Coward of the County: Curley Doesn’t Show Up For Censure Meeting

John P. Curley went to federal court to get his ban from the Hall of Records lifted. Then he didn’t show up to fight his censure.
Freeholder John P. Curley did not show up to fight his censure at the Special Meeting of the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders on Friday afternoon in Judge Patricia D. Clearly’s courtroom in the Hall of Records.
Instead, about 30 supporters and two or three attorneys showed up at the meeting and put on what appeared to this writer to be a well choreographed show that attempted to portray Curley as the victim of his fellow freeholders’ malfeasance. Curley’s supporters were wearing stickers that read “I STAND WITH JOHN” and all stood on cue when the when the Resolution of Censure was passed 4-0 with one notorious absence.
Maureen Holahan-Saling of Rumson, an attorney who did not identify herself as such, interrupted the proceedings while Jonathan Testa, Esq., the attorney the freeholders hired to respond to Curley’s federal lawsuit to block the censure, was reading the Resolution of Censure into the record. Holahan-Saling shouted “objection” from the back of the room and walked up the center aisle while shouting to Testa that he was violating a federal court order by reading the resolution.
Angelo Genova, Curley’s attorney of record, later repeated the charge that the freeholders were violating a federal court order by announcing their reasons for the censure.
Curley was Censured for:
- Making false statements to an independent investigator that he does not use vulgar, profane or strong language in public or private, conversely Freeholder Curley himself has previously bragged in the media in video interviews about calling an elected official a “fat motherf***r”, and admitted to the investigator that he angrily shouted at a female County employee while in the workplace;
- Making comments of a sexual and vulgar nature to a fellow elected official during a public speech at an event attended by numerous County employees.
- Denying to the independent investigator that he made the above referenced statement, despite being well-aware of the number of witnesses to the statement;
- The investigator found that Freeholder Curley likely engaged in angry vulgar outburst causing female County employees to flee their offices based upon an independent review of the public meeting recordings;
- Publicly criticizing County employees in the presence of other County employees;
- The investigator noted that two female County employees recounted overhearing telephone conversations of Freeholder Curley which focused on the physical appearance of, and critical comments about women;
- The investigator also noted that it has been alleged that Freeholder Curley made many other salacious and vulgar statements, such as, “I will go down on you and I won’t have to leave you a message”; “Oh that’s you who I wanted to bend over and take”; “c**t”; “b***h”; how to “sweat a pipe” to a teenager; “I’ll show you a snake show, sit on my lap and I’ll give you a show”; if proven to be true, such statements are disgusting, reprehensible, shocking, and should never be made by anyone, let alone a County Freeholder;
- Attempting to excuse such conduct by declaring the Freeholders are not subject to the County policy against workplace discrimination and harassment;
- Filing a federal lawsuit against the County of Monmouth and its Freeholders for alleged civil rights violations in the independent investigation despite having been represented by his own legal counsel throughout the investigative process;
- Since Freeholder Curley file his lawsuit, it has been revealed that Freeholder Curley has allegedly used the word “faggot” and “queer” in front of and referring to County employees;
- Making a public statement discrediting the County Freeholders and the independent investigation in press release on December 1, 2017; while at the same time attempting to prevent the County Freeholders from responding to his statement by seeking a restraining order;
- Publicly down playing his conduct, by explaining that he doesn’t “mince words,” and admitting that it “is a problem I have”, yet failing to take any action to fix this problem.
The Censure is the result of a five month long investigation which commenced last June, following an incident at a Memorial Day parade in the county. In his federal lawsuit, Curley alleged that the investigation and censure was a “political hatchet job” by Freeholder Serena DiMaso. During the public comment portion of the meeting, County Counsel Michael Fitzgerald said that DiMaso was not the complainant who initiated the investigation. Fitzgerald’s comment prompted Genova to shout “objection” from the back of the room where he appeared to be conferring with Holahan-Saling.
MMM has previously reported that the investigation was conducted by a retired Superior Court Judge. The identify of the investigator is conspicuously missing from Curley’s lawsuit and from the Freeholder’s Resolution of Censure.
