembly Members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon in the 13th legislative district
MMM has learned that Hazlet Board of Education member Tom Herman will be a candidate for Assembly in the 13th legislative district, challenging incumbent Republicans Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon. Joining Herman on the Democratic ticket in the 13th will be Jeanne Cullinane, also of Hazlet, a political newcomer.
Cullinane has recently shared posts on facebook that compared Republicans to Iranian terrorists and Polish people to monkeys.
Monmouth County Chairman Vin Gopal has previously announced on his blog that Neptune Township Zoning Board Member Carol Rizzo will challenge incumbent Republican Freeholder John Curley. There has been speculation that Rizzo was seperated at birth from Rumson Democratic Chairman and former Democratic candidate for Surrogate, Michael Steinhorn.
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Posted: March 23rd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 11th Legislative District, 13th Legislative District, 2015 Legislative Races, Monmouth County, Monmouth Democrats, Vin Gopal | Tags: 2015 Elections, Amy Handlin, Carol Rizzo, Christine Hanlon, Declan O'Scanlon, Eric Houghtaling, Jeanne Cullinane, Joann Downey, John Curley, Kevin Kane, Michael Steinhorn, Mini-Convention, Monmouth County Democrats, Monmouth Democrats, Tom Herman, Vin Gopal | 14 Comments »