NJ’s commercial fishing industry is fifth largest in US; its sales have cratered in the pandemic
By Andrew S. Lewis, NJSpotlight
From Delaware Bay oysters to Atlantic scallops, the state’s fisheries are struggling to survive as retail sales dry up.
In the town of Port Norris, on South Jersey’s Delaware Bayshore, the first weeks of spring have for well over a century marked the beginning of the annual oyster harvest, a time when the waters of the Maurice River burst to life with a commercial fleet eager for prosperous days ahead. But as the first few weeks of the season come to a close, Port Norris remains still, a sign of just how deep the COVID-19 pandemic has drilled into the state’s economy.
New York (AFP) – Billionaire Mike Bloomberg will help build an “army” of coronavirus tracers to help New York — America’s COVID-19 epicenter — get up and running again, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday.
The former mayor of New York City will contribute more than $10 million to the effort, which will involve testing, tracing and then isolating residents with the deadly virus.
“We have to put together a tracing army,” Cuomo told reporters.
He added that the state currently has 500 tracers but will need thousands, describing the project as a “super ambitious undertaking.” Cuomo said Bloom… Read the rest of this entry »
The government of Taiwan has sent 300,000 medical masks to New Jersey for use by medical personnel and first responders, 200,000 of which arrived at a Morris County warehouse today, Congressman Chris Smith announced.
“I want to thank the people of democratic Taiwan for standing with us during New Jersey’s hour of need,” said Smith. “As of today, the full shipment has arrived at a NJ warehouse where it can be distributed to our first responders and healthcare professionals on the frontlines throughout the state,” he added. “We in New Jersey—the second hardest-hit state in the union—had previously received 100,000 masks out of one million recently sent to the U.S. by the Taiwanese people, and this additional 200,000 is most welcome and necessary.”
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump said Monday that he will sign an executive order “to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States” because of the coronavirus.
“In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!” Trump tweeted.He offered no details as to what immigration programs might be affected by the order. The White House did not immediately elaborate on Trump’s tweeted announcement.Trump has taken credit for his … Read the rest of this entry »
A small Monmouth County nursing home has seen 50 residents test positive for coronavirus, all while having its employee ranks thinned by 30 percent due to sick or quarantined staff.
The number of sick may be dozens fewer than at some larger nursing homesaround the state, but at Manor Health and Rehabilitation Center in Freehold, it represents the vast majority of its 63 residents. The facility had 49 residents test positive but also admitted another new resident who was positive, as required by the state, according to a spokeswoman.
Governors Phil Murphy of New Jersey, Andrew Cuomo of New York and Ned Lamont of Connecticut announced that marinas, boatyards and marine manufacturers will be allowed open in their States for personal use as long as strict social distancing and sanitization protocols are followed.
Legislation introduced by Congressmen Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Ron Wright (R-TX) on Friday would strip China and other countries of their sovereign immunity if they intentionally made misrepresentations regarding the coronavirus, thereby allowing U.S. citizens, businesses and local government to sue those governments for the deaths, pain and suffering, and economic losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
New Jersey has now seen at least 78,467 confirmed coronaviruscases and 3,840 deaths related to COVID-19, with state officials Friday announcing 3,250 new positive tests and 323 new fatalities in the last 24 hours.
Gov. Phil Murphy revealed the latest numbers during his daily coronavirus press briefing in Trenton.
As of 10 p.m. Thursday, 11,011 Garden State residents with the virus or under investigation for it remained hospitalized, Murphy said. Of those, 1,961 were in critical care and 1,594 on ventilators.
Between 10 p.m. Wednesday and 10 p.m. Thursday, 787 residents with he virus or under inve… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 17th, 2020 | Author:admin | Filed under:COVID-19, New Jersey | Tags:COVID-19, New Jersey | Comments Off on N.J. coronavirus deaths surge to 3,840 with 78,467 total cases now confirmed. Officials report 323 new deaths, 3,250 new positive tests.
In a rare, often combative interview Wednesday night with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Gov. Phil Murphy defended his decision to put New Jersey in a near-lockdown to fight the coronavirus pandemic, saying more than 3 million residents — a third of the state’s population — would have been infected if he didn’t.
And in a notable exchange, Carlson pressed Murphy, a progressive Democrat, on why the state is temporarily banning religious gatherings like funerals while liquor stores are allowed to stay open. The host argued that violates Americans’ right to “practice religion as they see fit” under the… Read the rest of this entry »