Judge Mary Catherine Cuff, an Acting Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court from 2012 through 2016 and the Presiding Judge of the New Jersey Superior Court-Appellate Division from September 2005-October 2016, was spotted at the Special Meeting chatting with Colts Neck Mayor Russell Macnow. Judge Cuff retired this year.
Curley Censure Resolution 120817At the conclusion of the meeting, Genova distributed the following statement from Curley:
“The strength of Monmouth County is our diversity. I have been very proud over the last 8 years to serve our population of 630,000 residents in 53 municipalities. My work in exposing corruption has been unparalleled and I will continue to do so. My efforts to balance our budgets through job consolidation and outsourcing has created a better opportunity for families to survive. I am very proud of my work in Human Services and Social Services in helping to provide support to our less fortunate. Those who are hungry, homeless, suffer from mental illness or addiction have touched me greatly. In exposing corruption at Brookdale Community College and arduously working to re-build a fine institution to the level of the best community college in New Jersey. I am proud of my work with Veterans and helping to provide VA Funding through our Office of Aging Disabilities and Veterans Affairs to our 33,000 heroes. I am proud to support all people regardless of race, creed, religion, political party affiliation and to help all with just receiving a phone call or email. As the only full-time Freeholder, it is sad to say that the lack of concern by my Republican colleagues especially, Republican Chair, Shawn (sic) Golden, is despicable and a slap in the face to all of our residents. Their jealousy will not hinder me in my efforts to help all. It is sad to say that Club Monmouth continues to exist at the expense of the people. The events of today will not ever deter me from my work.”
Except today, apparently.
What I don’t understand after reading the resolution is how anyone, ESPECIALLY women, could excuse this behavior?!? It is astounding to me. And in Curley’s statement from his lawyer there is not one iota of contrition. Not even an “I am sorry my words offended.” Nothing. It is as if he thinks he has permission to do and say what he wants because he shows up to work and does what we elected him to do. And that female lawyer should be ashamed of herself. She is clearly accomplished and could likely serve as a role model for young women but instead she is more interested an alleged violation of a gag order than she is in what’s being gagged!!! How those words do not flip your stomach is beyond me, Lady.
If it was PROVEN that one spouse spoke to the other with such blatant volgar contempt, any judge would easily conclude that domestic violence, mental cruelty that is now and domestic abuse did assist in such a disfuntional marriage.
Sure, he was a good husband by dependably provding food and shelter, but that is not an “excuse pass” for such uncivil discourse.
The swarm plegde of an elected official is not different from a marriage vow.
Lots prove all this and cut the SoB lose!
and never a good time to experience discord. Kudos to Director Burry for her calm demeanor and steady hand, in an unfortunate situation. The political antennae is wondering at a supportive quote from a popular Western Monmouth mayor, who is frankly a force to be reckoned with, out there. Hoping the party acts in its most smart and forward- looking manner, this is going to be a rough ride of an election, in 2018.
It gets tougher each year, frankly, with our demographics changing, and now with “Gov Moneybags,” am sure the state Dems have their eyes on every Republican town, county, and legislative district still surviving. Because we are so large now, and are a big political plum hanging from the tree, expect more unprecedented assaults on anyone we run- the amount of tv time to attack our LD 11 candidates last year, was unreal. Anyone wanting to be chair better have: first, time, then, experience in winning tough elections, in raising lots of money, in organizing skills, and in interpersonal skills of herding cats with egos: and, in inspiring more people to help out, as we face more increasingly difficult challenges to GOP leadership, in this county. Good luck with that!
the past few chairs all came in on a high, with a core group of enthusiasts, then got beaten down, within one or two terms. Why? Because of personalities and conflicting ambitions? Because it is easier to criticize, rather than communicate, discuss, review, revise and modify procedures and plans? It is an inexact science, at best. Politics is all phases of humanity- the quest for power and recognition, and, sincere desires to govern and make things better. I blame some of social media today, for some of our coarseness and negativity.
