Divisive Doug Steinhart is wrong choice for NJ GOP

By Joshua Sotomayor Einstein
Former NJ GOP State Chair Doug Steinhardt is the wrong choice to represent the Republican Party in New Jersey’s 2021 gubernatorial elections for many reasons. The below list of why he should be unacceptable to the grassroots, Trump supporters, veterans of the Tea Party movement, those who want transparency, and those dedicated to party building amongst others, is not exhaustive – but brace yourself – it is alarming:
- The divisive behavior he displayed while NJ GOP chair as well as the reports out of the Warren County Republican Committee (where he is chairman), that he rules like a dictator;
- The allegations he went after grassroots Republicans for failing to “pay him homage”/”bend the knee”;
- His documented and unnecessary fighting with GOP leaders who have done the work of party building;
- His attempted hijacking of the state level accomplishments (superior voter turnout over past years, increased GOP registration, more volunteers and their greater enthusiasm, improved fundraising etc..) of President Trump;
- His denial of any responsibility for the still unrecovered-from decimation of the state Republican congressional delegation in 2018;
- His portrayal of himself as an outsider when he has been a career political insider for over a decade;
- And the documented shady business practices of the law firm (in which he is a named partner) which make him the very definition of the swamp Republicans want to drain.
The accounts of intimidation, his divisive attempt to unilaterally select a successor as state chair, and the unforced fights he has started with GOP leaders, show that Doug Steinhardt is an inherently divisive person likely incapable of uniting Republicans in New Jersey. His attempt to claim credit for the Trump driven uptick in voter registration and enthusiasm, while ignoring his failure as state chair to support candidates in the 2018 and 2020 elections, shows he cannot be trusted to be honest with Republican voters. His partnership with Democrat elected officials, including former Governor Florio, and his influence peddling aimed at securing more taxpayer supported public contracts for his law firm, is demonstrable evidence that Steinhardt is the very swamp he claims to want to drain. His campaign’s (universally panned) original sign of launching with the obvious lie that he is not a politician, proves that Steinhardt believes Republican primary voters are dumb.
Undoubtedly, Doug Steinhardt would be better than the current occupant of the governor’s office. But with the inexhaustive plethora of above negatives it becomes clear that he has more in common with Democrat Governor Feckless Phil Murphy than the Republican Party. New Jersey Republicans should ask – don’t we deserve a candidate who is better than Murphy lite? New Jersey Republicans deserve authentic leadership and areal champion – Douglas Steinhardt is the wrong choice.
Joshua Sotomayor Einstein is a New Jersey Republican State Committeeman from Hudson County
by far the weakest opinion article I’ve ever read in my life.