Pseudologia Fantastica: Stephanie Schmid’s pre-existing condition?

During a candidates forum hosted by NJGlobe prior to the July 7 Democrat primary, Stephanie Schmid revealed that she has pre-existing conditions.
Schmid, the unemployed lawyer who lives in a multi-generational household and is running against Congressman Chris Smith, has exhibited signs of Pseudologia Fantastica throughout her campaign. Her condition was on full display yesterday in her interactions with the New Jersey Globe.
According to Petra Garlipp, a scholar affiliated with Hanover Medical School, “pseudologia fantastica is characterized by the creation of eloquent and interesting stories, sometimes bordering on the fantastic, that are told to impress others. These stories may seem to be just on the verge of believability and often involve the patient assuming important and heroic roles. Patients react to questions or doubts with ad hoc elaborations in order to satisfy the listener. Thus, new lies are needed to supplement the old, and patients sometimes start to believe their own deceptions. Detection of pathological lying and differential diagnosis are, not surprisingly, quite difficult, and require modifications to standard assessment procedures.”
Stephanie also appears to suffer from assfacia, a condition caused by the inflammation of the nerves that connect the patient’s face and rectum which causes a Schmidy outlook on life.
Patients suffering with both conditions are known to self-medicate with ice cream and cupcakes.

Related stories:
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During a candidates forum with the Asbury Park Press on Monday, Congressman Smith called out Schmid for lies in her campaign mailer that falsely stated that the Congressman is opposed to healthcare coverage for patients with pre-existing conditions and that he favors an age tax. The mailer cited a NYTimes article and a House roll call vote, ostensibly to buttress the claim.
Schmid’s sources contradicted her claim. Nevertheless, Schmid proclaimed that her mail is “perfectly researched” and that she stands by it.
After referring a reporter inquiring about her documented falsehoods to her press office and then hanging up on another reporter, Schmid finally talked to NJGlobe on the third try yesterday.
“I stand by the mailer,” said Schmid to NJGlobe. “Everything is correct, except for the citation at the bottom.”