We can’t/ won’t love everyone: but, I believe we really need to cut each other more slack as imperfect people, and band together again in spirit, unity and purpose- no matter whom the elected leader is. If we can’t recognize we all have faults, but also have some talents to bring to the table, and reunite with a commitment towards wining elections as the Rep party, we are doomed to even more losses. In the spirit of the holiday season, I really to hope we, as a total group, can come together and win, in the coming years.
Both solid as people and vote- getters. If Susan Cohen or Barbara Mc Morrow, with great qualifications and long records of service and winning, and won’t go for it, I think these two guys would be a good ticket for 2018.
Can anyone tell me what, “sweat a pipe” means?
Tim tell everyone here you are wanted back in Jersey on indictable charges…state and federal warrants. Miss The USA , cmon back the FBI will be waiting at the airport … Tic Toc
Aside from a plumber’s term for soldering two copper pipes together, it is apparently a slang term for pleasuring oneself.
… for the County Republicans to put this behind us is to run a woman in Curley’s place, otherwise we leave ourselves open to “war on women” accusations. Running a man would not be a strong approach. In the unlikely scenario where Curley is nominated again we would go down to a solid defeat, deservedly so.
I saw the names of Barbara McMorrow and Susan Cohen mentioned, both are good choices, I would lean toward Cohen but also open to any new names too.
probably better off not knowing that answer 😉
In fairness, it’s a very funny reference and even funnier coming from a senile old man.
Unfortunately funny most often conflicts with appropriate.
o/~ Does anybody remember laughter? o/~
Nowhere in Curley’s (non) statement does he apologize, nor does he deny the allegations. Instead, it reads like one of his speeches, put into print.
He keeps resting on the Laurels of cleaning up Brookdale, but what has he done lately? What he brags about (“MY work; MY efforts”) is actually the work and efforts of the entire board; some of it began before he was elected, during the Barham and Burry years.
Much of his efforts consist mainly of hate for his fellow board members. He blames Serena DiMaso for the fine mess he’s in (explain, John), and his hate for Lillian Burry goes back to when they were running mates nine years ago. In 2014 he even went to the low of supporting Democrats Lungin’ Larry “Pinocchio” Luttrell and Joe Grillo against Lillian Burry and Gary Rich. Luttrell, like Curley, was known for his angry outbursts.
His elitist declaration that “Freeholders are not subject to the County policy against workplace discrimination and harassment” puts the lie to the populist façade he likes to cultivate.
Curley brags of being a full-time freeholder, and that should be a good thing. Ted Narozanick did just that for many years and was well loved and respected. But if the people who work in the Hall of Records have to wonder like an abused spouse, “what’s going to happen today?”, it’s better that he’s not there.
Curly claims to have addressed “Club Monmouth” and corruption at Brookdale; yet the largest building on the campus is named in honor of a crooked politician, Larrison Hall. None of the freeholders or Brookdale trustees have had the courage to fix that embarisment of an edifice to corruption.
please,@Steve. You really need to uunderstand, there would not be a Brookdale, were it not for the hard work and vision of Director Larrison. That is simply an indisputable fact. I still believe you either did not get a job you wanted, separated unhappily from the county, or ran unsuccessfully for county office, to not be able to let go of that bone. It is unhealthy to harbor such disregard and dislike of someone you may just be jealous of, who is dead, for many years!
Can’t say it any better than you did.
Dear “o give it up”
politicians that abuse their office do a mix of good and bad. When a politician becomes a crook, a resume with some good doesn’t excuse the crook. Harry Larrison was a crook. He should not not be hold any place of honor nor should any crook. His name should not be on a building where young students are developing their moral compass.
If anyone thinks illegal or acts of official misconduct can be tetrahedron on a balance sheet your ethical position scares me if you hold any office.
Ps- You are also wrong about why I care about not honoring crooks in a school environment. The issue matter because knowing right from wrong matter. Understanding public service is different from official misconduct and self service.
Living the oath an elected official takes matters. It’s more than a photo op
must feel great to be judge and jury of a dead man, who never had a chance to prove his innocence. Hope you never experience a trusted friend turning you in to save his own sorry neck (and state pension.) Glad to at least see you admit the Director did some good things. Ps: Every time your trash goes to the county landfill, you can thank Dir. Larrison that you aren’t paying double or worse, to ship it to Pa. or onto a barge somewhere.
Dear Oh thank you,
Larrison was a crooked politician that misused his office for his own benefit, and to reward his family and friends. He made the county bridge inspector his personal driver. Larrison made his family and friends wealthy at taxpayer expense.
My question is, how much crime and official misconduct is acceptable to you?
To me a crook is a crook.
The GOP will be better off in NJ when there is a zero tolerance policy for crooks and misconduct. Then it will be easy to tell the differences between the parties. Until then motivating the rank and file Rs will be difficult and converting independents and Ds will not get traction in NJ.
someone so cut- and- dried, disingenuously judgmental, perporting to be a Rep?, throwing around labels with NO proof: you seem to fit in with the lofty mindset of today, believing anything negative about a longtime accomplished official, and, continuing to spew it, long after they are dead. I would like to know how his family was rewarded, they worked in his personal business- and, name me any official, anywhere, who does not hire supporters who help them get elected! You are in a dream world, if you think politics will ever be any different: since it is all about humans- all of whom are inherently imperfect, which we try and improve upon. “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone:” and, had that man lived and been proven guilty, it would have been up to the voters, and our electoral process, to not re- elect him. Your lack of faith in the system that so many have died to protect, and the wisdom of an electorate, is plain unfortunate. “Merry Christmas” to you, anyway.
I spent all my life in NJ and most of it in Monmouth County.
I really hate it when people get all, ‘clutch the pearls,’ over the back-in-the-day-crony-capitalism that was just how things got done then. That’s just a fact. And it wasn’t just in NJ. The Boss Hogg character in, “The Dukes of Hazzard” was a stereotypical caricature for a reason. Anyone besides me read Robert Penn Warren’s novel, “All The King’s Men,” about Louisiana’s Huey Long? Tea Pot Dome scandal anyone?
It’s the way things got done but in this day and age of instant information those days are gone and so the system will morph into a new political chimera who’s powers are just beginning to be seen.
But, I’m pragmatic enough to know that given the way the game of politics was (and maybe still is to some degree) played, Lady Luck smiled on Monmouth County with Harry Larrison. Lady Luck’s a bitch. A bitch who expects you to know that part of the bargain is you take the bad with the good.
We had a Party Boss that knew how to get the best out of people and for the people.
Harry Larrison should be honored for a leadership (as Brookdale’s Larrison Hall does) that brought the success which is Monmouth County as we know it today. As for allegations that were never proven in a court of law, well, I guess you’d have to count him as a man of no convictions.
And for a man of no convictions, he sure committed to getting a helluva lot of good work done.
Dear “Scared to see”-
Larrison didn’t “hire” a supporter, he used a county employee that was paid by taxpayers to be his full time driver. His County job was as the county bridge inspector. The freeholders didn’t investigate Larrisons crimes which is not surprising when Larrison picked the next freeholders including one that was his best friends son, and then continues to get county taxpayer funds from construction projects, including building Larrison Hall on the Brookdale campus.
Dear Kathy-
I fell sorry for you because you are willing to accept crooks in public office. Thats a sad statement about how a great government system designed by our country’s forefathers can be destroyed from the inside. I think we have an obligation to protect it and pass it on to our children in as pristine condition as possible. Wish you did too.
Merry Christmas
he hired an avid supporter to be the bridge guy, who also happened to drive the director to his cancer treatments- who then, turned on him and saved his pension, which he still collects, at over 80 years old. You be the judge, at the concept of “friend.” BTW, What exactly were the crimes?? The board had no evidence of a crime, and, that was/ is still up to law enforcement, and, the man DIED,before being proven guilty of ANYTHING! So your point is simply moot. And, the party picked the next Freeholders, just as it does,today. And, the low bidders win construction projects…
Dear “Wrong”-
Larrison used the County Bridge Inspector as his driver on County time and did not “hire” him for the driving.
Larrison did die before his trial, but there was a prima facia case of deep and wide corruption in the public record.
He did pick freeholders including the son of his best friend, to whom he funneled many constriction projects. Some of these “contractor” paid for the mini shrine inside Larrison Hall on the Brookdale campus
Ethics should count for something, especially in public service. A crook is a crook; and if you excuse the official misconduct because you happen to like the they guy or benefit from him; you are responsible for the dim-munition of our future.
Our society depends on a fair and transparent government and is only as strong as the traditions we create that will be its strength or weakness.
run for Freeholder, or priest, or, God: you sound totally perfect as a human being, we sure need more perfect people. Check statutes: Freeholder directors are entitled to a paid confidential aide, which can include driving. Not officially changing the title by the time the cancer got him may have been a mistake, but the continual trashing of a man who devoted 40 years to modernizing nearly every county department, while enduring the death of his youngest daughter, then his wife from cancer, then contracting it himself, and continued to show up at that part time job til he couldn’t walk any more. If you cannot show some humanity, ( at least as much as some people today feel for illegals and other criminals is this country,) and yes, gratitude, to him, then I truly feel sorry for your heart. Let’s just agree to disagree, but, for the sake of his remaining children, grandkids, and the new great- grandkids he never got to see, how about dropping the whole argument??
Maybe Larrisons “friends and family” should have encouraged moral and ethical standard at least consistent with the oath of office he took. Perhaps Larrison would not have compromised his ethics and morals if his supporters had a clear and consistent expectation of moral principles in public office. Larison would probably not have failed the public if his closest supporters expected him to be a public servant instead of a corruptible politician that used his office for himself, his family, and his friends instead of the public.
This only matters because we have tons of politicians with inconsistent ethical principles. Those that become corrupt should be admonished and not have the public create edifices to their misconduct.
Its their closest supporters that can make or break our public officials principles.
Have you ever accepts special consideration that others didn’t get from a public official? Thats probably how Larison fell from grace.
just have to kiss it all up to God to be the ultimate judge of any of our lives, huh? Hope you put all your bizarre hatred ( and jealousy??) of one long- gone man, into the action you claim to want from everyone else, and clean up all human frailties, for every person who runs for anything, from this day forward. Best of luck! Wish I thought you hold people like Clinton and Obama, and all their postulates, past and present, to your same high standards! Doubt it!
Dear “Guess we will”-
Scary that you associate a strong ethical standard with “bizarre”. Says more about your position than mine.
As far as your “bizarre” attempt to cast me as a Democratic party operative that would defend Clinton and Obama; that is bizarre. I think Clinton should be in jail. I think Obama was a disaster. I haven’t voted for a Democrat in decades.
I’m an equal opportunity critic of crooks whether they are Democrats crooks like Clinton, or Republican crooks like Larrison.
There is no reason to accept or honor a crooked politician from either party.
IF they are granted their constitutional right to due process, and are found guilty, by a jury of their peers, and punished accordingly. That did NOT happen in this case, so it is time to put the (yes, it is old and bizarre,) name- calling, to rest. Really. Hope you jump right in, and work hard to find the most squeaky-clean people to run for everything, going forward. ( would suggest not heading up to places like Passaic, Hudson or Essex: not a day goes by, that there aren’t problems with their fine officials, up there…best of luck..
STILL whining about this after all these years? With him going on and on, one would think that Harry did something personally to Steve.
Dear “Agreed”,
Before sending Larrison to prison, I agree he should have is right to a trial.
Larrison did more than break the law. He had a clear and transparent record of official misconduct in office. Those well documented issues with his conduct in office, seperate from the crimes he was charged with, should turn the stomach of any Republican that believes in ethical government.
you cannot get beyond living in the past with this long-term hatred, for whatever your reasons, and keep repeating the same offenses, please,sincerely, take a chill pill, and something for your stomach, and devote some time to finding and supporting future candidates who meet your high standards.. I would hope, in this next tough year, anyone new who is selected certainly passes increased scrutiny and background checks. And, may we all understand and be forewarned, that anyone’s life can be ruined today, from various types of social media, and false accusations, of all types. Go ahead and have the last word now, if it makes you feel any better, but I doubt it..